Five Tribes Plain and Simple Summary

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Five Tribes

Artisans of Naqala additional rules are in blue.

Game End and Goal:
The game ends when either a player places his last camel (the tent counts as a camel in
Artisans so it must also have been placed), or no more meeple moves are possible. Final
scoring occurs, and the player with the most victory points is the winner.
1. Players receive camels and turn markers as follows:
a. 2P game one player takes 11 blue camels and 2 turn markers, and one
player takes 11 pink camels and 2 turn markers.
b. 3P and 4P game Each player receives 8 camels and one turn marker in
their chosen colour. Spare blue or pink camels and markers are returned to
the box.
c. Players also each receive 1 tent each in their colour.
2. Each player receives 50 gold coins, which they should place face down to conceal
their exact quantity of available money. Money is secret until the end of the game.
3. Mix all 30 tiles and place them in a 6 wide, 5 tall grid to form the Sultanate. All tiles
must be orientated the same way.
a. If playing with Artisans of Naqala, instead randomise the base game tiles and
draw 10 of them. To this pile add the 6 expansion tiles, and mix again. Lay
these 16 tiles out in a 4x4 grid. Then place the remaining 20 tiles from the
base game around the 4x4 grid to make a 6x6 grid. All tiles must be
orientated the same way.
b. Place the mountains on the workshop tiles on the darkened borders (2
mountains per tile lined up against the edges).
i. If any tile(s) ends up completely surrounded by mountains, reshuffle
and restart setup.
4. Put all 90 wooden meeples into the draw bag, and randomly draw 3 meeples per tile,
placing them on the tiles as you proceed. The bag will be empty after this is complete.
a. If playing with Artisans of Naqala, add all the purple meeples to the meeple
bag before mixing them, and deal out 3 per tile, except that no meeples can
be placed on the chasm tile.
5. Put the bid order and turn order tracks next to the Sultanate.
6. Take the players turn order markers, and place them in a random order on the bid
order track.
7. Shuffle all resource cards, place in a face down stack, and draw 9 cards face up to
form a starting row/tableau next to the resource card stack.
8. Shuffle the Djinn cards and place in a face down stack. Shuffle the additional Artisans
Djinn cards into the stack if in use. Draw 3 Djinn cards face up to form a starting
9. Shuffle the item markers, and place them in a face down stack near the sultanate.
10. Put the palm trees, palaces and remaining gold coins in supply next to the sultanate.
Game overview:
The game occurs in the following three steps until the end conditions are met:
1. Bid for turn order
2. Action Phase:
a. Move turn marker
b. Move meeples
c. Check tile control
d. Tribe actions
e. Tile actions
f. Merchandise sale (optional)
3. Clean up

1. Bid for Turn Order:

The player who is first on the bid order track announces which space on the turn order track
they wish to place their Turn Marker on, pays to the bank the amount of gold shown on the
space and moves their marker there. The next player on the bid order track repeats this
process, and play continues until all players have paid and moved to the turn order track.
Players cannot share spaces (except the 0 space).
If a player chooses to bid 0, no money is paid to the bank, and their marker moves to
the front 0 space. Any players already in the 0 area are pushed backwards one space
in turn order.
In a 4P game, if all three 0 spaces are full, the 4 player must bid at least 1 coin.
Players will now take their turn in the order in which their markers have been placed on the
turn order track, beginning with the player on the highest numbered space.
2. Action Phase:
On a players turn, they take the following six actions in order. Once a players actions are
complete the next player takes their actions, and so forth until all players have completed their
a. Move turn marker: Pick up your turn marker from the turn order track and place
it on the first empty spot on the bid order track.
b. Move meeples: Select a tile that contains at least 1 meeple, and pick all meeples
on that tile up. Choose an orthogonal path away from the selected tile of the
same length as the number of meeples held, and drop 1 meeple in each space in
the path (excluding the starting tile). The following rules should be respected:
i. Last meeple, Same Colour When a player is laying their path, they may
lay the meeples in any order of their choosing, except for the last meeple,
which must land on a tile that already contains a meeple of that colour.
ii. No diagonal moves The meeples may only be moved in an orthogonal
path, never diagonal.
iii. No immediate back-tracking You may never immediately backtrack
onto a tile you have just passed through. However, if you have at least 5
meeples, you may complete an overlapped loop over 4 tiles.
iv. Mountains are impassable: Each time Meeples are moved on the board,
they cannot pass from one Tile to another if there is a Mountain between
the Tiles.
v. Chasm is impassable: Meeples cannot cross, nor can they be placed on
the chasm at any time.
c. Check Tile Control: Once all the meeples from hand have been placed, the
active player picks up all meeples of the colour of the final meeple placed from
the last tile in the path. The player will now have at least 2 meeples all of one
colour in their hand. IF this action empties the final tile of meeples, the active
player takes control of the final tile by placing a camel (or tent) of their colour on
the tile (they will receive VPs for the tiles the control at the end of the game). You
cannot steal control of a tile once a player has it.
d. Tribe Actions: The player takes the action corresponding to the colour of
meeples they hold on their hand. The strength of the action is increased by the
number of meeples held in their hand.
i. Yellow Viziers Place all Yellow Viziers collected in front of you. They will
score points at game end.
ii. White Elders Place all White Elders collected in front of you. If they
remain in front of you at the end of the game, they will score VPs.
Alternatively you may spend White Elders on purchasing Djinns, or
activating some Djinn powers during the game.
iii. Green Merchants Place all Green Merchants collected back in the
meeple bag. Take one Resource card from the market for each merchant
collected, starting at the beginning of the line (and taking the next adjacent
ones). Do not replace the resource cards in the market until Clean Up
phase. Resources in hand are secret information.
iv. Blue Builders Count the number of Blue Builder meeples collected, and
place them in the meeple bag. Take gold from the bank as follows:

i. Examine the tile that your meeples ended on, and all immediately
orthogonally and diagonally adjacent tiles. Count the number of
blue-valued tiles among them.
ii. Multiply the number of blue-valued tiles by the number of blue
builder meeples returned to the bag.
iii. If you wish, you may discard slaves from your hand to increase
the multiplier (by 1 for each slave discarded).
iv. Mountains are ignored by builders.
v. Red Assassins Put all red assassin meeples into the meeple bag, you
may kill one other meeple (which is returned to the bag) using the following
i. The meeple can be any colour of your choice, located on a tile no
further away from your finishing tile than 1 tile per red assassin
put into the bag. Distance counting is orthogonal and not
diagonal. Mountains are ignored by Assassins.
ii. Alternatively, the active player may kill one white, one yellow, or
one purple meeple in front of another player.
iii. Slave cards may be discarded to increase the range of the
assassin by one space per slave discarded.
iv. If, as a result of taking the assassin tribe action, a tile is
completely cleared of meeples, the active player immediately
takes control of that tile and places a camel from their supply on
v. It is possible to clear two tiles during the assassin tribe action if
picking up the assassins in the first place also clears a tile. In this
case, provided there are enough camels available, the player
takes control of both tiles. If they only have one camel available,
they may only take control of their finishing tile, and not the tile
emptied by the assassination.
vi. Purple Artisans: Place all the Purple Meeples you just collected in front of
you and take a matching number of Item Markers from the pile. Choose
one of them, keep it face down before you, and discard the others face up.
i. Precious Items are worth VPs at Game End.
ii. Magic Items have a special effect, and can be played at any time
during your turn, including just after you drew it. Only one magic
item may be played per turn. Each magic item is single use: once
an item is played, it is discarded.
iii. Artisans can also be spent in the Workshops during the game to
acquire more Items (see below). Just like Viziers and Elders,
Artisans can be killed by Assassins.
e. Tile Actions: When a players tribe action is complete, the action of the tile that
the last meeple was placed on is completed. If you took control of a second tile
through the use of assassins, you do not receive the action of this tile as well.
The tiles which have compulsory (red arrow actions) are:
i. Oasis (Palm Tree) Place one new palm tree on this tile. There is no limit
to the number of palm trees that can be on a tile. If there are no palm trees
left in supply, this action is ignored.
ii. Village (Palace) Place 1 new palace on this tile. There is no limit to the
number of palaces that can be on a tile. If there are no palaces left in
supply, this action is ignored.
If the tile does not have a red arrow, the action is optional, and these
actions are:
iii. Small Market (pink 1/3): Pay 3 gold and pick one resource card from the
first three on the resource window. Do not refill window until clean up
iv. Large Market (blue 2/3): Pay 6 gold coins and pick two resource cards
from the first six on the resource window. If there is only one resource card
in the window, you still pay 6 gold to take it. There is no limit to the number
of palm trees that can be on a tile. If there are no palm trees left in supply,
this action is ignored.

v. Specialized Market (red 1/9): Pay 4 gold coins and pick any resource of
your choice from the row of Resource Cards. Do not refill the window until
Clean Up phase.
vi. Sacred Place (B/W with lamp): Pay two elders OR one elder and one
slave to buy a Djinn of your choice from those available in the Djinn
window. Put the elder in the meeple bag and the slave into discard. Do not
refill the Djinn window until Clean Up phase. The special rules for Djinns
i. Some Djinn powers are passively active all the time. Some may
be paid to use (once per turn only). For the pay per use powers,
you may only activate them on your turn (including immediately
after buying the Djinn), but only if the entry cost can be paid.
vii. Workshop (picture of item): Pay either 1 Artisan OR 2 Slaves to take the
first Item of the Item pile.
f. Merchandise Sale (Optional): Once tile actions are complete, a player MAY sell
some of their resource cards (NOT slaves) to convert them back into gold coins
to spend on a future turn. The set of merchandise cards must all be different from
each other, and a set of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 cards is worth 1,3,7,13,21,30,40,50,60
gold coins respectively.
3. Clean Up Phase: Once all players have taken all 5 (or 6) of their action steps, Clean
Up is conducted.
a. Resource Cards: Slide any remaining resource cards along the resource
row so they are side by side and replenish the spaces left nearest the draw
pile to create a window of 9 resource cards. If there are no resource cards to
draw, reshuffle the discards, and if there are still not enough, no more can be
b. Djinns: Slide any remaining Djinns along the Djinn row so they are side by
side and replenish the spaces left near the draw pile to create a window of 3
face up Djinn cards.
Game End
The game ends when one of two possible events occurs:
1. A player places their last camel on a tile. The active player finishes their action
phase as normal. The game ends once all players have taken their actions for this
turn. Final scoring then occurs.
2. There are no more legal meeple moves. If a player can make no legal meeple
move, he has the opportunity to invoke any Djinn powers he chooses, and then he
passes and play moves to the next player. All following players have the same
opportunity to use Djinn powers. The turn then finishes and final scoring takes place.
Final Scoring
Final scoring is conducted using the scoring sheets in the following way:
1 VP for each Vizier (Yellow Meeple) you own + 10 VPs for each opponent who has
strictly less Viziers than you do.
2 VPs per Elder (White Meeple) you own
Sum of VPs for all your Djinns
Sum of VPs for all of your Tiles (those with one of your Camels on it)
3 VPs for each Palm Tree on all of your Tiles
5 VPs for each Palace on all of your Tiles
Convert all your merchandise (slaves cannot contribute to sets) to gold. Add this gold
the gold you have in front of you, and each gold point is worth 1 VP.
Your Tent scores the VPs on its tile + 1 VP per each surrounding Red valued tile,
including the Tile where it stands, if it is also Red valued. Mountains are ignored for
Tent scoring.
Each Artisan gives you 3 VPs if no other player has more Artisans than you;
otherwise you score only 2 VPs per Artisan.
Precious Items: Each is worth the displayed number of VPs, which you reveal and
score at the end of the game.
The player with the most VPs is the winner!

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