Angelo Graphs

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Me as a Learner - Angelo - Year 4

I can talk about how I feel about my learning
I know when I need to stop and think about what I am
I encourage others
My writing has improved
I keep trying when something is difficult and I dont
give up
I feel brave when I try new things
I get started quickly on my learning activities

Term 4

Term 2

Student Voice Angelo 7.11.16

Do you think the skateboard programme has helped your learning?
My learning is going good. Im doing more of it and it is more interesting than it used
to be. My writing is way more. My writing ideas are better. I dont always get time to
finish cos the teacher says stop and we have to do other stuff. Its hard to go back to
it the next day cos I cant remember what I wanted to write.
What was the best part of learning to skateboard?
Best Part: Skateboarding! Doing skateboarding every Wednesday. It is the best day.
Giant Jenga because it was challenging holding the blocks in the middle of the
board. I like it when it is challenging but when someone helps me when I get stuck
then I can do it again for myself.

Writing sample - Angelo

Words per Minute


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Teacher Survey - Angelo

Can do attitude
General participation in the learning programme
Retaining information/Learning
Perseverance on a task
Ability to work independently
Willing to give new learning a try
Ability to manage self

Term 4


Term 2

Teacher Comment
Hmm. Writing output has lessened although not great to start with. More silly
behaviour lately - overall not much change although he has been more focused
when working with a small group. Has loved going out to the group and is settled for
the Thursday, then becomes worse until the next session.

Pre and Post Data Levels
Standardised test
Reading Probe /
Ready to Read Level
Reading - AsTTle
Writing - AsTTle
Math GLOSS overall

Pre Level
Purple 1 (Ready to
Stage 4

Post level
Probe 7.5 to 8.5
Stage Early 5

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