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Mahadeo Singh

FIQWS 10105
Professor Lis von Uhl
September 12, 2016
Literacy Narrative: Self Reflection
Completing the literacy narrative accomplished some of my goals as a writer. There are
special details that I took into consideration when writing this narrative. For example, I wanted
the reader to get a sense of what was going on around me in the environment. In doing so, I
incorporated the five senses through the narrative. It was extremely important for me to grasp the
audiences attention by asserting my tone in a dignified, yet understandable way. My goal is to
make the audience or reader feel like they understood what they were reading. By incorporating
imagery through the use of descriptions as well as literary techniques, it has fundamentally
reinvented the way I wanted the narrative to communicate my stance.
Motivation is the key to my success in this literacy narrative. When writing the draft, I
wanted this paper to be different from the hundreds of written papers I have completed in my
education career. I used what I learned in class to build my paper. Compared to other essays I
have written in the past, this one motivated me because it was about me. The memory was vivid
in my mind. It was easy for me to describe my emotions through the use of literary techniques
and elements.
The primary outcome of my essay had much to do with using specific literary elements
and knowing the message I wanted to portray in my paper. For example, using imagery helped
not only me, but the audience or reader to understand my situation in the story. I believe, I used a
sufficient amount of imagery and descriptions of my emotions and feelings throughout the story.

Using similes to compare a detail from another can change an audience or readers perspective of
the narrative. In fact, the primary purpose of the paper was to make the reader compare my
situation or story to their life. To make them recall a memory from their childhood. My intended
purpose is to show the impact of memories in my life.
When I read a narrative, I look at how the writer portrays its characters by using genre. In
my narrative, I used the profile of my mom to inform the reader why I was feeling the way I was
during my childhood. Using the profile of my mom developed the story and its plot. I felt like it
is important for me to show the background of my mom, a single parent struggling to make ends
meet. In my writing, I know I wanted to include a sense of reality and the world around us. It is a
true story and sometimes we get caught up with the story alone. Incorporating the world such as
describing the atmosphere during events in my life, gives the reader an understanding of where
my method of thinking and ideas came from. There is always that special something behind a
story that makes it unique.

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