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Antigone Timeline

At the beginning Antigone tells

her sister, Ismene, that she pans
to burry her brother, Polyneices.
Creon is planning on forbidding
his burial and Antigone asks
Ismene to help, but she is too
scared of breaking the law. So
Antigone decides to do it by

The sentry tells Creon that

someone tried to burry
Polyneices. Angrily, Creon tells
him to bring to him the one that
did this to receive a
punishment. Antigone is
brought to Creon who is angry,
but she still doesnt regret
burying him.

Creon, the king, officially

announces to the people that
Polyneices will not be buried, and
anyone who tries to burry him will
be punished. Creon is Antigones
uncle and the father of Haemon,
who will marry Antigone

Haemon at first seems to obey his father. But

then he wants to save Antigone, whos
punishment would be death by stoning.
Haemon says that the citizens are on
Antigones side and Creon doesnt accept
that. So Haemon tells him that if she dies, her
death will bring another. So he feels
threatened from his own son and decides to
sentence Antigone to lifetime prison in a
stone vault. Before being locked she speaks
to the chorus about the curse on her father,
and then she curses Creon

Ismene is brought to Creon

and Antigone. Ismene
confesses her involvement
in this but Antigone refuses
to let her take the guilt and
she says that Ismene is
innocent. Then comes
Haemon to persuade his
father to spare Antigone.

Creon hurries to free Antigone and

then burry Polyneices. When he
gets there he sees Haemon
lamenting. Antigone hanged
herself, and Haemon got angry
and tried to kill his father with his
sword but he couldnt so he
stabbed himself and died too.

Teresias, a wise man, visits

Creon. He warns Creon about a
sign from the gods that told him
that he has to forgive Antigone
and burry Polyneices. Creon gets
mad with him and tells him that
he is a false prophet and only
wants money. Finally Teresias
warns Creon again and Creon
decides to free Antigone

Finally, the messenger

comes and tells Creon that
his wife is dead. Eurydice
heard the news of Haemons
death and she committed
suicide too, and cursed
Creon before dying.

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