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Adsorption of

Sodium Fluorescein
on Activated Carbon
Amanda Vu

Adsorption is the attraction of a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid to the surfaces of a solid. The solid
is referred to as an absorbent, whereas the substance attracted to its surface is an adsorbate. In
this experiment, activated carbon is used as an adsorbent and fluorescein dye as an adsorbate.
We model the adsorptive behavior between the two species using the linearized Langmuir and
Freundlich equations, with an R2 value reported for comparison. From our analysis, we conclude
that the absorption is better characterized by the Langmuir model, with the experimentally
determined Langmuir equilibrium constant KL as 0.222 mg/L and the maximum adsorption
capacity Qmax as 2.756 mg/g at room temperature.

The adhesion of chemical species to a solid surface is an important concept in filtration
processes of fluid or solid impurities. Baking soda inside a fridge removes odor by allowing
gaseous molecules responsible for the odor to adsorb onto the surface of baking soda grains [3].
A granulated activated carbon (GAC) filter purifies water by utilizing its adsorption capacity to
trap dissolved contaminants onto its surface as the water passes through [7]. In an industrial
setting, moist air is dehumidified by passing through a bed of calcium chloride that has
adsorptive interaction with the water vapor [3]. Knowing the maximum adsorption (in terms of
quantity of adsorbate per quantity of adsorbent) between two substances is useful in designing
a system with optimal filtration capability.
There are two types of adsorption: chemical adsorption (or chemisorption) and physical
adsorption (or physisorption). Chemisorption involves the sharing of valence electrons between
the adsorbent and the adsorbate, similar to chemical bonding between atoms of a molecule.
Chemisorption exhibits stronger binding and and higher bonding energy than physisorption.
Physisorption involves the electrostatic attraction between the adsorbent and the adsorbate.
Such attraction is due to van der Waals forces, where nonpolar species with an instantaneous
dipole or polar species with a permanent dipole attract to one another. Adsorption of fluorescein
on activated carbon is an example of physisorption. [2]
Two isotherms, along with their linearized form, are used to analyze the relationship between
the equilibrium concentration of fluorescein in the liquid phase and on the activated carbon
surface. Experimental data are fitted into the following variables and equations to determine
which isotherm better models the adsorption process:
1. Adsorption Capacity

Qe =

C iC f

(Equation 1)

Equation 1 gives the formula to calculate for adsorption capacity, where Qe (mg/g) is the
quantity of dye adsorbed by the activated carbon, Ci (mg/L) and Cf (mg/L) are the initial
and final concentration of the dye solution, respectively, V (mL) is the volume of the dye
solution, and M is the mass of the activated carbon used (g). [1]
2. Langmuir Equation

Qe =Qm


1+ K L C f

)+( ) C f
Q e Qm K L

(Equation 2a)

(Equation 2b)

Equation 2a gives the Langmuir Equation and Equation 2b gives the linearized form of
the Langmuir Equation. In both of these equations, Qe is the quantity of dye adsorbed by
the activated carbon (mg/g), Cf is the final concentration of the dye solution (mg/L), Qm
(mg/g) is the maximum quantity of dye adsorbed by the activated carbon, and KL (L/mg)
is the Langmuir equilibrium constant, or a fitting parameter at a given temperature
(specifically room temperature for this lab). A linear plot of Cf/Qe versus Cf should give
(1/Qm) as the slope and (1/QmKL) as the intercept. [6]
3. Freundlich Equation
1/ n


Qe =K F C f

(Equation 3a)

log Q e =log K f + log C f

(Equation 3b)

Equation 3a gives the Freundlich Equation and Equation 2b gives the linearized form of
the Freundlich Equation. In both of these equations, Qe is the quantity of dye adsorbed
by the activated carbon (mg/g), Cf is the final concentration of the dye solution (mg/L), n
and KF (L/mg) are the Freundlich equilibrium constants, or fitting parameters at a given
temperature (specifically room temperature for this lab). A linear plot of logQe versus
logCf should give (logKF) as the intercept and (1/n) as the slope. [6]
To obtain the necessary data for calculate, we start by creating a calibration curve of UV/Vis
Absorbance versus Concentration of the dye solution. Five 50-mL solutions of varying dye
(initial) concentrations are made, run under the UV/Vis spectrophotometer for absorbance
reading, and left to adsorb onto the surface of a known amount of activated carbon. After a
period of adsorption, the solutions are again run under the UV/Vis spectrophotometer for
absorbance reading, which is then used to calculate for the final concentration of dye in each
solution according to the calibration curves at two different wavelengths. This eliminates errors
from the UV/Vis spectrophotometer not picking up signals at too low concentration (at the lower
wavelength) or too high concentration (at the higher wavelength). From such data, we are able
to obtain the adsorption capacity, or how many milligrams of dye adsorbed onto one gram of
activated carbon, as formulated in Equation 1. Also, though not characterized by any equation,
using a gradient of sample concentrations helps us look for correlation, if any, between the initial
concentration of dye versus the adsorption capacity.
Based on the results from Abdus-Salam and Buhari [1], whose procedure we are following, we
expect the Langmuir model will better characterize the adsorption of fluorescein on activated
carbon, with an R2 of over 0.9 as opposed to that of the Freundlich model. We also expect to
obtain the values of the Langmuir equilibrium constant KL to be around 0.600 L/mg and the
maximum adsorptive capacity Qm to be around 1.111 mg/g. We expect to see a logarithmic
relationship between the initial concentration of the dye and the adsorption capacity.


Our procedure was adapted from Abdus-Salam and Buhari [1]. For this experiment, only five dye

solutions of varying concentrations, instead of seven solutions as described in the paper, are
contacted with the activated carbon. Our stock solution is 71.5 mg/L, which is higher than their
maximum dye concentration of 50 mg/L. We also make four additional solutions of
concentrations under 10 mg/L to create another calibration curve for the lower absorbance
values. Our data calculation is done based on two different calibration curve; this is to ensure
that our results are calculated from a linear regression model covering a range of detectable
absorbance signals. To dissolve fluorescein dye completely, we add a few drops of sodium
hydroxide to perform acid-base reaction with the present fluorescein molecules.
III-a. Calibration
To prepare the stock solution, we obtain approximately 14.3 mg of fluorescein dye (SigmaAldrich, St Louis, MO, used without further purification) into a 200-mL volumetric flask and
dissolve it in deionized water to the designated volume. We add 3 drops of 50% NaOH solution
that is further diluted by a 1:10 ratio. Since fluorescein is a weak acid, addition of a strong base
will result in deprotonation of the acid molecule, thereby dissolving it into sodium fluorescein
with water as a byproduct (Figure 1). The solution is also sonicated for about 10 minutes to
ensure thorough solvation. To make more solutions of desired concentrations, we perform
dilution by removing the prescribed volume of stock solution with a volumetric pipet and adding
deionized water to the desired final volume of 50 mL (Table 1). Solutions of concentrations lower
than 10 mg/L are made one week after the first batch of concentrations over 10 mg/L.
Figure 1 Drawing of Sodium Fluorescein molecule. Protons from fluorescein
molecule are removed by interaction with hydroxide ions from sodium hydroxide, leaving
sodium fluorescein molecule as a product [4].

Desired Conc.

Volume of Stock
Solution (mL)

Activated Carbon
added (g)

Table 1 Concentration of Adsorbate and Mass of Adsorbent. A designated volume

of 71.5 mg/L stock solution is obtained and diluted with water to make a 50-mL solution
used for the calibration curve and the adsorption process. The * symbol denotes solutions
that are made only for the calibration curve and do not undergo adsorption.

About 2.5 mL of each sodium fluorescein solution is poured into a cuvette of 1-cm pathlength to
be run under the UV/Vis spectrophotometer (UV-1700 Pharma Spec). Deionized water is run
first as a baseline, followed by the sodium fluorescein solution. Spectra from 220 nm to 880 nm
are collected for each sample. The absorbance readings at wavelengths of 491 nm and 323 nm,
where the absorbance peak is observed, are used to construct a calibration curve in Excel using
a linear regression model of the form

Absorbance=m Concentration+b

(Equation 4)

where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept of the calibration line.

Three calibration curves were constructed. The first one is at the wavelength of 323 nm for
concentrations lower than 10 mg/L. The second one is at wavelength of 491 nm for
concentrations lower than 10 mg/L. The third one is at the wavelength of 323 nm for
concentrations higher than 10 mg/L. Absorbance of concentrations higher than 10 mg/L at 491
nm does not show a pronounced peak to be considered for the calibration curve. Data for the
first and second calibration curves are collected from the same day (same baseline), which is
one week after data for the third calibration curve is collected.
III-b. Adsorption
Each sodium fluorescein (concentrations higher than 10 mg/L) is poured into a plastic bottle
along with about 1 gram of activated carbon. The mixture is shaken vigorously for about 5
minutes to ensure all the surfaces of the activated carbon are exposed to sodium fluorescein
and available for adsorption. The bottle is enclosed and kept in a dark place for one week
before analysis of the final stage of adsorption.
About 2.5 mL of each sodium fluorescein solution after adsorption is poured into a cuvette of 1cm pathlength to be run under the UV/Vis spectrophotometer (UV-1700 Pharma Spec).
Deionized water is run first as a baseline, followed by the sodium fluorescein solution. The
absorbance readings at wavelengths of 491 nm and 323 nm are recorded and substituted into
Equation 4 to calculate for the final concentration of sodium fluorescein in the dye. Since each
calibration curve provides a different linear model, the calculated final concentrations will not be
the same. Discussion on which linear model to use is followed.

IV-a. UV/Vis Spectroscopy
Nine solutions of varying sodium fluorescein concentrations are run under the UV/Vis
spectrometer to measure for color absorbance (Figure 2). At wavelength of 491 nm, absorbance
peaks of solutions with lower concentrations are more pronounced, whereas absorbance of
solutions with higher concentrations are not well detected and thus show no peaks. At
wavelength of 323 nm, absorbance peaks of solutions with higher concentrations are more
pronounce, solutions with lower concentrations do not have enough quantity of sodium

fluorescein to absorb a detectable amount of light. Data collected at these specific wavelengths
where absorbance peaks are observed are used to construct calibration curves.

UV/Vis Absorbance of Sodium Fluorescein

at Various Concentrations

14.3 mg/L

28.6 mg/L

42.9 mg/L

57.2 mg/L

6.864 mg/L

4.576 mg/L

71.5 mg/L

Color Absorbance

2.288 mg/L


9.152 mg/L







Wavelength (nm)
Figure 2 Light Absorbance Spectra as Detected by UV/Vis Spectrometer. Nine
solutions are used, wavelengths at 323 nm and 491 nm where absorbance peaks occur
are used for further calculation and analysis.

IV-b. Calibration Curves

We initially constructed two calibration curves using data at wavelengths of 323 nm and 491 nm
for the full range of concentrations (Figure 3). As we observe, the curve at 491 nm wavelength
only has a small portion of linearity where the sodium fluorescein concentration is below 10
mg/L, and the rest of the curve flattens out due to the inability of the spectrometer to pick up
signals. The curve at 323 nm wavelength has two portions of linearity with a discontinuity at 10
mg/L, as two sets of data are collected from two different days.

Calibration Curves at Wavelengths

of 323 nm and 491 nm


323 nm 2

491 nm

15 25 35 45 55 65 75

Concentration (g/L)
Figure 3 Calibration Curves at Wavelengths of 323 nm and 491 nm. Absorbance
values from every concentration made is considered.

To account for the different ranges of linearity, we instead construct three calibration curves for
each range (Figure 4). Each curve is associated with an R2 value higher than 0.90, indicating
the correlation between the two variables can be modelled linearly. Each curve is also
associated with an equation in the form of Equation 4, which is later used to calculate the final
concentration of each solution contacted with activated carbon.

Individual Calibration Curves

323 nm (high)

Light Absorbance

323 nm (low)

2.5 f(x) = 0.22x + 0.08

Linear (323
nm (high))
R = 0.98

491 nm

Linear (491 nm)

f(x) = 0.02x - 0.08

R = 0.98

Linear (323
f(x) =nm
+ 0.04
0 R = 0.95






Concentration (g/L)
Figure 4 Calibration Curves Constructed at Various Wavelengths and Ranges of
Concentrations. Low indicates concentrations below 10 mg/L and High indicates
concentrations above 10 mg/L. Each equation indicates the linear fit model and each R 2
value indicates how close the correlation is.

IV-c. Adsorption Measurements

The final concentration of sodium fluorescein in each solution is measured using the three
different linear fit models (Table 2). However, only certain values are used for further analysis.
This is because each calibration curve has its own limitation in terms of R2 values not being high
enough to show a linear correlation or the UV/Vis spectrometer not being able to report

absorbance data outside of the detection limit. Justifications for selection of such data are to be
discussed below in Uncertainty Analysis section.




323 nm Wavelength
(mg/L) (mg/L)
6.843 13.725
8.441 15.749
0.428 12.371 20.729
0.608 18.121 28.016
0.674 20.230 30.688

491 nm Wavelength
3.068 10.684
3.068 10.684

Table 2 Final Concentrations of Each Solution according to Different Calibration

Curves. The subscript i and f indicate initial and final value, respective. Low and high
refer to the calibration curve constructed at concentrations below and above 10 mg/L,
respectively. Highlighted data are values used for further analysis.

IV-d. Adsorption Capacity

We are interested in knowing whether the initial concentration of sodium fluorescein has any
effects on the adsorption capacity. Thus, we create a plot of initial concentration versus the
adsorption capacity in terms of quantity of adsorbate per quantity of adsorbent (Figure 5). We
want to know whether the adsorption capacity is linearly proportional to the initial dye
concentration or there is a maximum adsorption capacity at a certain initial concentration.
Effects of Initial Concentration
on Adsorption Capacity
Qe (mg/g) 1.5

1.22 1.73









Ci (mg/L)
Figure 5 Relationship between Initial Dye Concentration and Adsorption
Capacity. Adsorption Capacity is measured as mg of sodium fluorescein adsorbed onto 1
gram of activated carbon.

IV-e. Langmuir Model

Using the selected values for the final concentration of sodium fluorescein after adsorption, we
construct a plot based on the linearized form of the Langmuir Model as introduced in Equation
2b and determine the unknown constants (Figure 6). The maximum adsorption capacity, Qm, is
calculated as 2.756 mg of sodium fluorescein for every 1 gram of activated carbon. The
Langmuir equilibrium constant is calculated as 0.222 L/mg.

Linearized Langmuir Isotherm

at Room Temperature

f(x) = 0.36x + 1.63

R = 0.94

Cf / Qe






Cf (mg/L)
Figure 6 Linearized Form of the Langmuir Equation. The slope is (1/Qm) and the
intercept is (1/QmKL), where Qm is the maximum adsorption capacity and KL is the
Langmuir equilibrium constant.

IV-f. Freundlich Model

Using the selected values for the final concentration of sodium fluorescein after adsorption, we
construct another plot based on the linearized form of the Freundlich Model as introduced in
Equation 3b and determine the unknown constants (Figure 6). The Freundlich equilibrium
constants KF and n are calculated to be 0.661 and 2.369, respectively.

Linearized Freundlich Isotherm

at Room Temperature

log Qe

f(x) = 0.42x - 0.18

R = 0.97









log Cf
Figure 7 Linearized Form of the Freundlich Equation. The slope is (1/n) and the
intercept is logKF, where both KF and n are fitting parameters for the Freundlich Equation.

IV-g. Uncertainty Analysis

Although the calibration curve at 323 nm wavelength and low concentrations has the highest R2
value, resulted data from this model is neglected because calibration data is collected from a
different day than calibration data of the other two curves. Also, the absorbance of the 14.3
mg/L sodium fluorescein solution after adsorption is higher than before adsorption, so we know
there is inaccuracy in absorbance reading measured from the first day.

The calibration curve at 491 nm wavelength and concentrations below 10 mg/L is used as a
primary model to calculate for the final concentration, as its R2 is relatively high. However, for
the two most concentrated solutions in the series, the absorbance values are the same,
indicating the spectrometers inability to pick up higher absorbance signals at this wavelength.
We instead use the calibration curve at 323 nm wavelength and concentrations below 10 mg/L
to calculated for the concentration of the last two solutions. Though its R2 value is not as high
and the calculation requires extrapolation, we choose this data because the calibration curve
data are collected from the same day, thus keeping the data source consistent.

Adsorption is an important concept for separation processes, especially when the adsorbent has
a large surface area like activated carbon with its porous nature in this experiment. In a solid,
molecules are covalently bonded to each other on all sides in a lattice. However, at the surface,
some area of the molecules is exposed to the surrounding and thus available for molecules of
other substances to interact with. As for activated carbon, its porous structure results in a higher
surface-to-mass ratio to allow for more adsorption from sodium fluorescein molecules. [6]
Theoretically, the rate of adsorption is very high initially, because all the adsorbent molecules on
the surface are available for the adsorbate molecules to find and adsorb onto. As adsorption
proceeds, the rate of adsorption decreases due to the surface area of the adsorbent being
made less available, thereby lowering the probability of interaction between the two species.
Eventually, the adsorbent reaches its maximum adsorption capacity, and adding more
adsorbate does now increase its presence on the solid surface. This maximum adsorption
capacity, Qm, refers to the monolayer adsorption, where one adsorbate molecules form a single
layer on the surface of the adsorbent. [6]
V-a. Langmuir Model
The Langmuir Model is formulated using theoretical concepts and its constants provide
characteristic properties of the adsorption between the two species [6]. The postulates of which
the Langmuir Model is based on are as followed:

Molecules of the adsorbate form a single layer on the surface of the adsorbent
Adsorption and desorption occurs simultaneously and are in equilibrium with each other
The rate of adsorption is proportional to the adsorbate concentration and the fraction of the
unoccupied adsorbent surface
The rate of desorption is proportional to the fraction of the occupied adsorbent surface

Also, using the Langmuir Model, we can calculate for the maximum adsorption capacity, Qmax, of
sodium fluorescein on activated carbon. However, we are unable to verify this value because
our experimental values of adsorption capacity are below the maximum value given by the
Langmuir model. Thus, we cannot see whether the numbers keep increasing with the final
concentration but eventually level off as the maximum adsorption capacity is reached.
From the value of Qmax, we can further calculate for the specific area of the adsorbent. The
Langmuir Model leads to the assumption that as a monolayer adsorption is completed, the area
of the activated charcoal is equal to the total area of the adsorbed sodium fluorescein. Since the
adsorbate is made of five carbon rings, we approximate the cross-sectional area of sodium
fluorescein, Aa (m2), as five times that of a benzene molecule, whose radius is 1.4 [5].

However, this estimation is likely to produce a large error, since the presence of the highlyelectronegative oxygen will change the dipole between atoms of the molecule. With this
assumption, the specific area of activated carbon S is determined using the following equations:

S= A a Qmax
S= A a Qmax


(Equation 5a)


(Equation 5b)

Equation 5a calculates for specific area per mass quantity (m2/g) whereas Equation 5b
calculates for specific area per molecule of adsorbent (m2/molecule). M (g/mol) is the molar
mass of activated carbon, and NA (molecule/mol) is Avogrados number. Using these two
equations, the specific area of activated carbon is 8.485E-19 m2 per one gram of carbon, or
1.692E-41 m2 per one molecule of carbon.
V-b. Freundlich Model
The Freundlich Model is formulated from data fitting rather than theoretical concepts like the
Langmuir Model. There is no need for the assumption of monolayer adsorption or equilibrium of
adsorption and desorption to apply the Freundlich Model. Its constants are empirical and have
no significant meanings regarding the behavior of the adsorbate or the adsorbent.
V-c. Comparison between Models
Adsorption capacity is calculated for each value of final concentration using Langmuir and
Freundlich models, with constants obtained from above. These data are also compared to the
adsorption capacity calculated from the definitional formula, as introduced in Equation 1. Both
models show values relatively close to the actual values (Figure 8).
Comparison between Isotherms
from different Models
Experimental Data
Qe (mg/g) 1.5

Langmuir Model

Freundlich Model






Cf (mg/L)
Figure 8 Comparison between Langmuir and Freundlich Models versus Actual
Data. The values of Qe, as calculated using the definition of adsorption capacity, are
compared against those calculated by the Langmuir and Freundlich models.

Although data points from the Freundlich Isotherm are more accurate compared to the actual
data, the curve of the Langmuir Isotherm resembles the actual curve more closely. Both models
have an R2 value higher than 0.90 for the linearized form, thus both are reliable to characterize
the adsorption process. Even though the Freundlich model has a higher R2 value, its constants
are not of practical use and the equation itself does not provide any details of the adsorption
behavior. The Langmuir model allows us to calculate for the maximum adsorption capacity and
the specific area of the adsorbent, which are data that can be tested for validity and utilized in
designing a separation process. Using the Langmuir also allows us to assume the adsorption
behavior as monolayer and the equilibrium between adsorption and desorption. Furthermore,
since the Langmuir equation is scaled logarithmically, we can predict that the model eventually
levels off to a certain maximum adsorption capacity. With the Freundlich model, the variables
are related linearly, thus increasing one variable will also increase another variable, providing no
practical meaning to the equation. Thus, Langmuir is a better model to characterize the
adsorption of sodium fluorescein on activated carbon.
The Langmuir model also provides us with the Langmuir equilibrium constant KL as 0.222 mg/L
and the maximum adsorption capacity Qmax as 2.756 mg adsorbate/g adsorbent. Abdus and
Buhari obtained their values of KL and Qmax as 0.600 L/mg and 1.111 mg/g, respectively [1]. These
values are not close to ours because we use a different source of activated carbon. Also, our
plot of initial concentration versus adsorption capacity (Figure 5) is a linear line rather than a
curve with a maximum like that obtained by Abdus and Buhari [1]. This is because we work with
fewer data points, thus making it more difficult to observe any trend between the two variables.
However, both our group and the scientists have a high correlation of the Langmuir fit.

We make a series of sodium fluorescein solution of varying concentrations from 2 mg/L to 70
mg/L. Each solution is run under a UV/Vis Spectrometer for light absorbance reading and the
collected data are used to construct a calibration curve. Due to the inability of the spectrometer
to pick up signals at certain ranges of wavelength and concentration, the calibration curve is
broken down into three separate curves at selected wavelengths and concentration range. The
final concentration of sodium fluorescein solution after one week undergoing adsorption with
activated carbon is determined using the appropriate calibration curve, in which the final
absorbance is covered within the detectable range. The collected data are fitted into the
linearized form of the Langmuir and Freundlich models to observe for linearity and calculate for
the constants from each model. Constants from the Langmuir model are also used to further
calculate for the maximum adsorption capacity and specific area of the adsorbent.
Both Langmuir and Freundlich linearized models provide a high R2 value, indicating their high
linearity and high correlation between the two variables being plotted. Although the Freundlich
model has a higher R2 value, there is no practical use for the data obtained from this model. The
Langmuir model provides us with useful data that can be utilized in engineering processes.
Since we cannot observe adsorption on a microscopic level, we have to assume that adsorption
occurs in a single layer, which is one of the postulates for the Langmuir model. However, we are
unable to verify the validity of the maximum adsorption capacity since our samples do not
exceed the number and we have too few data points to illustrate a more accurate relationship
between variables. Furthermore, the Langmuir model is validated by a number of postulates,
whereas the Freundlich model is simply an empirical derivation. Thus, a high R2 value from the
Freundlich model can just be out of luck rather than out of validation of any theory.
For future work, I would like to develop a wider range of concentration for the tested solutions.
This would allow me to see if the adsorption capacity eventually reaches the maximum value

and stays there. I would also like to collect data for the calibration curve on the same day as the
absorbance data to calculate for the final concentration are collected. This can be done by
saving a known volume of the original, un-adsorbed solution, in an enclosed, dark container
while the the of the solution undergoes adsorption. At the end of the process, the saved original
solution can be run under the UV/Vis spectrometer to obtain data for the calibration curve, and
the adsorbed solution can be processed after.

[1] Abdus-Salam, Nasiru, and Magaji Buhari. "Adsorption of alizarin and fluorescein dyes on
adsorbent prepared from mango seed." Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 15.1
(2014): 232-244.
[2] Burwell, Robert L. Ed. M. L. McGlashan. Definitions, Terminology and Symbols in Colloid
and Surface Chemistry. N.p.: Elsevier, 1976. 75. Print. II.
[3] Felder, Richard M., and Ronald Rousseau W. Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005. 275. Print.
[4] "Fluorescein." NCBI. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2016.
[5] Sewell, Dr. Jason C. "Benzene." Anesthetic Structure Database. The Molfield Project Team,
n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2016.
[6] Sime, Rodney J. "Adsorption of Acetic Acid by a Solid Sime." Physical Chemistry: Methods,
Techniques, and Experiments. Philadelphia: Saunders College Pub., 1990. 528-31. Print.
[7] "Water Treatability Database." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 17 Sept.

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