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MULAN 1995

1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement

a. Mulan knew that she was way different from her fellow army men. She
was a women and was new to all those things that was being
experienced by her. She trained herself to be object oriented. Knowing
that she had less macular strength she begins using her intelligence in
combat and also became an example by picking the arrow form top of
the tree.
2. Be technically and tactically proficient
a. Mulan is shown to be technically as well as tactically proficient. When
she gains the intuition that her army will not be able to fight the huge
army of the enemy. Then she saves the last canon for hitting the
mountain instead of the leader. By doing this she put the whole army
of her enemy to a halt. This is an excellent of being technically and
tactical proficient.
3. Know your subordinates and look out for their welfare
a. Right from gaining the captainship Shang begin to know his armys
strength and weaknesses. He begins the routine training so that he can
make then fit for the war. The song Ill Make a Man Out of You
explains it well.
4. Set the example
a. Shang exemplifies the idea behind the training to be a man like him.
He demonstrates before his army the ideal skills that they should have.
He wants them to acquire them by following him. He motivates his
army by being with them and demonstrating the skills with himself.
5. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
a. Mulan knew the danger of running as a replacement of his father to the
army. She also was aware that if she was discovered then she would
dishonor the whole family. She took the responsibility upon herself
bravely. She knew that she was guilty and responsible of her act.
Thats why she sat kneel down to get assassinated when doctor
reveled about her gender to Shang instead of running away.
6. Employ your subordinates in accordance to their capabilities
a. In the movie when China is under attack. General Li gave Shang
responsibility of a captain of one of the section of army. He did this
knowing Shangs capabilities and excellency in his skills with
impressive military lineage.

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