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Alan McLawhorn

Connie S. Douglas
UWRT 1101
10 December 2016
Daybook Reflection 9-12-2016
This I Believe is an essay topic and it stands for what we believe. Maybe one day I will
figure out all the beliefs I carry with me, but for right now I believe in family. Family is the
people we love and care for, and can return the love to us. I sometimes take them for granted,
but everybody does sometimes. I know if I should lose my family, it would a terrible thing, and
that shows that family should mean a lot to everyone. Family is everything to me, even if it is
hard for me to show it. Humor and laughter is also something I strongly believe in. It means a
lot to me because the ability to laugh is great and should be an everyday thing. Laughing washes
the pain away, because in those seconds of happiness, it is easy to forget sorrows, and problems
of ours, and we become happier. Laughter heals wounds, and by remembering the good times
usually brings laughter. I also believe in brotherhood, because brotherhood is a group of brothers
or people united. For me, since I am close to my brothers, it means a lot, and also since growing
up with my childhood friends, we had to learn to stand together.

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