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Me as a Learner - Leo - Year 5

I can talk about how I feel about my learning
I know when I need to stop and think about what I am
I encourage others
My writing has improved
I keep trying when something is difficult and I dont
give up
I feel brave when I try new things
I get started quickly on my learning activities

Term 4

Term 2

Student Voice Leo 10.11.16

Do you think the skateboard programme has helped your learning?
Before I started the skateboard programme I had to go to tutors. Now they say I am
too smart and I dont need to go any more!
What was the best part of learning to skateboard?
It kind of depends what it is if I want to try it and want to keep trying to do it. Im not
brave really and I find it hard to do new things.
If Id tried skating down the hill, Id fall off but now Id get to the bottom. In my head I
have to think, I have to try to do this

Writing sample - Leo

Words per Minute


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Teacher Survey - Leo

Can do attitude
General participation in the learning programme
Retaining information/Learning
Perseverance on a task
Ability to work independently
Willing to give new learning a try
Ability to manage self

Term 4


Term 2

Teacher Comment
Independence has increased, engagement has increased as has the ability to take
on board advice and apply it.

Pre and Post Data Levels
Standardised test
Reading Probe /
Ready to Read Level
Reading - AsTTle
Writing - AsTTle
Math GLOSS overall

Pre Level
Probe 8 to 9 years

Post level
Probe 9 to 10 years

Not available
Stage 4

Not available
Stage 5

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