Lesson 3 Overview

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Lesson 3 Overview

This lesson began with a discussion about what we had learned about communities so far,
as well as types of maps the students have looked at or heard of before. We discussed the
difference between a globe and a map, and did an experiment to figure out if there is more water
or land on Earth. Then we talked about the seven continents and four oceans in more depth. At
the end, the students had to label and color a paper to show me that they knew the names of the
continents and oceans.

1. The students will be able to participate in the globe game by saying whether
their index finger on their right hand is touching land or water.
2. The students will be able to participate in a discussion about what different
maps show.
3. The students will be able to look at a map and find the names of the


1. 2 G2.0.2 Describe how the local community is part of a larger region

(e.g., county, metropolitan area, state).


Formative: I will listen to the students comments, questions, and answers

during our discussion of maps to check if they are understanding the concepts
of different types of maps.
Summative: I will grade the map papers to know if the students were able to
name the continents and oceans.


Geography, Reading, Writing, Art

The students will play a map game on the classroom computers. They will do
this with a partner.
a. http://www.softschools.com/social_studies/continents/map2.sw

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