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01 AI -1S·1'11IG···· C"'E-'-{-'L- 'DIR·'· • N····· 'l"kllS,'·-··LA!I\JI

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M'ub-- am 'm-- 91-: d'-' Nur S····· u-"wa-'y'd'

,:_, "'!lill-! ~,_, I L,_i_:_, _. _ ~ (,I ' ..• ' ,~'I_

AL- -, 'Fl A, ''I ~ 'U' DO-i'J"lJD,A'T- '(-'0-:' -N' '-:" ~ li!! ,,',~, ~11~:IUIJL",~:~:_:,~',_:·:· ... 1

.~ .ii'i..IFt ALAM' '.: .',' iFO-'-"U'-'l!io_'~D~JtT'IO' -"-N' F-"O·. "R' ~i "Ii;. 'r!i..'fS·"1f _m,'T-I,·O···, itT

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PUB.LICATIO,N '& D.lSTRlBUTI.ON [426 I 2005,.

Translated '& edited, 'by:: A) .. ,Fa'hlb 'FOUE1.lbltio:ll Cover desi 'aI' ed llv.'·' XadiJ·ialll Garren

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Technical fnlperviJ'sor:' S:;dd F8lris

.'_.' ,f" . . s' "'~k'h M' ] , ... c. ,-

General director: ..... hel .... : i ·.··1 :U, )ammad. A,bdu

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P- .I:' .r i J!. ..J'L ,!'it:v'~[j'"!e,U' Of\l"~'

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AL- .. -F··ALAH'::·-·" 'F' ,O:'U'" N·,·' D,,~T1iO'N, 'I~OR-" 'Trio~,1rI.lrS_-'LA' ·,TP-I- ON

_ •• '_' . I I··.· '_ I~~'~"_ _ ' _,- J.JIU-:U:, _ iJ.I _-~. 'I


24 ,At~'Tmy,am:afls.t~, Nasr Ci~Y',' 'C~d ro, :Ea:ypt T,eL & fax: (202) 2 .. 6,228:38

Webshe: www.f alahonl ine.eom

B .. mai l: in ,BO' @ fal ahonl 1[10. COVJl

Con t: est ts'-I".-:-:'

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Preface - ,~,~,~, ~ !!!! '"' ~, .. ~I ~, '!' "" '~I ~; ~I ~, ~ ~I ~ '.' '0 '. ~ ;;, '"' ~, is! ,.. ,~ ~ '0 ~ ;; ~, ~' ,.. .. I~ " ~, .. ~ ~ j;, .' '" ,. '. ;; • ~, Ii< '"' V'

Iu'lr,od'u,C':i·i,o,8 !!,~!!;; ;o;"~IIII'.'. ~ ~,"",.,.".,~,~ ~ ~ ;;'~"'!!''''.~'~'!!'~ ~ ,.~ ~ "~I""'. ""1"".'~'~ J

't _'_,e Pr,m,lc:ipiie"1 lof Wo!rsh.ip

~r--h F"'~' . ,t" Pll' -'_' - .. .'!II;, -I - S·-:l. r, (' .t-··. , ' . )

'.... , ,e: I_ ,Irs .. ' I"I.n,ICI,p' ,I£i: ,,::,,a~al'~ '" "f,l,yer' ""'~.";'''''.~~'.'~' 7

Mosque ~'~'.' I." ,0 • ~ .,~, '"' ,. '""~ '0 ""'; '.' .,,;;,,~ '" is; ~ '. '. '. '.'.'., ... '. '. ~; I!I i!!l i~ I. ,., '!l i. 10 I. ,~"" 22

- The TL' ~'I'''r··-..:l 'P"'P-IIID;il1!I!!ip~" 10''''' I" :i"(,, "J:':Irt' 1(' 'asti ing) i]1IO" ,!!!!"'!, I ~ I.. U U, tal ,_'. ,!!t..~J,::' ,L jl "._ .. l-j"I~It'_!r·~ I It,ld~,~' ," . 'lb".'- !!!!!I~ "!Il!l"i t!, :JL .. ~ .. :

., The P'rintiple: ,Hajj (Pilgrimage) ~",., . 3,4 i~ The Fifth Pr!i~Dc:iplll=':: ,Z(JktJl~ (Alms Giving)., 40

._- it

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Pre ace

, --

The Muslim's attachment to the Prophet (peace 'be U"POI,l1 him) i the strongest among alm human relations, ,A],S'O" he fee s that he loves the Prophet (peace be ll1p:Qin him) more than himself and :aU, mankind, Moreover, Al,mi,gbltyAllwl states. in the '8:-v,~'r-:~'-O')lo"r-iIIO'U'!;1', 'Q: ·.·.IU' ~ .. 'an that the Prophet (peace 'b-e

,= _~, - . . . I~' .. ,il ". '_ ~. m, , JiLt ~~ I] I. '_ I • . ~ ... ,"' _ '_ _ _ '_' .,' _.

Up'O'.Jl, him] :lS, closer 'to' 'the believers 'than, themselves,

This deep attachment ,to the Prophet (peace 'be UP:O'D, him) is instilled in, to the heart and minds of Muslim children ,at a very 'YOUfl,g age, He (peace be

h ,', ).. ~ ') '. dl ] - h M'" - '~I ~, "'I] ..!.III

UpO'D nmi is tne l_ eat u al every ,:1 usnm 'JI,~Ol_)O'WS, ;QDo

the source of ~be great S}!'arr',(Jh that the true Muslim adheres to, He exemplified allthat brings us' close 1'0 All ,ail lor enhances our life". He thoroughly guided, 'us "to 'tlhe, extent that greatly surprised the Jews who said

I~ [. ,",

that our Prophet has taught us everything.

In 'this rapidly developing world, Musliln children

t' ...:II ..~, 1. ;ft 'II '~ '.' I '~I

fare raeea Wltu. enormous enauenges m Il :,arg'em,Y

secular environment, and 'parents are ill, urgent need of returning to the pure Islamic ,~,:yste~ln",

The, author of this, precious book exerted great efforts ~-n, clarifying the base Ci 0,' f tbe Prophetic

e .. ~,IU', .s d,1 ",I,'~,'~I i~,'l'_~' _ [,i:luala- II!.~!~ ,I I 'V' ,;' teu

methodology '11:t"111 raisins children and b'IO:'W the P roohet

, v _, _' _ "1,, ,J ,UH~' ,(;·!!;,!JI=~~c !I!.;o;,w,bll _ ,II;.,;, _ ~:wn, _' ,__ "~ ,I'!!..!' '" vr '_ It,

guid Musllrns to take care of children regarding their creed, acts of worship, physical construction, hy gienic constitution BI1d many other aspects. Consequently, the Musil im child willgrow into an integrated man that isbeneficial to 'his community,

Al-Falah 'feels, indebted 'to sheikh :M,uhamm:ad, ,NUIl~ Suwayd for giving her the chance to presentan abridged translation of his valusble wlort, M.a:nbatj At-~Tarbliya.h An ... NabQ;wi~ruah Lit-Tifl,,'::_ [The Prophetic

IJ.J- '!I.' -

Methodology of Chi ld-Raising] in a" serial form

under the title "- isin,g' CJ1il,dr;ei'fl in Islam to our

Euiglisb speaklng readers all over 'tile world,

Also Al-Falah appreciates the efforts made 'by N'irvRU, 1"1a_r"8't in translating this book, Thanks should!

also be extended to Sa:m:i "AhD)ad, and Ahmad Mil Has,aD~O:F.' revising the work, Great appreciation is due tOI Reima .. S,baki-r' andl.N,Bseema Ma.I'I~ our editors, 'under whose guidance and supervision the s .'~ec maner too,k form, Pin,at]lly'", Il_n praise clod, thanks, are due toAllah.

I ntroductiott

Worship and doctrine ,ar,e two i~nsep8'[;abl .. ' things becau e doctrine represents the theoretical aspect of

I 'II h hi .' '. al rsiam wnereas W'OfS, up f,e:prl, sents us pracncai

[aspect So, worship isth ' soul of doctrine. thatgives it life and the mirror th,' t reflecn its irrs _,ge,~ .. ~, ien a child turns bis little. '[ace 'tOI hi. I Lord and re spends to His Commands hie is" by this, only fulfilling' and

.. -. iii;' '-"h,l"~'::-" ,. ,' ... 'tl 1-'" '~I ,~.' ·"t,~,,···-·ff ~"'., ide '~,:' .. , .. '. D··-'" S"""'" ~d

sall.s~,llng, a na!J.u(,RJ! In,s_m}c!~ ,m,Sl'~, ,lwl1~ .. .,[", .. ~. a 1 C:'

a): B"'· iti ,-::-".J:_e'- 'C-' ed f'" *1' ".,_ .' . '. : .. ;',.,., i1i'B·:· u ,", -. o· ud ' ,'- ft··· ,~ .... _:1",""", tb ~,,-~U ,,(CiLIIe ro rms: aylllgl"U" m o " ,e" 1,-0 m,t1A.C ,~

doctr iae strongly implanted in th ~. ·OuJ'i it must be

- ,~ .

irrigated with the water of worship, Worship ill its

various images and shapes will make the doctrine

.. -" ': " 'd'- 'fl: 1- ",~ .'~", •. , th '~, .. "l .', I, . nd . "'::"1' ' ....... '1."' ... "·t . t '1 id

grow ana tounsn U1 . ie nean an, wur maxe rt s an.

firm in '" fr -lo·ln·,~yt· of t he har -'dl ships : flif .1' U)I

!".IdlJ.· JJr _ .. ~_I. -,' ••••• '~ __ _l~l 1\11 I •... IID. , .. ~ _' I ,11,· _ ~

, '

,A child j<, not obliged to obs erve the precepts of 1F"6:I:Mi aio n N'!I- vcrtheless t '1-1- e stas of childb 00' [. m mst

.It. . J!I.,t).I!. '~~ . I _ .. . ,. aUg.:_' ·.··tt·".,'··. , .. . ".

b . I" 't" "" .'-'. '-'f': -:""'-'pn"-:,;:.,!o···,,,"'11 and ., ..... cti , .. -, Tb~,S maker IO,t

e a s cage, 0 . p',n::! 1P..[la!J,l,II, an,_ ' pr,~l-c _ ,ceo c III '.: ,1:-_ ".'_, . [.

easy lor ill child when reaching maturity -the age of

- -

obligation- to perform the duties a:nd the compulsory acts of worship and hie thus; becomes ready to

)," ·f~, I' '.' ~,th-l, c. t '",0' ';-11"b-:11I1- '.1 of 1 ':.€'C::_'I-r-·.. II r- -:1"·: . ,F " - d

conrronr me J ... umes O. d..1C Cou..~.,ageous.y ani.

confidentlv W'.··:· ... ··,--<.'h'~-,!,!-",:, A~n;J]1. Ith···· A·:'~'·;· .. ,. ·hlj!.. does C0i11~. ,en.IU1Y. .'. o.rsl",lpln,g . ·~m.l.l1 ... , Ie Mmlg Il.Y" .·_·oes

wond ers \\n':II7'~?i' ch ~I'rn,d" ~'S:", ~O·:·.:U' -, '!:i,!lt": '1~ ,·t '11]-'"11; akes him fee ·1·

'''''. J1J1l, ,~~ ~ '\-f¥ .W,l.IJ,lIj, Q .. ,.- Jill[, - -. ~"-" _ l. Ulal ,-. .11- j,lIlml:\., ~ ,ID " . .Ill".

att ch . .,J ·t·· A" 1I-"'h-" ('E': .I"1-'d·~- .-;' id G'" <I· rifled be H')" and I 'Cu,O .~~La ~ ~XIIJh!e;,_·, anu vr .. OI.I. lie, ,e .I-.:e ani,

j:l cools down his Inner passions and controls his, furious em o ."Ii~ 0 .. ··, n ~ - A'~d.-, d···. ed - '.0' th ·;S>·. in ner ,de' esires at 'tb- - .at

.. ,IliA _' .. U1I.-:3 ~ _, _-' _ '_ , 1,~IIJ ", '.' ~. L JIi 'tI! ~ ~ ~,~ . __ I~g.lJ,=~~ Q. __ ". '-'1_

period do not affect the child 'that much and that

,' .. "",'I... db J-' ,~, .. >- .::,-." -,' - 'C'~I"'" :)-:--1' t···· A:' n· ·h··· A:· '(, .. ' .'''11 . b ' ...•... , ,.'., , . "- ". ".~

m~U\;eo 11m. ,even .. - OSJ,6l .0 .'. ,U,a.,,~· , ,SO,; SU . mlSSl veness

. . ,

is what mainly operates his body specielly when he

is reciting 0.[' listening to a Qur'anie verse or when praying 'or listening to the A .~QJ~ of Iftar (the c,all to

'-',' .'.'! .. , afte ... zhicb he .0, .. ~. b ·r··· .. ,,·:l1 .. · "-'~M; fast) 'TI'h'~" . .c. ,,'.

prayer alJJJ,e[ w _ .. iii: .... ' e, can . me,tIL .llIS .. as .' .. ,.!. !ere].ome'~1

worship has an unlimited number of advantages and. such advantages add ItOI a child's strength ,and zeal, an.d for that reason the Prorph-etic m2U1D,er of upbringing iSI the best methodology of all, -

. n a J1adi,th of the, :M:le-ssle.nger of Allah, he (peace be upon 'him) speaks of the great reward that Allah

b h ild 'h-: ". d . h

'. 1-']' .':-. -.:-. -'", -- .... ".-',' " 'J' [- .', ,- ,,-. • : ' 'r .," ",.' . t, '. , -', 'I I -'J' - " - '--::, -, ,- _--:. =-.

estows Up,t1'.11. cnuoren W.Q1 are raiseo upon the

, .' .... "-, h 1.'-"" '. 'f·c~. AJ·· '-I· 4, fC'~'~ alted '- '.-. d G' ":~ .,,- ''''f~' . d b .. ···· , :' '): A'~" b .'.

w,ors,_.lp CL_-: au \:~x,a~.~. ,an ..... 'lIlo..r.~H.le··, . ·.e,. e, .~.-= ' .. U

Urnamah (may Allah be pleased with him)', said that

._ ", •• _'_'_' .' _ • ••. ': ," I II I. I . ", _ ... - • ,"' _' _ '_ ,/. _- '_ _" -

'the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

Il'All those who grow up UPO,11 tlTe worship of ~4,llali and live upon it untii,l theJl tile" will be granted bJ7 A ~lah the reward ~f ,ninety nine sincerepeople (seekers l?f the trutli), at I,)

Also, "Umar ibn al-Khanab (may Allah, be pleased with, him) said, "The good deeds of the boy are; counted for him whereas his, d .. deeds lare l10t"i'(2)

A tu .,...:1), " the P"'" "b'", ,~, t, """ '" , ' h' ," "I' ,"j'" I,,~, '" ,)" ct ,ill y" 1\' el rrop ,el!, \.peace _ ,e upon 111111/,

concentrated upon five principles upon which the child II" Ci sen se of 'w' ''-'0' rsh 1" p' 'I"~ based and OW"~ 1;j!3i wi II ""l,i 'C!if"!'11I!OS"

,.... lll, ai ~,', 1(') '.,.: <" :', i;!i" _ I I ,,~' I ',y..,jV, ' !eLlIIlI, , ',", ' , '1;.,,0'" IU,lI.~I~,y d!'

h · d '~'m

t em tn '. etan.

1i ~ Reported by at- Tabarani.

'2,. 'Reported .by Ibn "Abd al-Barr, ~b:n. Farhun tl'I",Maliki~Fat-h, iU- '~li

A':~~'An'~it, r;J'~!~n'I~''-'I,r,n ~,,,t, 1.m M···.·..rni~'~~-IY~,i{1l"'~ .. A,l~,fii\i~,"'j'i","" '~~''''''I~I;:l'~ 'liil~l. 1I n. ~,~!_ ,n'~ ,'[fi~J.~,I;/'" J~-It'- r~"'~"riV-~~ ,M,t~l, 1_, co." w~tI:~-r-"~-~V 11. .1'·lr.~~;f'l~ 11(1·iU'[~Llu.~ '~ "V~~ ,~ r'" 00,.,


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,,' he Pr'Incfp Ies

0'[' the Act.s of' Wiors:b:ip'

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• S.nI~·~l~ (P':- 'r '3'·' "'JAr-')'"

-- "W'", , ".J -,;. ',' "~

I' il , , : I I I I I Ii

, Th -,~; C'.':.-<·'h:;),d'" a:',.''''I1-- d~ I ti'h'Q Mnfl:l!Jq,I,"D' e,

., 1"-'., ' .11, . . " " .,.;;;, u~.. II

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H' ,'''' ('P"'I' 'I )

• aD '" ~ll,gr,lm!age,:.,


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" , Z,,:~k":n,'f:li' (Alms .G".< 1!!I"II:,4!I-,go')'"

'. ,0 Q,I';i;, " ".'_ - ~, 'ii'" '1!:Ii-.'.'

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T-' =1 e F I'i!ii~ r -' s t P .I~· n IC7 I -I-I! P"-:- 'I,PI

_ '.. .=-_' ~~.:_ - I ", '_ .. • ti I.:" •. ," I ~. I' ~

The Prophet (peace 'be 'U:POll 'him) determined the

~lg:-:lIliii of ClAv~,",'e-"1 iI§I'it' tb iOIl~-,;Oi, '1!'!I1't 'W-'""' Jk,: F'J'b 11f:~'1-' ,~t'~la'a. 0"

'~W ""Ir d~' <' •. ,!!, 'Q~I_c_' ~ '~i5,~ gIL'_~LU.I",,",_., !i.1L ~ ~11I<~tIb,,,",,,'

teaching ($:alah) must start In this stage the parents start teachi ng a child the basic principles of Salah, its"dIl,t'lle'S, and 'the acts that spoil it,

Here theMessenger of Allah [peace be upon him) said" "Teadi the boy '~vho is seve'n years old Salah and

,r.'l,,~'~j ~ him fl· "'0' tr ~~'I' '~~IJ,~'1'~~'1 he is ten '~'~"""'''''~'~'~(~ old ~jjrn He (peace be

'J-~I~i~I'~ .,_~ .... '.' ~,[ .. ~~~·~r~rlc.. ,flG I.aJ!1 J. I'~ l G!~~' bJ v,t;"'_"ll! .. ,' . _ J.~I VL.- I, _ ..

- , '~ . I

upon him) even used to watch over the process of

h '" . he hi llA . h 'm f S' l I b h ~ . Ii. ,-.

teac nng tne cr ildren t ie ,IUlI,f;S O-"<I£il ,ct1;'Y himself

and h,e; 'used to correct their' mistakes. Al-Hasan ibn ~ Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah 'be pleased with them) said- the, Messeng er of Allah (peace be 'U" pon him '."!

.... " '1- -'. - "-~~).- -"O~' .. '. ','. '. .'. '!!...i!f.lli,!Ii."I"-' ... 11,.,.< __ ,.it " "._

't' "", .'1.' . '.' words .',.' '.,', .~. ~." "w··········~:·;<; (2) no·,···· A:'l"l"--"'- " .. ide .

I aught me WO,L S to SlY )J11 .;' ur= ~ - , uan. gtuae ,ne

to the ri eh: p·'l1d let me be- an1011,g······ those 111n0l1ilYOu

'.. "_ .. ' , "01 _" :'j'" ~_.~i_ ._' """.1 ..... ,"",1 ~ .~. _.',' :._ ,-._ ... .! i. , -',- ,- ','_P - '_'l_~' _'_.

L .--. ."'" .~'! 'dli' K' .. ,' ,'''.' "- .. ,'---- , i'~_ eood t. .. , 'i-;fh- '.' .' 'de let » .': h-i

,nave ,8 ~~,~ue ~ :., . _ " eel' I1U: z.n gOOl, _ f,~·{!,a ,Ii . an, . . ti,r, IHe .e

a-·M1Io.!r~i 'i:J' those 101.;1.:0---' m. .... 'VHT~.I'1i ."ij;n~'!b k-4,1l'1' .i 1r:i!1 g_ 0' sod ~.,n,;l"ii'l':"'t.

'fll:. lr-f?-Io. ~-I~r~vl]l r~ l"~~. _" '_' 1 V~~ 'f'~~~!If-~ .' ,'~~'I'r. !!11f II' _. V. -.iI 1~.~Id_Jt~Jrlili

Support me and let ,""€ be aU:AOJ;f,g' those W,~l:o,'n ,You have supported. Bestow You,r Blessing t.rp0'lt what You have given me a.nll' protect me from whatever evil Yo.u have

-,c''',.' .d' ."'. tined b .-~ ... -- .,'-." l,!: .. .." ide, fi·· ' ... I, b "'~ 'V._.;., . '-;o·c "". "",-,-.

preaasi tnea oecaus e ," ou j.U, gl(g ._:. :a u (;)1 .U" !I au til (8 rU!V,f3.r

,~,- d .' ". d ~,-- dO' - .' .. ' ". i" iI' ~.- , ,-, &""? V .' ... . .. t· .. '.' :', .. , .',

juagea tl"n " no one qJ tnose ii!l!f"I;On! I GI'lot, suppo) . ,ll' ,ever

l "l'"'' d O' L d-,r v· .. .I[;i~ l' d d G" . I' u~; d I'~~)

t~U~~<';I,jat'e,. I,' ~ orr J ~I'OU, are Exalsea ,Cl}l- .... ,'ror'(lle', '.-'.

He (peace be upon him) also used 'to teach them Adhan (the call to prayer) and here Abu Mahdhurah sai,d(4.)", III went out with ten boys, in tbe company of

:] .' R!eported 'by at~,T.i:nrdd~'d.

2, .. ft., Prayer th~d eensists o'f an. odd Jliu:mb~f of ,R'(:lk'alJ's tiu,,~, one' performs before rdeel~dng,

)'. Reported 'by at- Tl~rmi!(rhru,

4. 'Thi s H(;l.di~'h 'was reponed in ma,ny {H[fel!!ent w~ys but we have

C- hos iIfII, l' 11; ere the n arration ~ k,(jj ,~, 'fi~ I'~ mo st ifl!..';!;'!! 11t!'..;I~i'ii"" g'~'~lon.lI"IIl"""1 1IiiI,!i:i reese

·u,"" w ~ In.,. I!W !~ 1..1- ..:JI:1 W giL ,./W I 'l~ ,'tIL ~ l~ '-;30 U _ "~ . U ~,.... """U'!I,,;!J'Ii;,o'Il'I!,Ii-~''''''U''I, _ t- 'WI, I It"Y;;') .... ,.

A- if-·'W~" 11;"

. _' 'I, ~ . -, .' .. ,'. , ;-- _." "I ;'

t;t.i~~, - --- 0' S o,[P

the Pro --·tt (peace be upon him) when be was the most hailed person to U~" They called to prayer ,and so in, a mocking 'way we imitated them, The Prophet: (peace be upon him) said, 'Bring "1;,e those boys; and he said, 'Perform ,I\,tlhxln,;~' And so they did and I was one of them and here the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ~A good' one is he wnoln, I have heard hi's ")Aoicej go' and perform Adhan for tile peopte oJ'.M(jkka~ r and he (peace be upon 'him) stroked his, head and said, 'Say, Allnh is the' Greatest, Allah is the Greatest; Allah is tne G'rea,te S t~ A Jilin is the Greatest. I' testify that A link is the I()ne' and 01'l.lY (,lw,ice.J, and ,lite Slify' tn;at M[4h)amma'd is the M,es;Jt~n1J,et ,OJ· A1lah {nv'·ce}.. Con:UJ to Safah, come to Salah. Come' to prosperity, come to prosperity. .Alla'l! is t Greatest; Al,ia-n is :the Greatest altd there is no God but A Uah" And,. if' YlOu,peiforme,d Adh;an~ lin the ,"lo'l\ni'lig say'~ .iTO' pray is' better t1U1J1' to

stee» ""ni prmj ~,C' better tha« ':i¥oA. ('11-- '-'--:'p' ~ A-' nd: 'I'un--- ,12'M' ',\,,"·Ui ~. '~I~tt':~ ~VJ .' ':'.,:~' ~~j' ~I&J ,D~~J-l;.,~·'.' ,"iU-I:'I'- i?v' ~_.ele:. '~: ; .. ' io!~' ;-t r.·v" 1.&!,.f,1!; jUJ,~

come to start Sallalt siay twice;.~ Saiah has started Sal'a.l1 has' started, have YO'U' hea rd. JI'! (] J: Since then Abu

Miabidbl.1r;ah .. never shavednor parted his. hair because the Messenger of Allah (peace 'be upon 111111) passed. his honored hand' upon it once.

Before each Salah. the Prophet (peace 'be 'upon him) used to make the children stand Iii. the last .. f'OW

and here Ibn ,M,IS"'ud said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace 'be upo:n him) 'D,sed to stroke our shoulders and SII8:Y before starting Salah, 'Stand OIl an equal

.f:.o,r1rfing· -, /0' r ;' .. f' ':~O'·' .1i,J' d"'F1I! ,1\'11,0', liI'_ vour he "FI',; .~I.II:" 'W,I, il II d ;'_'f".t'J'g:> ,!I'".B.,D L' ,-4'~

sl-~·!I;..'~I~._,_,.;. _" .. I ~J' J [~I __ V '-i~~._.·'''[''1 [JIV·,!r;tI~!r.' ''';~''~'.i."iJ. .. 11; I., ',.~'d;JI[~,.r:.:'I~~!1 " ·.~lo

t11QS,e who are mature stand behind me then those who QJ~'e cr.ft,e r them then those who' are after {lu&ln,., ~ ~( I: .j

The Prophet (peace be ll~pon 'him) also used to command. the children not to turn their faces to the right ,or '[0 tbe left during Salah: This is only another proof of the importance- of teaching children tbe manners of Salah, Here, Anas (may Allah. 'be pleased

.0; .)] hi ) id h - . h M f' Al·]-I.,..,.'I. (' b

wim um I said t-R'E tie viessenger O· i" c< I un tpeace be

'U:PC'D, kiln) said, ;1':0 son! Bit], ca~f'ejuJ not to turn. ,your faCie during Sa,lah because turning the jac'e' in Salah. is a rl~in, (Oil. the' Day of Judgmem) and ifyou have to then. do it In

,1. ' • h .~

tne supe,re.rolg,a,ro,ry prayer not ,~n tne ,comp.uts:ory

p'l~ay,er., ,~(2), Through this, the Messenger of Allah

(peace "be. upon him) 'was, also teaching a. child 'the rulings of the supererogatory and compulsory acts.

The Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) then followed. his, example and started teaching their children by themselves, For example, there is

'JI;;,Al' .-. (' AlII h b I' d ith hi ) alli hi- '.'

.'\ 1 may' Alta .,'e prease witn nuu) CtL mg ,_,~"IS,

SO:llir,.al~'~,,a'yn~ teaching him themanner of' 'W~~'d.£t ~ (ablntion) and ans,wering his q uestions abouti =

A~ .... Husayn Ibn ~AU (may Allah ble. pleased with

thei .), .. '.'. tid U1'M····',' 'f/·'if.,~,,·· 'Al"-'" .... ked -.- .. ,~ .. , b'- "'~I··' I;·,~-:.··

1- em~,i SaJl,_, ,,~y ,. ,al~lle(" , ... , •. '.)"1 21.8 ,··.e,'" ,n1e !l'O ,;,.,fl,ng 111.m

water 'fO,I"" 'h·· "i! 'e-. W·~~,i};~'j,Ji and ~'O,"I I broug h,III' it for I him, H'. e

u' .'""~ ,,IL!,, I., ,~,!!,r.3 . ,. l,~t;.~ U,." tL:I!. , ,Il U" ". ,l." .ILl, '" J!.. '_

l' "

started by' 'washing h:is, han.,d.,··"tm1!e times before

putting; them j,111 the water, He then rinsed hismouth three times and sniffed water into his nostrils and blew it out gentlythree times. Then be washedhia face, three times then his fight W111 up to his elbow three times then the left arm the S,~EDD~ wa:y. He then rubbed, hils, head once and, washed his right foot U!P' to the hee] three times then he did the same with the left foot, After this 'be stood tl'p and asked me to give him the eontainer in which 'there 'was the water

~I 'I f 'hi' W' du' d I' ,...:~ ~d' '1::1' d ...... ,"'" II'""

remammg rrom _~,S ',)U:i,,~ an '$.0, ,uti. rte cranz

from it and 'it amazed me to see 'him doing SOl" . Ie

said ,·:A, me !'DI'O' n n't be amazed 'b-;-';iOiiR'l~IU'~"S'I~ I' i('iig,1:'1I'tl' -y' ·.:n-u' 'I-_-'

!CIi'iUs.' , .. v"'" 1111 . ,-,' I. v" U ~tY!.,~~~.;tl.:!V' _ .• ~""" ~~, Ill,.;.o, ,~,~ '¥"if _' IV '._ ..

grandfather, the Prop bet (peace be upon him), doing ...

, " " " ;Ii . , ., '. =,,-, ,-, .• ,-, - - - ,- --, ." - - ,'--." :


t"b'· - .. "- ..... ,. '1:' b'· ."'.! done -". nfom I~'.:· .,' his '·W'<"·i_,,".J'r..'~ ~IJ).,,'.' .

. e. same las· , I,Vle, ' .. une" pe,l.o,[mIog '"':]S, liluU i~~e·

same wa:y and, drinking 'be water remaining from it wh ;11!,g:, II!" ,tt .. t!]j, n di 'I']; g:.' .. ' ! jjI,( II)

" I·' JLlIJ,~ ~._."ll.J; -:. ;,L·._ . !Ill

S:···"· ,-' zhe '- .. :. child ,. -- dl It '- ,-r; ,,:--c " -.0' .-:-,. - rof

so, wnena 'C_I _I.~: sees an ~l·,W _ perrorrmng one 1011

the 'r--~ tua ... ~ ~I of reli gi on 11Ik:~ ·W.··'f~d:'j!j' for ~'Y am iple thi C

;;,~ I ,,~~IU .. itbJ. .··.·.·1 ~_ -:'_:) ~V ll. , . .1 ~ 11A.! pK .1!.. , '~A~ .. _"I.L~I'! .lJiiJ1

I., Reported by Abu 'D,IWIJlG,

will have a great effect 'upon him for he may then, learn to perform it in the right w'ay" Here Nafi' said" "When I was a bey 1 saw Safiyyah bint Abu "Ubayd nerfor .. ming 'Wuilu;~lr]d when she wanted to rub 'her

,( ' .. " =' ':_. . ' .. '. ~~ .. , C:;~. ,', -.'" , . . ...... '._, ~u: J!. _ ,._. .,

bead" she removed her veil."

S ... ..J ibr A" 'b-· 'w·· ,.: , "tal II 11-,:nJ.J·1l ... ._

transmitted, supplicationsas his. son '.' _'us"'ub reJ,al~ed. 'M' , '"", b 'Old .',is· "d d . h ,l ., th . h '} A

'·:U5aJ" sal", "a I., use .to teact us t)n_nl --,a~"e neam

from the Prophet (peace be upon him) 'W' said,

';0' Allah! .I seek fo~ur Protection against stin ..

o,jl1!',@,£'''' I;' ".QI~'.!j. ~Otl1i" Protection Q':, :g"'" i,J'!ii"~:f co 'W"I '_

0. £,' !IB~ iJ iiJI'tJI ,L..JI &.IIl:.,.,-l .. !. c. ~. ,','. 1-.:',.' __ - .. -.J~ _JV:J'!I~ ~ :"~.:. t;;!Il, !I,!.~: fI: I:J.I~ L·. -' .

ardi ce I 1 seek ,Yol~tr Protection ag(Jt~fst get: btg 'too' old and losing control ove,r ,~1~y' mind, Iseek: :rour ,P rotection against the temptauons of Ufe and I sleek Your Protection agains« ,('he' tormem ,i'J1 the g~r"u'V'e'~ ,~~ n

, ..

Finally, we shall end, this stage 'py stating the

d s . ddr d b . h . C '.' 'A~' bd )]"",1k,

a.~ vice fl-- oresseo I~y t·· e great Companion,". ·····':'-'llJ W,)

"b'" M"_' - .'., '''';,', ·d· 'I to .~ .. ., .. " ._- t '.' .... he .... ~..JI i!T-I' ' .. " h ' ....

1 ~,n l ,1 as u,.c ~!,O parents as I e sa:mILJ"", eac , your

children S'a,l:an and make them get used to performing good, deeds because goodness is a habit(2l

1 . 'Reponed by A bu y,~;',~ 3 .. 2. Itepod-ed by at- TabaramJi"

3·~ The stage of commanding ,8 child to perform

l 'I' dl b .. - 'I!i . 'h~ 'I'f b 'd' . . .....

sa: ail anr i.,estl_og nun l' ' te ." oes not:

This stage start s when let. ern ld is. ten YleJ.:11·s old, _I f a child is observed as being careless or negligent or slackeningin performing Salah then, 'the parents are allowed tOI resort to 'beating. Beating in this ease is considered to be a means of punishment because rhe child, here ~v~ong:shimself by following the te m I'P-.···,t· ations of th e d·', evil w·· :. h ien he is !!;1! li 'I Pi P:'iO' sed to be .. in

l ' l :.- .U .IJ. ..... L:J U.' III _. _'-_', ·V'. jll ".'" .. _._ ,I;,.Ij, _.~.l~ @IY,". I.·····,~··u l,.., .. -,V

. a, state of total obedience to Allah, In the stage of childhood the devil's effect u.pon man is. still weak and ,S,O a. child is supposed to be acting according to his natural disposition upon which he was. created, So, when a. child does not perform Sala,h this, means that the devil is gradually startingto gain control over him, That is, why parents must 'thus appeal tOI the Prophetic tradition of beating the child and they may explain to 'him the reason for his. being beaten Then they may recite to him the follow ing 11,(J;dith :

"Abdullah ibn .. Amr ibn al ~ !;. As, (may Allah be pleased 'with them) said that '[he Messenger of AI1,ab, ,(" peace b~I(.';!!;' up ion him) said

'._, ._ -. I -'-. . '-~' ~ .,' .. ~ " ~'- ,'.. '; :. '.. ., ~, ..:3! ~ ',:: J ~

'~,COY),I-n',:an{L yO'~t. r children to pe rform Salak when' they are seven. years oid and beat them


"I .__j' u'

Shaykh Waliyullah ad-Dahlawi comments on this had,~,t/t saying,

"The boy becomes mature when reaohing fhe state of psychological stabili,ty lind this is oirdy' realized by the mind. The sign of the appearance of

he mi d s becau, h I ild h 'i

t e. mmo 1S seven necause t.Je. C~lI" W ',I 0 is seven

years old no doubt moves from OI1:e state to another explicitly. The sign of the, completion of themind is ten because '[he child who is ten years old when in a good mood, ,j.s a sensible person who knows what may be of benefit or of harrn to 'him" He, may also cleverly 'manage commerce and its likes, Speaking about the, maturity that ,- aaxes hirn ,resp,onsible for Jl!had(2) ,;;!11l!d responsible for obeying the Divine ordinances. i.e, the maturity that transfers him to the stage, of manhood where he starts to suffer from intrigues and 'where he starts to bee taken into consideration in the relig ·'OUB, and, civil policies, it depends upon the completion of 'the mind and the body and :it is, usually reached at the age of fifteen.

Signs, of this kind ofmaturity are attaining puberty and the growth of pubic hair,

Saiah 'has 'two considerations: mt is considered '[01 be a matter between a child and his 'Lord and it saves, him, from being' abased '£0 the lowest possible position in the Afterlife, He therefore, must 'be commanded to perform it when 'be reaches discretion, It is also considered to 'be one of '[he rites of Islam, for 'which he is responsible and which he .1.:<, forced to' perform wh-ether he likes j,t or not, and its, ru j, ing is I ike the rulings of the rest of the rites, S ince the age of ten is a partiti on, between childhood BDld adolescence and, a union between the two, it has got :~ C!i'II...,~ re 1D~-'" bo ""t' h I'~ (0

£L, 13,u,aI"" "I" .'

4~ Makl,n,g chi,ldr',en, :get used te attending Sa,laot (l"'~Ju,mu~:d'11 (the Frid,8]T prayer):

J abir ibn ''_ Abdullah said that the Prophet (peace be 'U,:PO:ll him) said,

"The (lIne 'Rlho' believes in ,A,llah and i~'n the Day of' Judgmem must auend Salas al-Jumu ";'alt

unless he is a traveler, a slave, a bay. a "~,'on1~an~ Or' iel sick person. But the; one who ,g,i'''if,S it &~P

A,l':,~,'n J'.. 1101 ~,;,fl: II'} ;1,~,'4 ,,~,,;'r.iI~l! 'il~JJ ""~n, ... ~n r)"!I)!,;l!!1 A,''-', ,l-l:n_1,?: ~_~ ~!'''';Qn

_ _ l~ ';-.~!r~ I"I~ 't"I~ J t 10 I; rJ.I'.~ ,f.· ~,., t ~I'_I ..... f1'~ ~ Ibl ~6I.~,. Lil;lf"i I~ III r-j f' .~ &.'

fl"on~ all Wt"lJUS (J'",~dl~olr:~'hJ qf!£~liU praise. ,J~ ~)

Imam al-Kasan] then commented on 'the hsu: ,k

saying, ~m: the Stlia,1} of the boy is a voluntary

,Sa la'.lrt ~ 'i I (2)

When the 'b!oy gets used to, attending Sala:

al ... Iumu ""'rJ'h,: __ he achieves i~1 number of benefits: ~Ilo _~ .". 1P'1('·l"lJ..~ L!I~. i "1 ~ ~I' ,. I¥ '. ~ .'-tL ~.'" ~.lL_~ ~..L U. . .. _.!..I.tI ~ 1_ Y2'!I'

'. When he reaches maturity 'he wj,),m be accustomed to performing Solar iaJ5,J'~J~l,~' ~al1~

• He win be affected 'by the, Friday Sermon for his nature is; still sensitive to receiving the speeches 'Of faith and 'cite 'bio,gl~aphy of the Prophet (peace be upon him). It W,]]1. also, be ,ID, exercise for hj,rn, i:n, improvi ng his ability tointercept knowledge 1,1[~r

lo!n~ I~

II He will start f£O fee], familiar with the Muslims'


P'~,' 'h aerina !;i1"~'D',' d I 1;'1',~b, nen 'b' i':-- oQ; eets '~"n. ·k':,n'IO.'W' h is father' s

D'~- ."""'= JI,'-i~!!JI ,~~ -" 'F'!' . "-"',I,ll. """ i~' ~ ~v, ,. - - - jIi,!Ji Jl)_ - - ' ~

acquaintances he will: start feelin ,g- that he is part

of iii- l'l'i ~', so '·ro :ie,:;'~'y:-'.~:

.' '" ,lUi ...... 01_, "-"JI .Ii. , ~,

]. Reponed bv Abu 'Da,wud"

., D",'j,rl.,j' j~;, ,A,~ ('I~:j'i ~ I';' vel ii n" I~'[~

,4." UU'I~~awl! ill, l'I ~!-=~lu;"'!I:"'i,d ~ ~ '. Ily . iii· ,~~, ~;E,~.J!"!l1

• If ,it is true that the hour when requests are, granted on Priday is, during the Sermon, then he will be I mong those who witness this blessed, hour,

, A/ '"l,en attend ing S.-n'I',':n':~1rrl"·.."J,,':J'~I,'~!j~)M"'''a'-,'1! wi I') feed a

• " . ...:;!!U". QI!l-I!i. -_'--' _':__ ,,--,- ~Il_ 'L£r II.-i[;, _ -ee tt.l!,n<ltoiJ) ,_,I'l' '_ " .Itt _ Jl.~~ _ " ~

child's soul w~th, faith and will encourage him to perform 'the five daily prayers and 'to obey Allah in between the, two Fridays,

," The 'bo,y' 'V-lill get acquainted with the scholars of the Ummah. (the Muslim Nation) and this, 'will have at strong influence upon him both when he is young Ind. VI,. n be becomes old,

" d' ~ S'" 1 ,~ J" ~}' h 'I ,i. b il~l!~

.' Atten ··'I'og Sauu ai-sumu an nerps ,Ill ,-lnl,uln"g a

child's personality, It helps in founding the various aspects of his, character; the doctrinal, the worship,

t' 'I...;I~ ~lo'~1,'1l11 the 'em' notional, the learninz, the

. ~,~1Ii;.;!! 1i'J, ,""iJl.uJ.'3I . ~ .1;.;1 e=-v= _ II!, v_"Ji~ __ ~ __ QI, =Ji.JJ~" " __

physical the heahh and the sexual,

,5. Beina an example for' cbild're~niD performing:

NiJg,ht Pr';J,yer:

The children of the. Companions were not content w.ith just performing the five (oblig,EJl'tOl;l) prayers but

"1~'11- addition 't.'lh--'e'Yni~r--tfo"""n-~ D!j!;;lI;'d, the supererog ~'if.,nily''':

I . ~ ... -- _j --.- .~IL:-·.-- :lIJi. !~_:. ~J .~~ 1,1.~", ;.' ~... L__:.' ~ ~l_ " ::.;~- -' ..... "; \J\: ,- C!I.~~u) - ~.'

prayers, specially the Night Prayer, Concerning this, Ibn "Abbas (may' Allah "be pleased 'with him) said, In!I

;Ci'p--'~'n- - tiT- th ~ n--~ 1"'f\l'~'l'lt' ;j,"jj,'t' 11f~1iI~' '1-1Io~" 'U'It:',~ of 'm~C'1} ;Qi~l"n-' If M-' .," ~'u'm""ru'lln" ah

Qii,A~_JU. _iI(='I!;.;.I' _., ~I._. !ttl!" ,~h'W -" ,"c.:,I._,j3;V ' ,'- __I_"J=,J iii~IIj,.I.,_,1ll. "'-'~ci!,'i' " I,!." cal!,

b,~ nt al 'lFJI' "-'i rith the wife of the Pronhet '( -;:-~F,('i!' - be I,Ln ,_, ' ... ·,JII.""l,~Eh. I'-'~I !iJ,~-: _1. e , ... ' w:-_:"" I' ["p,w,le" ,pe~l~e,~

1- 1'-:-": hir "'):" ,.,.I-·Icc-,---- '1:··--· l,,-,( . ,if' ","", be "",- .. ,,:,:-;:-. ~: ~ m) '0'.~~1·1! tlu -.-~--

upon nmj wnen ne ~peacee. upon rum was !l._ ere

too. He (peace be upon him) performed the Evening Prayer then carne horne and prayed four R'(}lk"m1s and then h ~ slept FI;§; then woke un and asked ~L"f'~,~ rhe

tl '.', "'" '~~'~:' _~, L-' ~11.I1i. 'If'\!' !!;,J!,""", :-r' a·· _ QhJi' ~ _'~: .II-:-1u..:! Il,!l.V

bov sleot'" "j-iIi somethine .. fl' ,j,'lil ,- ... a '-[··11 ther he

_ lOy siept ~. 01 some ,1mb '0.. me sort ano 'Lo en, e

(peace be upon. him) stood, up, I stood on his left. but, he (peace be upon him) made roe stand on, 'his right

-- d·· I - , .. ', &.- .. --.---- d '6':-1""-' R· .. 1- .. '''' hs " ,-, t -".--. the -- 'l..,

ana ue perrormeu nve «a« ans '_ 11 I~WOI meu ne

'- .

,(,.,-., .",:'-~',,'-' '~:'" - ".--",:-::,-.;. him) slent ~,~ d 1- h eard his snoring

.peace 'llJe up 0 rlI, '0, nn .:lILepl~ ana . ,I. ,\.;::11.1, . ~, ,~, 1,1 1 11.,:"

Af '1-" h C" b 'I '. 'J" k d t

' •• -. _" ,~ -. .-, - -:-. -. - .-;- •• -. -, -',' - n;;;: --"."_ -" - - I' I ' .. -- . _. I'" • ',' ,.

, tter t :U8, ,_ ;e l,peac1e:e LlpOJ]' nrm wo re up an wem

to the rnosq ue to perform tile Mornins Praver (J ).

_. . "'_' , "_'_' • : ~ ,_.J •• '_' _ .:.. _., • " - - l. l lib - ',J' - __ !I!

So, we see how 'this. H;,[tJe child was so, interested

, in following the movements of his beloved (peace be upon him) and 110\11' he preferred praying 'with him 'to sleeping at night, We also see how careful the Prophet (peace be upon him) was to' Iet ,8, child p,ray with him and, how be, (peace be upon him) corrected his mistakes.

Also Anas (may Allah be pleased 'with, him) said that 'he was witb the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon himj and his motherand aunt, The Prophet (peace be 'U'po,n him) prayed. withthem making Anas

'1: 'Ii:) . --:c. ,~!rll b ' , - ~I £I", ~'" 11:,." ' '.

s , ,~epOmL~el!l .. "Y ,a.I""ID[lIt'\;.~WaUrn,.

stand on his right and his mother and aunt stood 'bell i n d. them, ~ JI)

One of the nice stories that leaves a perso,:11. amazed ar the intelligence of its young her-o is the.

. .. . 'f" diak .. 1 .... k ·m·· . be eentlu 'f '~d'

storv n iiCii" j . oaU'e It ;"".~t ·folif'iiin .' 'p' aee netw '~,~n tne c· r'li'iil

~, Ui.J U. ,'~; ;i,I, ,6.. IL LJl~Ii. 'L'!L,i!L,i' .... ~.' ace . e L, "~'I r u . :. ~,Ui'."

Abu Yazid Tayfur ibn, "Isa al-Bastaml and his. father, Shaykh ibn Zafar al-Makki'v said; !II heal.'d,[ha't when Yazid Tayfur ibn ''']88 al-Bastami (may Allah 'be pleased with 'him) memorized the verse, ~ 0 thou folded. in garments! Strand (to' Prayer J by night, bus 110" atl n;,ignt " (Al-Muzzammil: l-Z), he, said to 'his father, !'O! father! To whom is Allah the Almighty sayin.,g this? He said, '10 'son! He, is addressing the Prophet, Muhammad (peacebe 'l1IP'OD him).' He said, '1'0' Father! 'Why are you, not doing w1181 the Prophet (peae .. e .. · he u .·p.·o·;,n··'· him ..... ) ... used to do?' H"'~ said 10.·-i son ~

, " . .. "'L, . '. '. .' "'" ', . I liL. ". . ~. ' . ":' .c ' .. ~ . !!!e;; LJIi._!!.Ji 1! .' .. ' ...' •

Performing the Night Prayer was something assigned to the Prophet alone and not to the rest of his U,11JntJ'!1 ,,~' Abu Yazid kept silent but when he came to memorize the, verse, ~ Thy" Lord dot:i~ kno~; tha: thou

'!;, .

standestfortl« tto prayer) nigh hill} thirds of the nighr; or

htllf the nighs; or a third ofth€ nigh,t~ and so doth. a p'arty of those witt: thee.: ~ (Al-Muzzammil: 20)", he said to

his father" I "'[~tbeJlr ~ I heard that a ,group of people used It',O.,· perform .... the Nigh ·"t 'P. -;!!,':\=Y;':'le:.:],-;;;. wh 0, .' are ~b-Q'V'."'?'! H,.' t!to,

1hI_ ,. _ '_ .. ' r""'''- j[~-,. '- -. ,!!\",;,' " ',' . ll,'~,., . "'t "~~ '._. , ~ 'I!,. :''"'",., , .. IQ

said, 10 son r Those are the Companions (may Allah "b-.··-c -.'1·' i .• .sed ,'I ith ther '1,111]-")' A··~'b···· ," Y-"":',, '- '"d''~''' ""'d"~ 10'·-:" fathe ~' . '.' e ,P 'e'-ISe.c, W,I 1 ,w,)eln alit. ." .. ,i. .U, II azm" '_. S,Il:,~ '~" ..•. ' a _ ',J~~:r ,.

What 'goodness is there in leaving what tile Prophet (peace " u.pO[l him) and his Companions 'used 'to'

d .... ,I' 'L:T' " ..... '~d'" I'y".:,:'.~" , .... , , "'~·"b··'.:' ,-" I, .', """_1"1 And "~1io' - ..•.....

I,' 0 '" rie 'S ,atli::c.,?! • 0 U are. IJg.;L m,,Y S'OB,~ ,: sno rater on

his father started to wake at night and pray~ One

... " . ·1...t A':'" b '. -y" ' . .'7' - . .' d Co- •. ,.- Ill1'" r- ,--: . nd ,t .' ' .. td hi 'f:-- t')- .. ,'"

n1g.ul :;- " ·.u ,,~lZ1·~ WOl\ie ~"P an, e- ,~,!oun i. IS" -a .. 1,el

praying arid so 'be said. 'O fatherl Teach me how to

•••• J •• .- '-:.Ie __ 1, '. 'e""'!~-.' "_"~' ., "'~;_'liI - .. ". '._."". I. ".

perform W~lldu~ to prfllly with you,' His father said, ",0 sonl Go and sleep for you are still young 1 Abu

i_ ... ', .. ~ .. ' .. ' IiI.\J .'. ' .. ' .... '_"" ,1'1. _' ,_'," . , ., , ..... _"" _. .' ~ , "._.

Yazid said, '0 father! If 'the iday when men will

proce ed ';n compan ies sorted out ~n be show ','O'il Ii h e ;;,.,

I, 'Vl!;". v.' 1LIl.ll; !VY'" /,1" a,1,II,,,,,,g, Q v ... IL~ . .:.:_ Vi ,IL Ii,~' ee'''''' IClil, ,IU.". ' c ".!I,.

d-·· eds ,;::-~...,iI1~:·1 "',~. '1.' '~"'., ' :.'",', L· ... ", d ~';l..,:,,~, I I·· .... ·I' ... dmv f":i'h'lc ".~.,

,ee· S'~i $,I,l"-U, .. say to my ... · 0[1- :u..Jla .. :_, as,~e ... ,my ,: a;~ I. er

'to teach me Wlitd:u" to pray with him but he refused and told I~n,e to go and sleep because I am still young,

,.-,.-,... ~Id' .." 1'"' 1 "'''''' ' ..... jf- ~." -u ? I' ~T" h . ". ;r: "."11-" ".'. ' .. '_' ~ d IUN" r.,

WOUl[_. . you .. [Al; m,e, ~o' say so ,~, . '. Ie !lUb ,c,r S31-1" '. <. 0,

son, 'by Allah I would not like you to say SIO,~I' After this he tansht Wm and since then Abu Yazid used to'

" ," ',, __ ._. ' i. _ J~t)., J' .'. J _ -_. __ ' L - .,_' - • __ • _' _. ,_,.1" _ ••.• - .. -_ - - ._ ..

-. ...•.. . . ':I' ~ th b,'i, _f: thei 'Ii.

pray \\. 1 ~ 11 ms tamer,

i6:jj Making ,cbild[le"D ge'f used to performing Salat AI-,[stikhQ,-al, (the ,p,rayer where OI1Je seeks the, advice of AI,lah):

'Ibn as-Sani'!' related that 'the Prophet (peace be, upon him) said,

NIO ;\,uasl If ),,(}U I(~'re abou: to do something, per/orIn Sala: al-lstikharah $'elN3U times then see what reaches JJt}'f;;U·' heart first], f(J'l~ goodness "l~' b-e ~ ,- ;~ r~

'W~l ", ',' Ul ,';i'~ ,

7'. Taking; to p'e:rform, ,S'dla't' ,AI· ",ld (The feast p,r'a,ye,r):

, Abdullah ibn ~ Umar (may Allah be pleased with them] said that the 'Prophet (peace 'be. upon him) used '[() gOI out in the two feasts to perform Salah. and with him used to go al-Fadl ibn al- "Abbas,

"'A' bd I'~ 'h ':b ""A' b ba 'I "'A··' bb ""A··· 'I.~ J' a'f

, ".",1, ullar ibn ... ,' ..• -o!lI.i:" ~ _, ... ' .... -',!'~.(_N: - ',~[- gl" ,~Ir"·

, ._ .. _' '. , ... !;I,,,]ii, I ,U-_. =. ",,,]!I,, ." :!l!u,u,.,.

al-Hasan al-Husayn, Usamah ibn Zayd, Zayd ibn Harithah and. Ayman ibn Umm Ayman. The Prophet (peace 'be 'upon him) used to praise Allah all the \¥3,Y

'~In the m "',Q' sq ue ,gint"~l1 he u IC'Q'ld-' t'-IO', take th e w· .. ay of

!LY . _l,l~ J"'~' " ._.~, ~,UI . "~ . ~~., .. :, ,"-. t _' .~ t..-. ~'I .. ,Q;I., v~

, ' ,.,' ..

al-Haddadin until. reaching the mosque, After

finishing Salah, 'he (peace 'be upon him) used '(10 pass by al-,Hadhd:ha~i:n until reaching his Ilo'm,e",(l).

'~ .,Ibn as- S,aJni 'I' ~A.nlj(J'.I1 ~~ t;alr'v",! Wal lA)"l,csJI '. ,2.R,eporLed 'b'Y Ibn ,Khu zaymah.

IT II e Securrd :Pl~ill,!c:iple 'I'he IClli)'d a:n.,d the 'M,osiq·u.e

The mosque is the great place from which great successive generations always emerge, It was and is still the source of generations ready '~O dedicate themselves tOI their submit to His, Commands and 'to follow the example 'of His Messenger, That was why childn n of the Companions were always keen to perform Sa;,l:al1' with the Prophet (peace 'be upon him) run 'the mos que, _I,' Oil' example, here is! J abir ibn Samrahtelling 'Us. about his childhood and his 'OQimpmDomdlip, with the ,M'e!~!~eJll,ger of Allah (peace be upon him),

Jabir mho, Samrah (may Allah be p [ease d with him) said, ~"I prayed along with Allah's essenger (peace be 'upon 'him) tbe first Prayer (i,e, the Noon Prayer), He then went to his family and, I also went

along with him. When he met some children (on the way), he began to put the cheeks of each, on,le 0', them, He also patted my cheek and. I experienced a coolness or a. fragrance of his hand, as if it 'had been brought out from the scent bag of 3. perfumer.""

However, ,8. child must be taken to the mosque

I h h i' bl , 'h 'll-.. I ..::II m

on .Y w ien ne rs ,I :~l,e to giQ to' the bathroom anaciean

himself all alone and, when hie RtOpS urinating and defecating on himself, He must also he taught the manners of the mosque before being taken there and, these manners are: entering quietly ~, 'putting the shoes in, its place and folding it upon itself while walking, not shoving those 'who are older, paying attention to the sermon or to the lesson and concentrating in Salah, and avoiding making ,8.. fuss.

Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) was once asked whether it is, liked or not if a man comes, 'to the mosque and brings his boy 'with him, 'He said, "If theboy is '0'10 enough '£'0 'be polite and not to mate a fuss then I think it is all right. But, if the; boy is t'OIO young to stay still and keep si ent then I 'think :it w'o,uld better that be does not co:me.H{2)

'~, R,eported by Mtl s] irn,

1, See ~'!A~~T~;rhiJ~'lil Ft A.l=.1;rla1n' 1'~ ~ the 'V,erHic:ltJtiom of Dr. Ahmad a 'I: = AI1~~a:m,i ~l p, 282,

Another proof that taking children to perform Salah in the ITI,'OSque., is allowed is the Prophet's

em dd d h I. r- 'i H '

'.11, ., .. -,-~~ -", __ .-._11'- -~ '.,!iI" . ,. -. '-1. I:", ,- _', -I·~--. _ "-I"-'~I ,.J "-,-- " :.,'.- -. 'I '-,',.] .

WOI S aooresseo to tne imams 0_, the mosques, rte

(peace be unor him) told them not :f'n pro '10' ng Salah

I, !I;.;i~ ~~ ': 'L",.o I!WJ,t'l.!II, = ,J).-U,,:' c _ [I!: ,1,,",1 __ :' _', _- LO'_'Jl' L~ ",>',_ t~~,,_,_'

for the sake of children,

"U",,- b ~ t, ib -", ''''A'' : .... 1 B-,.I'!l'IliI'd"" .: (rr '-:ii'-$ A,'" 'lllo!'Jlj~c be oles sed

,ql ,au 1:[11 :_111f ,CU:-, ,~,' .n tmay Auan tx - pieaseu

with him) said, itA man came to, the, Prophet (peace 'be, upo,n him) 3J11d, said, 1[' come ],BJb;~, to the Morning Prayer

b - ,.-,- ",-"f" " id-s ,-' " ho ',' --'JI ,,- --,-, S" l 'h-" 'H' -, -- "",--.:" ,,-

necause ot so-ani-so WI 0 pro ,0,_. , S saia. ,:,~, tearing

this." tile Prophet (peace be upon him) got ang~y in a

W ~ '~y' I b ave n e 'V~It' S·'~;.::I; If"il and 'hQl d - el ivere d ,0; C!'~'l-~O" r-1:

I,U,,_ ' lIu.'. 0 .:_~,L-~vl..!i, '~,' 1111".< 1~"";!I.,'>'",",,'lL~Jc '-, ,~~ ,,1.1,1,:,

~'O ",OU people! Some ·of 'yOU ,{]JiY! repulsive. If' anyone of vou comes to leadpeople in Salah tn en: let him be brief because behind hint, stand the old, the young, and those who 'well"t to relieve nature. ",( rn}

Again, here we see a. child participating in maintaining the number of Rakahs by his praying in 'the mosque, Ibrahim ibn Suwayd said, Wio,Alq,ama'h led us in the Noon. Prayer and 'be performed five Rak "ahs ~So, when, he finished Salah the people said, !'IO Abu Shebll You performed fiv-e, R,ak'ahs~'i But be said, 'No, I did not,' They said, 'Yes, you did.' I was on the people's side and, I was, still. ,3, boy and .I

I, Reported ~y al-Bukhari,

said 'Yesc you performed five Rak'ahs .,1 "Alqamah thus ,said to me i 'You '~OO say the same thing? M said, 'r)? S 'and so he went and prostrated twice then he ,:",' , 1 .d S····· ··1'· ,.,'-, I "'A"·, bd It. I]" the " ... aid ~TlIl:-· M" .:1,--:-.,. , •..... -

sea~e", ··.a,;atl.,~, '.' .. 1 .. lI, lla] t",' ell Satl , '. ~le ".·'I.essengel

,.jl.' A'" llah t . b 'l,." ) m d · s· ". h~' dl h

001.' i ,dUJ \p,eace ~ e upon rum: teu us m sasan ano Ie

performed five R,{,lk"aJi:s and so when be (peace be up on him)' I finished .. oeoole started \V~U'~'I~I]~'n·g:· to eacb

. "., - - _"" I " ~r ·t·.··. 'if ,_r'!I!i.i'J'l' .!, .' . ;.~ .. '~ J J. '~,~_ ~_ " I~-!V .~. __ ' ..

other.' He said, 'What is thematter with you? They ,'.' iid ~,o·· ",' M'" tessenser of AJ: llah '! 'H',;t:i,,!V' th '. Pra ." '.' ,. bee . s,al ',j_ _,' \#~';;)J!,~,Ct!' .' , . ,', ',a. . ~ " .~ . e "I,ayer _cen

extended?' He (peace be upon him) said ~IN,o·' Thev

" ',._ .•. _.' "_J .... :: _ .• ' JI!' ,I~I ~. ',_ .... ". _""._ .•... -_" .. ' ,,_. J' ,'... I..__ 1l' ',',"'1. - - J'

said 'You oerformed five Rlak'ah~ Thus, 'the Prophet

't ...., ,l"......... . ,_., .. .' ,. _. _ ., ._ .. , _. '- ~, . '-":Ii" .., ." . .

(pe 'La 'J')' . d ed ~ d

are I~ upon ,Ill ED , went an, prostrated twice ,aD,.:".,

then he sealed Salah. and said, ~I am only ,0; hUM1.'(JH. being like you ,o,,1.d so ljo',' a's y,Ot~ forget. il( I J

How should children stand with. men wbU,e perfor'mloR SoJa/I, in congregatlon?

Abu Malik al-Ashari said 'that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to divide the time equally' between the RtJk~tlllsof Salah 'but be (peace 'be, upon '1;..1imC)·1 al w' .··~i.y.··,ij['!i m ~iA,~ t1]C' Q first Rakan the Ion ere,'. ~Pl~I(' in

U JI. , .... '. . . '. u" ... ;a , ~dJi,~ J.!I;".o L, Jl. '. 1(" '_ . ifi.,!t, '. . w~!~',.. . ~ . .. . . 'b ~ I!J. J!.., .

order '[0 give, the people a chance to catch up with him, He aJs(JI used to' make men stand in front of boys and, the women behind the bOYS,.,'·:U

1.. Reported b,Y MM~Hi moo 2. Reported by Ah:mad ..

Abu Malik ~ 0 'Said." "Shall I '[ell. you about the Sal of the 'P.I·'.~~o··.· .. phet (peace b ' .... e 'U" P", ~'n h im )-,,?"ii H- ,- '-, ther

'I!."L 'U, "'U _ iI., _ u_ \. , IIi;,,;o- {i,1!L_ . " ~_I U iL.II I, .e_ "en,

started rhe Salah' making the men stand in rows and (Baking th,~ 'boys stand behind them in row's and, then he prayed ,n ')

.. ,~ .. . . .. _", ..". [II

IF] addition to 'this Anas said, "One ,nlgh'l an orp ha If'Ii and 1['0'" ffered tl I]-,,@I,. Prave ~""S· :.' b eh ~:n' . d the P':1I"O' phet

_',~' ~.11.1. Q, ,'liI, ',' .1.Io..tJli. v., . "!i.o! , . .II 'UJ """~, '. .,"" ,\I, '.:_, ._ !li..' ",.1:," ,,' .. "'-"_.'

in Illy' house and my mother (Umm Sulaymj wae standing behind us (by herself forming at 'row). 1111(2)

Ibn Mas'ud said that the Messenger of Allah. (peace be upon him) sai d ~ !~ Let those qf you i+~ho' are sedate anti pruden: be near llfe~ tnen those'"~.hl)i art! nex: to It,Hem., thee: th()5:e 'ltv-no, art 1U~~t. to' ,thf,fn land do ,not disagree les .. t 'J~I.,~'" hearts (frrl',W li~(~n, dissension. A,nd. beware 0" till!

~c~. .J_. u'~~~>'J.j l~iPl&o LMU'" ~ll.J' JIU'~ ~~tIIl !I: '-it.! . _ !lJ.!liJIl t;;.'Ir'~ ~'V· _ I! _ _. _. __ .. <" _ I~'

t&e'f1Jj~t of the rna ~"JU3,tS" 'II ~,3)

Ibn. "Abbas (may Allah be pleased 'with them) said, "I prayed with the Prophet (peace "be U',PO,l1, him) and "A'ishah was 'behind US, and I was beside the Prophet (peace 'be upon him) praying 'w'mthbim~,r~~ :4)

'ffi 'R'I"', dl"'f~ 'Ik:. ..'ii, II.. D.wud ,I .' 'Ie'p{ht.~ "tiY ,1"\!JIll .' I, " _' - •

2" Reperted by ~.1.",·B'wk~-,ari., 3~ Reported b:y ,;d-li'aki'm.

4~ Reported by ,~bn K h1'[]zaym.al1 ~

.2,~ Ma'k:m:g ,8 c.hjl,d feel, attached to the mosque:

The view that emphasizes the importance of making at child feel attached to the mosque is a sound view, It is indispensable because it is ·the way for saving children, those young buds, from the claws of corruption. ( I ),

These words are further more confirmed by events carved in 'the pages of history, There is for exam .. p' .}' e the orde ~l! that Tunisia an d ,~f~9i~, rest of No irth

_, Q_. _,_ __ ... , u . tJI, IlUu. , UlliULu l!.u, U, , _ lJi.J:1!ii.;i ",-,It) v.. .

Africa had gone through, an ordeal that W,3S, caused by the ruler there who claimed, divinity. The Islamic countries, in this, area, 'were threatened by such deviated idees that if they had been applied, ruin would have been the only result, However, by 'the help lot Allah, Mehrez ibn Khalaf as ... Siddiqi, 'the righteous educator (d.. 4,13 .A.l.' .), played an important role in overcoming this ordeal.' He started. . teaching children iJ1 some mosques with o'~ne purpose in his mind, that was to constitute children's personalities upon the Islamic basis. En other words he worked hard to make children love Islam, TWs

same meaning was referred to by Abu .. Abdullah

Mu 1;1' a . n rn .' olldl ib n A·' .... b ~ Zayd al-Q ayraw '. a',' lI'lJ J!'Il' his

:,.1 ,," ,;t.t,.", .-,it., .. ". '·.c ,I. ,~,., (,J ·· .. · .. u,,' C1:'.,.',Il'1 "_ I, ,.;)1

famous 'book, Risalat ibn .Abi Zayd al~'QI'ayraJi~ani, that was of great benefit '[0 Islam,

Hie said in its in troduction, "Now the.n:ffay Allah help, you and us preserve His Trust and maintain His L,E\W'S, .. You have asked me to write you a 'brief summary of the duties of religion that are uttered b,y 'Ute tongue, 'believed by the heart and performed by the organs and. the importance of teaching it 'to children just as you teach them the letters, of Qur'an, In this, way, their hearts will be filled with the religion of Allah and His Laws which. is a. blessing for the In. and a guarantee of I! good. lending. And, finally I answered you!" request hoping

that y'O'll11 and I' -n~" '!!!lIoy' attai -::- fIL.4 "-I' ~ F' - ard of teac 'h:ID" D'

c: _,~!i.~ i ''!.-~ ,~n. _ II .1._. JQ.: ,(l~ _ ~l n U ll!i;;.o' Few 0..1. " .... '., L"",a....II. ~

Allah's religion and. advocating it

Y OlJ. ll1U8,'£ know that the best of hearts, the hearts that can retain more goodness and that aspire for it, are the hearts 'that have not been touched by evil, You must ~1~1~,n, '11"-10'·, rw,",':'-' II;h-:,I'~,'~ the most 1"'T1 I p~.·o .• : ... rtant thing

.. ' '" . __ !i;)Ii,. "d.~v 1lii.,U, . t. .U,IJ,. 'II., "'" JUIJI!. .~. A,U _ .QJI,~ _ _I _

I, l~.

for the sincere advisers was, filling the hearts of the

b elievers C-,'~I ildren with g'-' .oo 'd"" n'I,QC'c" and makina it

_ \J' ,I .,~' ,", ~J ,,~ "'~ lILjLl".'· 'J, ~ !" , " .II!., .' ; ul ... ,:1. ··.ll.ljf~,~,~ IU.., .,llI, "" }~~lb l'

deoply roo ted 1"0-' their soul S· ,!!jJln~ d m tI,ll*!n-::-'g--:: ·U· "]"0" ise

, _ 1~'Lii I .' '.' ~'~:" , '! _.' .. _:,'fLC.·_ " !,:._ _ ._ [~,I~. _:, ' : IUII._ ,I . I"'~ , __ '.~ _ ' _ '__ ql\.J _) -/~ , _:.....; ,I,. _ r ; ....

children aware ,(1£ the features of religion and the

limitations of Islam so that they may "be brought u,P [(POI] such, principles, II

And if we knew 'that reaching children, hfl the mosque is allowed only if i.£ is for free, 'as Sheikh

A~ 11; war ak -Kashmiri said (1') then W,,',~: wou ld res l' iz e"

_ ~ _ ~ __ ~_ ,__ _ __ , _ y~, ~ ') , ~_I;;"o ,I "'IV " ~ 'U,~, JJ. ~, I '!Io.ooa, I ~,

that the mosque which taught the children of the Companions and the pious ancestors is still capable of teaching and producing their likes if the parents 'play their role correctly and~ direct their children

- towards it and make them love and appreciate it

Also, adults 'must be aware of their duties towards children who come to 'tile mosque. For le,x,Eunp!i1e." they lDU,S't adopt kindness and gentleness when advising them, They 'must also treat them with lenience and must showaffection and sympathy for them, This in (its) turn, will make going tOI the

d dina I ] '. '. b l'

mosque ann attend mg iessons somet 11D"g enjoya i ue

'(."0· ·r-' ~ child T~O~ 'weV~jiT" I: Til n - fortun atel -y w·· ~, sa 'W· . many

1.1. " ,u, . ~ ... I. '. I.~_:=' .. ~,,1, ILI._ 1 ... ,. I I ,u.ILv,:, .',,~ !j~',:' '"tcJi..c_>

examples 'Of adults who were so repulsive in their treatment and who were the cause of the deviation of many children because of yelling at them and kicking them out of mosques, This: is no doubt one of the great calamities of this Ummah.

DOlt fasting in, Ram~d.a[1'rIIIW'oe unto 'you when OUI' boys are fastin g-.' III ~~ and he b :&!I!i~ ,t 1-11'm-c ..

_ -.":,~! Ul~ 19,~I_~." _ .I!! ~,J, __ I ~=_}~ '~UJ.·"' . I." 1~1

'_," "_"

"ll)i ~.-,

Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar commented on this saying, "Chapter: Siyam of Boys, Le, is it' allowed in, the IS~ .' amic Law or not? The majority of the Muslim scholars see that 'll[ is no'[ obligatory ll,P:Q'O those who have not reached puberty yet, however ,81 number of 'f,t..P!'j'l"'~~'S,~jt·O·,~·", ,;0;:1 mon or them <Q'iii~ 'l~ bn S irin and

LIJl"!..!, a,]lI!i..;,~. 'JIl,;;),; !~,:U/I!..J.I_,~ ~,_ '.11,,11.1. UJ.v.· ... · .... .... .'._. '.

az-Zuhri, prefer Siyam ofboys Ash-Shafi"i supports the second, opinion saying that children 111US't be commanded [0 fast in order tOI practice Siyam so' long asthey c-an bear it He, furthermore, says that his observing of SijNJ:mmus:t be done !at the age of seven and, ten just like in the case of Salah. However, Ishaq says that it must 'be done a~ the age of twelve and Ahmad says at the a'ig'e, of ten~ Al-Awza"i said, "Ifthe boy can bear Siyam for three, successive days without 'being: weak then he must be ordered tOI fast." The majoriry of scholars support the first opinion that states that boys are not obliged 't01 fast, Commenting orr this, al ... Bnkhari mentioned in the beginning of his. book a story about "Umar, This story relates "Umar's situation regarding the man who 'W",~:~ 1fjIJ'O-,t!-·, fasting in Ramad an and b ·.O .. · .• ··1!,1U he,

1- U _ ',_ Ui!3 IIU~; . , ,,,,,a .. JLW .. J, , ~'" ~ ._~~ILilUJ. _'u.~~ .. I .' ''''!Y "

reprimanded him saying, "How can you not fast when 01;l[ 'boys are fasting?" Ibn Majishun went further saying, "If the boys are able' 'to bear Siyam

then m·t is, an obligation on them and s.o if they did not fast without an excuse, they must make IIp' for it ~~( I.)

'The C'OI11P12Uti,ion.s, (may Allah be pleased with them) used to make toy'S for their children '['0 play with '\V hile fas ting so as not to, feel the length of

.' 1 •

Sivam, J

Ar-Rnbayyi' bint Mu' awwidh said that the Messenger of Allah (peace' be u',pon him) sent a message to the villages 'of al ... ·An/~uu" Oil1J, the morning 10',' 'f"A~t;/;Uil'I~'n ~ (the tenth 0'. :f:- Muharram) saying, I~ ".,w: ~:'+, ... ,., ... '.,.-

, ~ ~~, - - "". . " JIi.l _ II, _ u'J. . ... . _i(i!Ul. u., u .. ' o]!«.J ~ 0" . n',-oeve r

has easen, si1-t)'fd"t not eat aJ~y more, biafast; and 'WIU}i has H'Ot· eaten shoidd i l,ot' eat, b,ut' comp le te his' fas: (~i,lt the '~:'. ·d·,·'" ottl, .. ,:- ,~: ')~J." [1;)1 S,-~':O.I we used to fast .O'~'~I th ;~ ~ .d··~··I'I:I'Y" sin if"!!~'

en .,' ~,ne Uitl. ~ .....'~ .... '!I.:I!.:li.. .Y., ~LJ! L. . .!ILW. IL ,it.;:]l .. £.1.'_' ~\lI!. __ I1;".~

then ~IJ1J,d 'we used '£0 make our young boys fast it 'When going to the mosque, we used 'tIC)' make them toys from wool sothat ifany of them cried for food, we would, give him the toy 'to play with until '[hie time r breaking Siyan: ,!

Commen tiag Ot1 this al .. Hafiz ibn Hajar said, (3]!

"This is proof that it is permissible to make boys practice Si)1,an1becanse art' this age there is, .. 110 obligation upon a boy to fast It is only' for practice."

1." See: HI f'at~h ,Al~·Btl:ri ,F"! ,Sll.'{u"h S{J¥JiJl~ A~,~ .. lJ,t.~/d~(J.J~i '. ~ii 2" Reported 'iD,), al-Bukhari and Mu.s:1 im,

3. See: 'Ii Pelt-Il' A l-Ber! F'i SJu~cf/~ Sw~i/~' A,i=,8t~ki~IQ'ri . ~I

The Companions (may Allah be pleased 'with them) used to gather their childrenand invoke Allah.

(E-- - 'v ~ lted ,':;11, ~1 ~I 01- 11 ori '1-.''''1 ~ d' b e CoH" - e) 'at' itt} ... , G!! 111 0', '~11,Qi nt of

-·.,A"lJ. I~.~ _. IW~.: ,,- - t. . Iv, ~ , I~I .. ee _-, ~"'~' ~ -,~ ~ . _ '... 1~llll~ ,~" ,.,.,- -. ,~, l!J~~~"'~' \j

breaking the fast in the hope "hat their invocation might be granted ~n such a blessed moment,

Inaddition to this Ftlka] (spending some time in the mos'que for the sake of worship) of ,3 sensible boy is allowed in the last lien, days of R,81n!ad.3Jl because reaching puberty is, not a condition for its validity,

H,(ll'IJ: 'I ( ... : P _'J!I;.J. 'g' r- 1; m B, g~_1 ,~, ),

L , " . __ ~ __ , • a .1, ".1' .~"'

j ',I.' ," l . I."

Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar said that ibn Battal said, "Imams who deliver form a I legal opinions have unanimously agreed that (11, 'boy Is not obliged to perform Hajj until he reaches puberty unless he is taken with, someone and here it will be counted for 'him as a voluntary act as decided by the majority of schol ars.' II( rn )

Since Hajj is at form of worship just like SiJ,~QJ~1 and Salah, a child must be acquainted with it This, way he will get used to bonding with Allah, the Almighty and he will leam t 0 be submissive to His Commands. It will also make he child feel familiar

'.' h b . d f b .' -bID'~ d b '~,

wit -:- tt e 1,·'· rea 0': , ·~:Ierng: oe Iigec tOI 10' . serve: tne

precepts of religion, the responsibility that ,8; waits

him when reaehins puberty and thus be will 'not find

I "," ••• ', " ""_" l~' ,::, '. ' •. _, il~T ,! .. I, ••• r, '. -" '.,.... , '_ ",_.,".'. _'_' ••

it difficult later on 'to 'be held responsible for such" forms 0',' ,r-:: worsh ip C'I

1./" .' ~.=! .' ~ "', '. _" "'. • ~·,·I -,' 'I'

In addition to; this, Haij is known to' combine all

1 •• 1.J

of the hardships of worshipand all ot its pleasures ,ar,

the same ~ilne,~hus, having the 'boy performing it

-', rher "'li'l'~ ",,- .. , .. - ,~ .. , .... CF'--d-'-'···~···· r of '1-- '.- be .ce ... , .. " .. -

wnen s J ~ young IS, at goon ,Slg11 0, ,]IS,eC'01111ng

'pious when growing up,

Ibn "Abbas ,(:mJa.y Allah be pleased with them)

C"'OiI'iI'd' IIO'-':-,""D,t'i!e"" I cam e ridina .1iI"Iii she ~,Q!C' and had (j·;~['I"I:' .. 't)

OiUl,l! _, ..•. '. '~--', !\.t.ltiI;,I ......• _... .' .111" ~ '''' ,j,I_:._Jjj;;;i"""Q>b:i'OI U'~',· .~ jU; .1. . '~Il1!L,

reached 'the, age of puberty, Allah's Messenger

'-' . - . ,,- - .. -_- - ,- " ._- - - J' - ,. - - - ".' - ~ - ,,,. . 01 "

(peace be upon him) 'was. offering '[be Prayer at

MI~'n···~ TI'h--" e .. [SI. was '1]--0':' CoW·" ·:aJ·-::~' 1'!'~ front 'i!9Ii.'ii¥' hi im 4JI[iMid';' I

~ "--.=!~l~ .' '._" '"~ _' I I~~ I :...... '_".'. _)f 111. , : -.": ,~!~;I~, vi. ~._____.__.:._tll UUI. . .1 ":_;, I

passed in front of some of tbose $ltallding in a row while they were offering their Prayers. There, I. Iet "the she-ass loose, to graze and entered the iO'W'~, and nobody obje-cted, to' what J: had done !I!'(],)

Also, Usamah :ibn, Zayd said, "I was behind the 'Prophet (peace be up'on him) in ~ Arafah. ~il{2}

:N evertheless, when the child, reaches puberty, hie will be responsible for performing Hajj even if he h ~.'~ p' erfo ...• 1l'Tr'i"1 ed l~ ·t· be fore ·P;~I~ ID'-:-' P' '1,- y' ,." bee "J,III'II 'lJI11t'~, \II, ': '-, 'h: . ·~·t... ~'!;I c" ~ ~i\ 'I~' l,d··· : .

~~U.I . VL.1 I!._ JLI.4.~· ... ; ' ..... ~llIY,L~ 0 . "'" .. " "" .. ,.~ .. ' ~u~~ _".=' ,U . U ..... 1-.1. "', .

I - . . ,-_

1 'p.'. d;. - ;r;; -f"a;.A bv ;-;, IiiD ii i'lll ... J:.. - ,.'. .. .'\;.""fJ ~i!'h,..,u. ~'i W,-I!]i ,~,!!J.

2 .. Reported by ~'l-H:rud m .. ,

,d' oes before maturity ;.'r' conside red to be ~jJj V·.' .. ··O·:··.}u'nt'aifr~y .. ; ...

-_' ."'.':_ ,a ..:. ~l'·· JL _,' I" l"-~' ;~-~.~JI.~ I l~~ '~." -:' ~l. , '~'" Lr.- -.~ itL .,.,.l~/~ hL..I_QJ!. .

'. , ...• ' Hi';' Ibn .. Abb .( .. ,' .A···l",I'"I· be - 1···., , .. 'd' ., '--"'·11-

aCl~ .. ere.ll . ,!'BlS ,lnay ~" la. ;),.ep ease W~,,_ ..

them) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him)



~1J.f a ,bDY -performs l~tJjj, i'l:" ~4',Ul be coumed for hin: f~fntil 11;,(1 reaches plt;.£bertjr and '~11,.~h'e.H 11e-

,It. ben ~ . 't· J!i . .4. •

reacne s pus: erty ne \1lh:,:' n,:Q've it) pe ':iD rm u ,0'" ce

• f~( ~ }

ag',uu:z" '.' I .'

'W"r: see the Prophet (peace be upon him) teachin .. g children, in an impressive touching speech during the performance 'of tbe rituals of Haj], the importance of the Day of .. A···········1r~I~~ll1 Ibn 'Abbas (may

, I "_ ••• 'J. '.'",;, _' "_' •• _ •• i_,' V .. ,_JJ1~_],"1!!l' 11 I" ._ ' ~.

Allah 'b,c pleased with them) said that the Prophet

1("'-""" .... be '-"'1-'·' him) ':-, id ~iJ!'O'I"'.Ji",l,.,c"j' '-,,:'l'· .. .3 .... (,fl, .. !

peace oe upon 101 ... SeU·, '.' 11,{1,P,UJw ... sn tms lua} I.ii·e

D··-· , . ~.f' ~A" ," i',p, ~t.i ~ th, .. '.. '.- .J!l ... / ..... - ... trots l. ~i- to, .... , i"~' . ...-;-, L~,

, ay o) "rcij,Uir'I~' tne one WIl1~O C,,,,1;,rOt>3 nts nea) mg. IdS

~; Q'.·1.1:t .. and h··.· :~ ~ i"i"-~"~ :0." ..• ~.:n '~AI'Iil' fr~8 I"n ..... reiven ,~c~.) ~!~~,Ir, ,llji "jI!" U. ,oll~,aJi Im;,v,rilJ,jf) ~rJ&- ','t'""!Cl 1£' ,rJ'~ J VI, 0. i[~ I!fI~LiIl'I~!!!

A J',liioiiiil-!id"" '·I""·c·,··-'I ·C"···o·-:- m m-=---·e-·n··t··:- A.rv"

··~l . U.I.~.1 - .. }. '_-" iLl] " .. -_,_. "', :_; . __ . _~_ ~ I. !_: .. ~-. _~ _I. '-I~-'~.' il

1 I I 'I? '~I "8' fl' . ld ·1, A' B-· J,...,I'·''!;,

-I:',ma,~'l. ,g, -Aaslan'I~, at- I D,n,li I" Sai];: In,. ,1/""'." ,aU« I: ,

~'IIf' a 'boy performs Ih,an" (entering the state of ritual consecration) then reached puberty before

• J ,_"._. '". ," '. ... .• • :. '.... ' ••• _' • _ •• _._. __ 'I' • .1 L" .••. ." r,J" ' .. " '. , .. , ..

standing on "Arafah we consider it a vohmtarv Ha ,i I.;

. ! _. '_ .... '- "'".~ -_";', '= ,_' !.:_,' !," , . ';;Il . . , "','[' I '.'_ .. ] .. , .' ' .... ~·-::--.-_,._.~1,,J· ,.' '--;;JJ

I" Reported b,~ al-Hakim.

2. 'Reported b,Y Inru:!~n~ Ahmad,

A cts (If ~tY o rsh ip J ,.

in case he continued w ith his .Ihr,GU11 j, However ash-Shafi"i considers it a Hajj of Islam. In other words" 'we see: that if a boy has intended his Hajj tOI 'be at supererogatory one, then it is counted to 'be so' but ash-Shafi' fu sees that it is. counted as ,I, Hajj of Islam, Also, we see 'that if a boy renews his Ihram 'then. stood on .. "Arafah and perfo mne -d'~~a'·.'jj",..r'1I[/·"rl7-Z·····;~y··" arah (th e

~ _ u. ., MJ"W.U.JI UJI.ll._ .',""lL :l!'. IIILI _ .. ,I.. f'. iL~ ~"'~. .r.. .. l,.~~_.~ ','

. :-.:'j

vi siting circumambul . ation) intending it to be til Hadi

of Islam, then it will 'be counted to: be so nOi doubt,"

2·iii About the rituals 'of Hajj Imam ash,wS:hIi~,i said,

"Owing to the Grace of Allah (Exalted and Glorified be H,e) He multiplied His reward for peop le f '0",· ·r' their performance of eood deed "s-:' A·'. ··IJ'I- g~

.~ v',' .J!" '.' It.Jl,J ~ _~ " . -11.- ... , ... ,IIirr. ." Ib" .V._ .. _~_.' _,., _ 1p._~I.

also bestowed I. is, Blessing u.po'n the believers by making their descendants join them In Paradise for He say'·s.J. To t"'h'6I11,'("/?JnU We J~(}in their fi'rJm-·I,;"i.o',~,· nor

~_- . ~ • -, ~;II! 1"1 .,: I, '~OI' j~ •• '_ ~-. I~;~_. .. -.' l' .' .!t;rti(lll . U _ ,~1.1'_ ~.~I!! 'I~ - ,',

shall We deprive them (oj-' tI'Je fruit] of' aughr of their lvo,rks, ... ,; (At- Tur: 2 I) So, if A:II.ah beS'UJiWS His, Blessing upon the descendants of the, believers by making them enter Paradise without regarding their deeds, will He not bestow His Blessing upon them by' accepting their H:aji when 'they are not yet obliged to perform it!:'i~(,l)

Wbat 'was meutiO:D,;eid about Hajj of the companions' c:bUrdren::

Ibn. "Abbas (111ay Allah 'be pleased with them) said that tile Messenger of "Allah (peace be lupnn him) met a cavalcade at ar-Rawha" ~) and asked who they were, They replied that they were Muslims, They asked, "Who are :yIOU T' He (peace be upon hi m) said, 'H (I an~)1 the Mess'I(1·l1,g er all\ ~'la'll., '~·I Aw oman

(then lifted upa boy to h im and said, !~iW ould this child be credited lJv.ith having performedthe Hajj ?,I'~ . Thereupon, he (peace be upon him) said, I! Ye's~ and yOU" will have o reward: ~!1{2]

As-Sa'ib Ibn Yazid (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "(While in. the comp'any of my parents) I C"w· ., a···ClJilin·, 'i"I;.;!I,iO '.'0· ... perform U ..,H· '-w··c-· 'ith Allah's Messen g .. ,~r· j

" . __ ~ L~IL'. (I}U~ b·o, ,,:v Jhv "'" j.,I.L~;J '. JJ. .tt , .. j1J1J a , rLJ I ,_', ~~~~l 1,:1,. v·,

(peace be 'UpIOID him) and I was a seven-year-old boy by then ~ li(].,)


Abu .. Hurayrah [may Allah be pleased with him)

said that the Messenger of AJJah (peace be 'upon him) said.

·-l A I Madir 'I

, ,;. pace rh~!aJ ... a 'Ina 1 i·

2 .. 'Reported by Mus.l;j·rn. 3. Reported b,), Ahmed.

"Jihad of' the old, the )'o.un,g" the weak; and 'wo,~n,(!n is HttjJ and 'Umrah (the minor Pilgrimage). I~ ~)i

Ibn "Umar (may AJ lah be pleased wi th them) said that at boy' came to, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, i~'I 'W,3rU to' perform Hajj. ~'I He (pe,a.ce be upon him) walked "with that boy and said, "',0 boy! M'(l)!I Alial! provide yO't~ with p,f',ety and "nay HlJ direct you 10 goodness and U,tl:Y He protect )~O~~ from grief. rr 'Then wheo the boy' returned to 'the Prophet (peace be '1J1PO,tl him) he said" r~IO boy! f\.li'ah has accepted YO(;Ir' Hajj and has

forgiven your sin ,(1,11£1 has made up for )lou;r expenses, n(2)

This shows how much the Prophet (peace be upon him) was concerned with teaching children this important part of worship, Hail, an,d, that is 'because liajj'is one of the principles of worship,

learning' to the last question: If :fl boy makes a mistake while performing the rituals of Haii, is there Ka" 'arab (an atonement) for him'?

Yahya Ibn Muhammad said, explaining the opinion of Abu Hanifah, that: if the boy commits one of the prohibited, 'thhl,gsof Ihram, there ,is :0'0 K(J/TaJ~ah ion him.


] ,. Reported by an-Nasal,

"2-' 'R' rted b I' b S··

'. .J ,'1'·' - _-, .. _ i'· I __ ' . •

". > e po, '. " ' ,'Y ,'n as.., an Ii •

~"T-'Ib.", -c"_,' ,- idfath ,-',- , 'f,l" A' - _,',-" '~";I!...-c" :S--i, " .. ,," b said it'l" ,- t

ine grana ,R, ,. er 0, Amr ron onu ay,l sal, ~ aa a.

woman carne to, the Messenger of Allah (peace be

-" - ,-- hh -,), ,"":b i" - ... ~1:- -I" ,"~,~., '",; "1~"'" _, dai - ,.'"c',,, -,~c'

upon nnm W,lit ' aer uaug,w uer, -ier uau ter was

wearing two, thick selden bracelets so he (peace be

'"' "' I, "' '_ '" ,_,' ) '_.' ",' _ • "-.', 01" ,,_"" =,'"'"' I~_ '"" ~,I,:__ !~il::Il" 01," _,,_"~' I", ,"_""' '"_< __ ","_ ,"i,'__

upon h irn >::"')'1 said,

!j.I,,"_ ' , , " " "" ;;]I ,'-Ii. _ "I

',WA,Ylf' yO'~' giVi'f:l,g au't' ZakGl1. ,I()jr~ this? '1' she' said, "No. " ,He (peace be upon hiin1;) said; .rIWOtdd ]O',£\f:

1:,1,1.- _ A" _I',I~ -_L - ,- ... ft~'.n -"-,n,(j 1, -,.DfT.j=}II ,r'lift! fii"~;f,J nl.,,Lfl ." .fnfri8 'h!J1J:ii(J-

,_ ~lt:e"~,nan ,m,altc J'Lr~~ ,-11 ~"';,' tI'IH' tneu t_Ft'I-::r.\;o·~ ,[I-t ... "

bracelets ,(Jf fi,'"'e b~' the Day of JudgnruJnJ?"'I'; lrn,'nedl'ately~ she took 1'/1ie1J'l~ ,qf!' "II~d ,gave' tlt~e,rn; 1'0 the Prophet (peace be UpOJI ,Ili,n) ,a1zd said; "They are

for ,A,Uah and His M;esse,tg€ r: f (1 ~

As for Zaka: al', ... Fitr (tile, alms tax paid in Ramadan) "Abdullah ibn '~Umar (may "Allah be

'I .. 1 "';II.;'m,... th )' id th - A"111 h M"

pieasea WIW tnem) sate tnat . ,:,I.Jl,1 . S I" essenger

made it incumbent on all the slave or free Muslims, male '0 ,., female." to pay one Sa ~ "about 'three ki lograms) of dates or barley ,as. Zakat al-Fitr. ( II)

Making Zakah an obligation on Muslims and an important principle of worship is only proof 'that Islam is concerned with sustaining the 'purity of Muslims' properties, In this context, Almighty Allah says,

4 Of' their goods take' alms, that so thou ~n,ight.e!J.:t pi,;rify and s,ancltfy them.: ,.

(At~ Tawbeh; 10.3)

I. Reported by al-Bukhari.

!Ii'N.Ii~j,;I, _ '1'-="Ii'iI"~'r' , .• ..t'I:I,,~: 1': .... '~";'~'*-'.'. ,tR".JII/.~._ .... _". ,f .... ".-,fij'_-ii-llI,::." ,~ ...... 1 .'!iIi ~.":j ~1.JIft J'b,'~ -~, _ ..

n. -- .,. - -" "~ -',"" ~- ~- _;;!.!I"""""'''''!-;!r,~~''. -'- 0 -~">~'Cf""""'" ',.;;lI'_-''_~

Fri_1 Iii, ~~i iii" 1l5t.;{MlC PII!INU!f,IC ii itUUSltrMt 'Ol:!. 'iIlI:, on ! HjIJ1~~~, JltlJj .! -' I ..

~,.'\'\/.'~TI ,~!J,,;tj -'~,,~M'ir'~ :~~~ ~~ ~,,j.~" ~~ di~'!II!, .. "'1lw

D ,iii 'f C"L,id- I ill' ,. II-... I t

"GiltS; ,n,g' '_- n;,.,em',I'I' 1:11 ,II' _ ami tJol~eSeJh . .::iI a compiete

ed ,1'1,"';;:Jj,t"I-I .... 'n::;'!i,-l ~IU~~\i""i';m' , '~O' ,', 1L..~~lli'1I ~'I!.r>"lil "'~"II.d.. 'd' ~j,~~'ln,p-. ph u~J:·,.r=::a'IIH ~ y,~._ u, U. ~~~l~~ 1, I Il;I~~~' [lJJIj~~ ,",,~l~ "_' _ ~~.~ ,u, - l'-'-"-,lf~-~~-"',¥,~

,e'motiona~,~y'j, Inar,aUy~ 5exuaUy~ hyg,h~fti,caUy, :i,n~,nectuaUy --'11d-' S' --j -~'i" [ lrn --l- t ,'I".. m,~I, .... ,. " I.C·-:-- ~"'~: I '~A- .. ~:,.J L.,'\ ''',-, ZL _ _ ,_OC_,a! _,y, _,jJ _,mp an _' ~ !,e ws~amu: .. .l, ee,t.!!. \, ' ,lq,luQr!" m

'-n" - , - d' - d- ~ [ - -h 'h '. h-' .~ fC - h .'

- 'I '- I " _. . -- _.' , - ,," . "., - -' 'I ' . ., r' - .., . -- '.' . _, -.

_,1.J5, rrunc ~ an o eat: _ ,I:nn I ;'IOW 10 per: arm tne mam

pi~ lar-s- 'Qi'f worship. It. is an educationel systl€ rn which 'ils

.'. -' 1If"'--{:l,- . .-, d I··._--_.'i-.~' ~ ·d. fro - -- th "_- ",- - ',~i,_-,- I·e _- "-"f ~'I"-! Pr·.· ,-lI..j {", ..... 'I

en~~lr€~,y ,'_ ,er,IVELTOmJe gUJlucU1G€ 0 Iule .. opuel~ ~peace,

b 'Il.."'~

._. 13: upon ,~,I~mi.

[ , 'A····'··· c:-',._I.. ~;i::" a""" ~''iI''i..::1 !'ii~11 h' ''"1'.,.. n' ...:J1,;\'Ijt j .... ;I!o~..:1 ,!lin d ." ~D lO'n~'Ii1g'

•.•... ' · .. 1 " ~ftiI_u.r,~ 1~~i_I~:ii~UIL.'~~~~ u~~;,~,~~UK~ I __ '~V~:~' r!~- ':

"., , '_---. [' .... I ,~, batter unde:rs~a ndrn ng, 0 f Isla m [among, all

1i=~_[ ... ._ ..... ~F ..... ~A_.~~i! =e= jt!,.,...I"[ people of: the 'wo,rld 1 M'usU'ma.nd n on··Musli,m" o IJ r al m ls ~:Qt dear the 'W[8i!J' for a ~~.'i'r' ~ippra i sal of til e

~·~·~"t~~"i' =n .• r=..-...t ~·~I· 'n,n ... , ~ II· nl APi, ~.'n~:L~, w-' " A,r;lld·· :u ~~ ·~~,t ~ I V"rfY' l'~ i ~ l~, l~ _I~~l [I lli ~;J, iL r~,!1;1 _.,._. ~ ,~~~ ~

- -

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