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UCA MAT Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 10th grade


Subject: Spanish I Novice Low

Topic/Period: Culture/Art: Indigenous to Graffiti

CMC.3.SI.5 Produce level-appropriate visual or multimedia demonstrations (e.g., poster, brochure, slideshow, blog, podcast
CLT.5.SI.1 Identify tangible products (e.g., art, food, clothing, buildings, books, crafts)
CLT.6.SI.1 Identify unique cultural perspectives reflected in products (e.g., piata, ojo de Dios, pan de muerto)
CNN.8.SI.1 Recognize the existence of other worldviews (e.g., religion, politics, social customs, stereotyping, the arts)

Objectives(TESS - 1c)
Students will identify products of indigenous art and art from artisans and identify the unique cultural perspectives that the
art reflects.
Students will discuss and identify the differences in worldviews regarding graffiti.
They will demonstrate their knowledge by producing a visual piece of art that reflects something important to them
Essential Question(s) (TESS 1a)
What is culture?
What is art?

Materials (TESS 1d)

Computer - to play videos
Smart board - to display the videos
iPad/tablet/laptop - for the bell ringer and closure
Essential Question Document shared with the students
- for the bell ringer
Art from Maleku Tribe - to help them see and feel the
art from the culture
Video about the traditions and meanings of the
artwork in the Maleku tribe - to help them see and
understand the meaning and uses of the artwork

List (multiple) means of content representation (TESS

Bell ringer 5 minute write on EQs
Group discussion
Pictures of Maleku art
Video explaining the meaning of the Maleku art
List of vocabulary
Video about graffiti in Costa Rica
List (multiple) means of expression (TESS 1b)
Individual thought in reflecting on the EQs
Whole group discussion
Small group discussion
Assessment over vocabulary
Demonstrate their knowledge in project - creating a piece of
art that reflects their values or their character
List of vocabulary - to help them understand the
Construction paper - for art project
White paper - for art project
Markers - for art project
Colored pencils - for art project
Crayons - for art project
Glue - for art project
Colored tissue paper - for art project
Tape - for art project
Video about graffiti in Costa Rica to show the different
perspectives and worldview in regards to graffiti
Rubric for grading presentation
Closing assessment document shared with the
students - to assess students understanding

Differentiation for diverse learners (TESS 1b)

Social - The students will be working in groups and
discussing the topic to help better understand the
Visual-Spatial - The content will be presented to the
students in multiple visual ways, and the students will
get to see and touch the art and then create some for
Intrapersonal/Self - The students will be given time to
reflect on concepts individually and work on their
projects individually.
504 ADD-ADHD - They will be given opportunities to
move around and work on hands on projects.
Blind - They will be able to feel the art from the
indigenous tribe and feel the art that they make. I will
assist them personally with their art project.

List (multiple) means of engagement (TESS 1b)

Movement into groups
Discussion with small groups and large group
Relate it to their lives - Ask their opinion of graffiti and discuss
if it is art or vandalism
Create artwork
Hold artwork
Independent practice on Google forms

Pre-assessment [and describe how your assessment aligns with your objective(s)] (TESS 1f)
Bell ringer to see what their understanding of culture and art is. This is to be typed on their devices (laptops, tablets,
etc.) and shared with me via Google Docs. It relates to the objectives in that they will begin thinking about what art
represents which will allow them to understand the differing perspectives around the world. Students will come in the class

and work on their bell ringer. We will get in groups of 3 or 4 and discuss our thoughts about the questions. Then, the groups
will each share with the large group what they discussed in their small groups.
Instruction (TESS 1e)
Formative Assessments (TESS
Introduction (prior knowledge, motivate learners)
How does art relate to culture?
Moving from the bell ringer discussion, I will show them some art from the Maleku tribe What are some reasons you think
in Costa Rica. We will discuss the assessment questions.
people create art?
Why do you think the Maleku
tribe created artwork like this?
Content Exploration
Why did they create their
I will show the video about the Maleku art.
What are specific examples of
what the art represents?
I will ask them the assessment questions, then I will move on to ask them about graffiti. My goal is for them to see that
Then, I will show them the video about graffiti in Costa Rica.
the art is more than something
that looks cool, but it is a part of
the way they live and represents
Then, we will discuss in groups the things that stood out to us about the video or the
their character, beliefs, values,
way people see graffiti in Costa Rica.
Then, we will relate this to
current day art, or graffiti.
What is graffiti?
Is graffiti art or is it simply people
trying to be deviant and damage
After the video, I will ask:
How do the people in Costa Rica
view graffiti?
Do they think differently than
people in the US?
Guided Practice
Students will create their piece of art to reflect their views, personality, values, etc.
They can choose different ways to do this project:
1. Students may choose at least 3 elements from the Maleku art and create a mask that
represents them.
2. Students may use 3 elements that are not defined in the Maleku art to create a mask
and tell what it means to them and why it represents them.

I will assess their understanding

by asking them questions like
Why did you include _____ in
your artwork? What does that

Independent Practice
Students will write a paragraph about their art that they create in class. It will talk
about what their creation means, and why they included the different aspects

We will use Google Forms to answer questions about todays lesson. The questions will
be as follows:
What is something you liked about todays lesson?
What is something you did not understand from the lesson or something that you would
like to learn more about?
Did your perspective of art, graffiti, or Hispanic culture change at all? How and why?
The students will work on their piece of art that represents them and will prepare a two
minute presentation about their art and what it represents that will be presented at the
end of the week.

I will use the writing rubric B from

this website to score the
I will review their responses to
these to get ideas as to what
they enjoy, how they learn, what
they learn, etc. I will use the
feedback to direct future lessons.

I will use the presentation rubric

from this website to score the

Post-assessment [and describe how your assessment aligns with your objective(s)] (TESS 1f)
The post-assessment will consist of the closure activity and the extension activity. I will use both of these to assess their
learning and review responses to get ideas and direct future lessons.
They reflect the objectives by helping them understand the different world views about art, graffiti, and how it relates to the
culture, and they will product their product and present over it to help them practice Spanish and help each other better
understand the different perspectives.

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