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Technology Enhanced Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Advancments of the River Valley Civilizations

This lesson is intended to review and reinforce the advancements achieved by the early
River Valley Civilizations.

Students will know the advancements of the four River Valley Civilizations.
Students will be able to locate the River Valley Civilizations on a map.

State Standards:

6-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the development of the cradles of
civilization as people moved from a nomadic existence to a settled life.
6-1.3 Compare the river valley civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia),
the Nile (Egypt), the Indus (India), and the Huang He (China), including the evolution of
written language, government, trade systems, architecture, and forms of social order.

iPads, Map of Ancient River Valley Civilizations, Graphic Organizer, River Valley
Civilization Guide, Online Exam Builder,

Introduction (10 minutes) - I will begin by welcoming students into the classroom and
taking attendance. I will then show on a map, the area we will be discussing during our
lesson. I will then explain exactly what they will be doing during class and place them in
their small groups.
Teacher Directed (15 minutes) - I will begin by showing students a YouTube video on the
Ancient River Valley Civilizations. We will then discuss how the makeup of the
geographic area affected the peoples living there, how it influenced their advancements.
Collaborative (15 minutes) - Students will be placed in groups of four. Groups will be
determined by the teacher prior to the start of class. Once in their groups, they will pick a
slip of paper with one of the four civilizations on it. The will each research their
civilization, taking notes on the graphic organizer provided to them. After researching
their civilization, they will share their information with the rest of their group. Students
will fill in the rest of their graphic organizer based on their classmates information.
Independent Digital Content (15 minutes) - Students will access the website River Valley
Civilization Guide on their personal devices. This website has information on the four
civilizations. After reviewing all of the information, they will take the Quiz for a grade.

Closure (5 minutes) - I will gather the students back into a whole group and briefly
summarize the difference between the various civilizations. Prior to leaving class,
students will fill out a 3-2-1 assignment. They will list three things they learned, two
things they were surprised about and one thing they still have a question about.


You Tube Video The video, entitled Ancient River Valley Civilizations, will give a
brief (5 minute) review of what has already been learned about the civilizations. It is
presented in an easy to listen to and engaging manner.
River Valley Civilization Guide this website gives a lot of information on each of the
four civilizations. It is presented in an easy to find manner and will give the students the
information needed to complete their assignment.
Online Exam Builder this website allows me to create quick quizzes for the students to
show their understanding of the subject. I will be able to track their advancement and
determine which topics to be reviewed prior to our test.

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