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Arts & Science College, Karimnagar

B.Sc. II Year Degree Examination
PAPER-II: Thermodynamics and Optics
Time: 3 Hours Prefinal Examinations 2015-16
100 Marks
Section A (4x15=60 Marks)
(Essay Type Questions. Answer ALL questions. Each answer should not be
more than 4 pages)
1. (a) Describe Carnots engine and derive an expression for its efficiency.
Does the efficiency depend upon working substance?
(b)What are thermodynamic potentials? What is their importance?
Starting from thermo-dynamic potentials, derive the Maxwells
thermodynamic equations. Show that Cp-Cv=R for an ideal gas.
2. (a) Explain the principle of regenerative cooling. Explain the method of
producing liquid Helium by Kapitzas method.
(b) State Plancks hypothesis and derive Plancks law for energy
distribution in the Blackbody radiation. Show that Wiens and RayleighJeans laws are special cases in Plancks law.
3. (a) Give the theory of Newtons Rings and describe the experiment to
determine the wavelength of monochromatic light using these rings.
(b) What is diffraction of light? Discuss the fraunhoffer diffraction due
to single slit and obtain the intensity distribution and positions of
maxima and minima.
4. (a) Explain construction and working principle of Nicols prism. Explain
its action as polarizer and analyzer.
(b)What is the basic principle of laser? Explain construction and
working principle of ruby Laser. Mention applications of laser?
Section B (5x4=20 Marks)
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries
4 Marks.
5. What is mean free path? Derive an expression for the mean free path
of molecule in a gas.
6. Explain the term Internal energy of the system.
7. What is pyrometer? Describe the principle, construction and working of
a disappearing filament optical pyrometer
8. Write down the differences between Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein
and Fermi-Dirac distributions.
9. Describe about Lloyds mirror experiment.
Write down the differences between Joules expansion, adiabatic
expansion and Joule-Thomson expansion.
Describe the construction of a zone plate and explain its function
as a lens.
Explain the basic principle of Halography.
Section C- (4x5=20 Marks)

Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries 5

Calculate the efficiency of a reversible engine that operates
between 2270C and 270C.
Calculate the temperature of the sun from the following data.
S=1.34KW/m2, radius of the sun=7.92x105km, distance of the sun from
the earth 1.5x108km and Stefans constant is 5.67x10-8Wm-2K-4.
20 fringes are displaced when a thin glass plate is introduced in
one of the paths of interfering beams in biprism. Find the thickness of
the glass plate if its refractive index is 1.5 and of light used is
There are 15000 lines per inch in a grating. What is the maximum
number of orders obtained by using light of wavelength 6000A0
Calculate the specific rotation if the plane of polarisation is
turned through 300, after traversing 25cm length of 30% sugar
18. In an optical fibre, the refractive index of the core is 1.52 and that of
cladding is 1.48. Calculate the critical angle related to the system.

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