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HT mance, { Es ae t NewCivil. son i | OCC eos ieeseose | (OO At ee ITT] mug amic response of sin; RT EB Oni FUTON CCatr Cte AY BSTorran um maaaaicl ant oenitd SVR uas name moa bcoa nity Azad University of Kerman-Iran PCCM OCS SAU ew Coen LCC E-mail : E-mail : So Occ ea oc coon CU Sse Co Dynamic response of single degree of freedom system using Duhamel method This program use Duhamel method to determine dynamic response of single degree of freedom system under any kind of impact load to mass or timehistory support acceleration then — submit displacement, velocity, acceleration and supportive reaction at each time step as MATLAB output with two phase text and graph. General feature of this program includes one “m-file" and an “Excel” input file which to run this program both of them (Duhamel.m and Duhamelxls) must be saved in MATLAB directory. Meanwhile notice that input file (Duhamel.xls) must be saved as “Excel 2003”. Using this program is very easy and user friendly (ie. for each new example adjust input file and then save it. In entering file, some questions are asked and one tables exist for entering impact load or timehistory acceleration characteristic which are related to problem inputs. In this file, variables are shown in blue color). Then using MATLAB software run "Duhamel.m" file, later you can see text and graph results in MATLAB’s command window. Finally, to test this program, two different Examples (one for applide impact force to mass and that for applide timehistory acceleration to support) are given which in these examples program outputs are compared with the results from SAP2000 software. Similarity of results shows that this program works without any deficiencies as well as this software. NewCivil. com vo Fore cr heehrtinls) 140000 100000 Fore ork Te (ee) Suerte Dynamic response of single degree cf freedom system using DUHAMEL integral writ 2" Sobhan Rostami & Ali Moeinadini " clear al Kexlsread("Duhamel',* e=zleraad( "Duhamel", codexleread{"Duhanel", gralsread('Duhanel', ‘input’ TsexLsread ("Duhamel', Sinput', "E15"; tdexleread ("Duhamel', "input *s*816")3 Newleread(!Dubamel', “inpue', "G17")7 Pexleread( "Duhamel", "input! "82 (td/ts) F(3:N)=0; FSFQIN); Scalculation of natural & damped frequency and damping constant Weert (K/M) Frequency=H/ (2*pL Period=1/Frequency; Scalculation of dynamic response in each time point: A(L)=07 BL v( vin) a(i) (1) /Mz ae (i)=8 (4)-Fi-1); ar(a)a2()-TG-1)¢ 1 2-exp(etweT (1) )* (e+tt cos (WT (4) ) #WD*sin(mD4T (4) ))/ ( (e+) “24DD Sll=exp (o*W*T (1-1) )* (@*Wtoos (WD*T(i-1) )+WD*sin(WD*T (L=1) })/ ((o*M) *24WD*2) + 12-8117 xp (eAW*T (1) )# (oAW sin (WD*T (4) ) “WDAC )* (@*Wesin(WDAT(i-1) )=WDte DAT (4)))/ ( (94) “24WD*2) 5 WD*T(i=1))}/ ((e*W) *24WD*2) = va/ ( (=¢W) *2+wD*2) ) +S22+0D/ ( (24) “24D 'D (4-1) -e*/ ( (@*M) S242) )*S214ND/ ( (eM) 31; Suerte 4312-WD/ ( (e+) *2+WD"2) +822; ) )*S11-WD/ ( (e*w) *24mD"2) +821; ACL )mA(L=1)4 (FC BUA)=B(-1)4 (FC 1) 97¢4-1) $aF (4) fa (4) ) #4) /aT (4) 914s 1)-TGHL) dF (4) /ATG)) 124A C4) /a (4) #733 Y¥(i)sexp(-e*WeT (i))/ (MAUD) # (ACL) tin (WDET (4) )-B (4) teos (DET (1) ))5 V(i) exp (-e*WeT (i) )/ (MWD) * ( (B(L)*WD-A (4) Fe¥W) *ein (MDFT (A) +. (ACL) WDHB (L) *e*M) Feo8 (MD*T(LIIIE VM Pad P(L}=aqet (Pe (1)*24Pa(L) 2) end ®Detemination of maximum responses: Ymax = max(abs(¥)); Vimax = max(abs(V))s almax = max(abs(a)); Tmax = max(P) Sanalysis results disp("Dynanic response of sin yotem using DUHAMEL integral") disp’ *) intf (‘DAI net (NN int ("FRE Eprint# (MAX DF n',¥_max) intf ("MAX VELOCITY = &g\n",Vimax) fprint£ (Na: ",amax) tf ("MAX SUP ",Pomax) ‘igure(1); subplot (2,2,1)5 Lot (7, ¥, "b=", ‘Linewidth',1.5); title( "DISPLACEMENT - TIME! slabel ('Time(seo) ")z ylabel ( ‘Displacement grid on; Suerte subplot (2,2,2); ot (7,V,"g-"2! title( ‘val slabel(* ylabel('Valoci ty"); Hd ony subplot (2, plotit,a,* label (" ylabel ( grid ons subplot (2,2,4)5 e (Ty-Ps, tm-", "Linewidth" 1.5); RT REACTION - TIME"); ylabel ( ‘Supp id ong disp(" disp ("Tha Example 1 : Determine the dynamic response of water reservoir that is shown in figure, under impulsive load which is given and then check the results with SAP software. (force unit is Kips and stance units inch) we Fd) Mass = 100 Spring constant = 100000 Damping ratio = 5% Time step = 0.005 see End time = 0.3 sec Bet amr Ta CICy ‘Dynamic response of single degree of freedom system using DUHAMEL integral Poget/t Written by: " Sobhan Rostami & Ali Moeinadini " M.Sc. students of structural engineering of Azad university of Kerman-Iran E-mail: inf@newcivilcom " Input Data in Excel " ATTENTION : Please insert code for Support acceleration '0' & Applied force to mass ‘1 % Please insert relative code (‘O'or't'): 1 % Enter mass of system “M*: 100 % Enter spring constant 'K*: 100000 % Enter damping ratio"e*: 0.05, % Enter Time step 'At* 0.005 56 Enter Impulsing time'td’: 0.06 % The number of Force determining points: 61 % Please insert time & force magnitude in each time point : Point| Time | Value iz | 0.006400 Gravity Acceleration 2_| 0.005 | 3.006404 30.01 | 6.00+04 4 [0.015 | 9.00+04 5 | 002 | 4.206+05 S 7 e 3 0.03 _| 1.206405 3 120000 10 0.045 | 9.00E+04 g it oosp sora] |2 om 13 0.06 | 0.00E+00 2 a ao nat See Tey Dynawiic response of, single, degree syetes,ueiing OUMNEL .Jneegre] Mass 100 SPRING CONSTANT = 100000 DAMPING RATIO. = 0.05, NATURAL FREQUENCY = 31.6228 FREQUENCY (cyc/sec)= 5.03292 PERTOD(sec) 0.198692 DAMPED FREQUENCY = 31.5832 DAMPING CONSTANT = 316.228 TIME FORCE DISPL. VELOCITY ACC. ‘SUP.REAC. ) 0 0 0 9 0.005 30000 0, 0012435 296.4 266.26 0.01 60000 0.098721 580.82 1356.9 0.015 90000 0.032982 846.4 3889.8 0.02 1.24005 0.077199 1086.9 8515.6 0.025 1:2e+005 0.14728 1000: 2 15635, 0.03 1 2e+005 0.24232, 890.33, 25153, 0.035 1261005 0135957 759.91 36848 0.04 © 1! 2e+005 0.49579 612.82 50414 0.045, ‘90000 0.64605, 156.47 65336 0.05 60000 0.80023, 296.59 80601 0.055, 30000 0.94703 -735.21, 95113, 0.06 0 1.0755 1148.7 _1,078e+005 0.063, 0 11766 “1231 1.1778e+005 0.07 0 12469 -1281.4 11247424005 0.075 9° 1.2853 -1299.4 1285401005 0.08 0 12913 7128419 1:2913e+005, 0.085 9 12652 -1238:8 12655e+005 0.09, 9 12082 1162-8 1,2091e+005 0.095 0 1.1222 -1059.2 i. 124e+005 0.1 ° 10098 7931 1,012981005 0.105 0 0.87416 87903, O.11 0 0.71899 72640 0.415 0 0754846 55974 0.12 0 0.36703, 38530 0.125, 90 0.17937 21362 0.13 0 -0,009798 11951 0.135 0 ~0.19575 22735 0.14 0 -0:37304 38960 0.445, 0 -0:54008 54934 0.15 0 -0:69025 69598 0.153, 0 -0!82097 82447 0.16 9 -0.92933 93132 0.165 9° 1,014e+005 0.17 0 1.07062+005 0.175 0 002e+005 0.18 0 [4023e+005 0. 185 0 1:0774e+005, 0.19 90 1:02662+005, 0.195, 0 95138 0.2 0 85423 0.205 0 73798 0.21 0 60608 0.215, 0 46269, 0.22 0 31337 0,225 9° 17030 0.23 0 10471 0.235 0 20843 0.24 0 34770 0.245 0 0.47578 48329 0.25 0 0.60246 60712 0.255 9 0.71225, 71508 0.26 0 0.80268 80428 0.265 0 0.87183, 87260 0.27 0 0.91831 91858 0.275 9 0.94134 94136 0.28 ° 6.9407 94073, 0.285, 0 0.91679 91706 0.29 0 0.87056 87131 0.395 0 0.80351 80498 0 0.71763, 72011 EE mA Ocean SAP2000 vi1.0.0 File: EXAMPLE 1 Kip, in, F Units PAGE 1 2/23/09 12:4: TIME HISTORY DATA CASE Time History FUNCTION Joint1-Displ: Joint 1 Displacement Ux FUNCTION Joint1-Vel: Joint 1 Velocity Ux FUNCTION Joint1-Accel: Joint 1 Acceleration ux FUNCTION Base Shear x: Base Shear X TIME FUNCTION FUNCTION. FUNCTION _ FUNCTION Jointi-Disp Jointi-vel Jointl-acce Base shear 0.00000” 0.00000 ~ 0.00000 "0.00000 "0.00000 9.00500 So0124 174451 296.40213 124. 35212 0:01000 200987 94402 580181811 -987: 20814 0.01500 203298 52126 _846.39616 328.179 0,020 207720 136608 1086185829 77191900 9.02500 214728 59417 100024449 -14728:015 0.03000 "24232 132950 "890123158 -24231.862 0.03500 35957 46261 759:90965 ~35957.05 0:04000 "49579 90063 612182299 49578152 0,.04500 764605, 82488 156147309 64605 01 0.05000 "80023 47086 -296.59100 80023. 37, 005500 "94703, 88308 -735.20671 -94703.27 0,060 107550 116063 -1148.7442 -107550.38 90,0650 117657 119840 -1230:9589 -117657.27 10,0700 124693 90402 128114155 124693! 39 0.07500 128833, 143848 120013633 128532. 76 0.08000 129130 103550 128418680 -129130. 48, 0:08500 126523, 135753, 9.09000 "20828 237353 9.09500 112224 -19.93939 010000 Toosaz 192439 010500 287416 21428 011000 271899 171376 0.11500 254846 234863, 0.12000 "36703, 06722 -249:81620 0.12500 217937 84137 5970040 0:13000 00980 166674 128191072 013500 219575 56252 31137233 0.14000 237308 157065 483126464 0.14500 754008 175433 640.4982 0.15000 "69025, 119622 779141298 0.15500 82097 99602 896. 85614 2097-406 016000 92933, 26776 5819 92932. 0.16500 -1.01298 13677 8440 101298. 0117000 -1.07025 73635 7334 107024. 0147500 110012 20441, 5753 110012. 0.18000 -1:10230 32006 6562 110230. 0.18500 © -1:07716 70044 1322 107716. 0119000 -1102576 80583 985:26210 102575. 0.19500 -0.94977 51416 894138367 94976. 0:20000 © -0:85146 7s 85146. 0.20500 0.73362 31269 73362 0.21000 -0.59947 22730 59947, 0.21500 0.45259 39751 45259. 0122000 © -0:29681 78128 2eeei. iead 0122500 0.13613, 135670 33180719 1361218061 0.23000 0.02540 112221 -126:98367 -2540.4328, 0.23500 0.18377 [09632 282110914 -18377.395, 0.24000 © 0.33511 131683 427181844 -33511.05, 0.24500 0.47578 83961 -560.65273 -47577.84 0:25000 060246 173693 677152611 60246134 0.28500 0.71225, 109538 775179611 71224189 0.26000 0.80268 01357 -853.32223 -80268.29 0.26500 0.87183, 159942 908151097 8718304 0.27000 © 0.91831 96741 940134670 91831138 0.27500 0.94134 23561 948140779 -94133182 0:28000 094070 147730 “932186765 94070115 0128500 0.91679 105496 894148117 9167909 0.29000 0.87056 [38618 834155688 87056. 31 0.29500 0.80351 136764 754191586 -80351.26 0:30000 0.71763 90626 -657.83868 | -71762.55 eR ELC eA Eee) a7 Bf ar hy az “y OOS at ais, oF 026 a3, ( Wat = ca aaa ———— = _ i oo : w : py cn = pica es fe : | Example 2 : Determine the dynamic response of portal frame that is shown in figure, under base acceleration which is given and then check the results with SAP software. (force unit is Kg and distance unit is em) uu wid |e Pal cerarcers a a * “e Ti eed i) WN Roof mass = 30 Modulus of elasticity = 2e+6 Moment of inertia = 3938 Spring constant = 2953.5 Damping ratio = 7% Time siep = 0.1 sec End time = 4 sec Ke=(24E1/L*3) =(24% 2063938400 * 3=2953.5 Bet amr Ta CICy ‘Dynamic response of single degree of freedom system using DUHAMEL integral Paget/t Wertten by: Sobhan Rostam & Ali Moeinadini " ‘M.Sc. students of structural engineering of Azad university of Kerman-Iran Email: nfo@newcivilcom " Input Data in Excel " ATTENTION : Please insert code for Support acceleration 5 Please insert relative code (‘0'or't'): 9 % Enter mass of system ‘M': 30 % Enter spring constant‘ K': 2953.5 % Enter damping ratio"e*: 0.07 % Enter Time step ‘At": on 5% Enter Impulsing time'td‘: 2 % The number of Force determining points: 41 5 Please insert time & force magnitude in each time point : Point| Time | Value a rovtyAcelrction: 962 2 [ar sas 07 [02 | ssieor @ [03 asieo1 [oa] sase01 60s | 1616 1s 7 [os [saeco] | By wor [ssn] | § Boos o [os fosen] | § qo [os [ssaeor] | § © [1 pare] | © os ‘ Bar psn] | g. 13 12 9.51E-01 2 1413 | 9516-01 a Time (see) i [1a | saseor as | 15 | 3.686-16 a | 16 | 5.88601 18_| 17 | 951601 io | 18 | 951601 20 | 19 | 5.88601 2 | 2 | 4906-16 2 | 21 | 5886-01 2 | 22 | 951601 24_| 23 | 9516-01 2s | 24 | 5886-01 26 | 25 | 6.13616 27_| 26 | 5.88601 23 | 27 | 951601 29 | 28 | 9516-01 30 | 29 | -5a8e01 31 | 3 | -735E46 See Tey Dynamic, ceseonge, of, single, depres, system, using umes duregral Mass SPRING CONSTANT DAMPING RATIO NATURAL FREQUENCY = 9.9222 FREQUENCY (cyc/sec)= 1.57917 PERTOD(sec) 0.633245 DAMPED FREQUENCY = 9.89786 DAMPING CONSTANT = 41.6732 TIME FORCE DISPL. VELOCITY acc. SUP.REAC. 0 O ° 0 0 0 0.1 17299 -0, 88442 -25.375 -454.3 2818.1 0.2 -27990 =5.5845 65.856 -291.71 16721 0:3 27990 -12.459 60.308 377.41 36884 oa -17299 =15.372 11.237 921.15 45404 0.5 -3.6056e-012 9.48 104.32 788.4 28335, 0:6 17299 3.7304 146.61 5.6984 12598 0:7 27990 16.749 99.226 -853.84 49642 0:8 27990 21.416 111033 1160.1 63255, 0:9 17299 14.828 113.34 44048 1 7.2112e-012 1.4273 146.79 6964.6 aed. "17299 -14.811 101,25 726.78 35137 12 -27990 -17.755 15.805 836.93 52443 13 -27990 -15.414 56.981 505.34 45586 ra =17299 -7.8056 87.791 69.895 23342 1.5 -1.0817e-011 0.83984 80.638 194.7 4176.8 16 17299 7.7136 55.738 -260.22 22900 Le? 27990 11.847 26.771 -270.56 35009 1:8 27990 121929 6.1441 -331.38 38188 19 17299 10: 403, = 45.273 = 38466 30783 2 1,4422e-011 3.9821 “81.34 -279.05 12240 2.0 717299 -5.036 93.46 49.006 15375 2:2 -27990 -13:302 64.791 466.57 39379 2:3 -27990 -16:749 0.038376 715.93 49469 214 -17299 -13,049 72.11 607.88 38657 215 -1.8028e-011 =3.3674 114.14 172.97 11024 2:6 17299 7.9684 103.69 351.91, 23928 2:7 27990 46.725 46616 2:8 27990 27.443 49409 2:9 17299 84.451 32314 3 2.1634e-011 102.92 28.439 5495.8 Bal 0 56.093 811.35 22127 312 oO -816417 321132 806.14 25558 313 0 -2.3662 81.724 119.43 7774.2 314 oO 510977 55.727 -579.28 15234 BIS 0 7.2798 14.055 -697.17 21509 316 oO 310185, 621894 -209181 9292.5 aur 0 312448 52.176 391.89 9826 318 oO -529496 1.3045 583.92 17572 319 oO 3.2692 46.745 256.92 9850.2 4 0 1.83 46.735 -245.08 5745.1 MAX DISPLACEMENT = 21.4164 MAX. VELOCITY, 146. 789 MAX ACCELERATION = 1160.13 MAX. SUP. REACTION Finishes Thank you for using this Program Pym OB Ite SAP2000 v11.0.0 File: EXAMPLE2 Kgf, cm, C Units PAGE 1 2/23/09 18:10:34 TIME HISTORY DATA CASE Time History FUNCTION Joint2-Disp: Joint 2 Displacement ux FUNCTION Joint2-vel: joint 2 velocity Ux FUNCTION Joint2-Acc: Joint 2 Acceleration UX FUNCTION Joint2-Base shear: Frame 1 Station 1 Shear 3-3 TIME FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION __ FUNCTION Joint2-Disp Joint2-vel Joint2-Acc Joint2-Base 0.00000 ~~ 0.00000" 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.10000 -0.88474 138380 -454.46425 1306.54365 0:20000 © -5158592 186298 -291:50632 8249:00867 0.30000 -12.46046 :29551 377.55870 18400.9911 0.40000 15137186 124402 920191262 22700.3966 0.50000 =9.47995 31224 788140028 13999-5182 0.60000 3.73029 0.70000 16. 75045 361959 5191069 -5508.704 23478 853199836 -24736.224 0.80000 21.41736 04124 =31628..08 0.90000 14.82790 -113.34234 -21897.097 100000 12765 146178446 = 1665 .2636 110000 -11:81031 | -101:25786 17440.8704 1.20000 -17:75599 81685 26221: 1635, 1130000 -15141503 98943, 227641470 1.40000 80590 79793 1152773555, 150000 83959 63594 12398665, 1160000 7.71364 174782 -11391.115, 1170000 11184857 78029, -17497:369 1:80000 —12.93070 15433 -19095. 407 1190000 1040300 128019 -15362.634 2,00000 3198219 133638 ~5880.697 2:10000 —-5:03602 146857 7436,.94229 2.20000 -13.30289 £79981, 19645 .0408 2.30000 -16.75039 04781, 24736. 1366 2.40000 -1304897 111523, 19270.0706 2.50000 ~3.36758, 13218 4973.07153 2.60000 7.36823 169945, -11767 .089 2.70000 15.77082 73471, -23289.553 2180000 16.7258, 145196 24699. 863 2.90000 10.87597 143714 -16061, 084 3100000 1.16362 -102: 92132 -1718.3767 3.10000 -7:44934 09358, 11000-8188 3120000 -8 64144 112861, 12761.2486 3130000 -2:36633 172088 3494. 48408 3140000 3109738 172713 -7537.551, 3150000 7.27956 3160000 301859 3170000 -3 124416 105302 -697.15185 -10750.095 189108 -209181779 -4457.704 [17517 391186469 4790.81647 3180000 -5 194938 130283 58390702 8785.75188 3.90000 -3.26924 174256 256192633 4827.85160 4.00000 1.82981 46.73433 -245.06408 -2702.1761 eR ELC eA Eee) Bo 5 a a a a : £0] aa ea a = 2 2 os : 2 LEI (x TN | Kx praca _ roy ra racer = i o : = aaa OC

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