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Which of the following refers to the female reproductive part of a flowering plant?

Single Answer

What is the process of transferring pollen grains from the anther to the stigma?
seed development

Which of the following are abiotic pollinating agents?

Multiple Choice

Classify the following parts of the flower.

Male reproductive parts

Female reproductive parts

What is the difference between autogamy and xenogamy?

Single Answer
Autogamy is self-pollination while xenogamy is cross-pollination.
Autogamy is cross-pollination while xenogamy is self-pollination.
Autogamy is the transfer of the pollen grain to the stigma of a different flower while
xenogamy is the transfer of the grain to the same flower.
Autogamy is the transfer of the ovule to the stigma of the same flower while
xenogamy is the transfer of the ovule to a different flower.

Why do the male gametes of flowers need pollinating agents to be transferred?

Single Answer
because they are non-motile
because they are inactive
because they are motile
because they are active

Which of the following is true about pollination?

Single Answer
It unites the female and male gametes of a flowering plant.

It takes place when the pollen grains are transferred from the stigma to the anther.
It ensures the transfer of the correct type of pollen.
It is the process that produces the male and female reproductive cells.

What is the function of a stigma?

Single Answer
It receives the pollen grains.
It supports the style.
It produces the female gametes.
It holds the anther.

Which of the following steps happen in double fertilization?

Multiple Choice
The pollen grain enters the ovary and releases two sperm cells.
The sperm cell unites with the egg cell to form a zygote.
The pollen grain enters the ovary and releases one sperm cell.
The sperm cell bonds to another sperm cell to form the endosperm nucleus.

What happens to the zygote during post-fertilization?

Single Answer
It matures into an embryo.
It becomes the pericarp of the fruit.
It becomes the food store of the seed.
It matures into an endosperm.

What do you call the union of sperm cell and egg cell?
Single Answer

What type of reproduction does not need two parents to produce an individual?
Single Answer
asexual reproduction
sexual reproduction
external fertilization
internal fertilization

It is a type of asexual reproduction wherein two individuals will form as the parent
divides in half.
Single Answer

Which of the following animals fertilize the eggs outside the female reproductive
Single Answer


Which of the following characteristics does not describe ovoviviparity?

Single Answer
eggs receive their nourishment through placenta
eggs complete their development within the mother
eggs receive their nourishment through its yolk
the eggs are fertilized internally

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Single Answer
corals fission
planaria fragmentation
hydra budding
frogs external fertilization
All of the following animals reproduce asexually except
Single Answer
Most mammals reproduce the same way except for monotremes (echidnas and
platypus). This is because monotremes
Single Answer

lay eggs
give birth to young
reproduce asexually
fertilize eggs externally

While walking at your favorite beach, you have noticed an organism. From time to
time, one of its appendages detach and gradually grow into a whole new organism,
similar to the first.
This is an example of
Single Answer
internal fertilization
What advantage would animals that reproduce sexually have over animals that
reproduce asexually when there is a change in environmental conditions? Animals
that employ sexual reproduction
Single Answer
allows species to adapt to new conditions
restricts the spread of harmful features
decreases the species variation
produces offspring that are identical to parents

It is the creation of RNA molecule from a section of DNA.

Single Answer


Which is not found in the DNA strand?

Single Answer

What is the product of translation?

Single Answer

The nucleotide of the DNA is composed of the following except .

Single Answer
nitrogen base pair
phosphate group

Which is not true about the RNA?

Single Answer
It is a double-stranded molecule.
It can serve as a messenger.
It contains the sugar ribose.
It comes from a DNA template.

In the RNA strand, which of the following nucleotide is paired with adenine?
Single Answer

Which of the following processes involves the DNA being copied to mRNA?
Single Answer

Which of the following sets of nucleotide bases is the complementary strand of the
DNA strand, TAC, CGC, AAT, TCG?
Single Answer



What is the corresponding mRNA of the DNA strand, ACC GCA CGA AGG TAT?
Single Answer

Why is DNA important in inheritance of traits?

Single Answer
It acts as a guide in creating proteins.
It regulates cell processes.
It acts as an enzyme that speeds up chemical reaction.
It binds with the mRNA to produce proteins.
Genetic engineering involves the transfer of
Single Answer
t is the process where the recombinant plasmid is placed back to the bacterium.
Single Answer

DNA isolation
Cutting certain genes out of molecules of DNA requires the use of special

Single Answer
restriction endonucleases
DNA ligases
degrading nucleases
viral enzymes

Which of the following components is added to the nutrient media used to select
transformed bacteria?
Single Answer

Which of the following is the correct order of the steps in genetic engineering?
Single Answer
DNA isolation, ligation, transformation, selection
ligation, transformation, DNA isolation, selection
selection, DNA isolation, transformation, ligation
transformation, selection, DNA isolation, ligation

All of the following are the benefits provided by the golden rice except

Single Answer
allergic reactions
resistance to insects
high pesticide use

Which of the following are the disadvantages of GM crops?

Multiple Choice
reduced biodiversity of natural enemies
allergic reactions
destruction of weed species
high cost of GM seeds

If you engineer the gene producing a toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis into a tomato
plant, what would happen to the resulting plant?
Single Answer
Tomatoes will be toxic to certain insects.
Plant cells of tomatoes will die.
Humans cannot eat the tomatoes.
Tomatoes will have Bacillus infection.

A crop scientist spliced genes for disease resistance into Ti (Tumor inducing)
plasmids and then treated tomato plants with the plasmids. Some parts of some
plants resisted the disease, but most of the plants eventually died.

How could the scientist increase his odds of success?

treating single cells and cloning whole plant from the cells
inserting the genes into the cells of tomato plant with a needle
using other plasmid other than the Ti plasmid to introduce genes
using molecular probes to figure out where to put genes

Anna wants to be protected against hepatitis B but is afraid of vaccination.

Fortunately, researchers produce less expensive and easily available edible
vaccines by careful genetic engineering of certain crops.
Which of the following has been engineered to become an edible vaccine against
Hepatitis B virus?
Single Answer

It is the process by which food is changed into simpler and soluble forms.
Single Answer
t is the passage of nutrients through the intestinal walls and into the blood.
Single Answer


It is the primary site of absorption.

Single Answer
small intestine
large intestine

Which of the following is true about the metabolic process of nutrients?

Single Answer
Metabolic process happens at the cellular level.
Digestive enzymes are essential in this process.
The small intestine plays an important role in the reassembly of digested nutrients.
Digestive enzymes require vitamins and minerals for metabolic process to occur.

Which of the following are true about the small intestine?

Multiple Choice
It contains villi that trap the nutrients which are taken in by the adjacent cells.
It contains the capillaries that serve as the passageway for the nutrients to reach
the general circulation.
It plays an important role in the reassembly of the digested nutrients to complex
It plays an important role in changing food particles into soluble forms that can be
easily absorbed.

Which of the following statements are true?

Multiple Choice

When the cells in our body need energy, a series of metabolic reactions occur.
The production of ATP happens in the mitochondria.
The presence of oxygen is not necessary in the release of energy by the cells.
All types of metabolism occurs at the cellular level, specifically, intercellularly.

Which of the following products will come from the complete breakdown of fats?
Multiple Choice
carbon dioxide

What happens to the body if metabolism does not take place?

Multiple Choice
The cells would not be able to provide energy for all processes in the body.
The body would not be able to repair itself.
The growth and development of an organism would not be inhibited.
The body would store more energy than release it.

What happens to glucose when it undergoes glycolysis?

Single Answer
It is broken down into carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.
It is stored as triglycerides in fat cells.
It is converted into an amino acid that breaks down into carbon dioxide and ATP.
It is converted directly into metabolic waste.

Which of the following are not true about metabolism?

Multiple Choice
When metabolism results in building new substances, it is called catabolism.
When the nature of metabolism is oxidative, it is called anabolism.
All types of metabolism happen inside the cells.
Metabolism of carbohydrates and fats releases energy or ATP.

Which of the following animals use gills for breathing?

Single Answer

What type of blood vessel surrounds the alveoli?

Single Answer
nerve endings

Which of the following refer to the pairs of openings located in the insects
Single Answer

air sacs
Cutaneous respiration requires
Single Answer
moist and highly vascularized skin
the presence of gills and lungs
an environment rich in oxygen
very low temperatures

Which of the following animals have spiracles?

Single Answer

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Single Answer
cutaneous respiration cockroach
tracheal system grasshopper
gills fish
lungs penguin

Which of the following organisms take in oxygen through cutaneous respiration?

Multiple Choice
komodo dragons

Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood
Single Answer
tracheal system of an insect
lungs of a vertebrate
gills of a fish
skin of a frog

What can be inferred to the exchange of substances A and B if they flow in a

countercurrent system?
Single Answer
The exchange between A and B is maximized because the substances flow in
opposite directions.
The exchange between A and B is minimized because the substances flow in
opposite directions.
The exchange between A and B is maximized because the substances flow in the
same direction.
The exchange between A and B is minimized because the substances flow in the
same direction.
espiratory gases in the blood changes as you hold your breath.

Which of the following changes makes you feel the need to breathe?
Multiple Choice
rising CO2
falling CO2
falling O2
rising O2

It carries blood away from the heart.

Single Answer

It is a blood vessel that allows the exchange of nutrients and oxygen with wastes
such as carbon dioxide.
Single Answer

What is the primary organ that drives the circulatory system?

Single Answer


Which of the following is the main function of the circulatory system?

Multiple Choice
distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the body
take wastes products, such as carbon dioxide, out of the body
produce hormones that regulate multiple functions in the body
provide structural support for the body's movement

Which of the following are true about the circulation of blood throughout the body?
Multiple Choice
Diffusion is the process where the blood is distributed throughout the body.
The blood is carried from an area of low pressure to an area of high pressure.
Bulk flow allows a rapid transport of blood in all parts of the body.
The blood is carried from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.

Which of the following are true about the pulmonary circuit of the heart?
Multiple Choice
The pulmonary circuit is supplied with blood from the right side of the heart.
The pulmonary circuit receives deoxygenated blood to be sent in the lungs from
The pulmonary circuit is supplied with blood from the left side of the heart.
The pulmonary circuit delivers oxygenated blood to the entire body.

Which of the following are not included in the circulatory system?

Multiple Choice
production of white blood cells as defense
release of carbon dioxide outside the body
distribution of nutrients in body cells
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Why is it important for the blood to be pressurized?

Multiple Choice
The blood should be pressurized for it to flow inside the body.
The pressure in the blood allows the blood's rapid transport throughout the body.
The blood should be pressurized to maintain homeostasis in the body.
The pressure in the blood prevents the blood to clot in one area.

Which of the following statements is true about the closed and open circulatory
Single Answer
In an open circulatory system, the circulatory fluid is not limited within vessels while
in a closed circulatory system, the circulatory fluid is limited within vessels.
In an open circulatory system, the circulatory fluid is limited within vessels while in
a closed circulatory system, the circulatory fluid is not limited within vessels.
In open and closed circulatory systems, both their circulatory fluids are limited
within vessels.
In open and closed circulatory systems, both their circulatory fluids are not limited
within vessels.

Arrange the path of the circulatory system.

Correct Order
The cycle starts as blood passes through the right side of the heart and goes
directly to the lungs.
The blood is pumped into the aorta, passing small vessels and into the capillaries.
The blood is distributed to all the body tissues.
The blood is deoxygenated and goes through the veins and directly into the heart.
The blood passes the pulmonary arteries and goes directly to the lungs.
The blood is reoxygenated and goes back into the heart.

Which of the following is the ability of the body to maintain its internal equilibrium
as a response to changes in the environment?
Single Answer
feedback system

Which of the following are examples of homeostasis?

Multiple Choice
body temperature regulation
blood sugar level control
blinking of eyes
knee jerking

What is the role of the endocrine system in homeostasis?

Single Answer
Endocrine system secretes hormones into the blood to correct changes in the
control condition.
Endocrine system sends information to the brain.
Endocrine system receives hormones from the blood to correct itself.
Endocrine system releases enzymes to speed up the reaction of the stimulus.

Which of the following is not true about homeostasis?

Single Answer
Homeostasis is considered as a dynamic state.
Homeostasis orchestrates the regulation of body temperature and blood urea level.
Homeostasis maintains the internal condition of the body.
Homeostasis ensures one's survival in all conditions in the outside environment.

Which of the following are true about the mechanisms of homeostasis?

Multiple Choice
The components of the feedback mechanism are the control center, the effectors,
and the receptors.
Internal factors such as blood sugar level is regulated by a specific mechanism.
Homeostasis is maintained through feedback mechanisms.
The feedback mechanism is a series of events in which the body is monitored and

Oliver has a type II diabetes, a condition where the body either resists the effects
of insulin or does not produce enough insulin.
Which of the following most likely occurs in his blood sugar level?

Single Answer
There are no changes in his normal blood sugar level.
His blood sugar level decreases because his body resists insulin.
His blood sugar increases only for a moment and reverts back to its normal level.
His blood sugar level rises because the body cannot maintain its normal level due to
resistance to or lack of insulin.

Which of the following are examples of a positive feedback mechanism?

Multiple Choice
release of prolactin during lactation
regulation of the body temperature
release of oxytocin during childbirth
release of insulin in the blood to maintain sugar level

Nina is preparing dinner for her family. She accidentally cuts her finger, and
droplets of blood come out. After a few minutes, the bleeding stops because when
her blood vessels are damaged, the platelets adhered to the injured area. These
platelets release chemicals that cause more platelets to adhere to that area until a
clot is formed.
Which of the following best describes this scenario?
Multiple Choice
The platelets served as the effector as they adhere to the injured area, forming a
The platelets served as the stimuli as they adhere to the injured area, forming a
Blood clotting depicts a positive feedback mechanism.
Blood clotting depicts a negative feedback mechanism.

Why is the nervous system important in homeostasis?

Multiple Choice
The nervous system receives messages from numerous sensors that monitor the
different controlled conditions.
The nervous system sends messages from numerous sensors that monitor the
different controlled conditions.
The nervous system responds in the form of nerve impulses to other organs
involved in the changes.
The nervous system does not have any connection with homeostasis.

What is the importance of homeostasis in the body?

Multiple Choice
Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain internal conditions equilibrium in
response to changes in the environment. Without this ability, no human being will
be able to adapt to changing environment.
Homeostasis is the ability of the body to adapt to certain changes in the
environment. And this adaptation makes us capable of acclimating to certain places
with different types of climate.
Homeostasis is the ability to adapt not only to changes in the outside environment
but also inside our bodies. Without this, the body would not be able to function well.
Homeostasis makes us perfectly ready for any change inside our bodies even in the
outside environment.

It is the collection of cells, organs, and processes that protect our body against
foreign substances.
Single Answer
immune system
endocrine system
respiratory system
circulatory system

It is the ability of the body to fight certain diseases.

Single Answer

It is a type of white blood cell that engulfs foreign materials as a form of defense.
Single Answer
denditric cell
mast cell

Which of the following are involved in adaptive immune response?

Single Answer
mast cells
denditric cells

Which of the following statements is true about adaptive immunity?

Single Answer
It is the first line of defense in the body.
It provide immediate action to protect the body from foreign substances.

It treats all microbes in the same way.

It is highly specific against particular pathogenic microbe.

Which of the following is not true about innate immunity?

Single Answer
It provides immediate action to protect the body from foreign substances.
It provides long-lasting protection against pathogenic microbes.
It cannot recognize specific type of foreign substances.
It is the first line of defense in the body.

Which of the following statements are false?

Multiple Choice
The bone marrow is responsible in the production of white blood cells.
The spleen is responsible in analyzing destroyed cells and stimulating immune
The lymph nodes are responsible in segregating and destroying malfunctioned cells.
The antigens provide defense against infections due to the body's reaction to
foreign substances.

Anna went to the garden to pick some flowers. After a few minutes, she noticed
that there were rashes all over her arm.
What type of immunity did Anna's body exhibit?
Single Answer
innate immunity
adaptive immunity
allergic reaction
inflammatory response

tephen suddenly cut himself while chopping vegetables for dinner.

What type of immunity would take place in Steven's cut?
Single Answer
innate immunity
adaptive immunity
allergic reactions

Cancer immunotherapy is a therapy that uses the body's immune system to help
fight cancer. One of its approaches is through vaccination that uses dendritic cells
(DC) to induce tumor-specific effector T-cells to reduce tumor mass and induce
immunological memory to control tumor relapse.
Which of the following is true about this approach?
Single Answer
The type of immunity presented by the vaccination is both innate and adaptive
immunity response.
The type of immunity presented by the vaccination is innate immunity response.
The type of immunity presented by the vaccination approach is adaptive immunity
The type of immunity presented by the vaccination approach cannot be determined.

are chemical substances secreted by the glands of endocrine system.

Single Answer

It is an example of a hormone responsible for human growth.

Single Answer
growth hormone

Which of the following is true about steroid hormones?

Single Answer
They are derived from cholesterol.
They are synthesized as large peptides.
They are derived from amino acids.
They are synthesized as polysaccharides.
Which of the following hormones is an example of a fatty acid derivative?
Single Answer

Which of the following statements are true?

Multiple Choice
Peptide and protein hormones are water-soluble hormones that are comprised of
amino acids.
Amino acid derivatives are hormones derived from the amino acids tyrosine and

Fatty acid derivatives are hormones derived from saturated fatty acids.
Steroid hormones are lipid-soluble hormones derived from stearic acid.

Which of the following hormones is responsible for stimulating cells to take in

Single Answer

Which of the following hormones promotes secondary sex characteristics and

maturation of the egg cells?
Single Answer

Alexander was diagnosed with type I diabetes.

Which of the following hormones cannot be produced by his body?
Single Answer

Noriel is experiencing changes in his body. He notices that his shoulders became
broader and his voice sounded deeper. There is also an increase in his facial hair.
Which of the following hormones promotes these changes in Noriel?
Single Answer

Why are hormones important in the body?

Multiple Choice
Hormones serve as messengers that work to maintain homeostasis.
Hormones serve as substances that are capable of changing the physiological and
metabolic behavior of their target cells.
Hormones secrete substances into the bloodstream that regulate different
processes in the body.
Hormones serve as carriers of chemical substances that work with various organs to
maintain homeostasis.

It is a part of the brain that coordinates with motor signals from the brain to the rest
of the body.
Single Answer
brain stem

What subdivision of the autonomic nervous system encourages rest and digestion?
Single Answer
parasympathetic neurons
sympathetic neurons
peripheral nervous system
somatic nervous system

Voluntary responses are controlled by which group of the Peripheral Nervous

Single Answer
Somatic Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic neurons
Parasympathetic neurons

Which of the following is true about the Central Nervous System?

Single Answer
CNS is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.
CNS is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
CNS can be classified into Somatic NS and Autonomic NS.
CNS is mainly composed of nerve cells outside the PNS.

Which of the following statements are true?

Multiple Choice
Autonomic Nervous System is responsible in controlling the visceral and cardiac

Sympathetic neurons initiate the "rest and digest" response of the body to rest and
Somatic Nervous System initiates voluntary movement of the body.
Peripheral Nervous System is classified into Somatic and Automatic NS.

Which of the following are not true about the brain?

Multiple Choice
The brain is subdivided into four major parts: brain stem, cerebrum, cerebellum,
and diencephalon.
The brain lies in between the skull and shaped like a mushroom.
The brain is subdivided into four major parts: medulla oblongata, cerebrum,
cerebellum, and diencephalon.
The brain is composed of a bundle of neurons and a bridge between the central and
the peripheral NS.

Which of the following are true about the parts of the Central Nervous System?
Multiple Choice
The thalamus is responsible for receiving information from the sensory organs to the
The cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain responsible for fine-tuning the
body and limb movements.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain responsible for critical judgement and
emotion learning.
The hypothalamus is the site of hunger, thirst, and body temperature.

Bell's palsy is the paralysis on one side of the face. It is characterized by a droopy
appearance around the eye and mouth of the affected area, pain around the ear,
and alteration in the sense of taste. In this disorder, the facial nerves swell resulting
in an inflammation disrupting the nerve's proper functioning.
Which major part of the nervous system is mainly affected?

Single Answer
peripheral nervous system
central nervous system
somatic nervous system
autonomic nervous system

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which causes seizures or the disruption in the

electrical communication between neurons. Seizures can also be termed as
convulsions where a person's body shakes rapidly and uncontrollably. During this
state, palpitations, and irregular heartbeat, as well as apnea or cessation in
breathing, are experienced.
Which of the following statements are true?
Multiple Choice
Epilepsy is a disorder in the Central Nervous System.
Epilepsy only affects the Peripheral Nervous System.
Epilepsy affects the nerve cell activity in the brain.
Epilepsy affects the Autonomic Nervous System.

Mr. Grey is diagnosed with schizophrenia, a serious mental disorder characterized

by symptoms such as visual and auditory hallucinations.
Which of the following statements are true?
Multiple Choice
The Central Nervous System of Mr. Grey is mainly affected by schizophrenia.
The Peripheral Nervous System of Mr. Grey is mainly affected by schizophrenia.
The brain is mainly affected, and Mr. Grey's senses are altered due to schizophrenia.
Both Central and Peripheral Nervous System are mainly affected by schizophrenia.

Which of the following helps regulate other organ systems by releasing hormones?
Single Answer
endocrine system
integumentary system
circulatory system
urinary system

Which of the following organ systems coordinates voluntary and involuntary actions
of the body?
Single Answer
nervous system
muscular system
circulatory system
endocrine system

Which of the following organ systems removes wastes and excess materials from
the body?
Single Answer
integumentary system
excretory system
muscular system
skeletal system

Which of the following statements describes the relationship between the

respiratory system and circulatory system?
Single Answer
The respiratory system, together with the circulatory system, delivers oxygen to
every cell in the body.

The respiratory system, together with the circulatory system, delivers carbon
dioxide to every cell in the body.
The respiratory system sends out its waste products through the circulatory system.
The respiratory system provides the nutrients distributed by the circulatory system.

Which of the following is the major function of the digestive system?

Single Answer
break down foods into nutrients that can be used by the body
move nutrients throughout the body
take in oxygen and exhale waste materials like CO2
filter toxins and excess water out of the cells

Which of the following organs is involved in both excretory and respiratory systems?
Single Answer
small intestine

Which two organ systems work together to transport nutrients from the food to
other parts of the body?
Single Answer
digestive and circulatory systems
circulatory and respiratory systems
digestive and respiratory systems
digestive and nervous systems

Which of the following is a direct interaction of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous
Single Answer
voluntary movements of the arms
healing of wounds
increased production of hormones
feeling sleepy after eating meals

How do circulatory and excretory systems work together to excrete waste

Single Answer
Blood from the circulatory system collects waste materials from other body parts
and delivers them to the excretory system for excretion.
The excretory system provides the waste materials to the circulatory system which
transports them to different parts of the body.
The excretory system helps the circulatory by excreting blood through urethra.
Waste is filtered by the heart which pumps it into to the excretory system for

Muscle contraction is one of the evidence of the relationship between the nervous
and muscular systems.
Which of the following describes their functional relationship?
Single Answer
The nervous system sends out nerve impulses that stimulate a reaction in muscle
The nervous system releases nutrients that control the muscles.
The muscles send messages to the nervous system to allow them to move.
The muscular system moves independently bypassing the nervous system.

Which of the following is not considered as an aquatic plant?

Single Answer
wild rice

They are modified stems that serve as overwintering bud during cold climates.
Single Answer

It is a parenchyma tissue with large air spaces.

Single Answer

Which of the following are not true about floating plants?

Multiple Choice
Floating plants are rooted at the water's bottom.

All floating plants have roots.

The leaves of floating plants move freely on the water surface.
Some examples of floating plants include water lily, water lettuce, and duckweed.

Which of the following statements best defines aquatic plants?

Single Answer
Aquatic plants are plants adapted to living in water.
Aquatic plants grow beyond the littoral zone.
Aquatic plants are plants which have no roots and stems.
Aquatic plants are plants adapted only to still waters.

Which of the following is the main function of aquatic plants?

Single Answer
provide food, oxygen, and shelter for other organisms
add aesthetic value to the environment
add minor economic value
improve water clarity and quality

Which of the following are true about the characteristics of aquatic plants?
Multiple Choice
Some aquatic plants grow via stolons or rhizomes.
One common feature of aquatic plants is the presence of roots.
Most species of floating aquatic plants are used for phytoremediation.
Some species of aquatic plants can completely cover the water surface.

Plant A is usually found in low-lying waters. It is rooted on the bottom of the

water, and its leaves and stems extend at the surface. It grows from runners which
allow it to spread and reproduce.
What type of aquatic plant is Plant A?
Single Answer
emergent plant
floating plant
submergent plant
cannot be determined

An unknown aquatic plant was discovered in the deepest part of the littoral zone.
When its dry matter was examined, traces of heavy metals were found.
What type of aquatic plants best describes it?
Single Answer
floating plant
submergent plant
emergent plant
cannot be determined

Water hyacinth, an invasive aquatic plant can cover large areas in the water
What will happen if water hyacinths continue to reproduce?
Multiple Choice
Fishes will benefit because there will be more sunlight penetrating the water.
Plants below the water surface will be affected due to lack of oxygen and light.
Submerged plants will benefit because they will be protected from the Sun's harmful
Dangerous animals such as snakes can reside and find habitat in these plants.

A fruit is commonly
Single Answer
a matured ovary
a thickened style
an enlarged ovule
a modified root

It is the type of root present in dicotelydon plants.

Single Answer
fibrous root
adventitious root
specialized root
t is a vegetative part of the plant which carries out photosynthesis in order to make
Single Answer

Which of the following statements best describes terrestrial plants?

Single Answer
Terrestrial plants are plants that live on land.
Terrestrial plants include all kinds of trees.

Terrestrial plants are found in water.

Terrestrial plants are plants that are able to photosynthesize.

Which of the following parts of the root is responsible for cell division?
Single Answer
root cap
root hair

Which of the following is not a type of root?

Single Answer
root crop
fibrous root
adventitious root

Which of the following pairs is a mismatch?

Single Answer
flowers and fruits
stems and leaves
leaves and roots
taproot and fibrous roots

Which of the following is not true about the parts of the shoot system of terrestrial
Single Answer
The shoot system consists of the vegetative parts and the reproductive parts.
The stem is used to transport essential nutrients from the shoots to the roots.
The male reproductive part of the flower is the stamen and the female part is the
The fruits and the seeds are the reproductive parts of the plant where sexual
reproduction occur.

A farmer observes that his planted tomatoes have leaf spots on most of their
leaves. He also notices that the leaves began to wilt.
Which of the following are likely to happen?
Multiple Choice
The wilting of leaves may continue and the plant eventually dies.
The process of photosynthesis is affected.
Substances essential to the plants may not be transported.
The fruit production of the plant may be affected.

Which of the following statements are false?

Multiple Choice
Modified roots of terrestrial plants include corms, bulbs, and tubers.
The shoot system of terrestrial plants is made up of stems and leaves.
The types of roots of terrestrial plants include taproot, fibrous roots, and
adventurous roots.
The two major parts of terrestrial plants are shoots and reproductive structures.
here do plants get carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis?
Single Answer


What process involves the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia?

Single Answer
nitrogen fixation
nitrogen cycle

Which of the following are the products of photosynthesis?

Single Answer
oxygen and glucose
water and carbon dioxide
glucose and water
carbon dioxide and ammonia

Which of the following is formed during anaerobic respiration?

Single Answer
lactic acid
malic acid

Which of the following is an event occurring during glycolysis?

Single Answer
The glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvate.
Water is transported in the electron transport chain to produce glucose.
The pyruvate molecules enter the Krebs cycle.
Electron transport chain occurs in the mitochondria.

Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Single Answer
nitrogen fixation : ammonia
photosynthesis : oxygen
respiration : pyruvate
respiration : glucose

Which of the following statements is true?

Single Answer
Nitrogen fixation keeps the loss of atmospheric nitrogen compensated.
The by-products of respiration are oxygen, water, and ATP.
Metabolic processes in plants are limited in leaves.
Metabolism in animals also occur in plants.

Which of the following is not involved in the process of photosynthesis?

Single Answer
formation of the 3-carbon pyruvate molecules
production of ATP and NADPH

carbon dioxide absorbed to form sugar

splitting of water molecules resulting to the production of O2

Which of the following describes photolysis in the light-dependent reaction?

Single Answer
breaking down of water molecules using sunlight that leads to the production of O2
breaking down of carbon dioxide to produce oxygen gas
formation of water from carbon dioxide and glucose
formation of water molecules from glucose and oxygen

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Single Answer
glycolysis : mitochondria
Calvin cycle : stroma
light-dependent reaction : grana
Krebs cycle : mitochondria

It provides a time perspective of the evolution of life on earth.

Single Answer
fossil records
DNA and protein sequences
plate tectonics
artificial selection

He proposed the continental drift theory and the existence of Pangaea.

Single Answer
Alfred Wegener
Charles Darwin
Robert Hooke
Isaac Asimov
t is the study of the development of embryos.
Single Answer
comparative anatomy
cellular physiology

Which of the following will best differentiate between a domesticated Siberian

Husky and its human owner?
Single Answer
complete set of DNA and protein sequences
geographical data about living environment
homologous structures of the two organisms
timeline event of evolutionary tree

Which of the following will best differentiate a bird found in the Philippines and its
relative in Central Europe?
Single Answer
geographical data about the living environment
partial DNA and protein sequences

homologous structures of the two organisms

timeline event of evolutionary tree

Which of the following observations best account for the continental drift theory?
Single Answer
Relatives of birds found in the Philippines were also found in Australia.
Bees and dogs both have similar and different genetic characteristics.
A person in China have homologous structures to a monkey found in Africa.
Fossils of the Mesozoic era were found in layers of the Grand Canyon.

Which of the following observations best explains the evidence for artificial
Single Answer
Different crops are grown at different climate-type countries.
Fossils of lizard-like reptiles were found in Asia, and Southern Africa.
Birds of the same family were able to specialize dependent on their location.
The fins, limbs, and wings of animals are similar in structure.

Crocodiles are among the few species of animals that have undergone minimal
changes. Why is this so?
Single Answer
They did not need a lot of evolutionary changes as they were always on top of the
food chain.
They were already dispersed to begin with and thrived in all locations.
They had the genealogy of dinosaurs which were the perfect organisms.
Crocodiles descended from alligators, gharials, and caimans.

When Charles Darwin visited the island of Galapagos, he noted that there were
several varieties of finches, each differing with beak shape and size.
What best explains this observation?
Single Answer
The different type of beaks were due to specialization of what these finches ate.
The different types of finches all had different ancestors.
The different types of finches have completely varying DNA sequences.
These finches were domesticated to target specific food sources.

A fossil of an unknown creature was found in Canada to be perfectly preserved

and was analyzed at a paleontological laboratory. It was hypothesized to be a close
ancestor of giant lizards that lives in Central Asia.
Which of the following methods will best prove their ancestry?
Single Answer
Identify homologous structures between the fossil and giant lizards found in Central
Comparison of geographical and environmental data in Central Asia and Canada.
Identify dietary habits of the various giant lizards found in Central Asia and Canada.
Identify the age of the fossil and create a time map lineage of when lizards from
Central Asia appeared.

The theory that refers to the survival of the dominant and more evolved species
over time allowing its descendants to continue to reproduce and carry on with this
Single Answer
Theory of Natural Selection
Theory of Descent with Modification

punctuated equilibrium

It refers to the evolutionary theory that claims there is a continuous gradual change
in defining characteristics as generations pass.
Single Answer
Theory of Descent with Modification
punctuated equilibrium
Theory of Natural Selection

Which of the following examples best represents divergent evolution?

Single Answer
Darwin observes different beaks from finches on his trip to the Galapagos.
Invertebrates such as weaver ants and silk months use silk to capture prey.
Hyenas are known to be domesticated in certain parts of Africa.
Different species of poison dart frogs develop colorful skin as a warning to its would
be predators.

Which of the following examples best represents convergent evolution?

Single Answer
Butterflies and hummingbirds have long tongues for taking nectar from flowers.
Marsupials carry their young in punches just like humans carrying their babies.
The hyenas and the lions consume the same types of food.
Walruses and penguins live in the coldest parts of the world.

Which of the following situations do not show a coevolutionary mechanism?

Single Answer
Spiders and weaver ants have developed silk to capture their prey.
The yucca moth and the yucca plant have evolved specifically to suit each others
The old world swallowtail caterpillar has developed an immunity to fringed rue
plants toxins to repel other insects.
Ornithophilous flowers developed nectars suited for a hummingbirds diet while the
birds freely pollinate the flowers.

As a person walks through a forest, he notices many kinds of flowers of different

colors and species, and there are trees that house a variety of birds and insects. As
he looks down on the trunk of the tree, many mushrooms sprout and all kinds of
ants live together.
Which of the following is best observed in this description?
Single Answer
convergent evolution
Theory of Natural Selection

Consider the family of big cats whose ancient ancestor is the sabre tooth. Today,
there are a lot of big cats such as lions, pumas, cheetahs, and leopards. These
animals evolved differently with respect to the location in which they thrive. Big
game cats such as lions and cheetahs hunt in the open field requiring stronger hind
legs and a motor for chasing fast prey, while tigers, pumas, and leopards prefer to
hunt in dense forests using stealth as a weapon.
Which of the following describes the evolution of these big cats?
Single Answer
divergent evolution
convergent evolution

punctuated equilibrium
he rough-skinned newt has developed a neurotoxin that accumulates on the skin
while the garter snake that preys on this newt has developed immunity towards this
Which of the following describes this evolutionary pattern?
Single Answer
convergent evolution
divergent evolution

Which of the following statements best describes the theory of descent with
Single Answer
All existing organisms originated from simple life forms that gained new
Behavioral characteristics are inherited from ancestors creating new traits that help
in survival.
Certain evolutionary characteristics are influenced only by interaction with new
species thus allowing several modifications.
Only the dominant species are able to reproduce and survive, and thus they retain

Assuming that complete fossil records are found, and shows that for a certain
species, the structure of bones essentially remain the same until a cataclysmic
event is set off such as the coming of an Ice Age. (This is possible by studying
sedimentation of different layers such as those found in the Grand Canyon).
Which of the following can be concluded?
Single Answer

The theory of punctuated equilibrium holds true accounting for the coming of an Ice
Age as the environmental trigger.
The theory of natural selection holds true as it states that only dominant species
survived the coming of the Ice Age.
The theory of gradualism holds true due to slow changes in preparation of the
coming Ice Age over generations of organisms.
Convergent evolution can be accounted by for these fossils as their descendants
have survived the Ice Age while the ones that fossilized did not.

It studies the evolutionary relationships of organisms.

Single Answer

Who proposed the three-domain scheme of the comparison of ribosome sequences

in organisms?
Single Answer
Carl Woose
Charles Darwin
Donal Johanson
Alfred Wegener

It is a diagram of evolutionary relationships of organisms.

Multiple Choice
phylogenetic tree
taxonomic classification

family tree
evolutionary tree

Which of the following cannot be implicated when two organisms branch from a
singular node?
Single Answer
These organisms share the same habitat.
These organisms may have some homologous DNA sequences.
These organisms share at least one similar characteristic.
These organisms share a common ancestor.

In the interpretation of a phylogenetic tree, what is the significance of the point

where two branches originate?
Single Answer
The point suggests a common ancestor.
The point suggest the era in which they differentiated.
The point suggest a common geographical habitat.
The point suggests similar evolutionary mechanisms.

In reading a phylogenetic tree, how would you distinguish ancestral groups from
relatively newer or modern age organisms?
Single Answer
Points that are found at the bottom are the ancestral groups, while those at top are
relatively new groups.
Organisms that do not have branching are modern age organisms.
Organisms that have multiple branch points are ancestral groups.
Points that are found at the top are the ancestral groups, while those at bottom are
relatively new groups.

Two organisms are being compared in a phylogenetic tree. It was concluded that
they had a common ancestor.
Which can be expected from these two species?
Single Answer
presence of homologous structures
similar predatory behaviour
similar habitats or geographical location
presence of symbiotic relationships

Consider a phylogenetic tree where in organisms X and Y all branch from a single
node, whereas organism Z branches out from organism X.
What conclusion can be made from this statement?
Single Answer
Organisms X, Y, and Z have at least one common characteristics.
Organisms X, Y, and Z are not related to each other.
Organism Y and Z do not share any common characteristics.
Organisms X and Z do not share a common ancestor.

A population of birds lived in isolation on an island and feed on insects. Due to

increasing population of birds, and a lack of available prey to sustain the
community, a subpopulation migrated to a dense forest rich in fruits that these birds
now eat.
What would be the long term effect on the phylogenetic tree?
Single Answer
Over time, a new species of bird will develop, creating a new branch.
The insect population will rise again, allowing new branches to develop.

There will be no change since they are still the same type of bird.
The fruits of that forest will reach extinction due to an invasive species.

Which of the following evidence can be used to denote that organisms originate
from a similar branch point?
Single Answer
both organisms share a common ancestor
both organisms are found in the same geographical location
both organisms have similar dietary habits
both organisms are domesticated

It is the process of an organisms change to reciprocate various environmental

conditions over a short period of time.
Single Answer

It refers to the abundance of various species in one location.

Single Answer
species diversity
genetic diversity
ecological diversity
representative diversity

It is the level of organization that involves various species or population.

Single Answer

Which of the following is an example of ecological diversity?

Single Answer
species of birds in the Amazon rainforest
eye colors of ethnic groups in the Philippines
cacti species in the Chihuahuan Desert
marine life in the Pacific Ocean

Which of the following situations describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem?

Single Answer
Bears feed on salmon and other fish in preparation for the winter season.
A bears response to winter season is hibernation.
A salmon migrates back to the riverbed in which it was born during mating season.
The accumulation of heavy metals in salmon have made it a dangerous delicacy.

Which of the following describes an abiotic factor of an ecosystem?

Single Answer
Mists or cloud covers accumulate at high-altitude forests such as cloud forests.
A swamp appears green due to microalgal blooms that periodically happen during

Dolphins have a distinct migrating pattern in line with Earths magnetic field.
A plants flowers can detect changes in the season, allowing it to bloom for

Deer are animals that only eat plants. They are categorized as herbivores.
Which among these classifications fit the deer?
Single Answer
consumer heterotroph
producer photoautotroph
consumer decomposer
producer chemoautotroph
he great dire wolves often travel in packs and have hierarchical tendencies. There
is an alpha male, that acts to proliferate the pack, and is the lead hunter. Support
hunters are often other males and females. Then there are cubs, which are nurtured
to become hunters.
Which level of organization was described?
Single Answer

Consider a forest ecosystem in which the primary producers are trees and shrubs.
A recent catastrophe recently struck the ecosystem with a series of forest fires.
Most of the consumers were able to escape; however, most of the producers were
What will be the effect of this catastrophe on the ecosystem?
Single Answer
The ecosystem will collapse due to the elimination of producers in the area.

The ecosystem will continue because chemoautotrophs will take over as primary
The ecosystem will continue to thrive because the consumers were not harmed.
The ecosystem will collapse due to the invasion of decomposers.

Which of the following best explains why a very few large carnivores exist today?
Single Answer
Large carnivorous predators that are found on top of the food chain would not be
provided with enough energy for their body systems to function.
These large predators have weaker immunity against diseases than smaller
carnivorous predators.
Bioaccumulation of certain poisonous chemicals would immediately kill off any top
level predator, thus very few exist today.
The biosphere does not have enough landmass or area to sustain creatures of
immense size.

It is the ability of a population of a particular species to proliferate under ideal

environmental conditions
Single Answer
biotic potential
carrying capacity
environmental factor
environmental resistance

What is the relationship between biotic potential and environmental resistance?

Single Answer
Biotic potential increases the population of a species while environmental resistance
limits its growth.

Biotic potential increases the population of a species while environmental resistance

decreases its growth.
Biotic potential and environmental resistance are both factors that limit the
population growth of species.
Biotic potential and environmental resistance are both factors that increases the
population of species.

It refers to the maximum capacity of an ecosystem to sustain a population of

organisms without deteriorating.
Single Answer
carrying capacity
biological capacity
biotic potential
environmental potential

Which of the following organisms will have the highest biotic potential assuming
they are all found in the same environment?
Single Answer

Which of the following is an example of environmental resistance?

Multiple Choice
Numerous predators may compete for the same prey.
Climate change such as change in seasons can affect behaviour of organisms.
Drought limits the growth of producers as there is no available water.

Desert ecosystems have limited organisms due to extreme arid conditions.

Which of the following reasons does not explain why different organisms have
different biotic potentials?
Single Answer
Organisms that dwell in the same environment will have the same potentials.
Numerous organisms have different proliferation rates.
Different organisms will have different reproductive life spans.
Offsprings will have different survival rates.

Which of the following examples refer to an abiotic factor for environmental

Single Answer
Plants are dependent on the availability of sunlight and water in an ecosystem.
A certain prey has numerous predators to keep the population in check.
A tadpole is in competition with numerous fishes for eating microalgae in ponds.
Bubonic plague which was caused by a certain bacteria in mice, slowed the growth
of humans.

How do you identify the carrying capacity of an ecosystem in a graph of population

(y-axis) versus time (x-axis)?
Single Answer
The carrying capacity is identified by solving for the equation of the line.
The carrying capacity can only be identified by experimental means.
The carrying capacity can be identified as the portion that plateaus.
The carrying capacity can be identified by taking the second differential of the line

Which of the following factors could limit the growth rate of a certain predator?
Single Answer
A plague that targets its prey has spread into an ecosystem.
There is an abundance of prey due to the preys mating season.
The predators competitors migrated to another region.
The predator recently migrated to a new ecosystem with an abundance of prey.

If a population for a certain organism is above the carrying capacity of an

ecosystem, which of the following is a plausible outcome?
Single Answer
The population will decline, as there is a limited number of resources in the
The population will continue to grow because they will start migrating to other
The population will decline because there will be an increase in predators.
The population will continue to grow until biotic potential is reached.

It is the sum of communities of living organisms and non-living things.

Single Answer

They are ecosystems found on land.

Single Answer

terrestrial ecosystems
aquatic ecosystems
coastal ecotones
t is a major ecosystem between the sea and shoreline.
Single Answer
coastal ecotone
terrestrial ecosystem
aquatic ecosystem
riparian area

Which of the following highlights how coastal ecotone link both aquatic and
terrestrial organisms?
Single Answer
Some mammals feed on exposed marine organisms.
Riparian predators prey on aquatic insects.
Salmon transport nutrients to other fish.
Terrestrial habitat provides shelter for aquatic animals.

Which of the following are true about emerging aquatic insects?

Multiple Choice
Aquatic insects increase the biomass of spiders along the stream edge.
Aquatic insects live all of its life cycle under water.
Aquatic insects are preyed by almost all terrestrial animals.
Aquatic insects are important food sources for riparian predators.

lant detritus and animal carrion such as fish, and

crabs were found on the shoreline of desert islands in the Gulf of California.
Which of the following best describes this scenario?
Single Answer
Some marine subsidies can enter the terrestrial ecosystem by shoreline drifting.
There are a lot of marine wastes that negatively affect the shorelines.
Water is a dense medium which does not allow organisms to float through different
All marine subsidies pollute both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Which of the following is false about anadromous salmon?

Single Answer
They transport large amounts of nutrients to both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
They are advantageous to marine organisms as well as riparian zones.
They provide nutrients to terrestrial ecosystems by direct consumption of flesh and
They divide their lives on both aquatic and terrestrial habitat, thus, advantageous to
both ecosystems.

Which best explains the significance of riparian zones in linking the aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystem?
Single Answer
Riparian zones house many organisms that feed on aquatic insects.
Riparian zones are the interface between bodies of water and terrestrial
Riparian zones are vulnerable to attack as they are both terrestrial and aquatic by
Riparian zones carrying capacity is higher compared to other ecosystems.

Stoneflies were significantly reduced when ground beetles dominated a stream

Which of the following best describes the ground beetle?
Single Answer
a riparian predator that feeds on an aquatic insect
a predator preying on stoneflies on ecotone boundary
a marine subsidy that enters a terrestrial habitat
a terrestrial subsidy that enters an aquatic habitat

Which of the following scenarios does not describe how terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems are linked with one another?
Single Answer
a fish that serve as a vector to transport of marine-derived nutrients inland
marine subsidies transported thousand of miles by migratory birds
a change in the food choice due to change in habitat
terrestrially-derived carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen stimulate in situ

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