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Please specify what is asked of you or choose/check what suits you best.
Name (optional): ____________________________

Age: _______ years old

1. Do you avail of photocopying services?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
2. How often do you avail?
[ ] A day
[ ] A week
[ ] A month
[ ] Never [ ] Others (pls specify)
3. What is the approximate number of photocopies you usually avail?
[ ] 2-10 [ ] 11-20 [ ] 21-30 [ ] 31-40 [ ] Others (pls specify) ______
4. Where do you usually avail such photocopying services?
[ ] Isabela Copy Center
[ ] Near NC Campus
[ ] Katrinas
[ ] Computer Shops
[ ] Others (pls specify) ____
[ ] Liberty (heritage bldg)
5. What is the offered price (per page) of your photocopy center where you usually
[ ] 0.50
[ ] 0.75
[ ] 1.00 [ ] 2.00 [ ] Others (pls specify)
6. Why do you prefer that photocopy center?
[ ] Convenience
[ ] Lower Price
[ ] Quality of Photocopy
[ ] Speed of Service
[ ] Others (pls specify) ____
7. What is/are the disadvantages of the photocopy center of your choice?
[ ] Inconvenience
[ ] High Price
[ ] Poor quality of Photocopy
[ ] Slow Service
[ ] Others (pls specify) ____
8. Do you wish to have a photocopy center near your school campus?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
9. If yes, what is the probability that you will avail of the photocopying services to be
established near your campus?
[ ] 0-25% [ ] 26-50% [ ] 51%-75% [ ] 76%-100%
10. What is your expected reasonable price per page?
[ ] 0.50
[ ] 0.75
[ ] 1.00 [ ] 2.00 [ ] Others (pls specify)
Thank you for agreeing to take this survey. All the answers you provided will be
kept confidential. The purpose of this is to obtain information about the trend and
preferences regarding residency within this area.

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