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Parker Tamburrino

English II Honors

Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was the man responsible for the death of six million of the
German people via the use of concentration camps. This ethnic cleansing of sorts
was a result of his racism towards the Jewish people and other non Aryans or
Hitlers idea of a perfect citizen. He lived from 1889 to 1945 and was the founder
of the Nazi political party, as well as being its ruler. He also claimed the titles of
Fuhrer and the head of state (Jewish Virtual Library).
Hitlers early life was a mix of emotions from his young years to his late
teens. Hitler did not like his father very much but admired his mother as she was
hard-working and indulgent. Hitlers school life slowly deteriorated as it became
more difficult, At primary school, Hitler showed great intellectual potential and
was extremely popular with fellow pupils as well as being admired for his
leadership qualities. However, competition at secondary school was tougher and
Hitler stopped trying as a result. (History, P.1) He took his fathers inheritance and
pursued art school. However, he was rejected and instead joined the military where
he earned many awards and gained the rank of corporal. (History, P.1)(Jewish
Virtual Library, P.1)

Hitlers political career began after his recovery from the war. He was a
brilliant speaker and focused much of his anger on the Jewish people "to the
systematic combating and elimination of Jewish privileges. Its ultimate goal must
implacably be the total removal of the Jews." (Jewish Virtual Library, P.1) His
aggression drew much support, but Hitler was eventually imprisoned due to violent
political campaigning. Hitler wrote Mein Kamf during his imprisonment which
only lasted nine months. This book was a holy book of sorts for the Nazi party.
Hitler gradually gained power by outspeaking his rivals and slowly gained favor in
the polls. After von Hindenburg's death Hitler became the ruler of Germany.
(Jewish Vitrual Library)

During World War II Hitler launched a war campaign against places such as
Poland, Norway, Denmark, Holland, France, Belgium, and Luxemburg among
others. This was also the time when he began to send the Jewish people to the
concentration camps. Hitler then decided to go to war with Russia.. The Germans
beat the Red Army at first by rapidly taking over large territories. However, as the
winter months rolled in his armies were not prepared for the weather. He ignored
all advice of a tactical retreat, saying the Russians were inferior peasants. Hitler
prematurely proclaimed in October 1941 that the Soviet Union had been "struck
down and would never rise again." (Jewish Virtual Library, P.1) Hitler then took

complete military control and fired many of his commanders. As the tides turned
on Hitler he began to self-destruct. He grew more and more insane until his
eventual suicide alongside his wife Eva Braun. (Jewish Virtual Library, P.1)

Hitlers life was a long series of victories and clever manipulation. The
atrocities that he committed against his people were unforgivable, and he continued
to place blame on the Jewish people and other subordinates until his eventual
death. His self-destruction proves how insane this man had become, and the kind
of person he truly was. Although he was brilliant in his own way, he was also a
monster, and the world must do its best to make sure someone like him is never
allowed to have political power again. (Jewish Virtual Library)(History)

Works Cited
History Adolf Hitler History, August 17, 2016
Accessed 10/27/2016

Jewish Virtual Library Adolf Hitler The Library, 2016
Accessed 10/27/2016

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