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Lesson Plan




Week of:

Great Jazz Artists!

Kevin Joseph

9-12th grade


What Makes them Great?


MU:Pr4.1.E.IIa Develop and apply criteria to select a varied repertoire to study and perform
based on an understanding of theoretical and structural characteristics and expressive
challenges in the music, the technical skill of the individual or ensemble, and the purpose
and context of the performance.

Formative or

Summative Assessment will provide the overview of what the students learned. A general
discussion will be held post-lesson to really understand the comprehension of the

Learning Intention- We are

learning to:


Success Criteria- We will be

successful when we can:

Students will be learning about the

influence that certain jazz
musicians had in the field of jazz

Students will be assigned their


In the world of jazz there are a

number of jazz musicians that
have shaped the genre to what it is
now. Then, we will discover some
of the names of the artists and
provide small information of what
they did to influence jazz and what
they played. The students will do
small research with their electronic
devices and give a small detailed
presentation of their artists and
how they began their journey into

-Louis Armstrong
-Miles Davis
-Charlie Parker
-Billie Holiday
-Ornette Coleman
-Duke Ellington
-Benny Goodman

At the the end of this project,

students will gain a deeper
understanding of the artists that
shaped the jazz world. Being able
to understand the works that was
introduced in the jazz world
through these artists and
understand the effects that it
created. Students will analyze the
details of their specific artists and
learn things that they may have
not known about that specific

The students will then use their

information found on the artist to
look up a popular song of this
artist. The song that is chosen will
then be the focus of which the
student will transcribe the melody
on their instruments. Each student
will perform a small segment of a
melody that this artist was famous
for playing.
This lesson will be in a format of a
talk show interview. One students
will be the interviewer and they will
ask the artists (student) questions
regarding their history. Then the
interviewee will then play the

Ask the students if any of

them share anything in
common with these
musicians (i.e. play the
same instrument, live or
have lived in the same
region/city as the musician,
What did these musicians
share in common?
What were the events and/or
social influences that
shaped their music?

musical selection, of their choice,

of the artist.
Cultural relevance: Connect to
prior learning, why are these
outcomes important in the culture
and real world of students?
Why do we use the history of
previous jazz musicians to
understand jazz today? Is jazz an
evolutionary form of music or does
it stay the same? Students will
understand why jazz music is

Relevance: How do they relate to

prior learning?

Was enough information

shared about the musician
during the interview?
If not, what else should
have been included?
Were audio musical
examples used?
What were the strong
points in the presentation?
Weak points?
Suggest on area that could
be improved and how you
would do it?
What was the most
thing you learned during
this process?

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