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Religious Education is one of the most boring subject, no offense

but its true. Many of my classmates always said that. But somehow, I
find it really interesting about the history, the works, and the doctrines
of the church, which I have fond of. As the first semester of my second
year in college ends, we are task to do a summarization of what we have
learned in Rel.Ed 3.
What is Rel.Ed.3 all about? It is about the great history of Catholic
The history of the church began in the celebration of Pentecost.
What is Pentecost? It is the Feast of Harvest which was celebrated 50
days after the death of Jesus. This feast became a tradition of the Jews.
As the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, then they went out from
hiding and began to undertake the evangelizing mission Christ left them
with, so was the Church birthed on Pentecost Sunday. At the coming of
the Holy Spirit at the Pentecost, the apostles were transformed from
being fearful disciples into courageous preachers of the god news. The
Holy Spirit empowered the Apostles to carry out their mission. Just like
any other religions, Catholic Church had their first crisis. The problem
was, should the Gentiles be accepted into the Church? Must they also
become Jewish and follow the Law of Moses? So, they had their first
council, the Council of Jerusalem, which talks that Christianity is open to
those of any nationality or culture. Paul argued that Christian converts
need not pass to circumcision and the strict obedience of the Jewish law
because it is Christ who is the essence of the Church. As the Church
became bigger, Christians were then criticize some were being hurt. But
as Nero became the emperor of Rome, he started the persecution of
Christians. He turned the Christians into living torches in the garden of
Nero. Others were thrown to the lions in the arena or fed to the dogs.
Among his victims were St. Peter, who was crucified upside-down, and St
Paul, who was beheaded. Persecutions continue a hundred years. But
Christians did not make revenge. They stand straight and continue
proclaiming the Word of God. The final general persecution of the Church
was under the reign of Emperor Diocletian in the year 303 and lasted for
20 years. It is the worst persecution ever had, extremely violent and
added many to the list of martyrs in the Church. When Constantine
succeeded Diocletian, he had issued the Edict of Milan, which gave
freedom to Christians and even to all human beings from persecution.
Constantine is the sole emperor was converted to Christianity in the
year 313. And in 391 Emperor Theodosius the Great declared Christianity
as the state religion of Rome, the only legitimate imperial religion. That
time, Christians were so relieved and happy, because at last Christianity
became the faith of Rome. But as years past, the so called Dark Ages of
the Church came because of the introduction of theocracy. There were

so many heresy, witchcraft and bigamy obtain in the dark ages of the
Church. But the Church did their best to defeat such issues.
Another topic that have been discussed to us, was the sacraments,
the heresy and councils, the proofs that God the Father, Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit is actually real, the Marian dogmas. And the major
heresies of the creation of the Universe, the theories of the creation of
the Universe, the Natures of Jesus, all about man and sins and most
importantly is that, I had learned all about Jesus Christ.
I know that I know little about Jesus Christ, but that doesnt mean
that I didnt allowed Him to enter into my life. He is the love of my life.
And Im grateful that Rel.Ed. had been one of my subject in college.
Because it continuously reminds me of my obligations to Him and that
He love me no matter who I am and of what I did.

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