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Educa tion

State College of Florida, Bradenton, FL Associates of Arts: Special

Education, Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2018
Communication Skills
Attentive listener
Effective communicator, written and verbal
Leadership Skills
Recognizes the importance of leadership structure
Able to recieve and give instruction
Research Skills
Effective reasercher using digital and printed resources
Ability to as good questions
Computer Skills
Familiar with Microsoft Office and its applications
Expert navigator of social media
Work Experience
Grace Martial Arts, Bradenton, and FL2012-present
Teaches beginner class, instructing on average 20 kids ages 5 and up. Leading the entire class
or working one on one with students who need help.
Classical Conversations, Bradenton, FL 2014-2016
Oversaw the care of 2-8 kids ages 8 months to 3 years old. Played and read
books with the kids as well as made sure they were safe on the playground
and indoors. Gave them snacks, changed diapers, and assisted in potty
Honors & Awards
2nd Degree Black Belt: Grace Martial Arts, Bradenton, FL 2015
1st Degree Black Belt: Grace Martial Arts, Bradenton, FL 2014
Leadership Award: Grace Martial Arts, Bradenton, FL --- 2013
Character Award: Grace Martial Arts, Bradenton, FL --- 2012
Excellence Award: Grace Martial Arts, Bradenton, FL--- 2011.

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