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SIOP Lesson Plan Template (Modified)

Date: November 26, 2016

Grade/Class/Subject: 2nd/Mrs. Paul/ELA
Unit/Theme: Seasons
Lesson Topic: The changes an Apple Tree goes through during the different
State Standards:
Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Standard: 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Concepts and skills students master:
1. Discussions contribute and expand on the ideas of self and others
1. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and
relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent
sentences. (CCSS: SL.2.4)
2. Contribute knowledge to a small group or class discussion to
develop a topic.
2. New information can be learned and better dialogue created by
listening actively
a. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small
and larger groups. (CCSS: SL.2.1)
b. Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud
or information presented orally or through other media. (CCSS:
Standard: 2. Reading for All Purposes
Concepts and skills students master:
a. Use Key Ideas and Details to:
i. Demonstrate use of self-monitoring comprehension strategies:
rereading, checking context clues, predicting, questioning,
clarifying, activating schema/background knowledge to construct
meaning and draw inferences
ii. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when,
why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a
text. (CCSS: RL.2.1)
Standard: 3. Writing and Composition
Concepts and skills students master:
1. Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of
literary genres
a. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book
they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that
support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also)

to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding

statement or section. (CCSS: W.2.1)
c. Organize ideas using pictures, graphic organizers, or story
Content Area: Science
Standard: 3. Earth Systems Science
Concepts and skills students master:
1. Weather and the changing seasons impact the environment and
organisms such as humans, plants, and other animals
WIDA Standards:
The language of Language Arts
English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts
necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts
The language of Science
English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts
necessary for academic success in the content area of Science
Content Objective: Students will be able to identify and distinguish the changes
an apple tree goes through during the different seasons.
Language Objective: Students will be able to listen to a story and discuss with
their group members the changes an apple tree goes through during the four
different seasons.
Key Vocabulary:
Supplementary Materials:
Book: The Seasons of Arnolds Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons
Paper Towels
Writing worksheet

Higher Order Questions:

Compare and contrast an apple tree during the four different seasons.
What characteristics of the apple tree do you notice during the changing
5 mins

30 mins

Lesson Sequence / Activities

Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will ask the students what they know about apples.
Questions will include: What is an apple?; What do apples look
like?; Have you eaten an apple?; Do you like to eat apples?
The teacher will then hand out blank sheets of paper to the
students and ask them to divide the paper in threes. (The
teacher will demonstrate). On this sheet of paper, the students
will create a KWL chart about apples.

Have students read the objectives so that they know what they
will be doing during this lesson.
Begin the lesson by giving students a slice of apple, asking the
CT if it is okay of course. Ask the students to state what they
taste, smell, feel, and how the apple looks like.
The teacher will then begin to read the story: The Seasons of
Arnolds Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons.
After reading the story, the teacher and students will discuss the
different stages the apple tree goes through during the four
different seasons.
Afterwards the teacher will give the students another sheet of
paper. The students will be asked to divide the paper into four
square sections. (The teacher will demonstrate). After dividing
the paper into four sections, the teacher will demonstrate on the
whiteboard, the teacher will ask the students to label the four
sections with the name of each of the seasons.
The teacher will then ask students to draw a picture and/or add
words they have learned that represents that season and to
include how the apple tree may look in that season as well.
Students will be asked to work independently and after they have
completed their drawings they will be asked to share with their
group members. When sharing their drawing the students will be
comparing their work to other students to see if they have all
drawn the seasons correctly. (During this time the teacher will be
walking around to assist students as needed).
Lastly, the teacher will then ask students to pick a season and tell
the teacher what happens to an apple tree during that season.

Practice and Application:

5 mins

The students will discuss their seasons with their group members.
The teacher will be walking around to try to hear if the students
use the new terms they have learned. Plus, the teacher will look
at the students writing of an apple tree during a certain season to
see if they have included new vocabulary.

Review and Assessment:

As a class we will come together and discuss the different

seasons and how an apple tree must look during that season.
Students will be asked to come up to the doc cam to show their
drawing and tell the class what they drew or the words they
added to help them remember what happens to an apple tree
during that season.
The teacher will also collect the students writing of a season that
describes what happens to an apple tree during that season.

Class will compare how another fruit or vegetable grows to an
apple tree.
SIOP Features

Adaptation of content
Links to background
Links to past learning
Strategies incorporated

Integration of Processes



Guided practice
Independent practice
Comprehensible Input


Linked to objectives
Promotes engagement

Group Options
_x Whole class

_x Small groups
_ Partners
_x Independent

_x Individual
_ Group
_x Written
_ Oral

After completing my SIOP lesson with the class I am in, I would say that
everything went fine. Although it did not go exactly as planned I was able to figure
things out and make it work. I had forgotten my lesson plan and forgot what the
objectives were to the lesson that I wanted the students to know before we went
into the main lesson. Not having my lesson to refer to in order for me to continue
onto the next steps was a bit stressful but, I was able to remember the lesson as I
got through the mini-lesson, the KWL chart. During the lesson, I was able to ask the
students the questions that I had planned.
Next time, I would review the lesson plan before class starts and of course bring
the lesson plan for me to review it as needed during the lesson. Another thing that I
would change is storage of the apples. I had cut the apples before class and put it
into a single bag. When doing the lesson, it did take a few minutes to pass out the
apples. Next time, I would use the small size sandwich bags and put one slice of
apple in the bag and hand it out to the students which I think would cut the time of
passing out the apples. Other than that, I think the lesson went smoothly because
the students did get the concept of the life cycle of an apple tree in all four different
Listening to the recording of the lesson, it was amazing to hear all the
interactions of the students and trying to stay on task with the lesson. I learned that
I am too lenient with the students and that I let the students talk to their peers

while making sure that when they do they are paying attention to what is
happening on the board. I also learned that in order for me to make sure that the
students are paying attention I called their names to make sure they are listening
or contributing to the lesson by giving a thumbs up or down or just saying what
they are thinking. When the students dont know they give a thumbs down and I
move onto the next student or wait for another student to get an idea. Overall, I
think that I did a fine job and that I stayed on topic with my lesson and also kept the
students engaged in the lesson.

YouTube Video (Recording) Link:

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