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Alison Lafferty Shugar

Professional Literature Summary

Take Charge of Your Personal and Professional Development. Young Children

Bib. Information (APA
Author(s) Affiliation:
Type of Resource:

Goble, C. B., & Horm, D. M. (2010, November). Take Charge of Your Personal
and Professional Development. Young Children, 86-91.
Goble- Professor of Early Childhood Education
Horm- Director of Early Childhood Education Institute at University of Oklahoma
Trade article that is intended to inform teachers and educators daily practic

(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential

Way in which this

source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

Stage of action research

where the source will
be used:

This article really emphasizes the importance of Personal and Professional

development in the field of Early Childhood Education. It talks about how as
professionals teachers should be taking it upon themselves to continue to learn and
grow and what this growth does for the outcome of the program. It talks about teachers
developing a plan. A plan of what and how they want to learn and grow as a
professional in the field.
This article influences my topic because it is talking directly about Professional
Development in Early Childhood Education and why it is an important aspect of the

My topic is to look at the importance of professional development and how

professional development can be used to help maintain staff moral, prevent turnover,
and also to learn what staff need/want from professional development. This article is
directly related because it directly talks about the importance of professional
development and also talks about staff making a plan to address how and what they
would like to learn. I believe as a director if your staff made a plan you could use
these plans to help shape the professional development and staff meetings you chose to
Background- This article helps me understand the background of what I am
researching since it explains what Professional Development is.
Design- This article will help to shape and design my research because it helps me to
understand exactly what it is I am researching and why Professional Development is so
important in the field.

What is Professional Development in Early Childhood Education?

Bib. Information (APA

What is Professional Development in Early Childhood Education? (n.d.).

Retrieved September 10, 2016, from Is
Professional Development in Early Childhood Education.pdf

Author(s) Affiliation:

NAEYC- Association dedicated to Early childhood Education

Type of Resource:

Website Article

(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential
Way in which this
source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and
Stage of action research
where the source will
be used:

This article explains exactly what Professional Development is in Early Childhood

Education and the different types of professional development that are out there. It
also explains what effective Professional Development looks like.
This article influences the field because it explains why Professional Development is
important and since my topic is about Professional Development they are directly

This article is going to help me explain the importance of Professional Development

and help me justify my research topic and its importance.
Background- This article helps lay out my background information. What is
professional development? In order to research affective PD you have to first know
what it is.
Design- This article will help with the design of my research since NAECY is such a
reputable source I will use their standards to help shape what I feel is important in PD
and in my research.

The One Minute Manager

Bib. Information (APA

Blanchard, K. H., & Johnson, S. (1982). The One Minute Manager. New York:

Author(s) Affiliation:

Blanchard- Author and Co-author of over 30 books

Johnson- Author
Motivational book for managers.

Type of Resource:
(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential

Way in which this

source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and
Stage of action research
where the source will
be used:

This book breaks management down into simple small tasks and ideas. There are three
main secrets to being an affective manager according to the book.
1) One Minute Goal Setting
- Come up with and agree on goals to set
- Check in on goals
2) One Minute Praise
- People who feel good about themselves produce good results
- Be up front about telling people that you are going to tell them how they
are doing
- Praise immediately and make eye contact and add a touch (hand shake)
3) One Minute Reprimand
- Reprimand immediately and confidently
- End on a positive note- hand shake
Since I am looking at professional development but also relationships between staff
and managers, I think this book will help me to understand the management side of
being a director and help to relate to the staff. It is also important to have happy staff
and this book really helps managers achieve happy staff.

It is important to understand how staff work, what makes them happy and how to keep
them happy to improve the relationship and help with turnover.
Background- It is important to understand what it means to be a manager to be an
effective manager.
Design- This will help design my research since it talks about how to keep staff happy
I will use it to understand how to best implement trainings, meeting and professional

Early Childhood Education Professional Development: Training and Technical Assistance

Bib. Information (APA

Author(s) Affiliation:

Type of Resource:

National Association for the Education of Young Children and National Association of
Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies. (2011). Early Childhood Education
Professional Development: Training and Technical Assistance Glossary. Retrieved
October 1, 2016, from
National Association for the Education of Young Children- Association dedicated
to Early childhood Education
National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral AgenciesAssociation dedicated to Early childhood education
Scholarly Article

(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential

PD is 3 Topics
1) Education
2) Technical Support
3) Training
Defines many job titles, types of trainings and other related lingo for Professional
Development in Early Childhood Education. Breaks down the difference between
different types of trainings and mentoring.

Way in which this

source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and
Stage of action research
where the source will
be used:

I will use this as a resource to better understand terms and lingo that I may come across
in my research or may get back in some of my surveys/interviews.

Understanding the difference between all the different types of trainings and staff
development out there is important to understand where I can improve, where I am
doing well and where other centers are doing the same.
Background, Design, Conclusion: I will use this a resource to set up surveys and
interview. I will use the different terms while setting up the weebly.

Bib. Information

The Importance of Professional Development

Lebeau, B. M. (n.d.). Earlychildhood NEWS - Article Reading Center. Retrieved
October 07, 2016, from


Lebeau- Author and freelance writer for many popular parenting magazines.

Type of

Scholarly article


Summary of

Puts Staff Development onto the staff members. Explains the importance of Staff
Development in plain terms and in terms that will make sense to the everyday Early
Childhood Professional. Discusses how Staff Development not only helps the teacher but
also the children. The more you learn the less lazy and stressed you will be.

Way in which
this source
influences the
field related to
your inquiry (ex.
g elementary)
relevance to
your research
topic and study:
Stage of action
research where
the source will
be used:

This source very bluntly explains the importance of continuing education in this field. It puts
it on the staff members and even states that you cant blame it on your center because they
wont pay for it or support you. It is your responsibility as a professional to continue your

It is relevant because it discusses the importance in a way that staff would understand and be
able to relate.

Background: This article will help me develop my survey and interview questions.

8 Tips to Make Sure Your Staff Meeting is Worth the Time

Bib. Information (APA Ronan, B. (2014). 8 Tips to Make Sure Your Staff Meeting is Worth the Time.
Retrieved October 14, 2016, from
Author(s) Affiliation:
Type of Resource:

Bob Ronan: Experience IT Exec. Experience taking troubled companies to the next

(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential

8 Quick and easy tips to make sure you Staff Meeting is effective and enjoyable by
staff. There are both Dos and Donts.
Staff meetings are meant to be informative but also a time for connection,
brainstorming, praise and reflection. These tips help make sure you are providing all
this for your staff.

Way in which this

source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

I think people often get lost in the day to day and forget how important and impactful
staff meetings can be. These 8 tips can be a quick reminder to anyone of the
importance of staff meetings and remind them how to have a successful one.

Stage of action research

where the source will
be used:

Since I am looking into making the most of staff meetings these tips will be very handy
while working through my research. I am curious to see how many of my surveys
come back and mention one of these 8 tips in their explanation of staff meetings. I will
use these tips to come up with my interview questions.
Background: This website will help me understand what a good staff meeting is.
Design: This website will help me design my data collection tools.

ECE Leaders Guide to Effective Staff Development How to Get Your Moneys Worth
Bib. Information (APA Nemeth, K. (2016, October 14). ECE Leaders Guide to Effective Staff
Development How to Get Your Moneys Worth. Lecture. Retrieved October
14, 2016, from
Author(s) Affiliation:
Type of Resource:

Karen Nemeth: BA in Psychology and an EdM in Learning, Cognition

and Development
Scholarly Webinar

(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential

Way in which this

source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and
Stage of action research
where the source will
be used:

Discusses: What factors can leaders control to ensure that training

leads to improved classroom practices and what are the top ten
points you need to know to make professional development
successful and worth the time and money you invest.
This is directly related as it explains what makes Staff Development successful and
gives tips for directors to use to improve their staff development.

Explains importance and tips to making staff development successful and productive.

Design: This will help me design my interview questions. I can see what my
interviewees do during their staff meetings.

Bib. Information (APA

Author(s) Affiliation:
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential
Way in which this
source influences the
field related to your
inquiry (ex. Math
Potential relevance to
your research topic and
Stage of action research
where the source will
be used:

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