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Literature Review #1 Bib. Information (APA Rouse, E. (2015). Mixed-age Grouping in Early Childhood-Creating the Outdoor Formatting): Leaming Environment. Early Child Development and Care, 185 (5), 742-151. ‘Author(3) Affiliation: — | The author is a professor in the School of Education at Deakin University in Burwood, sal Victoria, Australia. ‘Type of Resource: This is a scholarly article that presents a research study. GSeholariy rade/Other) ‘Summary of essential | This case study looks at an urban daycare setting where the outdoor learning space was information: designed for a multi-age approach for children. The study suggest that educators sce many benefits in the multi-age approach but there is stil a preference to segregate ‘oung children by age due to safety concerns. Way in which this source influences the field related to your inquiry (ex. Math teaching/learning, elementary) “This article Looks at an outdoor learning environment for a multi-age group of children, which is unique in that it looks at both aspects together. Potential relevance to study: ‘This case study looks at important aspects of my research topic, which is multi-age ‘grouping and outdoor learning environments. Stage of action research where the source will be used: ‘Background-This article will help me to build background information based on literature review on single-age grouping and why this has been the preference of educators. It will also hetp me to discuss the pros and cons to the multi-age grouping. approach. Findings/Conclusions-This article will provide me with additional findings and conclusions that will either support or refute my action research project, because it concludes that are there strengths and issues associated with the multi-age use of the outdoor space. Implications/Action Planning- This article will provide me additional information about how I should apply my findings to my current program which is a multi-age group of children, Literature Review #2 Bib. Information (APA | Bailie, PE. (2012). Connecting Children to Nature: A Multiple Case Study of Nature Formatting): Center Preschools (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. ‘Author(s) Affiliation: | Candidate in the Doctor of Education program at The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska. “Type of Resource: “This is a scholarly academic article that presents a research study. ‘Seholaely /Trade/Othes) eee ‘Summary of essential | This article is a multiple case study that looks at program practices and experiences at information: nature center based preschools in the United States. The article looks at ways that these programs integrate child development and environmental goals in teaching young, children Way in which this Based on the findings of this study, the article provides recommendations that will help source influences the | improve the quality of practice for nature based preschool programs. These ficld related to your | recommendations are spccific to nature center directors, ECE professionals, and for inquiry (ex. Math further research, teaching/learning elementary) Potential relevance to | This article is relevant to my research topic because it looks at the integration of early ‘your research topic and | childhood education with environmental goals when teaching young children, which is study: similar to my research topic of nature-based curriculum and its impact of learning for children. ‘Stage oF action research | Background-This article provides background information regarding nature where the source will | preschools and their impact on child development and learning. be used: Design-This article has helped me to refine my action research question and topic by giving me ideas on how I can reword my question. Data Collection/Analysis Methodology- This study provides me with ideas regarding data collection and methodology including in-depth interviews with directors, ‘observations of the preschool classroom and analysis of preschool documents such as parent manuals, written curriculum, and preschool newsletters. Findings/Conclusions- This article provides additional findings that will help support ‘my findings and conclusions, which include that idea that environmental goals can go hhand in hand with carly childhood goals and therefore, both can address the developmental needs of young children when done in combination. Implications/Action Planning-This article has provided insight to how ean implement nature-based curriculum into my program and posed reflection and possibilities for further research that I can possibly consider in my own study. | Literature Review #3 Bib. Information (APA ‘Mongeau, L. (2015). Preschool Without Walls. The New York Times. Retrieved at Formatting): htp://www.nytimes,com/2015/12/3 /fashion/ourdoor-preschool-in-nature htm]. ‘Author(s) Affiliation: | NVA ‘Type of Resource: ‘Other: Informative newspaper article. ‘Scholarly Trade/Other) ‘Summary of essential | This newspaper article looks at the rapid growth of nature preschools and the information: reasons behind it. The article also looks at unique considerations that nature pe preschools have like facilities and clothing. Way in which this This article ereates general public awareness about the nature preschool education source influences the | model. It relates to my field because it features several nature preschool programs and field related to your _| their perspective on the field. inguiry (ex. Math tcaching/learning elementary) ed — Potential relevance to | This article is relevant to my research topic because it provides additional program your research topic and_ | perspectives, some general information on why there is increasing demand for this, study: educational model and special considerations of nature preschools Stage of action research | Background ~ This article will give me additional background information regarding where the source will | the recent growth experienced by nature preschools in the United States such as be used: obesity, standardized testing and growing concern regarding screen time. It also refers to other authors in my literature review who provide insight into this growth. Findings/Conclusions- This article will provide additional program perspectives in my program findings section including Fiddleheads in Seattle, WA, as well as other other programs as well. The article also discusses the importance of safety, including | ‘weather, facilities used, learning and some of the benefits of nature preschool. | Implications/Action Planning- This article will provide me a template on how I can create community awareness regarding nature preschools and the importance of nature immersion and its benefits. Titerature Review #4 Bib. Information (APA Sobel, D. (2016). Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens: The Handbook for Formatting): Outdoor Learning. St.Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. ‘Author(3) Aiiiliation: | Senior faculty in the Education department at Antioch University New England in Keene, NH. Type of Resource: Trade (Scholarly /radelOtbe) o ‘Summary of essential | David Sobel is an expert in environmental education. This book provides information: historical and current framework regarding nature preschools and forest kindergartens from experts in the field. In addition, it provides information regarding curriculum, as well as, business information regarding the ean implementation of a nature preschool/forest kindergarten. ‘Way in which this ‘This book influences the field of preschool environmental education by providing souree influences the | practical applications for readers regarding nature preschools and forest kindergartens. ficld related to your _| It helps other educators to better understand the framework behind this model of early inquiry (ex. Math childhood education and what it takes to have a suecessful program. teaching/learning elementary) Potential relevance to | My action research project will look at the extent to which a nature immersion program your research topic and study: can be implemented in a family childcare setting. This book is relevant because it not only provides historical background information regarding nature preschools and forest kindergartens but it also provides insight from current experts in the field, who are ‘owners and directors of nature preschools and forest kindergartens, Stage of action rescarch where the source will be used: Background-This book will help me to provide background knowledge regarding the historical roots of nature preschools and kindergartens. In addition, it provides background knowledge regarding current programs utilizing this model of education. Data Collection/Analysis Methodology-This book will help me to develop family survey questions that assess experiences, perceptions and attitudes. It also provides with me opportunity for reflection during my study. Findings/Conclusions- | will be able to use each program featured in this book as. part of my comparative program data. I will have better insight regarding other nature preschools and forest kindergartens in the U.S. to help me compare what is currently being done across our country. Implications/Action Planning-The business section of this book will be particularly helpful to help me plan the implementation of a nature immersion program in my family childcare setting, Also the insight provided from other experts in the field will help me with action planning. Literature Review #5 Bib. Information (APA Kenny, EK. 2013). Forest Kindergartens: The Cedarsong Way. Vashon, Washington: source influences the field related to your Formatting): Cedarsong Nature School. Author(s) Affiliation: Erin Kenny is the founder and director of Cedarsong Nature School in Vashon, WA. She has a BA in environmental education and went to the University of Washington, where she studied environmental law. “Type of Resource: Trade | | (Schotary Trade/omner) | | Summary of essential | This book describes the Forest Kindergarten early childhood education model, | information: the Forest Kindergarten curriculum, and provides insight into Forest | Kindergarten activities used at Cedarsong Nature School. | ‘Way in which this ‘Cedarsong Nature School was the first Forest Kindergarten to open in the U.S. that was based on the German Waldkindergarten model. The author’s vision was to open an all- outdoor year round preschool. Cedarsong has provided many influences in the field of ‘inquiry (ex, Math naturc-based preschools and education. teaching/learning elementary) atte Potential relevance to ‘My inquiry will look at the extent to which a nature immersion program can be ‘your research topic and | implemented in a family childcare setting. The author addresses many important ‘study: factors relating to the implementation of this education model and provides practical, hands-on information that will be useful to an early childhood program that wants to [ita implement a nature immersion preschool program, Stage of action research | Background-This article will help me provide background information regarding the where the source will Forest Kindergarten carly childhood education model and curriculum. be used: Data Collection/Analysis Methodology: This article will help me to make a list of activities and items that the children may engage with during nature immersion. These items will be placed on an observation tally/checklist tool. In addition, much of the book will be used to help create the family survey, which will help evaluate perceptions, attitudes and experiences. Findings/Conclusions- I believe that the entire book will help provide additional resourees for my findings and conclusion section because it outlines what works well at the Cedarsong Nature School. It also discusses problems and concerns that the school has had to work through in order to be at its current state as a nature school. This information will be helpful to assess the extent to which my program could implement a nature immersion program. Implications/Action Planning-The book provides many practical applications, which Iwill be able to use in my current program, as well as, in a nature immersion program if that is what my findings conclude would be the next course of action in my program. Literature Review #6 Bib. Information (APA ‘Nelson, EM. (2012). Cultivating Ouidoor Classrooms: Designing and Implementing Formatting): Child-Centered Learning Environments. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. Author(s) Affiliation: | Co-founder of the Child Educational Center, Caltech/JPL Community ncar Pasadena, : CA. He has also been an adjunct professor since 1977. ‘Type of Resource: Trade (Scholarly Trade/Othee) dae ‘Summary of essential | This book provides insight to designing and implementing outdoor classrooms information: for children. It also discusses the connection of children to the outdoors and getting buy-in from stakeholders. The book also provides a staff perception survey, resources for early childhood educators, books for children, and designs for outdoor classrooms. Way in which this This book influences the field of nature-based education because i provides programs souree influences the | and organizations with design and implementation ideas, which ultimately may field related to your increase the number of nature-based programs. ingniry (ex. Math ‘teaching/learning clementary) Potential relevance to your research topic and study: ‘The book is relevant to my research because it provides me with practical information that I can apply to designing and implementing an outdoor classroom. ‘Stage of action research where the source will be used: Data Collection/Analysis Methodology- This book will provide me with ideas for the family surveys, as well as, other data collection sources like informal child interviews and observation checklists. In addition, this book provides suggestions for reflection regarding my own perception of outdoor-learning and classrooms, which I can utilize in my researcher's journal. Implications/Action Planning-This book will provide numerous considerations when implementing an outdoor classroom including design. It will also help me to advocate for this type of education model and will aid in educating parents and the community about the importance of time in nature, Literature Review #7 Bib, Information (APA Rivkin, M.S. & Schein, D. (2014). The Great Ouidoors: Advocating for Natural Formatting): Spaces for Young Children. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children. ‘Author(s) Affiliation: — | Dr. Rivkin is an associate professor of education at the University of Maryland, a Baltimore County. Dr. Schein teaches at Champlain College. Type of Resource: Trade (Scholarly Trade/Other) Ee ‘Summary of essential | This book discusses the importance of advocating for natural spaces for young information: children. It provides rationale for outdoor play and is supported by research regarding the importance of nature for young children (and adults). It discusses_| barriers to outdoor play, national response, examples of nature-based | preschools, safety concems and explores theories behind the connection | between development and nature in young children. Way in which this This book is influential in the field of carly childhood education because it is source influences the | advocating for natural spaces in young children and is supported by research-based. field related to your | rationale. inquiry (ex. Math teaching/learning clementary) ial Potential relevance to | The book is relevant to my research topic of implementing a nature immersion your research topic and | program in a family childcare setting because it provides insight into all of the ‘study: considerations I must make in regards to implementing such a program. It also provides me with a great basis from which to advocate for this model of education. Stage oF action research | Background-This book will help me provide background information regarding the where the source will | importance of nature in childhood, as well as, barriers to outdoor play, safety concerns, be used: and theories behind the connection between development and nature in childhood. Data Collection/Analysis Methodology- This book will provide me with idcas for the family surveys, as well as, other data collection sources like informal child interviews. In particular, the barricrs to outdoor play and safety concerns will help me to assess parental perceptions and attitudes. In addition, this book provides suggestions for reflection, which I can utilize in my researcher's journal. Findings/Conclusions- [ believe that the book in general will help support my findings and conclusions regarding the importance of developing natural spaces for children, It will also provide me with comparable data regarding forest kindergartens and nature preschools that currently operate in the United States and elsewhere. Implications/Action Planning-This book will provide numerous considerations when implementing a nature immersion program including barriers and safety concems. It will also help me to advocate for this type of education model and will aid in educating parents and the community about the importance of time in nature. Literature Review #8 Bib. Information (APA Louv, R. 2008). Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Formatting): Disorder. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books. ‘Ruthor(s) Affiliation: — | Richard Louv is the authoer of seven books regarding family, nature and community and is the chairman of the Children & Nature Network. He has also written for numerous newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, the Christian ‘Science Monitor, Orion Magazine, Parents magazine and the San Diego Union- Tribune. Type of Resource: Trade (Scholarly /Trade/Other) Summary of essential | This book discusses a coined term by the author called Nature Deficit Disorder, information: which he believes is the result of a lack of time in nature during childhood. The author discusses the relationship between children and nature, why children need nature (adults too), and how we can bring nature back into the lives of children, ‘Way in which this ‘This book has been very influential in the field of forest kindergartens and nature source influences the field related to your preschools, because it has provided extensive research into the importance of nature in childhood. inquiry (ex. Math teaching/learning clementary) Potential relevance to | This book is relevant to my topic of implementing a nature immersion program ina your research topic and_| family childcare setting because it provides research-based information regarding the studs importance of nature in childhood. ‘Stage of action rescarch | Background-This book will help me provide background information regarding the where the source will importance of nature in childhood. 7 be used: Data Collection/Analysis Methodology- This book will provide me with ideas for the family surveys, as well as, other data collection sources like informal child interviews. Findings/Conclusions- I believe that the book in general will help support my findings and conclusions regarding the need for time in nature during childhood. Implications/Action Planning-In the back of the book, there arc “100 actions we can take” which will provide great ideas for implementation of a nature immersion program including nature activities and books for kids and families, how to advocate and transform my community by incorporating more nature-based education and activities and educating parcnts on the importance of this education model. Literature Review #9 Bib. Information (APA Hanscom, AJ. (2016). Balanced and Barefoot. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Formatting): Publications, Tne. Author(s) Affiliation: _ | Angela Hanscom is a pediatric occupational therapist and found of TimberNook, a developmental and nature-based program in New Hampshire. Type of Resource: Trade (Scholarly Trade/Otter)_ yet Enehs Summary of essential | Based on the sensory richness that nature provides, this book makes a case for nature information: play and its role in a balanced childhood. Way in which this ‘This book influences the ficld of nature-based play by discussing the benefits of nature souree influences the | play. It provides initial background information regarding what is missing from ficld related to your _| childhoods of today and the resulting developmental issues that are seen in schools and inquiry (ex. Math in practice. The author also provides insight into why children do not engage in nature teaching/learning play as much and provides the reader activities and ways to overcome these barriers. elementary) Potential relevance to | This book is relevant to my research topic because it looks at ways to implement nature ‘your rescarch topic and_| play into children of all ages. It also provides background information regarding mature study: play. Stage of action research | Background-This book will help me provide background information regarding the where the source will | importance of nature play in childhood, its benefits and fears of parents regarding be used: nature play. Findings/Conclusions- This book will provide insight regarding the parent perspective in my findings section, It will also provide examples of how parents or teachers can ‘engage children of all ages in nature play and sensory experiences. Implications/Action Planning-This book provides ways to educate parents and the ‘community, as well as, to advocate for nature play. This book will provide insight in sy action plan on ways to incorporate nature experiences for children of all ages including infants and young toddlers. Literature Review #10 | Bib. Information (APA. Copeland, K-A., Sherman, S.N., Kendcigh, CA, Kalkwarf, HJ, & Saclens, BE. Formatting): (2012). Societal Values and Policies May Curtail Preschool Chlildren’s Physical Activity in Child Care Center. Pediatrics. 129 (2), 1-10. Retrieved at jens hup:// ‘Author(s) Affiliation: [The quthors are experts in their respective fields at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; SNS Research, Cincinnati, OH; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; and Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute and the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, respectively. Type of Resource: This is a scholarly article that presents a research study. (Scholarly Trade/Other) ‘Summary of essential | This article looked at potential barriers to children’s physical activity in child care information: centers, such as safety and school readiness, and how child advocates should think holistically about potcntial unintended consequences of policies. Way in which this, This article influences the field of nature-based play in preschools because it source influences the | emphasizes the importance of physical activity, the barriers to physical activity such as ficld related to your _| safety concerns and school readiness, and how a holistic approach can overcome these inquiry (ex. Math barriers. teaching/learning elementary) aaa cascade ie Saatistt Potential relevance to This article is relevant to my research topic of nature immersion because it discusses your rescarch topic and_| the benefits of and barriers to physical activity, which is the same as nature immersion, study: It provides insight on how to overcome these barriers. a ‘Stage oF action research | Background-This book will help me provide background information regarding where the source will be used: statistics of childhood obesity, the level of physical activity of children in child care centers and the amount of time children spend in child care centers. Findings/Conclusions- This article provides me insight into parent and program perspectives regarding physical activity in childhood and the barriers that prevent physical activity. Implications/Action Planning-This article provides me ideas regarding educating parents and the community about the importance of physical activity and that we need 10 take a holistic approach to safety and school readiness. Literature Review #11 Bib. Information (APA Marcon, R.A. 2002). Moving Up the Grades: Relationship between Preschool Model Formatting): and Later School Success. Early Childhood Research & Practice. (1). Retrieved at ‘]/marcon.html. ‘Author(s) Affiliation: — | University of North Florida, Type of Resource: This is a scholarly article that presents a research study. (Scholarly radelOrher) ‘Summary of essential — | This article looks at various preschool models, children’s experiences based on these information: ‘models and examines their relationship to later academic success. Way in whieh this “This article is influential to the field of nature-based learning because it demonstrates source influences the that child-directed experiences in preschool correlate to later school success, whereas field related to your academic experiences at too young of an age can have detrimental cffects. inquiry (ex. Math teaching/learning, clementary) Potential relevance to | This article is relevant to my research topic of nature immersion because itooks at the your research topic and | outcomes of various preschool models on later academic success, which is a parental | stud concern in the field of nature preschools. Stage of action research | Findings/Conclusions- This article provides findings regarding later academie success where the source will | based on preschool models. The article correlates child-directed experiences in the be used: preschool years to academic success, which was a concern of parents. Implications/Action Planning-This article will help me educate parents and the ‘community regarding the academic success of child-directed experiences during preschool. In addition, it will help me to incorporate child-directed experiences into my family childcare program, Literature Review #12 Bib. Information (APA Formatting): Peterson, A. (2013). A Forest Preschool for the Bay Area: A pilot study for a new nature-based curriculum (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Dominican University of California, San Rafacl, CA. ‘Author(s) Affiliation: ‘Student in the School of Education and Counseling Psychology at Dominican University of California, San Rafacl, CA. | ‘Type of Resource: _| This is a scholarly article that presents a research study. (Scholarly Trade/Other) Summary of esscntial | This study cxamines history and theory behind outdoor schools, looks at video-based information: ‘observations of forest school programs and conducts interviews with educators. The study looks at developing a set of best practices and pedagogical guidelines for developing a new outdoor school based on the German forest kindergarten based on these data sources. ‘Way in which this ‘This article is influential to the field of nature immersion because it develops a set of source influences the | best practices in outdoor schools, as well as, provides guidelines for developing a field related to your _| forest kindergarten, inquiry (ex. Math teaching/learning elementary) Potential relevance to | This study is relevant to my research regarding the implementation oF nature your research topic and_| immersion in my family childcare program because it also looks at implementing a ‘study: forest kindergarten. The study considers issues surrounding this model of education during implementation like licensing, liability and access to the outdoors. Stage of action research where the source will be used: ‘Background- This study provides a lot of background information regarding the history and theory of outdoor preschools. It also discusses the benefits of unstructured time in nature for young children, Findings/Conclusions- This study provides me additional findings regarding program perspective from interviews the author conducted, as well as, observations she had. Implications/Action Planning-This study helps me to develop an action plan in implementing my own nature immersion program. Literature Review #13 Bib. Information (APA ‘Melhuus, F.C. (2012). Outdoor day-care centres-a culturalization of nature: how do your research topic and study: Formatting): children relate to nature as educational practice? European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 20 (3), 455-467. Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of Agdcr, Grimstad, Norway Type of Resource: This is a scholarly article that presents a rescarch study. Gebolariy /Frade/Other) ‘Summary of essential ‘This study examines the experiences that children and adults have through activities in | information: an outdoor child care environment, - ‘Way in which this This study is influential to the field of nature-based learning because it examines source influences the children and adult experiences through activities in an outdoor environment at a child field related to your care center. It also looks at how both children and adults conceptualize this space and inquiry (ex. Math how that relates to this space as an outdoor learning environment. The study also teaching/learning examines cultural values and how these are realized through the educators’ and elementary) children’s activities. Potential relevance to ‘This study is relevant to my research on implementing a nature immersion program in my family childcare setting becausc it examines child and teacher perspectives as well as activities in an outdoor leaming environment. ‘Stage of action research igs/Conclusions- This study provides me additional findings regarding child and where the source will ‘teacher perspective regarding the outdoor cnvironment, as well as, activities they both be used: engaged in, Literature Review #14 Bib. Information (APA | Nedovic, S., & Morrissey, A. (2013). Calm active and focused: Children’s responses to Formatting): an organic outdoor learning environment. Learning Environments Resources, 16(2), 281-295. ‘Author(S) Affiliation: | Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, Burwood, Australia ‘Type of Resource: ‘This is a scholarly article that presents a rescarch study. eholariy Trade/Other) ‘Summary of essential | This study examines children’s responses to natural features introduced in the information: redevelopment of a garden at a childcare center. Way in which this “This study is influential to the field of nature immersion because it looks at children’s source influences the | responses to an outdoor environment. In this study, a garden space at a childcare center field related to your _| is redeveloped based on both child and teacher preferences. The study then looks at the inquiry (ex. Math changes in children’s responses. Finally, the article provides recommendations for teaching/learning additional research and practice. cclementary) ef Potential relevance to | This study is relevant to my research regarding implementation of nature immersion in ‘your research topic and study: ‘my family childcare program because it demonstrates redevelopment of an outdoor space at a child care center based on child and teacher preferences, which is what I would need to do when implementing a nature immersion program in my current Stage of action research where the source will bbe used: setting. Data Colleetion/Analysis Methodology- The redevelopment of an outdoor space based on child preferences in this study provided me with ideas regarding an intervention during my six-week nature immersion study. Findings/Conclusions- This study will provide me additional findings regarding child and teacher preferences to an outdoor space. Implications/Action Planning-This study will provide me a basis for an action plan that incorporates a balance of child and teacher preferences into the development of an ‘outdoor space. It also provided ideas regarding additional research.

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