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n of the Sacubty of Engineering , Aasiut tniveretty, Wol.t9, to.1, January, 1952 ESTIMATION OF GUIDE VALUES FOR THE MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF SOIL El-Sayed A.A. £1 -kasaby" ceived March 7,180, Aacepted dtote 18, 1900 ) SL oe spl gL Coan Lad Lig! Jali conned LLG) Ugaed Ik ile SE Sa ae Ee et Se ce ak Sea ae CT esr a oN is SS cu a Sr Dk Sy eee SOs ag Sse aa byt on oy gee vet tps tty ae Yk Gay Ca nae IS Lyall ke Gd nae SL) LIL Td La eee Das ate on oar gets und ea te OG aa Cas Sa EG se Shan Du ake oT i Os Ds Ge a ey, Sar SE SE ie a yt Sy SS! epee, Sela I ee gat eb Geet age) A age Lyell ut ee Le, Lt Siiaar JEG ts SG aan DE SS ay oe Pee ET ge tage en Sr ET he ABSTRACT Erpinical covrelations of modulus of elasticity of soils with atatie cone resistance, standard penetration musber and wndraines shear strength have been eoitected from Literature and recsanined, for cand, tuo correlations of modulus of elaerietty with sie gone resistance and standard penatration number have been suggested. These corre! ations ‘may "be used to avoid the resulted confusion by uetng the different empertoat relationships. The results of suggested correlations cre receonable when the nodutwe of ctastiotty ts elected to appty the elastio solutions and agree with moet relationships presented. tn literature, for clay, it fe diffiault t0 sugges? Limited "correlation Sesuean modutus of eastiotty and undrained thear strength Decowes of injtvonce, of anisotropy, etzees history, natal eomoniation, water sontent,plastietty, type of olay, and over dosolidation ratio » sstaooucTroy ‘The modulus of elasticity is used in evaluating mediate settlements and applying the elastic Foudation and subgrade theory (elastic soluti- ons). It may used to back compute the ‘modulus of subgrade reaction. The modulus of elasticity depends on density » stress history, and stratification, Several Setheds are syailable for determining. the odulus of elasticity, These methods. includes Taboratory tests such’as unconfined and” tria= xia] compression test, and in situ. tests such 45 standard penetration test, cone penetration test, pressureneter, and plate loeding test Nore representative value of modulus of elast- feity can be obtained fron standard triaxial tests of undisturbed samples collected from a Gepth equal to the midth of the. foundation hReasured from the” bottom. of "the proposed Foundation elevation (1). Values of Young's modulus as computed from different. stages of the triaxial test,arecintial tangent modulus, Seeant modulus at failure and secant” modulus T Associate Professor, Civil Eng. Dept, Asstut University from zero up to about half of the maxinun Geviator stress. The value. of modulus of elasticity is different according to the used test. “Comparing with triaxial” resuTts,the Uuncoafines” test produces smaller values of modulus of elasticity by a factor of 4 £05(2). A Yajor problem, however, is that laboratory values of stress-strain modulus are generally too low compared to insitu plate tests or full= scale structure performance. This is probably an accumulation of sample disturbance,problens Of preparing samples, extracting the samples from the collection tube, -nondupl ication. of in situ stress and poresvater conditions, and interpretation of curve coordinate.Uncon# ined compression values tend to. 4 to 10tines too ow. Triaxial values range from approxinately correct to'8 or 6 tines t00 Tow [3], The value of modulus of elasticity ts dependent on many factors. These factors can be concludes ast nnethod’ ‘of "perfomming” the coapression test, Contining cell pressure, over = consolidation ratio, Soil denisty, water content of soil, Strain rote. and sample” éisturbance. Because The sodulys of elasticity 1s 0 variableyit 15, always nedessary to define the stress field and Strese “range for match a particular value applies. The modulus of elasticity of mast soils is not a constant throughout the possible stress range fandnot quite the same for unloading as ror Toaging [4, 5 and 6],the stress-strain modulus generally increases with depth in Romogenecus fang deposits and would be much lager at 56 than at the foundation base [7]. For sand, where sample recovery is difficult for laboratory tests, in-situ tests are used . ecause the laboratory values of modulus of elesticity are not goad and are expansive to fbtainga nunber of Snvestiqators have attented to correlate che equivalent modulus of elasti~ city "with the conventional results obtained uring’ field. exploration prograns These Conventions} results are standard penetration number and static cone resistance, Modulus of Plasticity 1s. also. roughly related to” the Undrained shear strength ‘of clay but the Petationship can vary cosiderably The different empirical correlations presented in Titerature give different values for nodulus of elasticity. The using of these correlations causes sone confusions. when. the modulus of elasticity is selected to apply the elastic solutions « In this paper, the empirical equations of rodulus of elasticity have Geen collected from Several “soures and” reexamined to see which Gives reasonably reliable results. The present paper ains a)s0 to suggest limited relation- Enips “to estimate the modulus of elasticity, as guide value , for purpose of design and Glast¥e solutions! These relationshias may be linea to avotd the resulted’ confusions by ufing the different empirical relationships « LIST oF srwsous & breadth of footing (or plate). Ce carrelation costticient Cy undraines. shear strength . cor cane penetration test - Da relative density . Es modulus of elasticity . Ne Standard penetration number . ck —over-consol {dation ratio Ip plasticity index 4g, —_ Static cone resistance « Shr Standard penetration test ne coefficient 3 coefficient | G effective overburden « poisson's ratio. Correlations of modulus of elasticity with the static cone resistance 45 empirical correlations of modulus of elsti- city with the static cone resistance are collected fron several sources;16 correlations for “sand ang 29 correlations for other types of soits, tables (1 and 2). The relation between the modulus of elasticity and “the stetic cone resistance can be writt- Fy =o a a The value of ac and the shape of equation (1) varry according, to. test performance, depth, overburden pressure, density and water ‘content For sand, there are 16 ebpirical correlations ‘including the equations of U.S.S.R, Bulgarian, Indian, South African and U.k, practice, table (1). The coefficients ac of these correlations fare plotted in Fig. (1). The relations. between tthe ‘modulus of elasticity and the statie cone resistance are presented in Fig. (2). As they are shown in Figs. (1) and (2),the coefficients ac of empirical correlations have been ranged between 1 to 4. 1t fs found that the ange of ac between 1.5 and 3 is agreed. with 544 of all correlations : E25 003) y (2) The correlations examined in Figs. (1) and (2) show the value of ac equals 3 3s. agreed with Sat of alt correlations ag a) Im other hand, the equation (3) exactly agrees with correlations of Trofimenkov (12). Thomas £15} ana'De Geer (163, ‘Cosequentiy, the sugge~ Sted correlation (3) is available to use when the modulus of elasticity is selected to apply the elastic solutions For other types of soils, there is a small runber of empirical correlations for each type oF soiTs.The approximate values of ac for each type of Soils,in most ceses, can be Summarized Coarse sand and gravel silty sand Clayay sand clayay silt cay Correlations of modulus of elasticity with the Standard penetration number 16 empirical correlations of modulus of elast- seity with the standara penetration number are collected” from literature, tadle (3). These Correlations have defferent shapes and’ factors According to stress history, water content and density = For sand, there are eight empirical correlati- fons including Tinear and logarithmic relations, In Figs. (3) and (4), the relations between modulus of elasticity and standard penetration hunber is plotted. It 1s clear that all values GF modulus of elasticity have been ranged Between 000. and ( 41 600 + 1080 N}in kpa units. 1t is shown by Fig.(4) that the correlation (4) includes the most values of the modulus of elastletty estieating from a1 empirical corr- elations Eg = (7 $0Bt0 27 500)+ 900 N —(kpa) (4) Using the informations shown in Figs. (3) and CG), ie is” found the correlation (5) is in resonable agreenent with §0% of all correlations. = 15-000 + 900 W (ra) (5) The results of equation (5) are not greatly different than the results of correlation. of D'Appotonia et al (21), So, instead of using many correlations, it 25 suggested to estimate the modulus of elasticity by equation (S) for Durpotes of Gesign and applications of clastic Solutions. Because there is 2 few empirical correlations for each type of soils (except sand) , no confusion will de resuTted when these correla Tons are used « Correlations of modulus of elasticity with the unérained shear strength The modulus of elasticity my be estinated fron undrained triaxial test with the test, sample Firsty consolidated witha cell pressure of between 0.5 and 0.67 tines the in-situ effective overburden pressure (25] . it is usually selectes empirically and frequently via a relationship. with the undrained shear Strength. Numerous values of this relationships are presented in the literature, In saturated Clay soils the undrained modulus of elasticity can be given by the relation : r= 8 Gy (6) where @ varries from about 100 to 2000, Sone relationships between the modulus of elasticity and” the undrained shear strength determined from large-scale field tests are given in table (4) . The study of the results Of these relationships gives the following co- ments , (1, 26 and 26 ] The value of § decreases with the increase of both overconsolidation ratio end the plasticity incex . Tne value of 8 decreases with the organic content in the soil 43+ Consolidated undrained tests of highly pla- stie caly yield velues of modulus of elast- icity generally indicative of field bahavior. 4- For nost cases of tests on undisturbed samples yield values of modulus of elasti~ city that are sore representation of field bahavier « 5+ The values of modulus of elasticity deter- mined. from unconfined compression tests and Unconsot idated-undrained triaxial tests are ‘generally low Anisotropy type of clay, stress history, water content, natural. cementation, plasticity and foverconsolidation ratio are Tikely to be very Significant factors in determining the modulus of elasticity by using the undrained shear strength. Consequently, it seems to be diff i- cult to suggest limited correlation to be app= Tieable inelastic analysis ‘coNcuusrons * Enpiricar correlations of modulus of evasti= city with static. cone resistance, standard penetration number and undrained shear stre- gth heve been collected and reexamined. ‘The use of these enpirical correlations gives aifferent results and causes. sone confusions hen the modulus of elasticity is selected for applications of elastic solutions. For sand, two. correlations have deen sugge- sted, The first ig to correlate the nodulus of elasticity with static cone resistance Es = 3 ac The second is to correlate the modulus of elasticity with the standard penetration sunber Es = (15 000 + 900.8) pa 1% The suggested equations produce @ reasonable values for modulus of elasticity when it is selected for applications of elastic soluti- fons. Its results agree with the most of correlations presented in literature. » For clay, it is difficult to suggest. 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SMID,I9%1, pp. 1359-1378, : ‘The Nationa’ Research Counci? of tanada,)975, oneal xa vopoesd imorasy g5 ‘Teute (9): Correlations of sodalue of elatiolty with ‘he standard penetration arti i Reth pe etantenip semen naterenee 500115) - =18000750 we ox 3 emt 54601190 » eo puspotenta, C21] ao 100(806) oe > a 5H talon? st Bp 1500 9 a 7 sant si Fi etalon a ies 615200 te 22000)10 8 Ape trottnantat [12] aa aveaee eae Wat 125 eum] onlad nd sameeo nef? 1315 tageions £4] 1 tao ae 625 OC6,<1.2' senuttes ent ¥ 2662 tog = 264 b075.6 51.6 tatters C19] 12 attay eins Bp 300C048) me rowers J 1) ante with nant ye 305) tafe? 1215 Barna, [20} A attt vite aunt # e40r00-6) talon? wots deanano, (2) 3 cin ean eysmChs) oe aomser,2 J aes er ee see) rales? wen, [2] 2 ean organte clays B, «(1000 to 1500) 6, -DUAppodonta ot t,[27] Soe eentereetepel ee ater gon ae amc of casas, [28 ] 4 tine to atte ctave a, = 1000 6, amo of canada, [ 28 ] 5 wey etter clave = 15006, sme of Cenaca, [28 ] 6 ata, ee rome, 10040 500) Bement] 1 «2 Lie oe Sa es uimebieoe, 4g oo om>e , (1300 to 2000) 6, ” vox weryerezze OQ, ‘pes orornere 20 emcrgan ay aeeneg worgeresio NTE vwpeune em gL 8 EE « oe ewe conn)

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