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SCE 5441

Hydraulics and Hydrology

Tutorial 01

Keane. LIU

Question 1
Find the location of the resultant force F of the
water on the triangular gate and the Force P
necessary to hold the gate in the position shown
in Figure. Neglect the weight or the gate.

Question 2
For this wye fitting, which lies in a horizontal plane. The
cross-sectional areas at sections 1, 2, and 3 are 0.1 m2,
0.1 m2, and 0.025 m2, respectively. At these same
respective sections the pressures are 48 kPa gage, 43 kPa
gage, and 0 kPa gage, and the water discharges are 0.6
ml/s to the right, 0.35 ml/s to the right, and exits to
atmosphere at 0.23 ml/s. What x-component of force
would have to be applied to the wye to hold it in place?

Question 3
What power is required to pump water at a rate of 3m3/s
from the lower to the upper reservoir? Assume the pipe
head loss is given by hL = 0.018 (L/D)(V2/2g), where L is
the length of pipe, D is the pipe diameter, and V is the
velocity in the pipe. The water temperature is 10, the
water surface elevation in the lower reservoir is 150 m,
and the surface elevation in the upper reservoir is 250 m.
The pump elevation is 100 m, L1 = 100 m, L2 = 1000 m, D1
= 1 m, and D2 = 50 cm. Assume the pump and motor
efficiency is 74%. In your solution, include the head loss
at the pipe outlet and sketch the HGL and the EGL.
Assume = 1.0 at all locations.

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