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Mohammed Ali Syed

Prof. Bowers
English 1101-034
Argument Essay
8 December 2016
Parents shape their kids future. For centuries, they have been using both appropriate and
inappropriate forms of disciplining to try to make their kids better people. Though it is illegal in
all the states of the United States of America, it does not mean that parents do not resort to
spanking. Because of this, we have cases like Adrian Petersons arrest for allegedly abusing his
four-year-old son (Pingleton). This case has sparked an intense debate in the parenting
community over what form is appropriate in disciplining a child, and whether a society should
intervene in the relationship of a parent and a child. I think that the law and the society has
complete right to intervene, mainly because a simple spanking may lead to abuse, and maybe
even death of an innocent life. With keeping all these factors in mind, I think that spanking is not
an appropriate form of discipline.
With so many teenagers becoming parents through wrong choices, I would first like to
address on how one should raise a child. Not everyone is a Supernanny the day they become a
parent. Everyone makes mistakes as their child is growing, and everyone regrets over the actions
they took when disciplining their children. According to Kathryn Kvols, President of the
International Network for Children, parents must be kind, but firm when it comes to

disciplining their children. She says that parents need to step down to the childs level (Kvols)
and explain what they want out of them because young children do not have the ability to think
like an adult (Cantu). If this does not work, I think parents should start giving them choices and
explain them logical consequences of an act. This will not only help a parent get his or her point
across, but will also contribute towards the maturity of a childs psychology. Simple explaining
may not always work, and this is where a parent should exercise their right as a parent by either
taking away their most beloved toy, or by grounding them in their room. All these steps are not
as violent as spanking, and some may argue that this only spoils the child, but these are strict
enough to get the point across (Kvols).
Spanking is illegal in the United States for several reasons, and uncontrolled anger stands
as one of the biggest. Dr. Pingleton, a clinical psychologist, argues that a humans anger has the
tendency to influence his or her actions. He says that parents often get frustrated by the actions of
their children and hit them for their mistakes (Pingleton). This is where parents need to take a
break, because giving life to someone does not mean one has the right to take it away. Anger
leads to cases like Adrian Petersons, and in extreme cases, it may lead to like the one in Tampa,
Florida, where a mother shot and killed her two teenage kids because she was fed up with them
being mouthy (Lush). Well, if they grew up to be mouthy, it was the moms responsibility to
teach them to not be one from a young age. According to Linda DiProperzio, a writer for and, children learn the ability to fully narrate stories at a mere
age of four (DiPorpierzo). So, it the parents responsibility to teach their kids how to not be
mouthy from the age of four. Besides abuse, and sometimes death, spanking may also have
detrimental effects on a childs mental health overtime. A study conducted at Duke University
proves that children who were spankeddidnt perform as well on thinking skills [at a later

age] (Cantu). The study also says that regular spanking will lead to violence in kids. For all
these reasons, I support the law that prohibits spanking, and I think that there are better ways of
disciplining ones child.
Some parents may argue that children sometimes just do not listen, and they are compelled
to use physical force. They also complain that not spanking is the reason to why their [nowteenage] kids are spoiled (Cantu). This does not mean that kids who were never spanked are all
spoiled. This also does not mean that children who compel their parents to use physical force are
asking for punishment, instead, it is the parents fault for not being able to understand that a kid
does not have the ability to think like an adult, and maybe the parent should change his or her
parenting style. These reasons help explain that a parent is never compelled to spank his or her
own child. In fact, it is just a mere misunderstanding between the two parties.
Having the privilege to become a parent is probably the most beautiful thing that can ever
happen to someone. Not everyone is lucky enough to become one, and one must not abuse this
special right granted by our creator. One needs to understand that God decided to give life to
those adorable beings through them, and physical force is not the best option when teaching how
to live a life. I was raised that way is not an excuse for spanking (Frost). No one would like to
see consequences like violence, mental problems, and death occurring in the life of their own
children. Parenting is not easy, and to protect and raise ones progeny properly, is the duty of a

Cantu, Kristin. "Why You Shouldn't Spank Your Child - Thriving Blog." Boston Childrens
Hospital-Thriving Blog. 28 Sept. 2009. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
DiProperzio, Linda. "Language Development Milestones: Ages 1 to 4." Parents. Meredith
Corporation, 07 Mar. 2016. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
Frost, Jo. Mother Doesn't Think Spanking Your Child Is Wrong. YouTube, uploaded
by Supernanny. 18 Nov. 2015. 09 Dec. 2016.
Kvols, Kathryn, and Deborah Godfrey. "9 Things To Do Instead of Spanking." Positive
Parenting. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.
Lush, Mitch and Stacy, Tamara. "Police: Army Officer's Wife Kills Her 2 'mouthy'
Teens." NBC Universal News Group, 29 Jan. 2011. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
Pingleton, Jared. "Spanking Can Be an Appropriate Form of Child Discipline." Time. Time, 16
Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

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