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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Madeline Butler

High School
Area: Career Pathways

Date: Day 2
Grade Level: 11-12


Title: Explore. Dream. Discover.

Lesson #: 2 of 6
Lesson Idea/Topic and

Career Research
Students were expected to come to class
today with the selected career they wish to
investigate after completing the Colorado
Career Cluster Survey.
This unit is extremely beneficial for students
because it helps them engage in career
investigation as well as creating a career
portfolio for when they will enter the
Methods: Cooperative Learning & Individual

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

COSE.21.4: Demonstrate scientific inquiry and reasoning to gain factual knowledge
and test theories on which to base judgments for action.
COSE.21.4.b: Judge validity and reliability of information, sources, opinions,
and evidence.
COSE.21.4.c: Draw conclusions based on data and information that are
judged to be reliable.

Credible and reliable sources
Duties and responsibilities; qualifications; job outlook; and salary; career research

Inquiry Questions:
What makes a source credible, reliable, and valid?
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What conclusions can I draw from the research on the selected career?

Evidence Outcomes:
After the red light- yellow light activity, I can gather accurate and relevant
information and conclusions from online sources on my selected career choice.
This means: I can distinguish what makes a source reliable, credible, and valid

List of Assessments:
Red Light Yellow Light Activity (Formative)

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson

Approx. Time and Materials

Anticipatory Set

Career Research
Students will first learn about credible and reliable sources before they
begin their research. The rest of class they will be conducting research
on their selected career, using credible and reliable sources.
90 minutes
I will need:
Bad source vs. good source activity handout for each student
Directions for Red Light Yellow Light
Students will need:
Pens/Pencils (Specifically one red pen and one yellow pen and/or
Individual Laptops
Student Warm Ups are posted on the Projector
The warm up today posted is a cartoon of a student and teacher
The teacher gave the student back his research paper with an F
The student then says, What do you mean my facts are wrong?!? I
copied everything straight off the internet!
Students have to reflect on this cartoon and analyze why they think this
student is confused about his grade on his research paper. This will lead
into the topic of distinguishing between credible and non-credible online
2-3 Students will be cold called to share their answer aloud.

How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during the
Anticipatory Set?
Why are you using it at this point in
your lesson?

1o minutes to complete
The strategy I intend to use is a daily warm-up/ Question or thought of
the day and Cold Call
I am using this strategy here because it engages students into the
classroom right away and gives them a brief idea of what the lesson will
be covering in class today. Using a cold call technique will hold every
student accountable; as they will all have something for their warm up

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in case they are called on to share.

Red Light Yellow Light: 20 minutes
Method: Cooperative Learning
1. Now everyone close your laptops and put them away and get
out either a pen, crayon, marker, or highlighter of the two colors
red and yellow.
2. Pass out the non-credible online source article. First everyone is
going to read this individually and mark any word or sentence
with a red pen if it stops you completely in your tracks while
reading, a phrase you completely discredit. Then highlight
anywhere in the article with yellow if it slows you down and
makes you think or consider what you just read.
3. Once it appears that everyone has finished reading and marking,
instruct the students to discuss what they marked either red or
yellow within in their table groups and why they marked it either
red or yellow. Walk from table to table and act as an
enforcer to ensure that students are staying on task- ask
them what they marked as red or yellow and why.
4. After 3-5 minutes of table group discussion, bring the class
together and ask for volunteers to share out what they had
marked either red or yellow and why. Then state that the article
is obviously a fraud but that you still were able to find it on the
internet on a reliable and credible appearing website, but the
article is indeed not credible or reliable.
5. After they have completed this activity have students write down
on the back 3-4 reasons why this article is not credible and turn it
into the basket.
What Makes A Source Credible PowerPoint: 10 minutes
Method: Lecture
1. SLIDE 2 (How do I know if a source is credible?):
Credible authors are respected in their fields of study and cite
their own sources.
Was the source published within 5 years? Within 10 years?
Importance of time of the source depends on the topic.
The author should write from a viewpoint that states all sides of

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the topic.
2. SLIDE 3 (TIPS):
Beware of Wikipedia since anyone can add or change the
content on this website.
The most trustworthy websites are those that end in .edu or
Or go directly to companys website and find your information
from there.

How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during the
Why are you using it at this point in
your lesson?

Conduct Career Research: 30 minutes

Method: Individual Practice
1. After the lecture, students will take out their laptops and begin to
conduct their research.
2. You are required to document all the research you find during
your research in a separate word document. And cite your
sources! Be sure to include the following in your career research:
job description; duties and responsibilities qualifications; entrylevel position and advancement opportunities; job outlook; and
3. Students then individually conduct their research. Walk around
and make sure students are staying on task and engage
in conversation with them and ask what they have found
so far about their career. As well ask them why they
believe the website they are on is credible and reliable
The strategies I intend to use are Cooperative Learning, Lecture, and
Individual Practice.
The Red Light Yellow Light Activity allows students to first individually
work on the article and then get together with a partner and share
thoughts and ideas, bringing different thoughts and ideas into the
The Lecture on Credible Sources is necessary to be in lecture form so
that I can ensure all students are being taught about credible sources
and receiving the same information in a timely matter so that they can
begin their research.
Lastly, while students are conducting their own research, it is individual

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How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during
Why are you using it at this point in
your lesson?


Assessment Reflection: (data


practice since they have their own career selected and need to find
information about that specific career.
Ball Toss
10 minutes
Students will put away their laptops when there is 10 minutes left of
class and all stand in a circle. We will then toss a ball to each other in
the circle, when you catch the ball you will share aloud the career you
are researching and one thing you learned about the career and one
thing you learned about what makes a source credible or not.
Depending on the class size it is expected that everyone has a chance
to share aloud.
The strategy I intend to use is Share Aloud Ball Toss
I am using this strategy here because it will allow the students some
movement towards the end of class and wrap up their final thoughts on
credible sources. It also allows students to share aloud with each other
the careers they have chosen as well as information they have found
about the career.
It is a chance for students who have a similar career to collaborate with
each other if they want, but it also allows me, as the teacher, to ensure
that everyone is staying up to task with the assignment and being
accountable and responsible.
For my students who struggle with reading, I will print extra copies of
the PowerPoint so that they can read along during the lecture and keep
it with them while they are conducting their research.
If I notice that students are struggling I will try to have them sit next to
someone else in the class who has the same career as them, who are
not struggling, so that they can share findings and ideas about the
selected career.
And as always, students are able to come into my class anytime during
lunches or free periods for more work time.
The Red Light Yellow Light activity will be how I gage student learning.
I will see where they marked red and/or yellow on their article, as well
as on the back their reasoning and explanations for why the article

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cannot be considered credible or reliable.
Do they understand what is needed from a source to deem it credible?
Can they identify parts of a source that make them question the
credibility and authenticity?

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