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Maya Soto

Course/Section and Title


ENGL-1302 31231 Composition II

HIST-1302 30760 US History II Snc 1876 Honors
HUMA-1301 30795 Introduction to Humanities I
MATH-1314 34107 College Algebra
PHIL-1301 30850 Introduction to Philosophy
ENGL-1301 30590 Composition I
HIST-1301 31720 US History I to 1876
HIST-2301 34101 Texas History
KINE-1113 30500 Kickboxing - Beginning
MATH-1342 34056 Elementary Statistical Methods
SPAN-1412 30543 Beginning Spanish II

DRAM-1310 30219 Introduction to Theatre

KINE-1304 31888 Personal and Community Health

SPAN-1412 31155 Beginning Spanish II

DRAM-1351 30101 Acting I

KINE-1134 31106 Yoga - Beginning

SPAN-1411 31011 Beginning Spanish I

EDUC-1300 31130 Learning Framework

MUSI-1306 31216 Music Appreciation

PHED-1164 30020 Intro Physical Fitness & Sport

SPCH-1311 31456 Intro to Speech Communication

Total Earned Credits

Total Grade Points
Cumulative GPA

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