Report Paper Bisnis

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Syavira Gita Awalia


Agrisinta Dwi Lestari




We are grateful to Allah who gave us all the strength, courage, preservation and patience
to finish this report. We also thankfu to our friends, lecturer and the owner of the crackers
factory, mister Adang, who support us for completing this report. This report paper is made to
complete our business assignment on Monday. We hope this report paper can inspire and
have positive affect to readers. We apologize there were some mistakes in this report paper,
we will accept any comments and advices. Thank you.


Group 8


1.1 Introduction
There are so many things we can learn from the firms, either the firms are big or small.
Because of that, our group, along with the other groups and lecturer went to a cracker factory
at Husein Hamzah street Pal 4 Pontianak. This activity was held because we, the students,
would like to know more about the industry and business with hope we could apply it on our
business class.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this activity is to make the students know more details about the firm, its
systems and also its organization.
1.3 Advantage
The advantage of this activity is students get to see and learn directly with the owner of
the firm, so we could ask anything we are curious about. Also, we could see the process of
the crackers production directly.

2.1 Resume

On Monday, December 5th 2016, our class went to the cracker factory. But first, we
gathered in front of Panti Asuhan Nur Illahi by 7.30am. After everyone came, we along with
miss Nur as our lecturer went to the factory together. The location wasnt far from the
orphanage. The front of the factory didnt look like a factory at all, it looked like the normal
house. But when we head to the back yard, we could see a lot of crackers were being drained
under the sun. We met sir Adang, the owner. We did the interview session for 30 minutes,
then looked around the factory to see more details. We recorded and also took pictures in the
factory as many as possible. At 9.00am we left the factory. For details, Agrisinta was the one
who took the pictures, Syavira recorded the interview (voice note) while Johanes wrote down
the interview.
2.2 Background
Kerupuk Idaman first made in Bandung and Yogyakarta at 1960 by sir Adangs parents.
In Pontianak itsself, Kerupuk Idaman was made on August 18 1991. Sir Adangs parents
came to Pontianak to deveop their business, while sir Adang had been working in the
government institute for long. After both of his parents died and he didnt work for the
government anymore, he takes control of the business with his family that lives in Java. His
parents had seen so many of their neighbors didnt have jobs. His parents felt pity and
decided to try start a business that could hire many people, for example like 30 employees; 10
employees to do the production and the other 20 to sell it.
2.3 Interview Session
1. Question : what about the taste of the citizens in Pontianak, is it high or low?
Answer : it depends on the amount of the citizens. There is no specific management,
just simple estimation.
2. Question : what kind of skills that we need to work in this firm?
Answer : the employees that working in here are people from our neighborhood who
didnt have a job yet. We dont need any specific skills because we work
physically. We still pay our employees with Standar Upah Minimum
Regional and its rules, even above the standart although not much. Its
different with big firm that has contract with the employees.
3. Question : what makes your product is better than others?
Answer : we dont use the ingredients that are forbidden and dangerous to use, for
instance: preservative and dye that are dangerous for humans. We only use
flour, garlics, etc. From the natural ingredients we are using, we hope that
makes our product much better than others. Since we are only using natural
ingredients, of course there are also some consequences. The consequences
are the color of our crackers dont look attractive, dont swell well, and only
up to 3-4 days after production.
4. Question : could you please explain the process of the crackers production?
Answer : first, we have to prepare the ingredients, ive told you the ingredients
before. Then, add some water and mix them well. After that, we form the
crackers by machine. Next, steam it and let it dry under the sun for several
hours, depend on the weather. After the crackers dried, we fry, put it into the
plastic. The crackers are ready to sell in Pontianak and Kubu Raya.

5. Question : how many quantities of production in a day?

Answer : around 30.000 crackers in a day. We couldnt produce much because lack of
6. Question : what was the idea to named the crackers with Idaman?
Answer : Idaman was my fathers name. We use it from generation to generation.
7. Question : how many profits that can be earned?
Answer : we sell 30.000 with profit Rp.280 for each crackers. To be exact, this firms
tax is still under 1% because the rules from the government is for the small
firms must have profit Rp.
8. Question : what makes your firm survive?
Answer : the messages from my parents, no deadline, no specific time to stop
working, no events, no bookkeeping and administration since the first, and
there are a lot of unemployees who didnt go to school but want to work.
9. Question : does your firm cooperate with other firms?
Answer : we are cooperating with government and other firms of course. Since our
main ingredient is flour, we cooperate with a firm that produce flour.
Government doesnt really help anything.
10. Question : has any problems, like too high or too low demand, occured before?
Answer : never. Because the price of our product is cheap, so when there was a
crisis in economic it didnt affect us at all.
11. Question : what is your hope for the next generation who will continue this business?
Answer : i hope the next generation can develop this business until oversea.
12. Question : do you have any advices for us?
Answer : to you guys who have skill and knowledge, i hope you can start a business
and hire those people who doesnt have skill and didnt go to school to
work for you. The system from my parents is not to make a business big,
but to develop it in every city in Indonesia, so we could hire people who
really are want to work.
2.3 Documentation

2.4 Relation with Introduction to Business (chapter 3)

From the interview, we know that Mr. Adang is running a small business. His firm is
not large, but we still can consider his business as a small business. We also know that the
system of his firm is to develop it, not to make it big. We can assume it as the business plan.
So we can relate it with chapter 3 about small business and business plan.

3.1 Conclusion
Mr. Adang is such a humble, kind and friendly man. He let us walking around his factory
freely, he also answered every single question patiently. In his cracker factory, we have seen
many things and it makes us understand quickly about how everything is working. After we
visited the factory, we can understand the lessons in our Business class.

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