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Issue #


Issue Date
This newsletter is created primarily
by using text columns, so that text
automatically wraps from one
column to the next. Find the
Columns feature on the Page
Layout tab, in the Page Setup
group. Get tips for setting up and
using text columns later in this

Adding your own content

The placeholder text for several

articles in this template provides tips
on how to customize this newsletter
for your needs.
To replace any placeholder text with
your own, just select it and start
typing. Note that if the placeholder
text you replace is long, such as for
this article, it might look like the
page layout is skewed when you do
this but it is not. The content that
sits lower on the page only moves
up because less content is present
when you begin to replace your own
text. As you type to add your text,
content will move back into position

Placeholders that remain when

you add text
The title and subtitle placeholders
dont disappear when you add your
own text. They will look like regular
text when printed but you can see
the blue outline and title of the
placeholder when you click in it.


How to Use This Template


[Article Author]

reason these placeholders remain is

that they are linked to other
placeholders that use the same text.
So, when you replace the title or
subtitle placeholder text with your
own, it automatically populates the
corresponding placeholders in the
headers and on the back page

Replacing pictures

To replace a picture in this template

with your own, select it and then, on
the Picture Tools Format tab, in
the Adjust group, click Change
Picture. (Or right-click a photo to
access the Change Picture
The pictures that you see in
sidebars, such as In This Issue at
right, are formatted as In Line With
Text so that they sit right in a
paragraph mark and can be
formatted as easily as text. The
custom paragraph style named
Sidebar photo applies indent
formatting that helps align the
photos perfectly with the other
sidebar content.

Pictures that wrap around some text

in articles throughout the newsletter
use text settings and positioning.
Get help for working with text wrap
around pictures later in this


Article Title

Page #

Article Title
To view column breaks, section breaks, and
other formatting marks, on the Home tab, in
the Paragraph group, click the pargraph
mark icon.

Page #

Using Styles

Name Style

The body text throughout the

articles in this template uses the
Normal paragraph style. Following
are some other styles applied
throughout the template:

Large article titles, such as on

the first page, use Heading 1
Orange headings in the sidebars
and within articles use Sidebar
Heading style.
Orange section titles in articles
use the Heading 2 style.
Small article titles use Heading
3 style.
This style is List Bullet 2.
This style is List Continue.

Contact Info is the name of the

gray text style inside the small
contact tables.
Access all styles used in this
template on the Home tab, in the
Styles group.

A column break is inserted before and after

each column that acts as a sidebar. To insert a
column break, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Or, on
the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup
group, click Breaks, and then click Column.

Text in sidebars uses the

Sidebar Text style.
White headings on orange text
in tables uses the Heading 4
The heading inside contact
information tables uses
Heading 5 style.

Using styles helps save you time and

keep your document consistent. To
modify a style, on the Home tab, in
the Styles group, right-click the
name of the style you want to edit
and then click Modify. All content
where the style is applied will
update automatically.
Another way to modify a style is to
simply customize an instance of the
style where its applied in the
document. Then, on the Home tab,
in the Styles group, right-click the
style name and then click Update
[style] to Match Selection.


Use the small tables provided in some of the articles to call out quick reference information related to the article, such as contact
information or event dates.

Contact Info
This picture caption uses the
Caption 2 paragraph style and
is inside a text box so that you
can move it easily as needed
to accompany a photo.

To setup a document for multiple

column text, on the Page Layout
tab, in the Page Setup group, click
Columns and then click the number
of columns you need. You can also
click More Columns to specify
column widths, the space between
columns, or to automatically add a
vertical line between columns.
To change the number of columns
for just part of the document (or if
you want text to wrap to just the top
part of the page and a new article to
start below as shown on this page),
insert a section break before the
position where you want to start the
new column layout. To do this, on
the Page Layout tab, in the Page
Setup group, click Breaks and then
click the type of section break you

Select a section break

When changing many types of page

layout formatting for just part of the
documentsuch as paper size,
margins, or orientation, the best
section break type to use is a Next
Page section break because it
automatically starts the new section
on a new page. However, when

Working with Columns


[Article Author]

changing the number of columns as

you might in this newsletter, you
may prefer to select a Continuous
break. The continuous section break
(used a few times throughout this
template) starts a new section
immediately after the preceding
one. So, for example, you can have a
three-column article followed by a
four-column article, on the same



This placeholder article provides the
following tips:

Creating thermometer charts

using tables, as shown at left.
Setting up multipage articles.

Wrapping text around images

Adding article titles and bylines

Creating the sidebar

thermometer charts
Sidebar Setup
The sidebars in this template use simple,
single-row tables for the gray-shaded
headings and thermometer charts shown
below for easy alignment.

When you work in Word 2010 (or

PowerPoint 2010), you have the full
power of Excel 2010 charts
(provided that Excel is installed on

Formatting Tips

[Article Author]

your computer). Insert a chart in

Word from the Insert tab, in the
Illustrations group. Charts are easy
to create and use and automatically
coordinate with your active
document theme.

Add Sidebar Content

Adding content into a column to create a
sidebar is no different from adding text. As
noted earlier in this template, apply the styles
provided for headings, sidebar text, and even
pictures to align them quickly and easily.


Learn about these thermometer charts in
the article at right.

Cras ut blandit diam. Suspendis quis urna
semper aliquam.


Abico eum, ille et, conventio obruo
duis ullamcorper ut, neo demoveo. Vel

Contact Info

In the case of this placeholder

article, it is separated into two
placeholder content
Caption controls
2 style is (one
used to
this page andadd
starts at
in textjust
the top of theCaptions
for easy
that you can still
see placement
the layout of
to images.
the following relative
page while
you begin
adding your own text on this page.
As mentioned on the first page of
this template, remember that it
might look like the layout is skewed
when you replace a long piece of
placeholder text by starting to type
your own, but it is not. As you add
your content, the layout that follows
will move down automatically and

However, notice in the sidebar at left

that the thermometer charts were
created using single-row Word
tables. This is because they
automatically fit the tight space
without having to remove any chart
elements. And you might be
surprised to learn that its easy to
make them essentially
mathematically accurate.
To use a table as a thermometer
chart, do the following:



On the Insert tab, in the Tables

group, click Table and then drag
across the grid to select the first
two cells in the first row. Click to
insert a two-cell, one-row table.
Click in the table and then, on
the Table Tools Layout tab, in
the Table group, click
On the Columns tab of the
Table Properties dialog box,
change the Measure In setting
to Percentage. You can then
set the percentage to up to one
decimal point in accuracy.

Setting up multipage articles

Word is designed to allow text to

automatically flow from one page to
the next. So, when you want an
article to continue on the next page,
just keep typing.

back into position.

To remove the second placeholder
control that starts immediately
following this one, just select it and
then press any key. You can then
continue typing from this page and
your text will automatically flow onto
the next.

Wrap text around images

The photos in this article that are

angled with white borders are
floating images. That is, they are
setup for text to wrap around them
which is why they can span multiple
columns in a three-column section.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier,
the photo of the young woman in the
body of this article is set to
wrap text so that text will
flow around the image as
you add your own text.
To select text
wrap settings,
start by selecting
the image and then
do the following:

On the
Format tab,
in the Arrange
group, click Wrap
Text and then select either
Square, Tight, or Top and
Bottomdepending on how you
want the text to wrap.
You might be happy with the
default behavior as soon as you
do this. Otherwise, continue to


step two for customization

To set a specific position or

control behavior (such as
whether or not the image moves
with text), on the Picture Tools
Format tab, in the Arrange
group, click Position and then
click More Layout Options.
On the Text Wrapping tab of
the Layout dialog box, you can
set a specific distance from the
image for text to wrap and
control whether text can wrap on
both sides, one side only, or just
above and below the image.
On the Position tab of that
dialog box, you can set a specific

Notice the image of the young

woman thats within a text column
on the preceding page. The
background has been removed from
that image to allow text to wrap

position for the image on the
page and select or clear the
option to allow the picture to
move with text.

Adding article titles, bylines,

and dividers

The article titles and bylines for this

newsletter are created in text boxes.
This is because text can wrap
around a text box just like it can
around a picture. Similarly, the
orange divider bars that you see on
pages containing more than one
article are shapes set to wrap text.
So, these text boxes and shapes can
easily span multiple columns without
having to insert a section break or
change the number of columns for
just that portion of the page.
The Remove Background feature
automatically displays what it
believes to be the central subject of
the image. However, its easy to
adjust this if the immediate result is

Remove Image

[Article Author]

directly around the subject.

not what you need.

Office 2010 introduced several new

and improved picture formatting
tools in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Among those is the Remove
Background tool that you can use to
remove backgrounds from your own
images, similar to the sample image
on the preceding page.

On the Background Removal tab,

click Mark Areas to Keep or Mark
Areas to Remove and then drag
your mouse pointer in a line across
the portion of the image you want to
add or remove. When you are
finished making adjustments, click
Keep Changes.

To do this in Word, first insert your

image into the document (on the
Insert tab, click Picture), and then
select it. Then, on the Picture Tools
Format tab, in the Adjust group,
click Remove Background.


Abico eum, ille et, conventio obruo
duis ullamcorper ut, neo demoveo. Vel

Contact Info

When you select a text box or a

shape, on the Drawing Tools
Format tab, in the Arrange group,
you have the same settings for text
wrapping and positioning that are
described above for wrapping text
around pictures.
Note that, because text is set to
wrap around the orange divider
bars, your article might appear to
slip below or above a bar, depending
upon length. To adjust the position of
a divider bar shape to accommodate
the length of your articles, just
select the shape and then use the
up and down arrow keys on your
keyboard to nudge it to the proper


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam
sed luctus tellus. Pellentesque in
dolor sapien, vitae dictum massa.
Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor
pretium. Suspendisse vel purus nec
erat pellentesque commodo.
Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris vel
dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat
volutpat. Praesent ultrices odio in
elit fringilla id rutrum mi mattis.
Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a
tempor libero condimentum eu.
Morbi ut nisi ante. Duis purus eros,
aliquam eu cursus tincidunt, feugiat
vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis
facilisis. Aenean faucibus sapien
erat, eu pharetra arcu.
Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a
tempor libero condimentum eu.
Morbi ut nisi ante. Duis purus eros,
aliquam eu cursus tincidunt, feugiat
vitae magna. Nullam pellentesque,
est at consectetur interdum, arcu
dolor interdum. Nullam at metus
erat, in convallis massa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam
sed luctus tellus. Pellentesque in
dolor sapien, vitae dictum massa.
Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor
pretium. Suspendisse vel purus nec
erat pellentesque commodo.
Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris vel
dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat
volutpat. Praesent ultrices odio in
elit fringilla id rutrum mi mattis.
Aenean vitae lorem dui. Morbi
tempus lacinia nisi, vel scelerisque
nibh facilisis id. Integer urna tortor,
ullamcorper aliquet viverra non,
mollis sed dolor.
Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a
tempor libero condimentum eu.
Morbi ut nisi ante. Duis purus eros,
aliquam eu cursus tincidunt, feugiat
vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis
facilisis. Aenean faucibus sapien
erat, eu pharetra arcu.



Title Lorem Ipsum Dolor


[Article Author]

Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a

tempor libero condimentum eu.
Morbi ut nisi ante. Duis purus eros,
aliquam eu cursus tincidunt, feugiat
vitae magna. Nullam pellentesque,
est at consectetur interdum, arcu
dolor interdum. Nullam at metus
erat, in convallis massa.
Nullam at metus erat, in convallis
massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla
id rutrum mi mattis.

id rutrum mi mattis. Aliquam tempus

aliquam mauris vel dapibus.

Lorem Ipsum
Nulla semper orci id leo adipiscing at pulvinar
ante porta. In quis orci orci, sed pellentesque
dui. Aliquam nec cursus augue. Sed est
massa, ullamcorper vitae gravida ut.
Curabitur pretium eleifend lectus, at faucibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam
sed luctus tellus. Pellentesque in
dolor sapien, vitae dictum massa.
Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor
pretium. Suspendisse vel purus nec
erat pellentesque commodo.
Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris vel
dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat
volutpat. Praesent ultrices odio in
elit fringilla id rutrum mi mattis.
Aenean vitae lorem dui. Morbi
tempus lacinia nisi, vel scelerisque
nibh facilisis id. Integer urna tortor,
ullamcorper aliquet viverra non,
mollis sed dolor.

Dolor Sit Amet

Nulla semper orci id leo adipiscing at pulvinar
ante porta. In quis orci orci, sed pellentesque
dui. Aliquam nec cursus augue. Sed est
massa, ullamcorper vitae gravida ut.
Curabitur pretium eleifend lectus, at faucibus

Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a

tempor libero condimentum eu.
Morbi ut nisi ante. Duis purus eros,
aliquam eu cursus tincidunt, feugiat
vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis
facilisis. Aenean faucibus sapien
erat, eu pharetra arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor
pretium. Suspendisse vel purus nec
erat pellentesque commodo.
Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris vel
dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat
volutpat. Praesent ultrices odio in
elit fringilla id rutrum mi mattis.
Nullam at metus erat, in convallis
massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla

Lorem Ipsum
Nulla semper orci id leo adipiscing at pulvinar
ante porta. In quis orci orci, sed pellentesque
dui. Aliquam nec cursus augue. Sed est
massa, ullamcorper vitae gravida ut.
Curabitur pretium eleifend lectus, at faucibus


Title Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam
sed luctus tellus. Pellentesque in
dolor sapien, vitae dictum massa.
Aenean vitae lorem dui. Morbi
tempus lacinia nisi, vel scelerisque
nibh facilisis id. Integer urna tortor,
ullamcorper aliquet viverra non,
mollis sed dolor.
Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Suspendisse vel purus nec erat
pellentesque commodo. Aliquam
tempus aliquam mauris vel dapibus.
Nullam at metus erat, in convallis
massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla
id rutrum mi mattis.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus
tincidunt, feugiat vitae magna.
Etiam sodales consequat nibh, eget
rhoncus metus convallis et. Morbi
rutrum mollis facilisis. Aenean

Morbi tempus lacinia nisi, vel

scelerisque nibh facilisis id. Integer
urna tortor, ullamcorper aliquet
viverra non, mollis sed dolor. Etiam
sodales consequat nibh, eget
rhoncus metus convallis et.
Phasellus dignissim nulla at diam
fermentum in sollicitudin sem
condimentum. Pellentesque
condimentum diam et sem rhoncus
semper sed at libero. Aenean
condimentum, lorem vel faucibus
pellentesque, quam nunc lacinia
augue, vel sagittis dolor ipsum vitae
velit. Ut feugiat odio ac dolor iaculis
consequat. Praesent sed lacus ante.
Nullam pretium commodo libero, at
congue sapien dignissim a. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut
fermentum sem non metus faucibus
blandit. Sed placerat bibendum



[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Street Address]

[City, ST ZIP Code]




Na m cht tnh gic nng

Thy nng Nguyt n mt trn bn song
Nng th chp chp mm ci
N ci e l khin ngi ngn ng

Tt c chng ta u l triu ph
Hon cnh, gia nh, mi trng x hi l nhng phn mm bin chng ta thnh chic my tnh b ci t sn. Theo thi
gian, mi ngi s vn hnh bn thn khng phi theo cch m chng ta tht s mong mun. y chnh l nguyn nhn
mu cht cn tr mi ngi t c gic m ca mnh. Ch khi c c cun sch cuc i mnh, tm c mnh l ai,
bn mi nm gi c cha kha t c thnh cng, giu c, sc khe, hnh phc thc s.
Ln u tin mt kha hc c t chc ti Vit Nam dn dt cc hc vin khm ph v bn thn mnh v bc u
tip cn cuc hnh trnh i tm Ti l ai?. Gn 50 hc vin c c hi tri nghim kha hc ny u chung mt cm nhn:
Kha hc rt khc bit v l 3 ngy tri nghim cha tng c trong cuc i.
Phn ln thi lng ca chng trnh dnh cho cc hc vin chia s cu chuyn ca chnh bn thn mnh. Tin s Menis
Yoursy, ngoi kin thc v kinh nghim lu nm ca mt bc s tm l hng u th gii, cn l mt ngi c nng lc
cm nhn t bit. Qua mi cu chuyn, ng lun tm c con ngi tht, n su ng sau bn ng ca mi hc vin,
ri hng dn h v gii quyt cc vn .
l nhng iu khc bit ti kha hc Ti i tm ti va din ra trong 3 ngy 13, 14 v 15/9 ti H Ni. Kha hc do
D n Money Rain - Cng ty IDT t chc.
Hy coi ni au l mt mn qu
Mi con ngi sinh ra, ln ln u tri qua nhng s vic tt xu, vui bun khc nhau. Qua cc tri nghim, mi ngi s
hnh thnh nn cch nhn nhn th gii ring ca mnh.
Hon cnh, gia nh, cha m, mi trng x hi chnh l nhng phn mm c ci vo t duy chng ta v chng ta
chnh l chic my tnh b ngi khc ci t. Theo thi gian, mi ngi s vn hnh bn thn khng phi theo cch m
chng ta tht s mong mun. y chnh l nguyn nhn mu cht cn tr mi ngi t c gic m ca mnh.
Tt c nhng g m mi ngi c c ngy hm nay - s tin kim c, thnh cng hay hnh phc, u th hin ng
vng thoi mi ca h. a s chng ta u thch sng trong vng thoi mi c an ton. Nhng nu chng ta c mi
t mnh trong vng thoi mi, th s cn rt xa gic m ca mnh. TS Menis ch ra: Trong vng thoi mi, chng ta ngh
chng ta l ai? khng phi l con ngi tht ca chng ta u. iu khin chng ta khng t c s t do.

thay i cuc sng hin ti, chng ta phi bc ra ngoi vng thoi mi. Tuy nhin, nhn thc ca mi ngi thng
khng lm nhng iu khc bit bi v con ngi chng ta c hnh thnh v chi phi bi nhng thi quen. V mt khi:
Chng ta khng nhn ra ang trong ngc t th s khng bao gi thot ra khi ngc t .

Thi quen, nim tin, s s hi l nhng ro cn khin cho chng ta khng i n ng ni cn n. Chng hn nh khi c
mt ni au, con ngi thng ln trnh ni au m khng lm iu g khc i, v th m ni au vn , khng c
gii quyt. Li khuyn ca TS Menis chnh l: Hy lm mt iu g v hy coi ni au chnh l mt mn qu m cha ban tng. Tng
bc vt ra khi vng thoi mi, dn dn s gip chng ta tin gn n gic m.
V lm c iu , ch c mt cch duy nht m TS Menis ch ra: Mi ngi cn phi hc hi yu bn thn
mnh v tin bn thn mnh. Cha kha y l T quan st bn thn - phng thuc cho mi th.
Vt qua cm gic ti li
Trong nhng ro cn ln dn n thnh cng ca mi ngi th cm gic ti li chnh l ro cn ln nht.
Cm gic ti li chnh l mong mun trng pht bn thn mnh bi v mt iu tng lm trong qu kh. Theo TS Menis,
cm gic ti li cp i rt nhiu nng lng v lm cho chng ta nh li, khng th ln ln c.
Ti li xut hin khi con ngi c hnh ng tri ngc vi hnh nh trong u h, ging nh tnh hung Ti l ngi trung
thc nhng ti li ni di. Gii php y l thay i hnh ng hoc hnh nh trong u.
TS Menis cho bit thm: Cm gic ti li cn cn tr mi ngi nhn trch nhim vi nhng vic lm v tip tc c thm ti li mi. gii
quyt vn , rt n gin, bn hy ni vi bn thn mnh: Ti l con ngi, ti c th mc sai lm v tha th cho bn thn. V xt n cng,
cm gic ti li l s hung d vi bn thn: Ti nn l ngi tt hn nh th. N l nng lng tiu cc ko chng ta
10.000 gi thnh v nhn



Trong ngy th 3 ca chng trnh Ti i tm ti, TS Menis hng dn hc vin nhng iu b mt t c thnh
cng, giu c vin mn.
T trc n nay, bnh thng mi ngi khi mong mun mt iu g v tin bc, cc mi quan h, h thng tp
trung vo phng php v kt qu. l nhng iu c vit trong hng trm cun sch. Tuy nhin, y khng phi l
cch tt ca cuc hnh trnh Ti i tm ti. Bi l nh Menis cnh bo: Ci bn mun khng phi l ci thc s bn mun. V n
gin, l ci bn ngh l bn mun m thi. cng l chnh l ch vng mc ca bn.

Menis chia s mt iu quan trng, thay v ch tm vo nhng iu nh s s hi, hy ch tm vo nguyn. Tt c

mi vic din ra ngy hm nay u l nguyn ca mi ngi. Nu kt qu c to ra th n l nguyn ca bn. V
nu nguyn r rng, s c kt qu. Bi l, thng thng nguyn trc khi hin th thnh kt qu, c rt nhiu lc ko
ngc vi nguyn.
Kt qu c to ra t nhng nim tin ct li, tuy nhin nhng nim tin ct li thng mang tnh tiu cc do xut pht t
nhng tri nghim au kh trong qu kh. iu cn lm chnh l thay i nim tin bng tri nghim mi (khng phi c
sch). TS Menis ch ra quy lut 10,000 gi c th bin mi ngi thnh mt v nhn trong bt k mt cng vic no.
Quy lut 10,000 gi ny ch c th thc hin c nu l cng vic m chng ta yu thch. Khi tm c iu mnh yu
thch, th tt c chng ta u l triu ph.
Mt ni dung rt quan trng c chia s ti kha hc chnh l 3 t: Let GO (Bung b), Let BE (Hy nh vy), Let
IN (Nhn v). Theo TS Menis, bung b l iu khng d. Tuy nhin, cch n gin nht chng ta thc hnh iu ny l loi
b nhng vt c k, nhng vt lin quan n nhng mi quan h c, Bi v, nu chng ta gi n ngha l khng c
khng gian trng cho nhng ci mi v chng ta xng ng vi nhng th c k .
Khi thc hnh ngay Let GO cng vi Let BE (tc l yn mi vic mt cch t nhin) s em li s ngc nhin th v.
Cn khi thc hnh Let IN, tc l chng ta xng ng vi nhng iu ta nhn v ch cn ni Cm n tht nhiu, th l
Nu hnh phc, bn s bit mnh l ai
Nhng tri nghim v chia s ti kha hc Ti i tm ti gip cc hc vin nhn thy rng, bt u i tm Ti l
ai, khng phi ni xa xi m bt u t chnh bn thn mi ngi. V s hng dn cho cuc hnh trnh Ti i tm
ti, l thng ip quan trng sau y:
- Trong mi ngi c 2 con ngi, con ngi tht s v ngi chi. Ngi chi s ri vo mt trong cuc chi, mt show din do bn ng by t
ra. Cc cuc chi khng em li hnh phc v bnh an cho ngi chi, hoc nu c th rt khng bn vng v n khng p ng nhng nhu cu thc
ca bn. Phn ng chng ta ri vo cuc chi mt cch v thc, chng ta khng nhn bit c u l con ngi thc ca mnh. i vi chng ta,
ch c mt ngi duy nht l ngi chi.
nhn bit c u l con ngi tht ca mnh, bn phi quay vo bn trong, v c mt s tn hiu bn c th s dng nhn bit:
- Nu sng vi con ngi tht ca mnh - bn lun hnh phc.
- Con ng tm v vi bn thn mnh, bn phi chp nhn ton b bn thn mnh, cho d n l nh th no.

Nh vy, ch khi mi ngi lm iu khc bit l khm ph v thay i bn thn mnh, cuc sng ca bn v c th gii
ny cng s thay i.

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