Lesson Plan: Teacher School Date Grade Lesson Textbook: Type of Lesson: Aims

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Augusta Bejenaru

School: Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Nr 2, Sighet
Date: 9th December 2008
Grade: 5th
Lesson: Can I have my phone back?
Textbook: Inspiration 1, Macmillan
Type of lesson: Introduction of new knowledge and vocabulary

To learn how to make requests (Can I..., please?/Yes, of course you can./No, Im sorry. Its at home)
To learn and extend vocabulary related to clothing
To give further practice in using the verb have
Materials: handouts, board, chalk, blu tack, photo, cassette player, cassette

Steps of the lesson:

Activity 1 warmer (10 min) the whole class, individually
- Ss do a classroom survey; they have to go around the room and ask their classmates about the items on the handout
Activity 2 opener (5 min) - class
T sticks some images of clothes on the board, as well as their corresponding name. Ss have to match the name to the
correct item of clothing.
Activity 3 listening (10 min) - individually
- Ss listen to the cassette and complete a chart about the peoples clothes. (ex. 8/p 23). Ss talk about the peoples
clothes using have and T corrects if necessary.
- Ss choose one person and they write 2 sentences about that persons clothes; Ss read their sentences to the class
Activity 4 post listening (10 min) - individually
- Ss look at a photo showing two people and then they fill in the missing words in a text on the handouts. Ss read the
text out loud to check their answers.
Activity 5 speaking ( 5 min) pair-work
- T writes in the board Can I borrow your ...?
Yes, of course you can.
No, Im sorry. Its at home.
Can I have my ... back?
- Ss work in pairs taking it in turns to borrow things ( ex 11/p 23)
Activity 8 feedback (5 min)
- T writes the word CLOTHES on the board vertically. Ss write items of clothing that include each letter.

Activity 6 homework (5 min)

Ss must write a paragraph of an email to a new friend describing themselves and their family ( age, clothes, hair,
eyes, etc using have)
Note if there still is time, we can have the Ss do the following activity
- Ss write 3 sentences using have/has. One about themselves, one about a friend and one about both of them. One of
the sentences is false. Ss try to guess the false one. T writes on the board the beginnings: I ..., My friend ..., we...
E.g.: I have blue eyes
My friend, Diana, has a big dog.
We have many friends.

Activity 1

Classroom Survey
Go around the room, and ask your classmates about the items below. Have them sign
their name in the boxes below.
has a brother
has two sisters
takes dance lessons
has a cat
likes Harry Potter
has red hair
plays football
has blue eyes
loves pizza
can swim

Classroom Survey
Go around the room, and ask your classmates about the items below. Have them sign
their name in the boxes below.
has a brother
has two sisters
takes dance lessons
has a cat
likes Harry Potter
has red hair
plays football
has blue eyes
loves pizza
can swim

Activity 2





Activity 4

Look at the photo. Then fill in the missing words in the text below.

Hello! These are my friends, Josh and Sandra. They _______

very happy in this photo. _______ are going to a party. Sarah has a
nice pink ________ and a pair of _______ ________. She _______
long, ________ hair. Her ______ are black, too. Josh _______ a
yellow ________ and _________ trousers. _______ has very short,
black ________ and extremely white __________. Josh has a big
__________ on his left hand.

Look at the photo. Then fill in the missing words in the text below.

Hello! These are my friends, Josh and Sandra. They _______

very happy in this photo. _______ are going to a party. Sarah has a
nice pink ________ and a pair of _______ ________. She _______
long, ________ hair. Her ______ are black, too. Josh _______ a
yellow ________ and _________ trousers. _______ has very short,
black ________ and extremely white __________. Josh has a big
__________ on his left hand.

Look at the photo. Then fill in the missing words in the text below.

Hello! These are my friends, Josh and Sandra. They _______

very happy in this photo. _______ are going to a party. Sarah has a
nice pink ________ and a pair of _______ ________. She _______
long, ________ hair. Her ______ are black, too. Josh _______ a
yellow ________ and _________ trousers. _______ has very short,
black ________ and extremely white __________. Josh has a big
__________ on his left hand.

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