Bachelor - Internship Report Guidelines

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Internship Office


The following guidelines are offered as suggestions to help you with your internship report. Please discuss
specific requirements and expectations with your faculty reader. The report is a reflection of your internship
and its relationship to your studies: namely, how has the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in your
courses prepared you for this professional experience? Did any aspects of your internship surprise you,
based on what you have been learning, and if so which ones?
Finally, how has this professional experience impacted your understanding of the subjects you have been
studying? For a three-credit internship, your report should be at least ten (10) typed, double-spaced pages
in length; fifteen (15) pages for a four-credit internship, twenty (20) pages for a six credit internship.
Footnotes and bibliography should follow the format required in research in your field and should be used
for all sources of information.
1. The organization:
name, location, objectives (product, service), structure (size,
divisions, personnel, etc.), history, company policies, philosophy, financial data. Please
see details below.
2. An overview of the field/industry:
growth, dynamics, current trends economic situation. Details below.
3. The work assignment:
your duties and responsibilities, the means at your disposal to accomplish your assignment, your working
conditions (physical setting, hours, benefits), general atmosphere, co-workers and how they interacted with
you. Can you describe the corporate culture?
4. The research project:
this is to be discussed and decided upon with your faculty reader.
5. The internship experience:
reasons for the choice of this internship, results (completion of projects, acquisition of new skills,
application of classroom learning in a professional context).
6. Evaluation of the internship experience:
comparison of expectations with actual results, whether you feel better equipped to enter this field/industry
as a result of this internship, contribution towards future choices graduate school, career, etc.
Information about the company/organization
Sources such as industry publications, company newsletters and other documents, and interviews with key
personnel can help you acquire a deeper understanding of your employer. In the private sector, the annual
report in particular will provide the following information: current objectives and policies, organization,
forecast of anticipated growth, accomplishments, description of operating divisions, financial review,
contributions to the industry or field. A comparison of the two most recent annual reports can be especially
revealing. In the case of an internship in a public service area (NGOs, museums, etc.), mission statements,
fundraising documents, and miscellaneous reports can clarify specific organizational aims and objectives.
Information about the field/industry
Your report should present information about the history, traditions, organizations, products, and expected
growth of the field or industry in which you are working. Where relevant, current issues, developments, and
the effect(s) of political and economic trends on the field or industry should be included.

Tel. (33-1) 40-62-06-25

Fax (33-1) 53-59-82-21

(version October 2011)

Internship Office


Interns must submit a written summary of an interview with a relevant professional as part of
their academic requirements. This provides an opportunity to acquire information useful in the
formulation of career plans. Students may select the professional supervising their internship, or
others in the same company or field, but they may not interview family members. The written
report should be approximately four-five typewritten pages and must be submitted to the Faculty
Reader along with other assignments.
Request permission to interview your contact by either writing or calling directly to ask for an
appointment. He or she should be informed of the purpose of the interview and
approximately how much time it will take. The interview should last at least 20 minutes.
Prepare the interview by making a list of questions (see below). Avoid personal questions.
Be on time for the interview. Ask for permission to take notes or record the interview should
you wish to do this. If the report will contain confidential information, make sure that the
contact understands that a written summary will be read by faculty members and possibly
others in the AUP community.
Within a week following the interview, send a note to your contact to express thanks for
his/her time, consideration and ideas. Indicate when the report will be ready and send him
or her a copy.
It is important to aim for a report that is informative and interesting, and which clearly sums
up the interviewees responses.
Select the questions that seem most appropriate with regard to the person you are interviewing, and/or add
some of your own.
1. How did you get involved in this line of work?
2. Are any degrees or qualifications required or recommended for this position?
3. What are the key skills and personality traits needed to succeed?
4. How many hours a week do you work? Is it common to take work home?
5. How much variety is there in your work? How much specialization?
6. What is a typical day like? A typical week?
7. What are the most difficult problems and decisions with which you are faced?
8. Does this job have any travel obligations?
9. Are there any civic or social obligations that go with this job?
10. Is it easy for someone in this field to move to another location?
11. What is the best thing about this job? The worst?
12. How visible are you in this job?
13. What trends do you see happening in your field?
14. What is a typical starting salary? What can someone expect to earn after five or six years of
15. Are there ways to try out this line of work, i.e. internships, summer jobs, part time work?
16. What is the supply/demand situation in this field?
17. What do you wish you had known when you began your career?
18. What advice would you offer to a recent graduate interested in working in this field?

Tel. (33-1) 40-62-06-25

Fax (33-1) 53-59-82-21

(version October 2011)

Internship Office


(to be handed in with the complete assignment package to the faculty reader)

Student ID:
Internship semester:
Number of credits:

I am submitting the following forms and assignments in order to obtain credit for
my internship at ___________________________________.
Faculty reader evaluation form (included in this package)
Internship report (10 pages for 3 credits, 15 for 4 credits, 20 for 6 credits)
Informational interview (4-5 pages)

Student evaluation (submitted on myAUP)


The employer completed the employer evaluation online

(The Internship Coordinator will forward the students employer evaluation to the faculty reader once received.)


Electonic version of assignments sent to

Date assignments submitted to faculty reader:

Your signature: ________________________

Tel. (33-1) 40-62-06-25

Fax (33-1) 53-59-82-21

(version October 2011)

Internship Office


Faculty reader: Please return this evaluation sheet and all submitted assignments to the Internship
Office for final processing. Thank you!
Name of student:
Your name:
Number of credits:
I have received the following forms and assignments from the student intern:
(Please check what is applicable)
Employer evaluation (will be sent by Internship Office)
Interview with professional (4-5 pages)
Internship report
10 pages for 3 credits
15 pages for 4 credits
20 pages for 6 credits

Date materials received: __________________

Comments on the students work:
Internship grade awarded:



(Please circle)


If the report was written in French,



does it satisfy the FrenchBridge

passerelle requirement? (Only possible is the student has completed/is currently completing FR2035)
Reminder: This form will be forwarded to the Registrars Office by the Internship Coordinator and replace the green substitution
form needed for any other French Bridge approval.

Date: ___________________ Signature:_______________________________

Tel. (33-1) 40-62-06-25

Fax (33-1) 53-59-82-21

(version October 2011)

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