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5.3.2 Parts of a SentenceMubtada

A basic definition of the parts of the :
The Mubtada ( )is the part before the is. It usually occurs first. Every sentence must have a
Mubtada. There are two parts that could occur after the is. They are (1) Khabr ()
and (2) Mutaalliq
bil khabr () . Both of these parts could occur individually or together. Here are the possible

1. = Mubtada + Khabr + Mutaalliq bil khabr
2. = Mubtada + Khabr
3. = Mubtada + Mutaalliq bil khabr
Guidelines for finding the Mubtada:
1. The first Ism mentioned in Raf is the Mubtada.

: the word is the Mubtada.

is the Mubtada. ( is a harf of jarr, and is Jarr, so neither of them is

2. In some crazy cases the Mubtada can be Nasb. This is when a Harf of Nasb beats up a Mubtada
and forces it into Nasb. However, it is important to remember that the Harf of Nasb and its victim
can have a long distance relationship. The harf of nasb and its victim constitute the Mubtada.

is the Mubtada.

: is the Mubtada. is the victim of , but are Mawsoof

Sifah, therefore together are the Mubtada.

( harf of Nasb, victim) is the Mubtada.

Find the Mubtada in the following sentences:










ANSWERS: Mubtada is in red










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