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Faysal W. Merhi
Ms. Jizi
UWRT 1104-015
19th September, 2016

I believe that a persons mindset can be changed, what you know or believe can be changed if
you allow yourself to be convinced. Convinced of something else is actually right than the way
you think. Its just how were programed at birth and raised from our parents. If you set your
mind to your goals then you can accept anything you want, nothing limits you. Growth is made
by pushing and learn from your experiences, and those experiences are the thing that shape us as
we grow older. Thats why old people are so wise they have several experiences in different
situations under their belt. The video we watch in class was really boring but I understood the
point it was making. She explained how your mindset is the key stone of your growth and its
needed to live and learn in different environments than youre use to.
Im not the type to lie and steal but one of my best friends whose name is Will Stahmer,
granit I love him to death but he lies a good amount, I dont know why but he just has the rush to
lie or have people believe what he says when everyone knows that its not true. Thats my
relation to people who I love but know have a problem. My friend Rayan Jabar has a brother that
graduated from, UNC Chapel Hill from their business school and hes my inspiration, hes smart
and has a lot going for him, hes about to go into the Masters program at Chapel Hill and thats a
really great school for that, Im happy for him and hope some day that someone can look at me
like I look at him.


I like my mind set and I know I messed up in high school but now I know what I have done
wrong and Im ready to learn from it. I will no longer letting myself be pushed into the shadows
by my friends decisions or anyone elses. Im my own person and Im ready to transfer to State
and get my life really started, Im capable of more than I have shown everyone so far and I cant
wait to show everyone what Faysal Merhi has in stock, waiting to come out.

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