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Getting to Win-Win
How Toyota Creates and Sustains
Best-Practice Supplier Relationships

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2:52:21 PM

Getting to Win-Win
How Toyota Creates and Sustains
Best-Practice Supplier Relationships

uch has been written about the

Toyota Way. Why, then, add to
that extensive body of publications? The answer is that many
automotive executives weve
talked with have raised questions that the literature doesnt clearly answer. Executives at OEMs
want to know how to emulate Toyotas example
in creating a base of suppliers that are committed
to continuous performance improvement, unshakably loyal, integrated into an extended network,
and generating stable financial results. And executives at automotive supply companies want
to know how to participate in such relationships.
What principles and techniques does Toyota employ to create such a supply base and leverage it so
effectively? And how do Toyotas suppliers, in turn,
experience that unique relationship?
We recently undertook a broad study to uncover
the factors that set Toyota apart from the rest of
the industry. As part of that effort, we conducted
extensive interviews with OEMs, suppliers, and industry experts around the globe. Their experience
and insights are reflected in this report.

How Toyotas Supplier

Relationships Are Distinctive
Many surveys have confirmed that Toyota ranks
as suppliers preferred OEMthe one with which

Beyond to



they would most like to do more business. The

reasons they cite for this preference are manifold:
Toyota allows them acceptable returns on their investments, is reliable in honoring its contract price
agreements, supports suppliers in improving their
operations, respects their capabilities and intellectual property, and provides an equitable split of
any cost reductions they achieve. The fundamental
principle guiding all these behaviors is simple but
profound: treat all suppliers fairly.
Little wonder, then, that in many of our interviews
Toyotas suppliers began by stating immediately
that the relationship is just very different from
the relationship with other OEMs. But how,
precisely, does Toyota go about cultivating
that unique relationship? The answer is not as
simple as implementing a few clear-cut processes. It lies in something both subtler and deeper: the culture and mindset with which fundamental principles are practiced.
In addition to treating all suppliers fairly, Toyotas
approach to supplier relations rests on three other
principles: establish long-term supplier partnerships, retain critical new-product development
(NPD) and design knowledge in-house, and take
responsibility for suppliers development and
growth. In translating these principles into action,
Toyotas example offers particularly valuable lessons in three broad areas: supplier selection, supplier collaboration, and supplier development.
(See Exhibit 1, page 2.)


5:57:37 AM

Supplier Selection: Toward

Long-Term Partnerships
Toyota is constantly searching for new suppliers
that can provide industry leadership on cost, quality, and technology. However, the company will select only those suppliers that are willing to establish long-term partnerships with Toyota and that
have the ability to be successful in such relationships. Toward that end, Toyota imposes very stringent selection criteria and undertakes a long and
arduous selection process. The goal is to ensure
that every supplier meets Toyotas requirements
in terms of cost, quality, and technology, and also
demonstrates a commitment to and a good philosophical fit with Toyota.
Toyota invests significant time and effortoften
three to five yearsin exploring a relationship with
a supplier before signing a first contract. The goal
is to build a solid working relationship, addressing
and resolving all critical issues before awarding a
contract. This investment pays off: once a relation-

ship is in place, Toyota can expend far less effort

and incur far lower transaction costs during actual
production than would otherwise have been the
case. This is because Toyota and the supplier have
already sorted out the kinds of challenges that typically arise during production, such as misunderstandings and misalignments in expectations. Suppliers describe this managerial approach not only
as highly conservative and risk averse but also as
firmly focused on partnership and the long term.
Toyotas approach can go as far as discussing every
detail of a proposed workflow and machine setup
before the supplier is even offered the opportunity
to bid on a contract. Several years of these detailed
discussions can precede a first contract, even for a
relatively simple, low-tech product, such as wheel
weights. Toyotas extraordinary attentiveness extends to all suppliers, regardless of the products
they provide.
To manage this lengthy supplier-selection process,
Toyota deploys a cross-functional team consisting
of representatives from purchasing, engineering,
manufacturing, and management. Although these

Exhibit 1. Toyotas Success with Suppliers Rests on Four Principles

1. Treat all suppliers fairly

2. Enlist suppliers that value

long-term partnerships

selection criteria
Key tactics

Long and meticulous

selection process
Engagement of a crossfunctional Toyota team
from the start
Insistence on suppliers
commitment to and
philosophical fit with

3. Retain in-house all levels

of critical NPD and design
knowledge: components,
systems, and vehicle integration

The world-class Toyota

NPD process
Full in-house capacity to
perform vehicle systems
integration, which reduces
dependency on suppliers
Streamlined NPD process
that optimizes interactions
with suppliers during design,
improving productivity for
both Toyota and its suppliers
Systematic leveraging of
supplier expertise

4. Take responsibility for suppliers

development and growth

Toyota Production
System expertise
Extensive monitoring of
suppliers performance,
involving suppliers senior
Thorough quality audits
every six months
Rapid problem resolution
addressing root causes
Development of suppliers
capabilities through
knowledge-sharing networks

Source: BCG analysis.




5:57:37 AM

individuals work together very closely to qualify a

supplier, each has a distinct role to play. Purchasing personnel identify new suppliers and are responsible for assessing suppliers competitiveness
on cost, as well as their quality-assurance processes
and procedures. Engineering team members assess
suppliers technological capabilities and potential
for innovation. Manufacturing team members assess suppliers production capabilities and potential
for implementing the Toyota Production System.

analyze the root causes of all problems and take

the necessary corrective actions? Is it prepared to
be permanently dissatisfied with the status quo
and to always work on doing things better?
Consistent Reasoning. Does the supplier use factbased decision-making processes? Does it have a
deep understanding of the reasons behind each
product-design decision? Can it handle the fact that
Toyotas engineers constantly ask highly specific
and probing questions in their quest to understand
every detail of the suppliers production processes,
as well as the reasoning behind every product specification?

Management team members evaluate suppliers

strength and commitment in two areas: senior
managers understanding of and involvement in
operational details, and the companys philosophical fit with Toyota. In evaluating a suppliers philosophical fit, Toyota looks for five key elements:
kaizen (or continuous improvement), consistent
reasoning, cross-functional teaming, sharing of
information and knowledge, and responsiveness.
(See Exhibit 2.)

Cross-Functional Teaming. Does the supplier

have a team-based internal working culture? Is the
suppliers management involved in all operational
matters? Does the supplier practice meticulous
cross-functional coordination on all issues, no matter how narrow?

Kaizen. Is the supplier willing to improve its performance continuously? Does it have the ability to

Sharing of Information and Knowledge. Is the

supplier willing to share details about its costs,

Exhibit 2. Suppliers Philosophy Must Fit with Toyotas

When working with

Toyota, you can never be
satisfied with the status
quoyou need to
always work on doing
things better.
a German
supplier in Japan

Toyota is very
well coordinated
internally. Every function
at Toyota is aware of all
interactions with us, even
when it is only related to
one particular topic.
Toyota expects the same
from us.
a Thai supplier

Commitment to
continuously improving
Willingness to analyze
root causes for all
problems and correct

Sharing of information
and knowledge
Willingness to share
details on costs, quality,
and technology
Transparency and
openness in all

Consistent reasoning
A factual basis for all
Deep understanding of
the reasons behind
each product-design
A team-based
working culture
The involvement
of management in
all operational

Prompt replies to
all requests
Reliable delivery
of whatever is

Toyota engineers are

very detail oriented, and
they constantly ask very
specific questions. They
want to understand the
reasoning behind every
product specification.
a European supplier

When Toyota has a

request for you, they
expect a response as
soon as possible, even if
it is over the weekend.
a German supplier

Source: BCG interviews and analysis.

Getting to Win-Win




5:57:37 AM

quality, and technology with Toyota? Is it willing to

engage in a highly transparent preapproval quality
audit, opening its books and revealing all relevant
Responsiveness. Does the supplier reply promptly to all requests and deliver exactly what it has
promised? Can Toyota count on receiving a responseeven over a weekend? How much time
does the supplier need to respond?
The whole selection process is based on Toyotas
belief that long-term partnerships create more
value than short-term ones. Working with familiar
suppliers reduces transaction costs, and long-term
suppliers can be integrated into longer-term product-planning cycles. This capability, in turn, leads
to custom-made, robust solutions with optimized

Supplier Collaboration:
Toward Flawless Design
Despite Toyotas significant in-house competence
in design, the company is committed to expanding its capabilities by continuously leveraging
its suppliers expertise. During the NPD process, Toyota routinely solicits and exploits its
suppliers experience by means of engineering
design changes. Typically, a supplier receives
high-level product specifications and is asked
to apply its design and manufacturing expertise to recommend changes to those specifications and to develop detailed design drawings.
A cross-functional team from Toyota then evaluates this feedback for the impact the proposed
changes would have on manufacturing costs, quality, global platform standardization, and complexity, among other factors. Often Toyotas design
engineers fly from Japan to a suppliers site to attend a day-long workshop in which they and the
supplier jointly address the proposed specification changes and decide whether to approve or
reject them. Typically, if the proposed changes are
deemed viable, they are implemented in the next
vehicle project.

During the NPD process, Toyota maintains extraordinary control of design, all the suppliers in the
supply base, and the NPD process itself.
Control of Design. Toyota controls all critical NPD
design knowledge across three levels: components,
systems, and vehicle integration. Thanks to this
policy, Toyota is never too dependent on any one
supplier for critical capabilities. Furthermore, Toyota typically controls system integration design for
all modules, outsourcing only the design of components to its suppliers.
Despite Toyotas insistence on control of design,
the company respects suppliers as experts on the
parts they produce. Toyota engages in a highly interactive process with its suppliers when it comes
to how a part might be designed or produced at
lower cost or with better quality or functionality.
It encourages suppliers to think constantly about
ways they can improve product design or the NPD
processand thus to contribute to Toyotas relentless search for continuous improvement.
Control of Suppliers. Because Toyota has tight, detail-based relationships with multiple tiers of suppliers, it is able to closely manage its supply base.
For component design, Toyota deals not only with
its tier-one suppliers but also with tier-two and tierthree suppliers because they all provide direct input into the system integration process. Only when
Toyota has thoroughly understood and mastered a
process, technology, or solution will the company
consider spinning it off or outsourcing it to a supplier. In many cases, Toyota itself specifies which
lower-tier supplier should contribute which component and enters directly into the negotiations
among the suppliers. Moreover, Toyota directly
manages relationships with all suppliers involved,
even the smallest ones. Although this process has
a significant impact on Toyotas resources, it allows
the company to know its supply base intimately
and maintain tight control over it.
Contrary to commonly held industry belief, a supplier that Toyota refocuses on delivering a particular subcomponent rather than larger modular assemblies might actually experience increased sales
to Toyota. In contrast, a supplier that attempts




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to sell Toyota its completely assembled modules,

rather than (or in addition to) the simpler component that Toyota has agreed to buy, might find
its sales to Toyota curtailedat least in the short
term, until Toyota decides that the supplier is sufficiently experienced and knowledgeable to take on
the responsibility of supplying the more complex
Control of the NPD Process. Toyotas streamlined
NPD process optimizes its interactions with suppliers, improving productivity for both. Toyota uses
its systematic just-in-time design process to create a
highly effective and intricately interleaved master
schedule for each of its products.
Suppliers engineering requirements are based on
Toyotas specific needs at different points in the
design process. For example, lets say that a supplier is designing a headlamp unit that is to be incorporated into a side module designed by Toyota.
The supplier would be given a deadline for when
it would have to provide Toyota with the exterior
dimensions of the headlamp. Toyota would not request a complete design of the headlamp because
the headlamps interior specifications would likely
change as the design process moved along. Toyotas
precision in anticipating which information will be
needed by what date enables the company to use
its own and its suppliers R&D capacity very effectively, reducing waste and contributing to a highly
efficient design process. This is in striking contrast
to the multiple iterations, delays, and wasted effort
that typify many design processes.
Toyotas NPD master schedule typically has many
more project milestones than do those of other
OEMs. The frequent milestone checkpoints reduce
risk and increase Toyotas ability to practice precise
managerial control over its entire product-development timeline. Suppliers that work with Toyota describe its NPD master schedule as highly stringent
and its execution of requirements and milestones
as far more consistent than that of any other OEM.
The result is an evening out of resource requirements during the NPD processmuch as Toyotas
approach to the production flow in a plant evens
out the costly peaks and valleys in the utilization of
suppliers resources and performance.

Getting to Win-Win



Supplier Development: Toward

World-Class Performance
When Toyota has established an ongoing relationship with a supplier, it takes responsibility for
helping that supplier develop its capabilities and
grow its business. The success of the supplier is a
reflection of Toyotas success. Toyota expends considerable effort in helping its suppliers improve
their performance. Toward this end, it employs a
few key tools. First, it monitors its suppliers performance extensively, insisting that senior managers
and key executives of each supplier organization
be responsible for all quality and performance issues. Second, it performs thorough quality audits
every six months. Third, it employs proprietary processes that facilitate the rapid resolution of problems; these processes ensure that whenever there
is a quality defect, the supplier addresses the root
cause to prevent quality problems from recurring.
Fourth, Toyota makes available to its suppliers a robust knowledge-sharing network, allowing them to
learn from one another in order to enhance their
Monitoring Suppliers Performance. Toyota
monitors its suppliers performance by means of
two key monthly reports: the quality report and
the kanban, or delivery, report. The quality report
sets forth details such as defects per million parts,
descriptions of defects, corrective actions, and responsiveness, along with the suppliers overall
quality ranking vis--vis its peers and an analysis
of trends in suppliers performance. By showing
the performance of all suppliers, this report allows each supplier to understand exactly where
it stands relative to its competitors. The kanban
report, in contrast, captures supply chain metrics
such as short ship, delays in delivery, incorrect
quantities, countermeasures, and containment.
On-time delivery is expected and is tracked very
closely. Although both instruments are well known
at other OEMs, Toyotas versions are more detailed
and more stringently applied.
Performing Extensive Quality Audits. In addition
to generating the two monthly reports, Toyota per-


5:57:37 AM

forms an extensive quality audit every six months.

This audit focuses on helping suppliers solve problems rather than on blaming them for deficiencies. Toyota expects all its suppliers to open their
books and seek support in solving any problems
they might have. During a quality audit, Toyotas
personnel spend less time looking at records and
documentation than they do on the shop floor inspecting processes and products and talking to the
suppliers employees. The goal is to understand the
suppliers attitude toward quality and the way it
addresses quality issues. Suppliers describe Toyotas quality audits as particularly practical and effective. Toyotas objective is to anticipate quality
issues before they arise rather than to examine reports, which are typically reactive.
In Toyotas view, responsibility for quality does not
stop at the quality manager. In fact, suppliers
senior managers are involved in the quality audits.
It is not unusual for the CEO or a board member
to attend monthly supplier meetingsand to be
held personally responsible for discussing corrective actions and quality improvement initiatives
with Toyotas management team. Plant managers,
similarly, are responsible for day-to-day quality
performance, kanban performance, and the resolution of all quality issues. Toyotas insistence on
holding senior managers personally responsible
for resolving all issues tends to make those managers very effective at promoting quality awareness
across their entire organization.
Ensuring Rapid, Thorough Problem Resolution.
Toyota implements a swift and very strict process
to handle any problems it experiences with suppliers. The quest for understanding the root causes
of each problem calls for the deep and immediate
involvement of the supplier of the part involved.
Within hours of a problems being identified, a
quality assurance engineer from the supplier must
be on site to inspect the problem and work jointly
with Toyotas manufacturing team to identify its
root cause. Within three days, Toyota expects to
receive a report describing the corrective actions
the supplier plans to take. If necessary, the supplier
must dedicate one or more staff members to focus
on the problem until all new components are free
of defects; these individuals must also monitor all

corrective actions in detail. What is most important

is that suppliers proactively develop systems that
allow them to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future.
Promoting Knowledge-Sharing Networks. Toyota employs several forms of knowledge-sharing networks to enhance its suppliers capabilities. These
networks include supplier associations, problemsolving groups, and voluntary learning teams. The
type of network used varies with the maturity of
the relationships involved.
In new markets, supplier associations share general information such as Toyotas policies and
widely applicable best practices. Members meet
in bimonthly general assemblies to share production plans, policies, and market trends. In addition, topic committees meet monthly to address
specific areas such as cost, quality, and safety.
Once the supplier base in a region is more established, Toyota forms focused problem-solving
groups. These groups can request and obtain onsite assistance from Toyotas experts in solving
problems, such as those related to implementing
the Toyota Production System. Such resources
are typically available to all suppliers at no cost.
In markets where Toyota has highly mature and
integrated supply organizations, it promotes
voluntary learning teams. These teams conduct
on-site sharing of deep know-how within small
groups, typically including 6 to 12 suppliers. Each
team determines the theme it wants to address
and then spends up to three months focusing on
problems at members sites. Often these teams
are assisted by senior consultants from Toyotas
supplier-support center, and Toyota transmits
the lessons they learn to the rest of the supplier
One example typifies the way Toyota helps suppliers improve their performance. Toyota invited
a tier-one supplier in Japan to conduct a performance improvement program. The supplier first
came to an agreement with Toyota about which
area of the manufacturing process it would focus
on and then convinced its tier-two suppliers to sup-




5:57:37 AM

port this initiative. A joint working team, consisting

of a Toyota consultant and representatives from all
the suppliers involved, was then formed. The team
assessed the suppliers current manufacturing processes and developed recommendations to revise
the layout of the manufacturing line and invest in
upgraded equipment to reduce defect rates and
improve turnaround times. Toyota agreed to foot
the bill for the upgraded machines, with the guarantee that the new machines would lead to lower
prices for Toyota in the long term.
Suppliers are willing to seek Toyotas assistance in
improving their performance because of the significant value that Toyota provides. This value arises
from three sources: Toyotas deep knowledge of its
products and all aspects of their design and manufacturing; the renowned and highly effective Toyota Production System, which addresses complex
process-redesign challenges; and Toyotas ability to
transfer best practices across the world. Importantly, suppliers can take what they learn from Toyota
and apply it to their work with other customers.
All performance-improvement programs are supported by highly qualified Toyota engineers who
work as consultantsoften on fast-track management career paths. Significantly, any cost savings
that suppliers achieve do not transfer directly into
lower prices to Toyota. And Toyota typically shares
cost savings with the supplier during the next annual cost review.
Year-end reviews complete the supplier development program. Suppliers that rank highest in yearend reviews are rewarded, whereas senior managers of suppliers at the bottom of the ranking are
required to meet with Toyotas senior management
to explain why their performance is lagging.

Treating Suppliers Fairly

Suppliers report that the most important difference
between Toyota and other OEMs is that Toyota
is respectful, fair, and trustworthy in its dealings
with them. Although it is very tough in negotiations and insists that suppliers share virtually all
their data, Toyota also understands that if suppli-

Getting to Win-Win



ers dont make money, they cant create value for

However, Toyota never allows its suppliers to take
their relationship with the company for granted.
Whereas suppliers that perform well are rewarded with increased business, those that disappoint
Toyota lose its business. In the latter case, Toyota is
always clear about why it has severed its business
ties with a supplier. For instance, a supplier might
introduce a new design with improved technology,
but at a significantly higher price, and fail to convince Toyota that the new technology justifies the
price increase. Other actions that might prove fatal
to renewal of supply contracts include bidding on
a contract for a new model without putting sufficient effort into developing a competitive price,
believing that supplying the previous model would
guarantee a new contract, and assuming that Toyota needs two suppliers to hedge its risk. In fact,
Toyota might award 100 percent of a contract to a
single supplier if the potential second source fails
to demonstrate the necessary effort, commitment,
and professionalism. In each case, Toyota provides
feedback that highlights the areas the supplier
should work on to improve its cost, quality, and
support of Toyota.
Toyota also ensures that its suppliers earn reasonable returns. Armed with a deep understanding of
suppliers costs, Toyota defines a target price that
discourages suppliers from providing unreasonable
cost estimates. For example, when one supplier
put in a bid for a particular component at a price
that Toyota considered too high, Toyota rejected
the bid. The supplier, determined to win Toyotas
business, responded by cutting the original price
by more than 10 percent. The suppliers managers
were confident that this concession would secure
the contract. But when Toyota asked what changes
the supplier had made in its production process to
reduce its costs by more than 10 percent, the supplier could not provide a satisfactory response. Toyota awarded the contract to a competitor.
Similarly, Toyota rejects suppliers that provide unreasonably low prices, which in Toyotas view are
not sustainable. Unreasonably low prices could
ultimately affect quality, delivery schedules, or


5:57:37 AM

overall support from those suppliersfactors that

could eventually lead to higher costs for Toyota.
Notably, Toyota has repeatedly gone out of its way
to support its suppliers through difficult times. During the financial crisis in Thailand in 1997, Toyota
helped its suppliers by making large up-front payments rather than amortizing its payments over
time, thus greatly reducing its suppliers financial
burdens. When one supplier was on the verge of
bankruptcy and thinking of exiting its automotive-parts business, Toyota sent its top managers to
meet with the suppliers leaders, convinced them
to remain in the business, and supported them so
that the company survived the crisis.
Toyota also gave its suppliers in Thailand automatic
price increases when they needed cash desperately.
Immediately after the crisis, suppliers were unable
to meet their cash-flow requirements because of
low utilization and reductions in volume. Toyota
proactively increased its prices by 8 percentand
then increased them again by an additional 5 percent half a year later. Suppliers in Thailand told
us that Toyota was the only OEM that supported
its suppliers during the crisis. Some suppliers had
requested similar assistance from other OEMs,
but to no avail. Toyotas assistance enabled some
suppliers to stay in business, and they will always
remain grateful and loyal to Toyota. (See the sidebar below.)

Adopting Toyotas SupplierRelationship Principles

How can other OEMs emulate Toyotas example?
How can they create a base of suppliers that are
committed to continuous performance improvement, unshakably loyal, integrated into an extended network, and generating stable financial
The answer, although not easy to implement, is
relatively straightforward. To establish and maintain exceptionally effective supplier relations, a
company must first adopt an overall corporate philosophy of treating all stakeholders fairlyand approach its suppliers in that spirit.
This philosophy of fair and respectful treatment
needs to be evident in all the companys interactions and efforts. With that foundation in place,
other principles also shape the companys relationships with suppliers. When the company selects
suppliers, it should choose only companies that are
committed to building long-term partnerships and
that share a high-level work ethic. The NPD process should be based on leveraging suppliers expertise and sharing relevant technical knowledge
at all levels: components, systems, and vehicle integration. Finally, both the company and its sup-

Suppliers Report That Toyotas Fair Treatment of Them Leads to Trust and Mutual Benefit

Toyota is professional in all their interactions with suppliers. They have proved time and time again that they
are trustworthy and that they will treat us fairly.
Toyota helped us dramatically improve our production
system. We started by making one component, and as
we improved, Toyota rewarded us with orders for more
components. Toyota is our best customer.

Toyota is tough as hell in negotiations, and we have to

share every detail of our data with thembut they are
fair, and they know that if we dont make money, we cant
innovate for them.
Toyota accepts the fact that mistakes do happen. What
we need to show is that we have learned from our mistakes and that we will not make the same mistake a second time. Toyota rewards you for that.

We are willing to share our cost structure with Toyota

because we trust that they will not use the information
against us but instead help us get more competitive.




5:57:37 AM

pliers should understand that the close monitoring

of suppliers performance arises not from mistrust
but from a sincere desire to identify potential performance gaps and support one another in closing them.
These are the basic principles on which executives
should base a serious review and redesign of their
supplier relationships. The ideal approach for each
company will not be a copycat version of Toyotas unique system, but a tailor-made adaptation
designed to reflect each companys unique circumstances and existing relationships.
Moving from adversarial relationships to win-win
relationships is not easy. Often companies must
challenge and revise many established practices.
But making that change can create extraordinary
value, as illustrated by the widely admired example of Toyota.

Getting to Win-Win




5:57:37 AM

About the Authors


For Further Contact

Malte Kalkoffen is a consultant

in the Hamburg office of The
Boston Consulting Group. You
may contact him by e-mail at

The authors would like to express

their grateful appreciation to the
many senior executives and managers
at leading automotive OEMs and suppliers around the world who generously shared their time, experience,
and insights. The authors are also
indebted to their colleague Methit
Mukdasiri for valuable contributions
to this report. Finally, the authors wish
to acknowledge the contributions of
several members of the BCG editorial
and production team: Katherine Andrews, Gary Callahan, Kim Friedman,
and Kathleen Lancaster.

For information about BCGs Industrial Goods practice, which sponsored

this report, please contact the practices global leader:

Zafar Momin is a former partner

and managing director in the firms
Singapore and Dubai offices.
Xavier Mosquet is a senior
partner and managing director
in BCGs Detroit office. You may
contact him by e-mail at

Josef Rick
Senior Partner and Managing Director
To discuss this report or related topics,
please contact any of the following:

Jagjit Singh is a former principal

in BCGs Singapore office.

The Americas
Xavier Mosquet
Senior Partner and Managing Director

Georg Sticher is a senior

partner and managing director
in BCGs Munich office. You may
contact him by e-mail at

Naoki Shigetake
Partner and Managing Director
Georg Sticher
Senior Partner and Managing Director





1:06:33 PM

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2:52:22 PM

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5:16:37 PM

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