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Name: Kie Imaizumi

Bell: 4

DAY TWO- Essay

Compose Essay Here:

The theme certain decisions can change the world or someones feeling is
developed through cause & effect text structure in Certain Choices,
chronological order text structure in Front of the Bus, and problem & solution
text structure in I Would Have Prefered to Carry Through.
In Certain Choices, Richard Shelton used cause & effect text structure to
develop the theme that certain decisions can change the world or someones
feeling. In the poem where he talks about how he made certain choices to do
drugs he says, After he had made certain choices, there were no others
available. Thats the way it is with certain choices, and we are faced with them so
young.This quote shows the connection to structure and theme. In the quote
from the poem where it says After he had made certain choices, there were no
other available shows how he was struggling with his choice of doing drug or not.
Where the theme says certain decision can change, how he is struggling with his
choice shows the connection. Because he choose to do drugs, it affected him to
be death, which is shows the cause & effect text structure. His friend who is
telling this story is also affected by this cause because he have a bad feeling that
his close friend did drugs.
In The Front of the Bus, Rosa Parks used chronological order text structure
to develop the theme that certain decision can change the world or someones
feeling. In the story where Rosa Parks didnt stand up and had a brave feeling to
fight against the law she said, Eventually two policemen came. They got on the
bus, and one of them asked my why I didnt stand up. I asked him, Why do you
all push us around? He said to me, and I quote him exactly, I dont know, but
the law is the law and you're under arrest. This quote show the connection to
structure and the theme. This story is gradually tell what happened to Rosa Parks,
so this shows the chronological order for the text structure. In the quote how she
didnt move or stand up to go to the back and stayed in the front being brave
shows the theme for decision can change the world. Because she stood up to
fight against the law, it changed the world different.
In I would have preferred to carry though, Richard M. Nixon used problem
and solution text structure to develop the theme, that certain decision can
change the world or someones feeling. In the speech where he explained how he
wanted that would be the best for the county, he said I have never been a
quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct
in my body. But as President, I must put the interests of America first. America
needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress, particularly at this time with
problems we face at home and abroad. This quote shows how the connection to
structure and the theme. This quote shows problem & solution because he was

part of the watergate scandal and this shows his problem, and the solution to
solve this problem was to resigned from the presidency. This quote develops the
theme because it was his certain decision, and wanted whats best for the
country. If he didnt choose this certain decision, it could have made him be in
bigger problem.
In conclusion, Certain Choices by Richard Shelton uses cause & effect to
develop the theme, in The Front of the Bus by Rosa Parks uses chronogical
order to develop the theme, and in I would have preferred to carry through by
Richard M. Nixon uses problem & solution to develop the theme which was certain
decision can change the world or someone's feeling.

DAY TWO- Essay (Scroll down to begin DAY ONE tasks)

Write an essay analyzing how these three different text structures create a common
theme (Certain decisions _____________________) across all three pieces. Remember to
use details from all three texts to support your thesis.
Your essay will be evaluated on specific categories regarding expository writing:
Clarity (the evaluation of the piece in terms of whether or not it can be easily
understood or if awkward sentence structures, grammar, or spelling errors impact the
Unity and Support (The thesis sentence in the writing should be clear as well as
intriguing to the audience. The evidence should support the thesis. The topic sentences
of body paragraphs should reflect the evidence being provided in the piece.)
Coherence (the organization pattern used to structure your information and the
transitions are utilized between paragraphs or details in the writing.)
Voice (consider the tone of the work and how the elevated diction used matches
your academic audience. Also demonstrate risks in style, arrangement of sentences,
and punctuation.)
You are encouraged to:
Plan your essay before you write.
Remember that an essay does not reflect one massive paragraph. Each
paragraph should relate to the original thesis.
Concentrate on the quality of your writing during the experience, but also
recognize that this is a rough draft.
Reread the prompt a second time before beginning and refer back to it
continuously throughout your writing.
Refer back to the three texts and your annotations as often as needed. Multiple
draft readings arent just encouraged, but are necessary!

DAY ONE- Reading Portion

Please read the following three selections. As you read, you will need to annotate each piece. You can
also use the organizer at the end of this document to prepare for your essay. As you annotate:
Identify the text structure of each piece (and how it impacts the
meaning of that particular piece)
Identify a common theme among the three pieces (complete the
following prompt with your theme statement: Certain decisions

Piece One- Certain Choices by Richard Shelton

Certain Choices

Annotations/Notes Made:

My friend, who was a heroin addict,

Is dead and buried beneath trash
and broken bottles in a prison field.
He died, of course, because of the way
he lived. It wasnt a very good way,
but it kept him alive. When it couldnt
keep him alive any longer, it killed him.
Thoroughly and with great suffering.
After he had made certain choices,
there were no others available. Thats
the way it is with certain choices,
and we are faced with them so young.
I have few friends, and none of them
are replaceable. Thats the way it is
with friends. We make certain choices.

Piece Two- The Front of the Bus by Rosa Parks

(Rosa Parks is best known for her stand against bus segregation during the Civil
Rights Movement. In December 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that bus
segregation was illegal. The bus driver who forced Parks off the bus in 1943 and
1955 for refusing to stand on the bus and give up her seat remained in his job
until 1972, when he retired.)
Annotations/Notes Made:
When I got off from work that evening of December 1, I went to
Court Square as usual to catch the Cleveland Avenue bus home. I
didnt look to see who was driving when I got on, and by the time I
recognized him, I had already paid my fare. It was the same driver
who had put me off the bus back in 1943, twelve years earlier. He
was still tall and heavy, with red, rough-looking skin. And he was
still mean-looking. I didnt know if he had been on that route beforethey switched drivers around sometimes. I do know that most of the
time if I saw him on a bus, I wouldnt get on it.

I saw a vacant seat in the middle section of the bus and took it. I
didnt even question why there was a vacant seat even though there
were quite a few people standing in the back. If I had thought about
it at all, I would probably have figured maybe someone saw me get
on and did not take the seat but left it vacant for me. There was a
man sitting next to the window and two women across the aisle.
The next stop was the Empire Theater, and some whites got on.
They filled up the white seats, and one man was left standing. The

driver looked back and noticed the man standing. Then he looked
back at us. He said, Let me have those front seats, because they
were the front seats of the black section. Didnt anybody move. We
just sat right where we were, the four of us. Then he spoke a
second time: Yall better make it light on yourselves and let me
have those seats.
I thought back to the time when I used to sit up all night and didnt
sleep, and my grandfather would have his gun right by the fireplace,
or if he had his one-horse wagon going anywhere, he always had
his gun in the back of his wagon. People always say that I didnt
give up my seat because I was tired, but that isnt true. I was not
tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a
working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of
me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was
of giving in.
The driver of the bus saw me still sitting there, and he asked was I
going to stand up. I said, No. He said, Well, Im going to have you
arrested. Then I said, You may do that. These were the only we
said to each other. I didnt even know his name, which was James
Blake, until we were in court together. He got out of the bus
and stayed outside for a few minutes, waiting for the police.
As I sat there, I tried not to think about what might happen. I knew
that anything was possible. I could be manhandled or beaten. I
could be arrested. People have asked me if it occurred to me then
that I could be the test case the NAACP had been looking for. I did
not think about that at all. In fact if I had let myself think too deeply
about what might happen to me, I might have gotten off the bus.
But I chose to remain.
Meanwhile there were people getting off the bus and asking for
transfers, so that began to loosen up the crowd, especially in the
back of the bus. Not everyone got off, but everybody was very
quiet. What conversation there was, was in low tones; no one was
talking out loud. It would have been quite interesting to have seen
the whole bus empty out. Or if the other three had stayed where
they were, because if theyd had to arrest four of us instead of one,
then that would have given me a little support. But it didnt matter, I
never thought hard of them at all and never even bothered to
criticize them.
Eventually two policemen came. They got on the bus, and one of
them asked me why I didnt stand up. I asked him, Why do you all
push us around? He said to me, and I quote him exactly, I dont
know, but the law is the law and youre under arrest.

Piece Three- I would have preferred to carry through by Richard M. Nixon

(President Richard M. Nixon was faced with almost certain impeachment as a
result of the Watergate scandal, he became the first U.S. President to resign from
office. Nixon was the 37th president, from 1969 until 1974.)
You may ALSO view the speech.
In all the decisions I have made in my public life, I have always
tried to do what was best for the Nation. Throughout the long and
difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to preserve,
to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which
you elected me.
In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I
no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to
justify continuing that effort. As long as there was such a base, I
felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process
through to its conclusion, that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to
the spirit of that deliberately difficult process and a dangerously
destabilizing precedent for the future.
But with the disappearance of that base, I now believe that the
constitutional purpose has been served, and there is no longer a
need for the process to be prolonged.
I would have preferred to carry through to the finish, whatever the
personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously
urged me to do so. But the interests of the nation must always
come before any personal considerations.
From the discussions I have had with Congressional and other
leaders, I have concluded that because of the Watergate matter, I
might not have the support of the Congress that I would consider
necessary to back the very difficult decisions and carry out the
duties of this office in the way the interests of the Nation will
I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is
completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as
President, I must put the interests of America first. America needs
a full-time President and a full-time Congress, particularly at this
with problems we face at home and abroad.
To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal
vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of
both the President and the Congress in a period where our entire
focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity
without inflation at home.

Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow.

Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this
By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of
that process of healing which is so desperately needed in
I regret deeply any injuries that may have been done in the course
of the events that led to this decision. I would say only that if some
of my judgments were wrong-and some were wrong- they were
made in what I believed at the time to be the best interest of the
To those who have stood with me during these past difficult
months-to my family, my friends, to many others who joined in
supporting my cause because they believed it was right-I will be
eternally grateful for your support.
And to those who have not felt able to give me your support, let me
say I leave no bitterness toward those who have opposed me,
because all of us, in the final analysis, have been concerned with
the good of the country, however our judgments might differ.
So, let us all now join together in affirming that common
commitment and in helping our new President succeed for the
benefit of all Americans

Graphic Organizer to Prepare for Essay

The theme certain decisions can change the world or someones feeling is
developed through cause & effect text structure in Certain Choices,
chronological order text structure in Front of the Bus, and problem & solution
text structure in I Would Have Prefered to Carry Through.

Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence:

In Certain Choices, Richard Shelton used cause & effect text structure to
develop the theme that certain decisions can change the world or someones
Evidence (Quote) :
After he had made certain choices,
there were no others available. Thats
the way it is with certain choices, and
we are faced with them so young.

Analysis Points (connect structure and

This quote shows the connection to
structure and theme. In the quote
where it says After he had made
certain choices, there were no other
available shows how he was struggling
with his choice of doing drug or not.
Where the theme says certain decision
can change, how he is struggling with
his choice shows the connection.
Because he choose to do drugs, it
affected him to be death, which is
shows the cause & effect text structure.
His friend who is telling this story is also
affected by this cause because he have
a bad feeling that his close friend did

Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence:

In The Front of the Bus, Rosa Parks used chronological order text structure to
develop the theme that certain decision can change the world or someones
Evidence (Quote) :
Eventually two policemen came. They
got on the bus, and one of them asked
my why I didnt stand up. I asked him,
Why do you all push us around? He
said to me, and I quote him exactly, I
dont know, but the law is the law and
you're under arrest.

Analysis Points (connect structure and

This quote show the connection to
structure and the theme. This story is
gradually tell what happened to Rosa
Parks, so this shows the chronological
order for the text structure. In the quote
how she didnt move or stand up to go
to the back and stayed in the front
being brave shows the theme for
decision can change the world. Because
she stood up to fight against the law, it
changed the world different.

Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence:

In I would have preferred to carry though, Richard M. Nixon used problem and

solution text structure to develop the theme, that certain decision can change the
world or someones feeling.
Evidence (Quote) :
I have never been a quitter. To leave
office before my term is completed is
abhorrent to every instinct in my body.
But as President, I must put the
interests of America first. America
needs a full-time President and a fulltime Congress, particularly at this time
with problems we face at home and

Analysis Points (connect structure and

This quote shows how the connection to
structure and the theme. This quote
shows problem & solution because he
was part of the watergate scandal and
this shows his problem, and the solution
to solve this problem was to resigned
from the presidency. This quote
develops the theme because it was his
certain decision, and wanted whats
best for the country. If he didnt choose
this certain decision, it could have
made him be in bigger problem.

Restated thesis for conclusion:

In conclusion, Certain Choices by Richard Shelton uses cause & effect to
develop the theme, in The Front of the Bus by Rosa Parks uses chronogical order
to develop the theme, and in I would have preferred to carry through by Richard
M. Nixon uses problem & solution to develop the theme which was certain
decision can change the world or someone's feeling.

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