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NAME: ________________________________________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___

1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks: (1,5)

How ______________ your trip, Norma?
Oh, it was such a wonderful experience!
You ______________ a lot of things!
Yes, I went shopping with two ______________ ladies I met there. They knew a lot of gift

shops. We ______________ at every single one. Here is ______________ picture. Arent
they ______________?
Yes, both of them.

______________ ______________ are they?
About 60.
Where are the other pictures you took?
They are in _____________ suitcase. ______________ _____________ four albums
What a nice ______________!
It is ______________.
Oh, thank you, sweetheart.

2. Listen to CULTURE and put the lines in order: (2,0)


) like riding snowmobiles, going snowboarding, skiing and making snowmen.

) People stay indoors for months and the free time they have is used to play outside, to walk or to take
part in some activities in the snow.

) In Canada and in some parts of the United States, winter is very cold.

) During the winter, there are trucks that clean the streets daily, because of the amount of snow

) During the winter, people wear heavy boots, coats and gloves because of the low temperatures.

) The tires have to be changed, because the streets are slippery.

3. Listen to the dialogue. Find the mistakes and correct them: (1,5)

Come in, Julie.


Are you excited?


No, I was talking to Norma on the phone.

We talk every other day.


Where is she?


Oh, she is in heaven.

She is having a lot of fun.


How is the weather in Aspen?


Its really cloud and windy.

Good thing Norma took a lot of heavy clothes with her.


How is she coming back home?


I dont know.
The truth is she doesnt want to come back.


By the way, do you want to go shopping with me this morning?

There is a sale at Sears.


Sure, Id like to.


NAME: ________________________________________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___
1. Complete the sentences using CAN or CANT: (2,0)
1. He __________ move the furniture. Its too heavy.
2. ____________ you please not sit on top of the shelf? It will break.
3. I ____________ clean the house. Its very easy.
4. I __________ clean the house. I dont have time for that.
5. ___________ you please close the faucet? I dont want to waste water.
6. They __________ get there without a map. They get lost easily.
7. She __________ buy another carpet. She doesnt have money.
8. We __________ change the light bulb right now. We dont have a new one.
9. I bought a new lamp but I __________ find an outlet to connect it.
10. ____________ you tell me if you like the couch?

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of THERE TO BE: (1,5)
1. ___________ a lamp on the night stand when you arrived?
2. ___________ shaving cream in the medicine cabinet. We have to buy it.
3. ___________ four albums in my bag. But I dont know where they are now.
4. ___________ anything I can do to help you? Yes, I need winter clothes.
5. ___________ two broken skis in my car, only one.
3. Follow the pattern: (1,5)
This is his hat.
This hat is his.
1. These are our gloves.
2. This is my camera.
3. Those are her suitcases.
4. That is their rocker.
5. This is your furniture.

4. Composition: (2,0)
Suppose you need to move to another city.
What do you have to do before you move?



NAME: ________________________________________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___
1. Listen to the dialogue and correct the mistakes: (2,0)

Norma: Did you make the test?

Janice: Yes, I finished it some minutes ago. It was very difficult. I think I made a lot of errors.
Norma: Fortunately, I didnt have my test. My professor traveled this week, so he wasnt absent today.
Janice: Youre lucky.
Norma: Not actually, I still have to study. Im thinking about studying all week long.
Janice: Oh, what a drag! By the way, do you want to have lunch now?
Norma: Ok, but first I have to go to the grocery store to buy something for lunch.
Janice: I was thinking about having lunch at KFC. Why dont we go grocery shopping now?
Norma: Ok, lets go then.
2. Listen to CULTURE and fill in the blanks: (1,5)

Education is very important in America, where public schools have a high level of quality.
But if you dont want to study in public schools another option is private schools, but in this case you have to
pay ___________________ ( 1 ).
After graduating from high school, many students continue their education at a university or
____________________ ( 2 ).
Some universities and colleges are harder to get into than others, so it is important to get good
____________________ ( 3 ) while you are in high school.
When you graduate from college, you can then choose to continue studying another
____________________ ( 4 ) at a higher level of education such as a masters or doctorate.
Or, if you think about taking courses that dont require a degree to continue ____________________ ( 5 ),
you can take them in specialized ____________________ ( 6 ) according to your interests.

3. Listen to the dialogue and check the correct alternatives: (1,5)

John: Dont forget to go to the bank today. Yesterday you forgot to pay our loan.
Bev: (


) Thats because I forgot my purse in the drawer.

) Thats because I forgot my wallet in the drawer.

John: (


) So, please pay it today, because the interest rate is high.

) So, please pay it today, because the interest receipt is high.

What about the bills?

Bev: (


) Dont be afraid, darling! I remember paying the electricity bill last week.
) Calm down, darling! I remember paying the electricity bill last week.

So I have only to pay the phone bill today.

John: (


) OK, please remember to put a message on the table for Norma.

) OK, please remember to put a message on the drawer for Norma.

There are some documents she has to take to the bank for her car loan.


) She must take them today.

) She mustnt take them today.

Bev: Oh, sweetie, do you have your house key? Im not coming home early tonight. Im afraid I need to work
John: Yes, I do.


) See you later then, honey.

) See you later then, sweetheart.


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________
1. Complete the questions: (use MUST or MUSTNT) (2,0)
1. This is a secret. You __________________ tell anybody.
2. We __________________ make any noise in the library.
3. He __________________ do his exercises otherwise his teacher will get upset.
4. I __________________ hurry or I will miss the bus.
5. Children and adults __________________ eat fruit and vegetables.
6. Its his birthday, I __________________ make a cake.
7. Tomorrow I have English class. I __________________ forget to put everything in the backpack.
8. This movie is great, I __________________ tell everybody to watch it!
9. We __________________ speak loud at the hospital.
10. I __________________ make new plans for my life, I want to change some things.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of DO or MAKE: (1,5)
1. How many mistakes did you __________________ on the test?
2. What did you __________________ with your credit card?
3. __________________ your homework for next class!
4. That teller is __________________ a loan now.
5. She is not thinking about __________________ chocolate cake on my birthday.
3. Complete the sentences with SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, NOBODY or EVERYBODY: (1,5)
1. ___________________________here knows how to sing his songs. We dont like him.
2. ________________________ said she is a famous singer. Do you know her?
3. Is __________________________ coming to town this weekend?
4. I know __________________________ that works at that newsstand. I like them all!
5. Did you see ___________________________ talking to the teller?

4. Composition: (2,0)
Write about a movie you watched and liked.
What was it about?
When did you watch it?
Where did you watch it?
Why did you like it?



NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________
1 - Listen to the dialogue and check the correct alternatives: (1,0)
Bob: Whats the ____ with Joe?

) problem

) situation

) matter

Norma: He was driving too ____ and had an accident. Fortunately, he is OK.

) slow

) fast

) slowly

) she

) it

) runs

) drives

) hospital

) home

) Peters

) Anthonys

) doing

) taking

) will

Bob: Was ____ in a hurry?


) he

Norma: No, he usually ____ fast.


) walks

Bob: Which ____ is he in?


) house

Norma: Saint ____ Hospital.


) Josephs

Bob: Who is ____ care of him?

) making

Norma: I dont know. We ____ call the hospital and ask.


) must

) should

Bob: What if we visit Joe today? Maybe I have some free time this afternoon.
Do you want to ____ with me?

) come

) go

) see him

Norma: Sure, if thats ____ with you.


) fine

) well

) no problem

) 2

) 4


Norma: Fine ____ me.

( ) to

) for

) with

Bob: Get ready at ____ oclock.


2. Listen to the dialogue. Find the mistakes and correct them: (2,0)
(At the mall)
Mary Jane:

Did you talk to Grandma this evening?


No, I was waiting for you.

Mary Jane:

What are we having for Grandma and Grandpas 50th wedding birthday party?


We thought about having an open house party.

Mary Jane:

So we need to put the invitation in the paper by next week.


I already made the reservation at the Community Hall.

Mary Jane:

Was it easy?


Yes, I didnt have any questions.

Mary Jane:

What about our family dinner?


As you know, Grandpa wants to have one.

Mary Jane:

Who are we calling?


All our close friends. I think we are 80 people altogether. Dad and I already made the

Mary Jane:

Hey Mom! Look at this window!

Isnt it a great gift for Grandpa and Grandma?

3. Listen to Culture and match the sentences: (2,0)

( 1 ) One of the wonderful things about North America

( ) is that there are four distinct seasons.

( 2 ) If you could have an eclectic closet it would be better ( ) wearing tennis shoes.
( 3 ) During the winter it is important to stay warm,

( ) beanies, and scarves.

( 4 ) It is warmer than

( ) than having only one type of clothing.

( 5 ) As spring is rainy, wearing a raincoat

( ) that means fall is near.

( 6 ) After spring, summer arrives and people usually

( ) wear flip-flops, shorts, and T- shirts.

( 7 ) When the weather starts to get cold,

( ) and rain boots is better than getting wet.

( 8 ) So get ready to wear jeans, which are

( ) one of the most popular items of clothing in

( 9 ) along with leather boots, coats,

( ) so you must have a good winter coat.


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Complete the sentences with SHOULD, SHOULDNT, COULD or COULDNT: (1,5)

1. We ___________________________ go there. It was raining.

2. ___________________________ we call the doctor?
3. ___________________________ you open the door for me please?
4. She ___________________________ ask him for the wheel. She doesnt know where it is.
5. She asked me if I ___________________________ understand what she was saying.
2. Fill in the blanks with the words in parentheses in the genitive case: (1,5)

1. _________________________________ arent small. (the shoes of those women)

2. We bought __________________________________ and
_______________________________ here. (the clothes of my brother; the clothes of my sister)
3. __________________________________ is hot all year. (the weather of Mexico)
4. I stayed at _________________________________ on our last vacation. (the house of my
uncle and of my aunt)
5. Did you put _________________________________ in the closet? (the hangers of your friend)
3. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the words in parentheses: (2,0)

1. This course is _____________________________ than the Portuguese course. (interesting)

2. They arent __________________________________ than their uncle. (famous)
3. Its ________________________________ to get up early when its hot. (easy)
4. Are you feeling__________________________________________ today? (good)
5. These flip-flops are __________________________________ those ones. (beautiful)

4. Composition: (2,0)
Write a paragraph about going window-shopping.
Keep the following questions in mind:
1. Do you like to go window-shopping?
2. Do you usually go window-shopping before you buy something? Why?
3. Do you prefer to go window-shopping:
- downtown or at the mall?
- during the week or on the weekend?
- alone or with somebody?


FLASHBACK 12 - listening TEST

NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Listen to the dialogue and put the lines in order: (2,0)

) Do you think they are dating?

) I dont want to think about it.

) Oh, he is as old as Daniel when I got married to him. How do you like Phillip?

) I think he is 25 or will be 25 soon.

) Yes, they are always together.

) Well, I dont know.

) He is a nice fellow. As you know, he studies with Bob. They are very good friends.

) I think Norma is in love with him.

) I know how you feel.

) Hi, Bev. I saw Norma and Phillip running outside when I was coming home.

) How old is Phillip?

2. Listen to Culture and check the correct alternative: (1,5)

At some point in our lives we have to make _______________________,
a) hard decisions
b) difficult decisions

c) easy decisions

and _______________________ that we like is certainly one of them.

a) choosing a career
b) finding a profession

c) finding a career

To make this decision easier, it is important _________ the things you like the most in your private life,
a) to focus on
b) to think of
c) focus on
because _____________ give you clues on what career to follow.
a) they will certainly
b) they will usually

c) they will probably

Some people believe that money is ____________ thing about a job,

a) the least important
b) the most important

c) more important

and they sometimes forget that working in a good place with nice people is ______________ too.
a) so important
b) very important
c) more important
But to find the job of your dreams, you need to have ________________.
a) good qualifications
b) strong qualifications

c) strange qualifications

Thats why ______________ to get degrees and certifications for the position you want.
a) it is necessary
b) it is interesting
c) it is important
Make sure you have a ______________ that looks professional and yous your real interests,
a) curriculum vitae

b) appearance

c) rsum
because being unemployed can be bad, but working on something you dont ______________ is the worst
thing to do.
a) like

b) love

c) enjoy

3. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks: (1,5)


Mom, the __________ is ringing.


Ill get it. Hi Phillip. Come in.


Good ___________, Mrs. Ryan.


Are you hungry? Im preparing ___________.


Oh no, ____________, I had dinner at the hospital. Is Norma home?


Yes, she is taking a shower. Would you like __________ to drink?


Im dying for a __________. A glass of water would be fine.


By the way, I made apple __________ and saved it for your __________. Can you take it to

her and say that I sent it?


Sure, Mrs. Ryan. She __________ your pie. It is the best apple pie in __________.


Thank you.


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Complete the sentences: (Use WILL) (1,5)
1. I (run) _____________________________ this weekend.
2. They (take a walk) _____________________________ in the park.
3. Your fianc (give) _____________________________ you a ring.
4. The receptionist (answer) _____________________________ because she is busy now.
5. I (save) _____________________________ money to buy a new house.
6. He (go jogging) _____________________________ because he has a backache.
7. You have to decide if you (use) _____________________________ your spare tire or if you
(want) _____________________________ mine.
8. The telephone (ring) _____________________________. Its not working properly.
9. _____________________________ you (prepare) dinner for Norma?
10. _____________________________ they (get married) anymore?
2. Write sentences using the information given: (1,5)
1. the weather today / as as / yesterday
2. Mary / as much as / Norma
3. shoes / in Los Angeles / expensive (superlative form)
4. this restaurant / spicy (superlative form) / food

3. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks: (2,0)

Susy: Harold, _________________ (will / should) you come here please?
I ____________________________ (will / would) like to talk to you.
Harold: Is everything ok, Susy?
Susy: Did you ______________________ (use / wear) my car yesterday?
Harold: Yes, I did.
Susy: Did you have problems with it?
Harold: Yes, but I took it to the mechanic and he said that you knew you
_____________ (will / would) have problems with it because it was
__________________________ (the worst / the worse) car you had.
Dont you have plans to buy a new car?
Susy: I _____________________ (liked / would like) to buy a new car, but
I dont have money now.
4. Composition: (2,0)
Describe the rooms of your house. Use the words you learned so far.


FLASHBACK 13 - listening TEST

NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Listen to Planning Your Trip. Find the mistakes and correct them: (2,0)
Before planning your trip, make sure to have all the important documentation in order. When traveling abroad,
it is necessary to have your boarding pass and your ID card in hand to get on the plane. When waiting
(boarding) at the gate, the flight attendant will not check you on the plane if you dont have these documents.
Pay attention to the weight limit for the luggage, because you will pay for all the extra weight you buy. This
information is usually provided by your travel company (agent) or the airline company. If the country you are
going to visit requires a visa, make sure you have it. Without a visa, you will be sent back home and lose all the
money and time invested in your trip. When traveling back home you must not forget to inform all the items you
bought in the place you visited. Customs department might charge you for undeclared objects.
2. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct line: (1,5)
(At the airport)

Are you going to rent a car?


) Yes. I dont know if there is a taxi service downtown and by car we can go everywhere.

) Yes. I dont know if there is a bus service downtown and by car we can go everywhere.

(At the Car Rental office)


I would like to rent a car, please.

Rental Agent: (

) What kind of car do you want?

) What kind of car do you prefer?


) I would like something like a sedan.

) I would like something like a Honda Civic.

Rental Agent: How long do you want it for?


) A week.

) A day.

Rental Agent: (

) We have a Toyota...

) We have a Honda...


Which model is it?

Rental Agent: (

) Its a Civic.

) Its a Corolla.


) How much is it?

) How much does it cost?

Rental Agent: Its $40.00 per day.


Does that include unlimited mileage?

Rental Agent: (

) It includes insurance, tax and unlimited mileage.

) It only includes insurance and unlimited mileage.


Its reasonable.

Rental Agent: (

) Can you fill in this request, please?

) Can you fill in this form, please?

John: Ok.
3. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks: (1,5)
Receptionist: May I help you?

Yes, we have a _____________________. Its under Ryan.

Receptionist: How do you _____________________ it?



Receptionist: Thank you. Can you fill in these _____________________, please?



Receptionist: Your _____________________ number is 603. Its a _____________________ room on the

6th floor. Here is your key.

Thank you.

Receptionist: Sir, you didnt _____________________ this form, did you?


Oh, sorry!

Receptionist: No problem. Would you like _____________________ to help you with the bags?

No, dont worry, I can take them _____________________ .


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Complete the dialogue. Add question tags to the sentences you write: (2,0)
Jim: ____________________________
Lucy: No, I went to Las Vegas.
Jim: ____________________________
Lucy: No, my brother lives in Los Angeles. Its my cousin Sarah who lives in Las Vegas.
Jim: So you played cards the whole weekend...
Lucy: Yeah, and I won a lot of money! ___________________
Jim: Yeah, but not very well. I learned to play cards a long time ago...
Lucy: We need to go to Las Vegas together some day. And you, Jim? What did you do last weekend?
Jim: Oh, nothing much. I stayed home most of the time.
Lucy: _____________________________
Jim: Oh no. I dont like TV that much. Donald and I went to the movies and I studied a bit too.
2. Answer the following statements. Use LET in your responses: (1,5)
1. Do you really want to buy that station wagon? Its too expensive.
2. How can we get more towels?
3. We need to go to the twentieth floor.
4. I dont want to rent a car, I want to take a bus.

3. Answer the following questions using SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE, NOWHERE or EVERYWHERE: (1,5)
1. Where did you take the tourists? (everywhere)
2. Did you see my bags? (somewhere)
3. Where are you going? (nowhere)
4. Did you send the towels to the hotel? (anywhere)
4. Composition: (2,0)
Suppose you are a rental agent. A man wants to rent a van but you only have compacts available. Write the
dialogue between you and the man. Try to persuade him to rent a compact.


FLASHBACK 14 - listening TEST

NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Listen to the dialogue and check the correct alternative. (1,5)
John: Im going to __________ Mr. Johnson.
a) call b) phone c) talk to
Norma: Hes __________ for your call, isnt he?
a) looking b) searching c) waiting
John: Definitely!
Norma: Ok, see you __________.
a) later b) soon c) after
Receptionist: WESTEC. Annie speaking. How can I __________ you?
a) support b) help c) introduce
John: Can I __________ to Mr. Johnson, please?
a) walk b) talk c) speak
Receptionist: Whos speaking?
John: Its John Ryan.
Receptionist: Can I have your __________, please?
a) number b) company c) address
John: Of course. Its Masters and Associates Engineering.
Receptionist: Could you hold on for a __________?
a) second b) minute c) moment
John: Sure.
Receptionist: I believe hes visiting another __________. Would you like to leave a __________?
a) department / message
b) location / message
c) department / note
John: Yes, please. Ask him to __________ John Ryan at Sheraton Hotel, room 603.
a) inform b) call c) contact
Receptionist: Ok, Ill give him the __________.
a) note b) information c) message

Will he receive it before lunchtime? I should meet him for lunch today.
Ill do my best, sir.

2. Listen to Planning Your Trip and fill in the blanks. (1,5)

When traveling, one of the best things to do to ____________________ the culture is to go to local
____________________. Even if you dont order a main course, it is a good ___________________
to order a few starters and a ____________________ of wine to experience the lifestyle of the country.
Some restaurants ____________________ neither checks nor foreign currency, especially if they are small
____________________ restaurants, so make sure to have cash or a credit card with you. Another option
when you are ____________________ is to carry a travelers check. It is a check with a fixed amount of
money on it, that allows you to pay for something you are buying. They are an ____________________
option and are accepted in ____________________ places (from services to clothing). The benefit of having
travelers checks is that if you lose them, they can be replaced.
3. Listen to Planning Your Trip and put the lines in order. (2,0)
( ) Some companies will also give an extra bonus to the employee, considering the inconvenience of having
to travel for a business meeting.
( ) Managers and supervisors often have the opportunity to go on business trips, as their decisions sometimes
influence the future of the company.
( ) This kind of meeting may happen through Skype, as it is popular and it saves a lot of money and time.
( ) Unlike a vacation, a business trip is meant for work and is usually to accomplish a project or have a meeting.
( ) After returning to the office, the employee brings the new information and decisions made during the trip.
( ) The company will pay the regular wages, and also pay for the hotel, food, and transportation.
( ) Before planning a trip, you must know if its going to be a vacation or a business trip.
( ) Not all business meetings require traveling; some are done as online meetings.


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Answer the following questions / comments. Use a verb after the words given: (1,5)
1. Are you going to answer the phone?
________________________________________after __________________________________________
2. Id like to listen to music now.
________________________________________instead of ______________________________________
3. Can we eat lobster?
________________________________________before _________________________________________
4. Will you explain it again?
__________________________________________after ________________________________________
5. Why dont we order the Caesar salad?
________________________________________instead of ______________________________________
2. Read the answers below and think of questions to them. Your questions should contain question tags: (2,0)
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, you can make a call from there.
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, thats my profession! Who gave you this information?
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I am the new supervisor.
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, because she is on a diet.
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
No, it is not mine. Mine is in my purse.

3. Reply to the sentences by using SO or NEITHER. (1,5)

1. She doesnt want to see the wine list. (I)
2. He ordered seafood. (she)
3. They cant eat fried eggs. (we)
4. She mustnt listen to his conversation. (he)
5. He is looking for my cellular phone. (we)
4. Composition: (2,0)
Write about eating habits considering the questions below:
Do you try to eat healthy food?
Do you believe people should eat only seafood and chicken?
Are steamed vegetables part of your meals?
Do you avoid eating meat and fried food?
What sort of food should children eat, in your opinion? Why?


FLASHBACK 15 - listening TEST

NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks: (1,5)
(At the mall)
Carol: Now I want to know all ___________________ Phillip.
Norma: He is a ___________________ person.
Carol: Im anxious to meet him. Do you have his ___________________ by chance?
Norma: No, its in the hotel. There is a post ___________________ near here, isnt there?
Carol: Yes, there is. As a matter of ___________________, theres one on the corner.
Norma: I have to mail these letters and postcards. Where ___________________ I find some _____________
for my family and friends?
Carol: I have some ideas. I think Ill be able to help you.
Norma: I am so ___________________ I was able to find everything I wanted.
Carol: So am I! By the way, I want you to meet Jerry. Hes the owner of a pet shop.
Norma: Hmmm... I feel youre hiding ___________________ from me.
2. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct line: (1,5)

) Im glad you were punctual. Im so excited!

) Im glad you were punctual. Im not excited!


) Where are you going?

) Where are we going?


( ) Were going to Planet Disco. But first we are picking Jerry and Tony up. It will take us a

few minutes.

( ) Were going to Planet Disco. But first we are picking Jerry and Tom up. It will take us only
a few minutes.


( ) Arent you in love with Jerry?

( ) Arent you in love with Jerry?


I guess I am.


( ) We have to find out if hes in love too.

( ) You have to find out if hes in love too.

(At the nightclub)


( ) So how long do you want to stay in the U.S.A.?

( ) So how long do you plan to stay in the U.S.?


( ) Oh, Im leaving within two days.

( ) Oh, Im leaving within three days.


So soon?

(Norma coughs)

( ) Sorry, the dust always makes me sneeze. But yeah, my classes start next month.

( ) Sorry, the dust always makes me cough. But yeah, my classes start next week.


Lets sit down for a while.


( ) Norma, let me know when you want to leave. I know you have to wake up early tomorrow.

( ) Norma, let me know when you want to go. I think you have to wake up early tomorrow.


Never mind, its still early. And well dance a little more, wont we?

3. Listen to Planning your Trip and correct the mistakes: (2,0)

When traveling abroad, it can be a good idea to carry a debit card. They are very curious and not as dangerous
to carry as money. Stealing a credit card is harder than stealing money, besides the robber needs to know
your password to use it. Credit cards are also nice because they are accepted almost everywhere. Some
laws offer International Banking Accounts which can be accessed from almost nowhere in the world. Robbers
whose banking accounts are held by these institutions have also the option of using debit cards when traveling
abroad. But it is always dangerous to keep a little cash in hand for tips and services like taxis, for example.
Besides, most credit card companies offer lots of different services, such as travelers insurance, and mileage.
All you have to do is to find out what benefits your credit card company offers and take advantage of them all.


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. You hired someone to work for you. You need to give instructions to this person. Write five sentences
in which you say what you want the person to do. Start all your sentences with: I WANT YOU... (2,0)
1) ____________________________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________________________________________________
5) ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Make questions to the answers below: (1,5)
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
It will take me a year to build it.
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
It can take us two months to find him.
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
It took Phillip five minutes to do it.
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
It usually takes Norma fifteen minutes to lock them.
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
It would take them half an hour to prepare it.
3. Fill in the blanks: (1,5)
1. ________________ bracelet is this? I guess its Donnas.
2. They went on a ___________________

_____________ because they wanted to visit all the important

places in the city.

3. It was an _____________ _______________ party. John didnt know we were there waiting for him.
4. ________________ my hand, Julie. We are going to cross the street now.
5. Are you ________________ OK? You look so pale!
6. Why do you want to ________________ the truth from her? You shouldnt do that.
7. Im the ________________ of this shop. It belongs to me.
8. What time can you ________________ the girls? Is seven oclock fine with you?
9. Your son _______________ all day. I think he has a cold.
10. Please dont tell anybody about the money. Keep it _________________.

4. Composition: (2,0)
Write a composition based on the questions below:
Do you get scared when you walk alone at night?
Do you live in a dangerous area?
Did someone ever rob you? What did he / she steal from you?
Do you think there is violence in your country?
Do you believe the police help a lot? (Why or why not?)


FLASHBACK 16 - listening TEST

NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Listen to Planning Your Trip and fill in the blanks: (1,5)
As airline companies ____________________ for excess baggage, more and more people are
____________________ to pack up light and take their luggage in a carry-on. It is necessary to plan what types
of outfits and how many of them you will need on your trip. The ____________________ clothes you take, the
____________________ space you will have. While ____________________ your clothes, remember you
can save space by rolling them up as tight as you can. Most ____________________ give complementary
shampoo, conditioner and soap. However, if you prefer to use your own personal care products, you have
to put them in the checked ____________________. Its important to leave a bit of space for a souvenir you
may want to bring back home with you, so dont pack so tight that ____________________ else will fit in the
suitcase. And ____________________ that if you buy too many souvenirs, your ____________________ will
be getting heavier and heavier.
2. Listen to the dialogue and match the sentences: (2,0)
(1) Carol: Remember high

( ) each other many times from now on.

Norma: Certainly, we had lots of fun at that time.

(2) Carol: Remember Mr. James? He

( ) was so sweet. I loved attending his classes.

Norma: Yeah, but Mr. Fox was weird.

(3) Carol: His real name wasnt Mr. Fox, it was his

( ) studying with you.

Norma: He could be extremely aggressive at times.

(4) Carol: Where is he

( ) school days?

Norma: Gosh I have no idea.

(5) Carol: I miss

( ) nickname. He shouted all the time. He would

get angry very easily, wouldnt he?

(6) Norma: Yeah, its a pity you had to come back to

( ) working now?

the U.S.A. My goodness, its

Carol: Im going to miss you.
(7) Norma: What are you talking about? Were going to ( ) already eleven oclock. Dad must be here

anytime. I should get ready before that.

3 . Listen to Planning Your Trip and put the lines in order: (1,5)
( ) It is also important to remember that all of the United States, except for Arizona and Hawaii, have daylight
saving time.
( ) On this day, if you dont set your clock forward, you can be late for work.
( ) In North America, time is told using a twelve hour clock.
( ) And in November you have to set it back.
( ) Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific, which can make long distance communication a little tricky if you
dont remember the time difference in the location.
( ) As a result, if you have a meeting or a date at 8:00 you will need to know if it is a.m. or p.m. to avoid an
unpleasant situation.
( ) This change happens every year on the second Sunday of March.
( ) So, dont forget to change your clock or you wont be on time.
( ) An hour said before midday is a.m. (ante meridiem) and after midday is p.m. (post meridiem).
( ) The United States has four different time zones;


NAME: ___________________________________________________ TEACHER: __________________
1. Change the direct questions below into indirect questions: (1,5)
1. Does he belong to this church?
I dont know ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Why are you so aggressive?
I dont understand ________________________________________________________________________
3. Were her children naughty?
I want to know ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Did he miss her?
I am not sure ____________________________________________________________________________
5. What do you want to tell the bellboy?
I am asking you _________________________________________________________________________
2. Suggest alternatives. Follow the example. (1,5)
If its sunny, well play tennis.
If it isnt sunny, well play cards.
1. If the teacher doesnt explain it to me, I wont understand it.
2. If you play well, theyll be proud of you.
3. If you dont get off here, youll have to walk for more than fifteen minutes.
4. If you want to go back home tonight, you cant miss this bus.
5. If you dont tell your mother, shell find out and get angry.

3. Make conditional sentences: (2,0)

1. She isnt bilingual. She wont get the job.
2. He is aggressive. I have to shout at him.
3. We dont belong to that club. We cant go to the swimming pool.
4. I am overweight. I dont do any physical activities.
5. We dont trust each other. We dont tell each other anything.
4. Composition: (2,0)
Write a paragraph saying what people should do if they want to start exercising.
Talk about the benefits of exercising; the importance of a medical checkup; the benefits of a healthy diet; and
the good feeling that come from being healthy.


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