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Department of Engineering Science

College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology

University of the Philippines Los Baos

Computer Applications in Engineering
1st Semester A.Y. 2016-2017
Professor-in-charge (Section D):
Engr. Paolo Rommel P. Sanchez
1.0 Catalog and Course Description
Course Number
Number of
hours per week

Computer Applications in Engineering
Concepts and methods in programming,
applications to engineering problems
CMSC 11 or COI and Math 28/38
3.0 Units
2 hours lecture per week (1 hour per
3 hours laboratory per week

2.0 Objective
Engineers are faced with problems requiring complex
mathematical calculations. These problems are generally
restrained to a relatively simple form so the solution of the
resulting equations could be accomplished by standard
computational techniques. Without the availability of a
computer, the calculation would be tedious and time
consuming or even impossible. Now that sophisticated
computers are available, solution of complex mathematical
models can now be accomplished with ease so that the
actual solution techniques are no longer nearly as important
as the basic analysis involved in developing the
mathematical models. Thus, every science or engineering
student should be required to have sufficient knowledge in
computer technology especially in programming.
This course teaches the student how to write, test, and
debug computer programs and in using available software
for engineering applications.
3.0 Objective
At the end of the course, the student should be able to
design algorithms and write computer programs for
scientific and engineering applications.
4.0 Course Outline
I. Introduction
A. Computer Hardware and Software
B. Data Representation
C. Number System Conversion
D. Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)
i. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
ii. Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
II. Computer Programming Concepts
A. Basic Programming Language Elements

B. Different Programming Paradigms

C. Object-Oriented Programming
III. Computer Programming Fundamentals (2h)
A. Algorithms and Syntax
B. Variables and Datatypes
C. Operators
D. Expressing Program Algorithms
IV. Structured Programming
A. Decision/Selection Structure
i. If-Then Statements
ii. Select-Case Statements
B. Repetition Structure
i. For-Next Statements
ii. Do-Loop Statements
V. Error Handling
A. Structured Error Handling
B. Unstructured Error Handling
EXAM 1 (Sept. 9, 2016)
VI. Modules and Procedures
A. Event-handlers
B. Sub-Procedures
C. Functions
D. Modules
VII. Arrays
A. Array Concepts
B. Types of Arrays
C. Array Syntax and Methods
VIII. Advanced String Operations
A. String Variable Methods
B. String Variable Functions
IX. Data Files
A. Common Dialog Controls
B. Types of Data Files
C. Working With Text Files
X. Database Programming
A. Relational Database Model
B. Working with Database
i. Creating a Database
ii. Database Manipulation






EXAM 2 (Oct. 21, 2016)

XI. Working with Computer Graphics
A. Computer Graphics
B. Drawing Syntax and Methods
C. Image Analysis and Manipulation
XII. Working with Spreadsheets
A. Spreadsheet Concepts
B. Spreadsheet Programming
C. Use of Spreadsheet in Statistical Analysis
XIII. Computer Application in Solving Mathematical
A. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS)
B. Numerical Computing Packages
EXAM 3 (November 22, 2016)

5.0 Course Policies and Requirements

5.1 There shall be three (3) lecture examinations
and not one shall be considered void. If a
student misses an examination, he or she must
present an excuse letter issued by the college
secretarys office (CSO) within one week
following the students return. Failure to do so
will mean a grade of zero for the missed exam.
The schedule of each exam shall be decided on
the first day of classes.
5.2 A student who missed an exam and presented a
valid excused letter shall take a departmental
make-up exam.
5.3 Questions regarding an exam shall only be
entertained within one week after the return of
the examination results.
5.4 A strict rules on attendance shall be followed
(Maximum of 5 absences, 6th absent is 5.0 if
majority of absences is unexcused; otherwise
5.5 University rules regarding academic dishonesty
shall be strictly implemented.
6.0 Grading
6.1 The passing score for all quizzes and
examinations is 60.00%.
6.2 A student with a lecture pre-final standing of at
least 78% (2.0) shall be exempted from taking
the final examination provided that he passed all
lecture exams and have a passing average mark
on his/her quizzes. If a student is exempted,
he/she has an option not to take the final exam
upon which his/her pre-final standing shall be
considered as his/her final standing. Otherwise,
his/her score in the final exam shall be included
in the computation of grades.
6.3 The pre-final and final lecture standing shall be
calculated as follows:

Pre-Final Standing
Final Examination
Final Lecture Standing





If a student has final lecture standing of at least

55% but is less than 60% and a laboratory final
standing of at least 60%, he/she must take and
pass the departmental removal exam during the
regular removal examination period as
scheduled by the University Registrar or during a
special period as authorized by the CSO.
To pass the course, the student must pass both
the lecture and laboratory.
Lecture Final Standing
Laboratory Final Standing
Combined Final Standing


Equivalent Grade

Questions regarding combined final standing

shall only be entertained within three days
after posting of the Final Grades (laboratory
included). Otherwise, the posted Final Grades
are considered permanent.

7.0. References
Database Programming, Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis,
Jennings R., 2006. Expert One-on-OneTM Visual Basic 2005.
Halvorson, M. 2008. Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step.
Microsoft Press. Washington, USA.
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition MSDN.
Parsons, J.J. and Dan Oja. 2000. Computer Concepts 4th
Edition. Course Technology. Thomson Learning.
Patrick, T. 2008. Programming Visual Basic 2008. USA.
Sempf, Bill., 2006. Visual Basic 2005 for Dummies. Wiley
Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Willis T., B. Newsome. 2006. Beginning Visual Basic 2005.
Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.


Standing Range
96.00 100.00
91.00 95.99
87.00 90.99
82.00 86.99
78.00 81.99
73.00 77.99
69.00 72.99
64.00 68.99
60.00 63.99
55.00 59.99

50 %
50 %
100 %

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