Karan Chawla and Joshua Lee November 21, 2016 MEDS 3020 - Fall 2016 Dr. Rosevear, Dr. Cartwright, Dr. Lieberman

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Chawla and Joshua Lee

MEDS 3020 Fall 2016

November 21, 2016

Dr. Rosevear, Dr. Cartwright, Dr. Lieberman

1. Identify if the following enzymes in the liver are active, inactive or unaffected during fasting.
Start by determining if the hormone glucagon will be elevated, decreased, or unaffected.
a. Glucagon
b. cAMP
c. PKA (protein kinase A)
d. Phosphorylase Kinase
e. Glycogen Synthase
f. Glycogen Phosphorylase
g. Branching Enzyme
h. Debranching Enzyme
i. Glucokinase
2. Explain why the branching enzyme and debranching enzyme are needed in glycogen

3. Suppose a mutation occurs in phosphoglucomutase which does not allow the enzyme to
catalyze the movement of the phosphate group from the 6 position of glucose to the 1
position. What would be the effects of this mutation in glycogen metabolism?

4. Liver glycogen is used in fasting to provide glucose for use by other tissues including the
brain. Muscle glycogen is not. What is the explanation for this?

Karan Chawla and Joshua Lee

MEDS 3020 Fall 2016

November 21, 2016

Dr. Rosevear, Dr. Cartwright, Dr. Lieberman

5. A professional cyclist has been training for a 28-day race. His coach strongly suggests that he
eats a lot of carbohydrates after his workouts to ensure sufficient muscle glycogen storage.
The activity of muscle glycogen synthase in resting muscles would be increased by which of
the following?
a. Epinephrine
b. Glucagon
c. Insulin
d. Phosphorylation
e. Fasting conditions
6. Studies on the effects caffeine on cellular metabolism indicate that caffeine inhibits
cAMP phosphodiesterase, the enzyme that dephosphorylates cAMP into AMP. If caffeine
is added to cells, which of the following enzymes would be phosphorylated and inactive
in the liver?
a. Phosphorylase kinase
b. Phosphorylase
c. Protein kinase A (PKA)
d. Glycogen synthase
7. Which of the following statements about liver phosphorylase kinase is most accurate?
a. It will be in the inactivated form when epinephrine is released
b. It phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase, thus inactivating it.
c. It is stimulated by a cAMP-mediated cascade.
d. It is not affected by ATP.
e. It is phosphorylated in response to insulin.
8. During glycogen degradation, free glucose is formed from which of the following?
a. Glycose resides in the alpha-1,4 glycosidic linkages
b. The reducing end.
c. The non-reducing end.
d. Glucose residues in alpha-1,6 glycosidic linkages.
e. Hydrolysis of glucose-1-P
9. A 16-year old type-1 diabetic faints after injecting herself with insulin. She is
administered glucagon and rapidly recovers consciousness. Glucagon induces the activity
a. Glycogen synthase
b. Glycogen phosphorylase
c. Glucokinase
d. Hexokinase
e. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase

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