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Hope Schlissel

Unit: History Through Time and Place

Lesson: Medicine Changes Throughout Time day 2
1.1 Integration of Learning Outcomes
SWBAT conduct research and present the information they have collected on a poster that
clearly conveys the topic.
SWBAT demonstrate proper procedure when calling 911 during a medical emergency.
SWBAT create a biography about EMTs using ipads.
1.2 Standards
Standard - CC.1.2.3.E: Use text features and search tools to locate and interpret
Standard - CC.1.4.3.A: Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and
convey ideas and information clearly.
Standard - 10.3.3.B: Recognize emergency situations and explain appropriate
VIIIa Science, Technology, and Society- Identify and describe examples in which
science and technology have changed the lives of people, such as in homemaking,
childcare, work, transportation, and communication;
1.3 Anticipatory Set
Teacher will have 2 questions written on the white board:
o How did changes in medicine affect people?
o What inventions that you have discussed earlier in this unit, have helped to
advance medicine and medical care?
Teacher will direct students to turn and talk to a neighbor to answer the questions written
on the board. Students will have a few minutes to turn and talk.
Teacher will tell the class that using what they have learned throughout this entire unit,
they will complete 3 activities. The questions served as prompts to jog the students
memories and activate background knowledge.
1.4 Procedures
Activity 1:
Teacher will divide the class into groups of 3 for an activity. After students are sitting
with their group they will receive further information.
Each group will be assigned a disease that was not discussed the day before. Students will
research the disease through resources such as and a dictionary.
After researching the disease, they will create a poster that answers the following

o What is it?
o What side-effects did the disease cause?
o Who was affected?
o When was a vaccine founded?
After groups have completed their posters, they will hang them up in the room and the
class will do a gallery walk where they will look at each poster.
To wrap up the activity, students will return to their seats and any students that wish to,
will share something new they learned.

Activity 2:

Students will split up into groups of 4. The students may pick who they are working with
for this activity.
Once everyone has found a group, they will sit down to hear directions.
Students will turn and talk with their group members to answer the following question:
o What is 911?
o Why do you call 911?
After students have had a few minutes to talk, the teacher will call on a few to share their
Teacher will explain that if anyone is in an emergency, they should use a phone to call
911 and speak to an operator. The operator will ask them what the emergency is, where
they are located, and other important information.
Students will then work in their group to think of a medical emergency in which they
would have to call 911.
Each group will perform a skit for the class where they act out the medical emergency as
well as how to call 911.
The goal is for students to learn when and how to call 911 should they ever need to.
To wrap up the activity, students will answer the following questions in their journals:
o What emergency did your group do?
o What did you say to the 911 operator when you called?
o Why do you think we practiced calling 911?
Journals will be collected when everyone has finished.

Activity 3:
Teacher will ask students who an EMT is.
Teacher will wait for answers before explaining that it is an emergency medical
technician, also known as the people that provide care in the ambulances.
o EMT: a specially trained medical technician certified to provide basic emergency
services before and during transportation to a hospital.
Teacher will introduce an EMT, the classes guest speaker for the day.
The EMT will discuss the following:
o Job details
o Training

o Use of technology in ambulances and how it has changed throughout the years.
Once the guest speaker is finished, students will have the opportunity to ask him/her
After the guest speaker, students will use ipads to write a biography using a video app,
about EMTs and what they do.
The class will make a thank you note for the EMT and every student will sign it.

1.5 Differentiation
The second activity will appeal to children that fall under the bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence. Acting out a real-life scenario allows them to move about and learn how to
handle these situations that they could encounter in the future, so they are learning the
concept while doing it. Visual-spatial intelligences will like the third activity because it is
centered around using images to guide their thoughts, rather than being lectured.
Interpersonal intelligences will like the activity 1 and 3 because they involve group work
and communicating with others.
Students with ADHD will also like the second activity because they will be standing up
and moving for most of it. During the poster activity, teacher make sure that ELL students
are dispersed among the groups so they can work with non-ELLs. Working with nonELLs will not only make the writing and reading portion of this more manageable, it also
gives students the chance to talk to others in english which improves their speaking skills.
1.6 Closure
For closure, the class will sit down in a circle on the ground. Each student will share one
way that medicine has changed/advanced throughout history. After every student has
shared something, the teacher will do a brief recap of what they have discussed about
medical inventions. Teacher will emphasize that the information they have learned is
important because it affects their day-to-day lives in many ways. Also, understanding the
history of these inventions and advancements is important because it shows us how we
can keep improving and building upon what we have.
1.7 Assessment
Posters will be collected at the end of the day and graded on accuracy, content, and
whether or not the questions posed have been answered. The journal entries will be
collected and checked for comprehension and that all questions posed were answered.
During the skits the teacher will informally observe the groups to check that each student
participates and are following procedure. The teacher will look at the biographies as the
students are making them to see what they are writing and if it is correct. Biographies
will be assessed on accuracy of information.
1.8 Materials
Ambulance photos
Sticky notes

Markers for posters
1.9 Technology
Computers for and research

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