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Lesson Plan

Date of Lesson: 11/17

Subject: Geometry

General Unit of Study

Days Lesson Concept

Name of unit: Chapter 5

Name of lesson concept: Chapter 5 review

Learner Characteristics

Number of students: 28
Age(s): 12-14
Boys: 16
Special Needs: None
Behavior Problems: There is a lot of talking and disruptions.
What are two or three main things you want them to learn
Today the students will be able to:
-Apply the Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
-Use various methods to prove lines parallel
-Apply the Parallel Postulate
-Identify the pairs of angles formed by a transversal cutting
parallel lines
-Apply 6 theorems about parallel lines
How will you link the new materials to prior learning? This
will all be a review so the whole lesson will be based on
what they learned previously.
What will students do? They will be playing a review game
How long will be spent on each part (timing)? They will
spend the whole class playing the review game
Will all students be doing the same thing? Yes
How will you know if students understand the content
objectives? Based on how well they are doing in the game
When will assessment occur? Throughout the game
How will you get the students attention? By telling them
that we will be playing a game
How are you going to teach this lesson?
-Student interactions
-Small group work
How will you summarize and check for understanding? I will
summarize with who won the game and I will check for
understanding with how well the students do throughout the
What materials will you use to teach the lesson?

Content Objectives

Process of Learning

Post assessment

Instructional Strategies
Teacher talking
Student interactions
Individual seat work
Small group work
Lesson closure

Instructional Materials
Writing on board
Worksheets (name)

Grade Level: 7th and


Umbrella Question to be answered with this lesson:

What can you determine, knowing that two lines
connected by a third line are parallel?


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