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Lesson 1 Overview

In this lesson, I pre-assessed the students to figure out what they knew about
communities using a "dining room table". After this, I taught the students about the four places a
community can be. The students worked on a project at the end of the class period that showed
me what they learned about communities. The project was a long sheet of paper that had four
sections on it, one for a place to live, one for a place to work, one for a place to play, and one for
a place to solve problems. In each section, they had to write an example of each of those places.
When the students were done working on their projects, they came back to the circle and shared
the ideas they wrote/drew about.



Technology Use

1. The students will be able to discuss what types of work people

will do within the community, and how that work affects the
2. The students will be able to tell the class about their own
communities they live in, and then we will have a conversation
about how different communities have different aspects to them.
3. The students will be able to discuss differences between their
own communities, and figure out why there are those
1. 2 G5.0.1: Suggest ways people can responsibly interact with
the environment in the local community.
2. 2 G4.0.3: Use components of culture (e.g., foods, language,
religion, traditions) to describe diversity in the local community.
3. 2 G2.0.1: Compare the physical and human characteristics
of the local community with those of another community.
1. Pre-assessment: The students will be writing what they know
about communities on our dining room table.
2. Formative: I will be having discussions about each part of the
community, and will be able to assess how they are
understanding the concepts based on the students' answers.
3. Summative: The students will be drawing/writing examples of
each part of the community on a piece of paper (organizer), so I
will be able to see if they understand the concepts by looking at
Geography, Reading, Writing, Art
I used the ELMO to show the students how to complete their
project. I modeled what the students should do on the ELMO,
and then let them work on it by themselves.

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