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3.2.1. Standards
- DTU 13.3: Paving Design, calculation and production Part 1 : Contract Bill of Technical
Clauses for Paving for Industrial or related use
- NF P 11-300 (Guide GTR92): Earthworks - Classification of materials for use in the construction
of embankments and capping layers of road infrastructures
- NF P 11-212 (DTU 13-2): Deep foundations for building works
- NF EN 1097-1: Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates Part 1:
Determination of the resistance to wear (micro-Deval)
- NF EN 1097-2: Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates Part 2: Methods
for the determination of resistance to fragmentation
- NF P 94-117-1: Soils : investigation and testing Formation level bearing capacityPart1:
Plate test static deformation module (EV2)
3.2.2. Material
The material to use should be in accordance with DTU 13-2 with adaptation of granulometry for the
use of vibrator. The material will have same characteristics than Stone Columns Material.
3.2.3. Method of execution
The columns will be made from a working platform called "Gravel Bedding consisting of a waterresistive quarry material (0/100) with a minimum thickness of 30 cm adjusted and compacted.
Under the buildings, a layer of calibrated material (0/80) called will be executed by layers of maximum
30cm of thickness, perfectly adjusted and compacted: This first layer will be executed before the
realization of the Stone Columns. The bearing under paving must be higher than 50 MPA and the ratio
K (compaction ratio) of EV2 / EV1 lower than 2.
After the reinforcement has been completed, a second Gravel Bedding of at least 30 cm consisting
of calibrated 0/100 quarry materials will be used up to the paving level, including adjustment and
compaction. Bearing measurements should be higher than 80 MPA and the ratio K (compaction ration)
EV2 / EV1 lower than 2.
3.2.4. Test on Material
Test on material will consist on:
- Indicating the origin of material
- Execute sieve analysis and tests called Los-Angeles (as per NF EN 1097-2) and Micro-Deval
(as per NF EN 1097-1)
Type and number of tests are summarized on below table:
Type of test
Sieve analysis
1 each 1,500 m3
Los Angeles
1 each 3,000 m3
1 each 3,000 m3
Proctor Normal 1 each 1,500 m3
3.2.5. Test on gravel bedding
Control of gravel mat stiffness is performed based on standard plate test (as per NF P 94-117-1), with
the following criteria:
- Deformation modulus : EV2 50MPa
- Ratio of compactness : K = EV2 / EV1 2

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