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What is the concept where social interactions among individuals validate events
occurring in society?
Single Answer

What do you call the dialogue where individuals acknowledge that they are part of a
greater whole and that they resonate with others within the whole?
Single Answer

What is the process wherein the community of other people are seen as embedded
within the self?
Single Answer

Which scenario demonstrates intersubjectivity?

Single Answer

talking with a friend about the cat you both saw at the pet show
reading four books all by the same author
writing in your blog about a big problem in school
volunteering to be the team leader in a fund-raising project
ho among the following can best engage in an authentic dialogue?
Single Answer
Jess, who would only talk about the current political system of the country
Kim, who only talked to people the same age as her
Danny, who can talk comfortably to anyone
Joseph, who refuses to talk to anyone

How is communarization similar to empathy?

Single Answer
Both involve "being in the shoes" of others.
Both are done by a select number of people.
Both promote cultural and spiritual beliefs.
Both are done within ones community only.

Who among the following demonstrates an appreciation for the talents of persons
with disabilities and those from the underprivileged sectors of society?
Single Answer
Jean invited a poor boy, who sings very well, to her show.
Mike, a 7-year-old gifted child, will continue his education in Singapore.
Nicki has been watching a talent show on TV since last year.
Dr. Magalang offers a full scholarship program for a debate winner.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Communarization is a concept that involves intersubjectivity.
Anyone can do communarization.
Single Answer
statement 2
statement 1
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2

Which statement validly describes the process of doing communarization?

Individuals and others are seen as pairs.
Its successful endpoint will always be fair and unbiased.
Single Answer
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2
statement 1
statement 2

How can intersubjectivity be applied to society?

It promotes a view that all people are equal.
It requires financial resources and good socioeconomic background.
It promotes the honing of academic skills.
Single Answer

statement 1
statement 2
statement 3
All statements are not applicable.

What are the building blocks of society?

Single Answer
social institutions
natural resources

What structure of the society consists of individuals who interact and relate in a
shared cultural and symbolic environment?
Single Answer
social system
social interaction
social institution
social deviance

What is the process by which people acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
culture embedded in their own society?
Single Answer


Which situation demonstrates a reciprocal interaction between an individual and

Single Answer
seeing the countrys health care system and deciding to practice medicine in the
Philippines despite numerous international offers
surfing the internet to read about the countrys current events
completing the whole school year without any absences or tardiness
sleeping and waking up early to finish all errands being asked from you by your

Which of the following is an example of enculturation?

Single Answer
A 3-year old Filipino kid living in Manila is taught to use po and opo.
A French national learned to speak Tagalog after vacationing in the Philippines for
six months.
A Filipino hesitates to speak English even when talking to foreigners.
A Chinese man prefers to engage in business with Filipino nationals because of the
latters rich culture.

Kyle is an educator who wants to know about the economic challenges encountered
by the national government in 2013.
Which social institution should he approach about his concern?
Single Answer


Josh is a single parent who tries to balance his responsibilities as a service crew and
as an engineering student.
What social roles does Josh play?
Multiple Choice

Which of the following statements is true?

Individuals have the option to be social beings or not.
Society can exist without social institutions.
Single Answer
Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
Statement 1 is true. Statement 2 is false.
Statement 1 is false. Statement 2 is true.

Which statement describes the basic tenet of a social system?

It is an organized structure.
It is smaller than all the social institutions combined.
Single Answer
statement 1

statement 2
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2
hich concept about human relations and society is correct?
All human relations can influence change in society.
All human relations are only dependent upon societal change.
Single Answer
statement 1
statement 2
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2

What do you call a collection of individuals shaped by social relations and

Single Answer
social class
social system
social institution

What do you call a group of people with similar wealth and status?
Single Answer
social class
social system
social institution

social interaction

Which type of society focuses on the production and selling of information?

Single Answer

David is a blue-collared worker in Manila.

What may be his job and social class?
Single Answer
a messenger who is part of the working class
a waiter who is part of the lower class
a call center agent who is part of the working class
a doctor who is part of the upper class

Which of the following situations show that man is a social animal?

Single Answer
talking to a friend about a problem
reading books on social interactions
playing extreme sports
contemplating on the meaning of life

Which of the following is an example of an upper social class?

Single Answer
a family who owns one of the leading conglomerates in the country
a doctor who happens to be the top notcher in his licensure exam
a waiter who owns a house in Manila
a physical therapist working abroad as the head of a rehabilitation division

What is the basic difference between an industrial society and a post-industrial

Single Answer
Industrial societies focus on machinery and factories, while post-industrial societies
focus on professional services.
Industrial societies show less environmental values than post-industrial societies.
Industrial societies require great use of transportation, while post-industrial
societies do not.
Industrial societies focus on agricultural development, while post-industrial societies
focus on the development of industries.

Which of the following statements is true?

Social class is unchangeable.
The type of society one belongs to is unchangeable.
Single Answer
Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
Statement 1 is true. Statement 2 is false.
Statement 1 is false. Statement 2 is true.

Which statement describes social class?

It can be divided into different categories.
A person may experience two social classes at the same time.
Single Answer
statement 1
statement 2
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2

Which concept about individual transformation is true?

Individual transformation is influenced by society.
Individual transformation is a social process.
Single Answer
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2
statement 1
statement 2

What is established as a collective defense against psychological problems like

aggression and divisiveness.
Single Answer
meaning of life
meaning of the soul


What refers to the list of all goals, dreams, and achievements one wants to attain
before death?
Single Answer
bucket list
traveler's list
permanent list
adventure list

What is the endpoint of all biological functions that sustain a living organism?
Single Answer

Which of the following activities may be found in a bucket list?

Multiple Choice
putting up a Chinese restaurant
learning to speak another language
meeting a famous Hollywood actor
winning the lottery

Why is physical death a fearful endpoint for many people?

Single Answer
It is irreversible.
It only occurs among elderly.
It is unbearable.
It is predictable.

Who among the following is most likely to have already discovered the meaning of
Single Answer
Mike, who enjoys helping others through social work
Rick, who likes to eat vegetables
Gelo, who refuses to talk to other people
Chris, who keeps a grumpy attitude all day

What may happen if a person fails to find meaning in his life?

Single Answer
He may develop negative behaviors.
He may be less prayerful or spiritual.
He may be afraid to die.
He may find happiness in life.

Which of the following statements is true?

Finding meaning in life may only occur during old age.
All people are capable of finding meaning in their lives.
Single Answer

statement 2
statement 1
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2

Why do some people refuse to believe that there is meaning in life?

Because it is believed to be brought about by a god.
Because it is believed to limit ones experiences.
Single Answer
statement 1
statement 2
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2

How do people who found meaning in life manifest themselves to others?

by showing happiness in life
by showing simplicity in life
Single Answer
statement 1
statement 2
both statements 1 and 2
neither statement 1 nor 2

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