LK Heroic 6/19/2010 Wipes and Causes.: Wipe #1

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LK Heroic 6/19/2010 Wipes and Causes.

Key: (B = Block, A= Absorb, O= Overkill , * * = Crit)

[HH:MM:SS.millisecond] - Source - hit/spell - Target - Amount

Wipe #1

[19:55:19.319] The Lich King hits Hassa 31081 (A: 2889)

[19:55:19.554] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +1166
[19:55:19.759] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +6885
[19:55:20.002] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1641
[19:55:20.554] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +1166
[19:55:20.971] The Lich King hits Hassa 31970
[19:55:21.727] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +766
[19:55:22.555] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa Absorb (1650)
[19:55:22.609] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +766
[19:55:22.765] The Lich King hits Hassa 7829 (O: 26945)
[19:55:23.033] Zanes Healing Wave Hassa +17760
[19:55:23.375] Hassa dies

Breakdown: LK hits Hassa for 31k twice in 1.3 seconds received a 7,000 Flash of Light and some hots
between them, then another 33k kill shot 2.7 seconds later, Zane’s Healing Wave was too late.

Wipe #2

Shadow Trap failure via Frostflakes and Thwumpp

Wipe #3

Shadow Trap failure via Amrithar

Wipe #4

Shadow Trap failure via Pafierra

Wipe #5

Shadow Trap failure via Thwumpp

Wipe #6

Shadow trap failure via Amrithar

Wipe #7

Made it to Phase 2, with 2 raging spirits leftover beating on Hassa along with the Lich King, inevitable
death. Nothing terrible here, wiped just as the Val’kyr was landing.
Wipe #8

[20:46:22.086] Pafierra Holy Light Hassa +*0* (O: 18969)

[20:46:22.480] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +0 (O: 727)
[20:46:23.302] Zanes Chain Heal Hassa +*0* (O: 15323)
[20:46:23.447] The Lich King hits Hassa 32662 (A: 5232)
[20:46:23.447] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +0 (O: 727)
[20:46:23.723] Pafierra Holy Light Hassa +*0* (O: 19776)
[20:46:23.934] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1650
[20:46:23.934] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1641
[20:46:24.481] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +728
[20:46:24.820] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1477
[20:46:25.239] The Lich King hits Hassa 34649
[20:46:25.369] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +5454
[20:46:26.531] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +*8324*
[20:46:26.531] Zanes Lesser Healing Wave Hassa +6922
[20:46:27.040] The Lich King hits Hassa 33933 (O: 511, A: 2146)
[20:46:27.288] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +820
[20:46:27.288] Zanes Chained Heal Hassa +1277
[20:46:27.288] Hassa gains Barkskin from Hassa
[20:46:27.311] Zanes Echoes of Light Hassa +8483
[20:46:27.716] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +5543
[20:46:27.757] Zanes Lesser Healing Wave Hassa +7021
[20:46:28.122] Pafierra Holy Shock Hassa +*9672*
[20:46:28.403] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa Absorb (1181)
[20:46:28.403] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +1250
[20:46:28.865] The Lich King hits Hassa 30112
[20:46:28.980] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1182
[20:46:29.523] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1181
[20:46:29.611] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +833
[20:46:30.109] Zanes Chained Heal Hassa +1277
[20:46:30.511] Pafierra Holy Light Hassa +*19342*
[20:46:30.574] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +833
[20:46:30.854] The Lich King hits Hassa 22321 (O: 3962)
[20:46:30.854] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1044
[20:46:31.308] Hassa dies

Breakdown: 8 Second span starting with --- 3 Big overheals by Zane and Pafierra , Hassa gets hit for
32,000 then 34,000 in 1.9 seconds followed up by 20k in heals followed by by another 34,000 hit 1
second later. Hassa then receives 31,000 in heals before getting hit for 30,000 then Paf hits a Holy Light
for 19,000 just before a 27,000 killing blow.

I think the over healing at the start may have been the domino effect of tank death. This one may have
been unavoidable, Hassa did pop Barkskin when she took those 2 big hits, LKs damage was lower in the
end of the log.
Wipe #9

[20:59:54.413] The Lich King hits Hassa 32289

[20:59:54.413] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1433
[20:59:54.471] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +1432 (O: 5464)
[20:59:55.147] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +777
[20:59:55.628] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa Absorb (1433)
[20:59:55.721] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1432
[20:59:56.452] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +768
[20:59:57.202] The Lich King hits Hassa 26833 (A: 4791)
[20:59:57.307] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +768
[20:59:57.307] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1432
[20:59:57.690] Zanes Lesser Healing Wave Hassa +*10783*
[20:59:57.753] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1432
[20:59:58.012] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1433
[20:59:58.467] Pafierra Flash of Light Hassa +767
[20:59:58.719] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1296
[20:59:58.860] The Lich King hits Hassa 28232
[20:59:58.860] Drudge Ghoul hits Hassa 1468
[20:59:59.274] Hassa dies

Breakdown: This one looks to be on the healers. 59:54 she gets hit for 32,000. Paf hits a Flash , 2
seconds after another 26,000 hit, Zane heals her for 10,000, then 1.5 seconds later she gets hit for
28,000 to death. She received 2 heals over a 5 second span. Should be spamming here.

Interesting note though: Ghoul damage adds up to a staggering 9,926 damage over the 5 second span.
Maybe it would be better to just let Thwumpp cleave and tank them? We will have to discuss that.

Wipe #10

Breakdown: Hassa dies again, no need to really post the log, its same as before. Lack of healing. Lots of
flash of lights that just don’t top her off, should we be using Holy Light more and finding a way to restore
Paf’s mana?

Wipe #11

Breakdown: Made it to the Transition phase. Hassa died to Raging spirit x2 and about 12 ghouls on her.
We need to get those ghouls dead on the way over to the platform.
Wipe #12

[21:26:33.748] Shambling Horror hits Amrithar 15028

[21:26:33.975] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar 1635
[21:26:34.501] Pafierra Beacon of Light Amrithar +11226
[21:26:34.805] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar 1634
[21:26:35.167] Zanes Riptide Amrithar +1518
[21:26:36.074] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar 1635
[21:26:36.497] Pafierra Beacon of Light Amrithar +15749 (O: 2386)
[21:26:36.941] Erbacher Glyph of Power Word: Shield Amrithar +0 (O: 1989)
[21:26:37.152] Shambling Horror hits Amrithar 23729 (A: 8973)
[21:26:37.221] Shambling Horror hits Amrithar 21463 (A: 8973)
[21:26:37.309] Pafierra Judgement of Light Amrithar +0 (O: 1997)
[21:26:37.309] Zanes Chain Heal Amrithar +*0* (O: 19768)
[21:26:37.371] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar 178 (A: 44, B: 1728)
[21:26:38.105] Pafierra Beacon of Light Amrithar +27986
[21:26:38.548] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar Absorb (221)
[21:26:38.953] Zanes Riptide Amrithar +4596
[21:26:39.401] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar Absorb (1556)
[21:26:39.710] Shambling Horror hits Amrithar 29650 (A: 48413, B: 1728)
[21:26:39.710] Pafierra Beacon of Light Amrithar +18487
[21:26:40.112] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar 1245 (A: 311)
[21:26:40.824] Drudge Ghoul hits Amrithar 1245 (A: 311)
[21:26:40.991] The Lich King Infest Amrithar 5713 (A: 1428, R: 3795)
[21:26:41.036] Shambling Horror hits Amrithar 13564 (O: 72907) -------- THIS IS A ONE SHOT
[21:26:41.302] Zanes Chained Heal Amrithar +1647
[21:26:41.325] Zanes Healing Wave Amrithar +*27975*
[21:26:41.725] Amrithar dies

Breakdown: Enraged Shambling Horror hits Amrithar for 86,000, nothing we can do about this except
manage the disease better so they don’t get below 20% health.

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