Tlitong Revenge of The Ride

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Trisha Litong

December 7, 2016
Revenge of the Coaster

The Roller Coaster (visual)
In the first Ultimate Ride project, I proved continuity for the different sections of the roller
coaster, which is a piecewise function itself. Now, as the continuation of the project, I will prove
or disprove differentiability of the function and calculate the velocity, acceleration, motion, and
position of the rider at different sections. Finally, by considering all the calculations, I will
determine if it is truly functional in my conclusion.
In all cases, f represents the function at the left of the point of intersection and g is the function at
the right.

Function #1 & #2 at x = 25
I. Differentiability
f(x) = 0
g(x) = 2x 50
The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec
g(x) = 2 yards/sec

Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:

The derivative f from the left of x = 25 is
f(25) = 0
The derivative g from the right of x = 25 is
g(25) = 2
f(25) g(25)
The derivative does not exist at x = 25
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 25 yards. Thus, the transition from the first track to the second will be too sharp for
the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: Since the roller coaster goes in only one direction, the rider is always moving forward
and never backward. (Throughout all sections of the roller coaster, the rider is moving forward so
I will only mention it here). A particle speeds up when the velocity and acceleration are either
both positive or both negative. A particle slows down when the velocity and acceleration have
different signs (positive and negative). In this section of the roller coaster, there is no speeding up
or slowing down because the first tracks velocity and acceleration is neither positive nor
negative, and the velocity and acceleration of the second is positive and 0, respectively.
b. Position: This section does not contain any of the extrema. However, the initial position of the
piecewise function is located in this section, at the origin (0, 0) of 0 yards in length and 0 feet in
Function #2 & #3 at x = 50.077
I. Differentiability
f(x) = 2x 50
g(x) = 50.154

The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:

f(x) = 2 yards/sec
g(x) = 0 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 50.077 is
f(50.077) = 2
The derivative g from the right of x = 50.077 is
g(50.077) = 0
f(50.077) g(50.077)
The derivative does not exist at x = 50.077
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 50.077 yards. Thus, the transition from the second track to the third will be too
sharp for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: In this section of the roller coaster, there is no speeding up or slowing down because
the first track has a positive velocity and 0 acceleration, and the second tracks velocity and
acceleration are both 0.
b. Position: There are no extrema found in this section. Additionally, this section does not contain
either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #3 & #4 at x = 59.14

I. Differentiability
f(x) = 50.154
g(x) = 0.1(x 75)2 + 25

The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:

f(x) = 0 yards/sec
g(x) = 0.2x 15 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 59.14 is
f(59.14) = 0
The derivative g from the right of x = 59.14 is
g(59.14) = -3.172
f(59.14) g(59.14)
The derivative does not exist at x = 59.14
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 59.14 yards. Thus, the transition from the third track to the fourth will be too sharp
for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0.2 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: In this section of the roller coaster, there is no speeding up/slowing down in the first
track because both the velocity and acceleration are zero. There is slowing down in the second
track because the velocity is negative and acceleration is positive. This occurs as the particle is
approaching the minimum point of the track in this section. After the minimum point, the
particle speeds up since both the acceleration and velocity are positive.
b. Position: There is one relative extremum found in this section at the point (75, 25) of 75 yards
in length and 25 feet in height. This is a relative minimum. However, this section does not
contain either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #4 & #5 at x = 91.953

I. Differentiability
f(x) = 0.1(x 75)2 + 25

g(x) = 75cos(0.1x 35.1)

The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0.2x 15 yards/sec
g(x) = -7.5sin(0.1x 35.1) yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 91.953 is
f(91.953) = 3.3906
The derivative g from the right of x = 91.953 is
g(91.953) = 5.232
f(91.953) g(91.953)
The derivative does not exist a x = 91.953
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 91.953 yards. Thus, the transition from the fourth track to the fifth will be too sharp
for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0.2 yards/sec2
g(x) = -0.75cos(0.1x 35.1) yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: In this section of the roller coaster, there is speeding up in the first track because the
velocity and acceleration are both positive. There is also slowing down in the second track
because the velocity is positive and the acceleration is negative.
b. Position: This section contains all the absolute extrema of the roller coaster/piecewise
function. While the relative minimum is at the point (75, 25) in the previous section, the absolute
maxima are at the points (99.673, 75) and (162.504, 75) of this section. The absolute minima are
at the points (131.089, -75) and (193.92, -75). The motion of the rider is slowing down at every
extremum, or whenever there is a change in direction from either going up or going down.
However, this section does not contain either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #5 & #6 at x = 209.628

I. Differentiability
f(x) = 75cos(0.1x 35.1)
g(x) = 0
The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = -7.5sin(0.1x 35.1) yards/sec
g(x) = 0 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 209.628 is
f(209.628) = 7.499
The derivative g from the right of x = 209.628 is
g(209.628) = 0
f(209.628) g(209.628)
The derivative does not exist at x = 209.628
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 209.628 yards. Thus, the transition from the fifth track to the sixth will be too sharp
for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = -0.75cos(0.1x 35.1) yards/sec2
f(209.628) = -0.75 cos [0.1(209.628) 35.1] = 0.000025
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: In this section of the roller coaster, there is speeding up in the first track because the
velocity is positive and the acceleration is also positive at this point. However, there is no
speeding up/slowing down in the second track because both the velocity and acceleration are
b. Position: This section contains all the absolute extrema, with the absolute maximums of
(99.673, 75) and (162.504, 75) and with the absolute minimums of (131.089, -75) and (193.92,
-75). However, this section does not contain either the initial or the final position of the roller

Function #6 & #7 at x = 284.625

I. Differentiability
f(x) = 0
g(x) = -2.5(x 284.625)
The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec
g(x) = -2.5 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 284.625 is
f(284.625) = 0
The derivative g from the right of x = 284.625 is
g(284.625) = -2.5
f(284.625) g(284.625)
The derivative does not exist at x = 284.625
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 284.625 yards. Thus, the transition from the sixth track to the seventh will be too
sharp for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: In this section of the roller coaster, there is no speeding up or slowing down because
the first tracks velocity and acceleration are 0, and the second tracks velocity is negative and
acceleration is 0.
b. Position: There are no extrema found in this section. Additionally, this section does not contain
either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #7 & #8 at x = 309.597

I. Differentiability
f(x) = -2.5(x 284.625)
g(x) = -62.43
The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = -2.5 yards/sec
g(x) = 0 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 309.597 is
f(309.597) = -2.5
The derivative g from the right of x = 309.597 is
g(309.597) = 0
f(309.597) g(309.597)
The derivative does not exist at x = 309.597
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 309.597 yards. Thus, the transition from the seventh track to the eighth will be too
sharp for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: There is no speeding up/slowing down in the first track because the velocity is
negative and the acceleration is zero. There is no speeding up/slowing down in the second track
because both the velocity and acceleration are zero.
b. Position: There are no extrema found in this section. Additionally, this section does not contain
either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #8 & #9 at x = 392.857

I. Differentiability
f(x) = -62.43
g(x) = 2.3(x 420)
The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec
g(x) = 2.3 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 392.857 is
f(392.857) = 0
The derivative g from the right of x = 392.857 is
g(392.857) = 2.3
f(392.857) g(392.857)
The derivative does not exist at x = 392.857
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 392.857 yards. Thus, the transition from the eighth track to the ninth will be too
sharp for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: There is no speeding up/slowing down in the first track because both the velocity and
acceleration are zero. There is no speeding up/slowing down in the second track because the
velocity is positive and the acceleration is zero.
b. Position: There are no extrema found in this section. Additionally, this section does not contain
either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #9 & #10 at x = 430

I. Differentiability
f(x) = 2.3(x 420)
g(x) = 23
The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 2.3 yards/sec
g(x) = 0 yards/sec
Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 430 is
f(430) = 2.3
The derivative g from the right of x = 430 is
g(430) = 0
f(430) g(430)
The derivative does not exist at x = 430
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 430 yards. Thus, the transition from the ninth track to the tenth will be too sharp for
the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: There is no speeding up/slowing down in the first track because the velocity is
positive and the acceleration is zero. There is no speeding up/slowing down in the second track
because both the velocity and acceleration are zero.
b. Position: There are no extrema found in this section. Additionally, this section does not contain
either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #10 & #11 at x = 459.348

I. Differentiability
f(x) = 23
g(x) =

100(x 460)
( x460)( x455)

The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:

f(x) = 0 yards/sec
g(x) =

( x455)


Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:

The derivative f from the left of x = 459.348 is
f(459.348) = 0
The derivative g from the right of x = 459.348 is
g(459.348) = -5.29
f(459.348) g(459.348)
The derivative does not exist at x = 459.348
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 459.348 yards. Thus, the transition from the tenth track to the eleventh will be too
sharp for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:
f(x) = 0 yards/sec2
g(x) =


g(459.348) > 0
IV. Analysis


a. Motion: There is no speeding up/slowing down in the first track because both the velocity and
acceleration are zero. There is slowing down in the second track because the velocity is negative
and the acceleration is positive.
b. Position: There are no extrema found in this section. Additionally, this section does not contain
either the initial or the final position of the roller coaster.

Function #11 & #12 at x = 499.987

I. Differentiability
f(x) =

100( x 460)
(x460)( x455)

g(x) = -0.222x + 113.22

The derivatives/velocities of these functions/tracks are:
f(x) =



g(x) = -0.222 yards/sec

Plugging in the point of intersection into the derivative:
The derivative f from the left of x = 499.987 is
f(499.987) = -0.049
The derivative g from the right of x = 499.987 is
g(499.987) = -0.222
f(499.987) g(499.987)
The derivative does not exist at x = 499.987
II. Velocity
To calculate the velocities at different tracks of the roller coaster, find the derivative of their
functions. The velocities of the neighboring tracks do not equal each other at the point of
intersection, 499.987 yards. Thus, the transition from the eleventh track to the last will be too
sharp for the rider.
III. Acceleration
The accelerations at these functions/tracks are:

f(x) =

(x455) yards/sec

g(x) = 0 yards/sec2
IV. Analysis
a. Motion: There is slowing down in the first track because the velocity is negative and the
acceleration is positive. There is no speeding up/slowing down in the second track because the
velocity is negative and the acceleration is zero.
b. Position: There are no extrema within this section. However, the final position of the
piecewise function is located in this section, at the point (510, 0) of 510 yards in length and 0
feet in height.

Based on the mathematical calculations shown here, I can deduce that the roller coaster is not
functional. The abrupt changes in velocity between tracks would result to injury and possible
death. Lawsuits would fill my house to the brim. In order to resolve this problem, I would need
to add transitional functions between functions that will make every point in the piecewise
function differentiable. Another solution would be to completely eradicate the design and use a
polynomial function instead because it is differentiable at every point. Depending on the number
of desired turns in the roller coaster, the polynomial functions degree would be that number plus
one. For example, if I wanted 10 turns in my roller coaster, it would need at least an 11th degree
polynomial (y = ax11+bx10 + cx9 + dx8 + ex7 + fx6 + gx5 + hx4 + jx3 + kx2 + mx + n).

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