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Suvarnabhumi Airport

Mui: Hello! Everyone. Welcome to Yalla Tour. We will distribute these plastic bags to you guys.
Please check and make sure that you guys have all of the passport and other stuff. Also, please
fill in the departure card by yourself. So, please bring the luggage and follow me to the counter.
Mui: The flight will take about 11 hours to the Ben gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. So,
now you guys have a plenty 1 hour at the duty free but make sure that everyone need to be
ready at the Gate E8 by 10:00pm. So, guys what time again??
(show the map from Thailand to Israel)
Ben Gurion Airport
Opal: So, okay! Good morning guys!! Have you get a good sleep? It is almost 8 oclock now. We
are leaving the airport really quick. Please bring out the time schedule in your plastic bag. We
are travelling to Jerusalem by bus. I believe we will arrive there by 9.30. So, everyone please
follow me to the bus. We are going to begin our trip now. Yayyy
In the bus:
Everyone: Shalom Shalom

Mui: Hello guys! Today fun facts with Mui Mui. Do you know what is the capital city of
the Israel? ( Tel Aviv) Yeah I will count that answer as a correct one but if
you ask the Israelis, they will answer Jerusalem instead because According to Israeli
law, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. However, other international countries did not
recognize Jerusalem as a capital city, instead keeping embassies in Tel Aviv. In July
1980 Israel passed the Jerusalem Law, as part of its constitutional Basic Laws,
declaring Jerusalem the complete and united capital of Israel. In Israel, the official
language is the arabic which give rise to our tour name as well. In Arabic language,
yalla means lets go!
Mui: Now, lets watch these video to guide you guys how Israel look like.
Opal: Okay! Now we arrive at Mount Zion Hotel. So, first we will check in at the counter
and we will stay at this hotel for 2 nights.
Pooh: To make you feel more like you are actually in Jerusalem, we decided to stay in
this hotel which is decorated in cultural style. It is located at the outskirt of West
Jerusalem, so basically where we are right now. The hotel contains 117 guest room
luxurious suites, spa fitness, outdoor swimming pool, banquet garden conference room,
and sure, free wifi! Also the wedding room, if you want :)
Opal: Guys! We are heading to the Temple Mount right now.(Temple mount is one of

the most important religious sites in the world. Its also known to muslim as Hram
It has been respected as a holy site for thousands years by Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam.

The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism, which considers it as the place

) presence () is appeared more than in any
where God's sacred (
other place. In the present day, this place contain monumental structures from the
early Umayyad period: the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the
Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets.
Opal: Guys! Are you hungry?? We are going to the a famous restaurant near here. This
time, you guys are so lucky because the chef at that restaurant will explain and
introduce Israels traditional food by herself. So, exclusive! Not every tour can offer this
to you guys. Yalla only!
Ja: Hello you all, as the chef of the Eucalyptus Restaurant, I would like to introduce you
our recommend cuisine which is the combination of the local and traditional food. This
cuisine is Shakshuka. It is a recipe of eggs baked in a tomato red pepper sauce and
spice with cumin(), paprika and cayenne( ) . So now, as you guys have a
opportunity to come to Israel, I would like to explain the interesting fact about Nakba day
or the day of Catastrophe for all the Palestinian. In this day, the Jew created the Israel
state and expelled more than 700,000 Palestinian from their homeland. They need to
refuge to Gaza, West Bank and other Arab countries. Also, hundreds of village were
destroyed. From that day to present, the Palestinians continue to hold on their right. By
every May 15, the Palestinians will commemorate how cruel and violence the Jew are
and sent the message to the Jew that their are no power that will intercept the
Palestinians from their homeland.
Mui: Do you like it??? It is very delicious right??? So, now we are heading to the

Western wall,Dome of rock, and Al-Aqsa Mosque. These 3 places are located near each other.
People also called western wall as a wailing wall. I t is a holy and sacred place for the

Jewish people in Israel. The wall was built by the King Herod in 20 BC because this wall
will enclose with another and it will surround the temple mount finally. It took 11 years to
built this wall. However, the wall was destroyed by the Romans and it became a Jews
holy place of pilgrimage. They came here to begged or prey about the things they want
to the god and also written down in the paper and put it on the wall.
Mui: Next we will go to the Dome of rock. At there, there will be a local guide for you guys as

Baifern: (dome)
Good afternoon, GUYS, now you are looking at Dome of rock, The most holiest
place in Judaism. This is because it is the place where foundation stone is.
Moreover, Dome of rock is the most famous, the oldest, and the most beautiful
Islamic memorial in Jerusalem. It is the crowning glory of the Temple Mount.
As you can see, Its architecture and mosaics were patterned after nearby Byzantine
churches and palaces, although its outside appearance has been changed in the
Ottoman period and again in the modern period, with the addition of the
gold-plated roof.
It is a shrine( ) located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
There, The octagonal plan of the structure may also have been influenced by the
Byzantine Church built between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
It has been called "Jerusalem's most recognizable() landmark," and it is a
UNESCO World Heritage() Site, along with two nearby Temple Mount
structures, the Western Wall. So it is one of the most important thing in Jerusalem.
Mui: For today, this is last place that we will visit. It is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Their will be the local
guide at there as well.
Ja: Hello everyone, I am the guide at Al-Aqsa Mosque()and welcome to the Farthest
Mosque. This place i s the third holiest site in Sunni I slam. The Muslims believe that Muhammad
travelled from Mecca to this place during the Night Journey.
Opal: Guys! We are almost done for today. I hope you will like it. A tour that fill with a
knowledge. So, lets play a game. We will ask you a question about the things that we have told
you today. Also include the information that the chef and the local guide have told you. The one
who win this game will receive a prize.
Opal: Tomorrow, there will be a morning call at 6.00 am. Please dont be late.
Mui: Good Morning guys! Hope you guys charge up all the battery for today! Now, we are
heading to the Via Dolorosa. There will be a local guide for you guys. So if you guys have any
question, please feel free to ask the local guide their.
Mui: Please wake up now. Now we are arrive at the Via Dolorosa. Please welcome our local
Pooh: So, Im gonna be your guide for touring Via Dolorosa street. But first of all, before we
start, let's know some facts about this street. Via Dolorosa is a street located in the Old City of
Jerusalem. It is believed to be the path that Jesus walked to his crucifixion. The current route
was established in 18th century to replace the old one. The route begins near the Lions Gate in

the Muslim quarter and end at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian quarter
covering about 500 meters. Unluckily, this route was a difficult contemplation place for the
prayer as it travels through busy streets which full with snack bars and tourist shops.
Mui: 11, 12, 13. Okay! Cool! So now we will have lunch first on the bus and heading to the tower
of david.
Opal: Hello guys! Im back and let Muiki rest a bit. I got a fact to tell you guys. So, its going to
be fun fact with Opal.(Lets talk a little bit about 2 important people of Israel and Palestine. First,
we will talk about the 5th prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin. Why is he so important? You
guys know the conflict about Israel and Palestine, right? Rabin is the only prime minister who
tried to make peace with Palestine. He made a declaration called Oslo accord. This basically to
give Palestine a self-government over the area of West bank and Gaza. Because of that he was
assassinated in 1995. However, through his lifetime, he actually won a nobel peace prize. He
actually shared this prize with Shimon Peres and Yasserz Arafat! Yasser Arafat, he is a second
people that we are going to talk about. He is called father of Palestinian National Movement, a
chairman of Palestines government or we called it PLO and a President of the Palestinian
Authority. He spent a lot of his life time pushing palestine for independent through many events
including oslo accords as well. )I know that is a quite serious fact but now, we are already arrive
at the Tower of David Museum. The staff will explain about the content for you guys.

Pooh: Before it became the Tower of David Museum as we know today, it was known
as one of the ancient Jerusalem citadel before. It is located near the Jaffa Gate
entrance to the Western edge of the Old City of Jerusalem. It was opened, with the
remaining of the series of chambers in the original citadel, in 1989 by the Jerusalem
Foundation.The museum includes a courtyard which contains archeological ruins dating
back 2700 years. So, the main reason why we are visiting this place is to help you in
understanding the history of Jerusalem and its different time periods.
Opal: So, right now we are heading to the market. There will be a seller at the market explain
general info. about this market to you guys.
Mui: There will be plenty of souvenir shop at there so, dont forget to grab some basck for your
friends and your family. I recommend you guys to buy the Shalom plate. It is a armenian
Ja: Come Come Come to buy at our Machane Yehuda Market. Our Market is the largest market
in Jerusalem. We sell everything from fruit and vegetable to clothing. As you shopping here, you
will have an experience of the Middle East traditional style market. As you are here, you all will
fascinated by the smell, sight, and sound.
Opal: We will have a dinner at hotel. It is the end of the day now. Thank you for being such as
the cutest tourists ever. We will arrive at the hotel really soon. Dont forget to pack your stuff
today because we will change the hotel tomorrow. Make sure that you wont leave any of your
belongings at the hotel..
Mui: Good night! Have a nice dream everyone!

Mui: Good Morning guys! Today in the morning we will heading to the Israel Museum and Yad
Vashem. So, today fun fact with Mui Mui instead of Opal!! Israel is governed by the
parliamentary democracy. Each parliament will serve for 4 years and the prime minister as

well. Prime minister is the head of the government and the leader of multi-party system.
There is a special name for the legislative assembly which called Knesset.
Mui: Guyssss! We are now at the Israel Museum. Please dont leave your belonging in the bus.
Baifern: (Israel museum)

Hello guys!!!!! I am your guide for this place, Israel Museum! You are in the largest cultural
institution in Israel.
Do anyone know the person named Teddy Kollek???
Teddy Kollek is the mayor of Jerusalem. He was behind the establishment of the Israel Museum,
one of the leading art and archaeology () museums in the world.
Since its establishment in 1965, the Museum has built up a collection of nearly 500,000
objects!!!!!!, representing world material culture.
The Museum has Archaeology, Fine Arts, Jewish Art, Life Wings, and features extensive
holdings of biblical and Land of Israel Archaeology.
For the highlights of the Museums original campus is the Shrine of the Book, designed by
Armand Bartos and Frederick Kiesler. It is the oldest biblical manuscripts (
) in the world,
as rare as early medieval() biblical manuscripts.
Mui: Now we are heading to the Yad Vashem. There is a long history about how this emerged.
So feel free to ask the staff at there!
Ja: Welcome to Yad Vashem or The World Holocaust Remembrance Center. Today, Im going
to be your guide. This place is the first Holocaust commemoration place. If you look on the wall,
it made of basalt boulder which brought from the sea and if you look down on the floor, you will
see the names of 22 infamous concentration camp around Europe. Now, I will retrace the
history to you all. So some of you might confuse what is holocaust? I would like to explained it to
you. At first the Nazi German which lead by Adolf Hitler has a idea that p
ure blood German or
Aryan were superior than other races. Also, they obsessed with the anti-Semitic thought which
mean that they anti Jews. Jews have no right at all. They home a
nd business were destroyed
which we called Night of Broken Glass. Gypsies, disabled people, homosexual, Soviet
prisoners, and political enemy also the target of this brutal event. They were used either as
slave labor or killed. In result, 6 millions Jews and 5 million non-Jews were killed.

Opal: Okay guys! Now we are moving to our highlight of the day now, dead sea!! Yayyy. Today,
we will be having a lunch on the bus.
Opal: We are now at the dead sea everyone.

Have you ever seen the saltiest sea in the world? Here it is!!!!!
Dead sea is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west. It is
one of the world's saltiest bodies of water on the planet. It gets a lot of slay in it and the density is
quite high which mean you can float on that sea. Is it exciting, yes it is! However, I dont
recommend you guys to get into the water and try to find out whether you will float or not, it is
too salty that plants and animals cannot survive here.
However, the Dead Sea has attracted visitors from around the Mediterranean sink( ) for
thousands of years.
It was one of the world's first health resorts (for Herod the Great),
and it has been the supplier of a wide variety of products, for example, using in Egyptian
mummification ( )
to potash for fertilizers. However, those salt and minerals are really good for cosmetics and
herbal sachets.
Opal: You guys will have time approximately two hours and a half here. Take your time and take
a really nice picture guys. Dont jump in the water. When its time, please meet at the bus. We
will travel to our new hotel after that.
Opal: You guys will have 2 hours and a half free time at the hotel. A guy in the hotel will tell and
explain to you what you can do during that time. And he is going to talk about our special dinner
tonight as well. Enjoy guys!
Pooh: Welcome to YMCA Three Arches Hotel. Our hotel is unique and is made with historic
style building. We provide the most comfortable equipment and place to all of the customer. You
can use the indoor swimming pool, library, S
auna, restaurant, Fitness Center, Game Room,
Racquetball room when you stay here. For all the customer, you can choose whether to eat
Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, International or buffet style of food. But today, We prepared a
really special meal for you tonight. First, we will come up with an appetiser, original Israeli salad.
It is made with finely chopped tomatoes and cucumber dressed in olive oil, lemon juice, salt and
pepper. Our main dish is called Kubba. It is a dish made with burghul(cracked wheat), minced
onion and finely ground lean beef, lamb or chicken. The best-known variety is a torpedo-shaped
fried croquette stuffed with minced beef, chicken or lamb. It was brought to Israel by Jews of
Iraqi, Kurdish and Syrian origin.It is really popular in Israel. And our dessert, Tahini cookie, an
Israel original cookie made of Tahini, flour, butter and sugar and usually topped with pine nuts.
So, have a wonderful day.
Mui: Morning guysssssss! We are now going to leave Israel!!!! I know you you guys feel sad
right?!!!! But dont worry. If you guys want to come here again just trust our Yallah tour to help

you guys for travelling around the world. Especially the middle east trip! We will now heading
back to the Ben gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. It will take approximately 1 hour and a
half. Make sure that everything is in your luggage and lets go back to our home!!!!
By bye guysss. Hope to see you guys next trip.

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