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Properties of Matter

Dillon Lynch

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Properties of Matter Unit: Energy and chemical reactions change and affect the world
around us
Essential Questions
The students will understand that
How is thermal energy related to
The world is made up of matter and
phase changes?
can change based on the environment
How is thermal energy related to
around it.
particle arrangements?
How does particle movement and
placement affect the state of matter?
Why is particle movement
dependent on energy?
How can changes of matter and
particle changes be reflected in our
everyday life?
Students will know
Use the relationship between heat
phase of matter is dependent on
and the motion and arrangement of
particle movement and arrangement
particles in solids, liquids and gases to
Melting is a change in matter from a
explain melting, freezing, condensation
solid to a liquid.
and evaporation (
Freezing is a change in matter from
a liquid to a solid.
Students will be able to
Evaporation is a change in matter
identify the different phases of
from a liquid to a gas.
Condensation is a change in matter
describe the process of particle
from a gas to a liquid.
arrangement as heat is added
Sublimation is a change in matter
from a solid to a gas.
Language Objective
SWBAT define the following terms:
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Exit Ticket
Ice Cream Lab Handout
At the end of the class
period, students will answer the
question: How is salt related to the
thermal energy in the Ice Cream
Lab? Correct answers indicate
mastery of learning target of the

Properties of Matter

Dillon Lynch

day. Teacher can determine what

materials need further explanation
by observing trends of where
students are struggling with lesson
based on incorrect answers.
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Pre-Assessment Drill (5 min)
Teacher: Directions for the drill are on the board along with the learning
target. The drill of the period is
What is the difference between melting and freezing?
What is the difference between evaporation and condensation? while the
learning target states that I can describe different phase changes and how they
relate to changes in particle arrangements . The teacher will circulate, respond
to questions, and monitor behavior to keep students on track. As this is may be
the first time for students to hear or think of these words, possible have
examples of matter ready (a ball, water, air etc.) if students ask and need help.
Students: Students silently answer the drill questions and copy the
learning target in their notebooks. When students finish, they will raise their hand for
the teacher to check answers.
Provocation: Ice Cream Lab Expectations and procedures - see additional
Teacher will have a student handout lab worksheet to the
Teacher will go over expectations for the ice cream lab with
students. Students are to follow along with directions and answer all pre-lab
questions before they continue on to getting materials for the lab.
Teacher will remind students not to eat anything until given
permission and the entire lab worksheet is complete.
Teacher will then give students time to ask questions.about
the lab that they may have.
Once all questions are answered, teacher will transition
students to lab benches. teacher will direct students to their correct lab group
based on their predetermine lab groups. Students may begin the lab pre-lab
questions once their group is at their designated lab bench
Students will silently listen to the lab expectations waiting
for questions until the end.
Once lab expectations are complete, students may silently
raise their hand to ask questions about the lab.
Once lab expectations are complete, and once the teacher
gives permission, students may move to their designated lab benches to start
on the lab.
Procedure: Conduct ice cream lab
During the first part of the lab, teacher will stand at supply
table with the necessary supplies for students to come to once they have

Properties of Matter

Dillon Lynch

completed pre-lab questions. Teacher will check pre-lab question of an entire

group before handing out supplies for the lab. Once the teacher hands out lab
supplies to the entire group, the teacher will go over the procedures again to
make sure students understand what to expect.
Once most groups of completed the prework questions and
have started on the lab procedures, the teacher will circulate around the lab
benches to help those students who might need additional help
Teacher will tell students who are completely done with the
ice cream lab worksheet that they are able to eat the ice cream. Teacher will
also have students turn in their lab worksheet
Students will first complete the pre-lab questions as an
entire group. This must be done as an entire group before the students can get
the lab supplies needed
Once students complete pre-lab questions, they will go to
the supply desk and have the teacher the check off on completed pre-lab
question. The entire group needs to complete the pre-lab questions before they
go to the supply desk
After they have gotten the supplies, students will carefully
follow the lab directions on the handout to make the ice cream. Along with
following the directions to make the ice cream, the students will also complete
the post-lab questions along the way
With the teacher's approval, students may eat the ice
cream when the entire group is done, turn in worksheet and clean up lab area.
Post Assessment + Closing: Exit Ticket
Teacher will post on the board the exit ticket. The exit ticket
will be the following question:
How is salt related to the thermal energy in
the Ice Cream Lab?.
Teacher will circulate, scaffolding and helping students who
are having difficulty answering the question.
Student will silently respond to the exit ticket question and
write a reflection on the day in their notebooks. Once completed, students will
stay in their seats until their table is dismissed by the teacher. Students will line
up at the back door silently to be dismissed until their next class.
Stage 4 - Reflection

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