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Analysis of a Tech Infused Lesson

This task requires that you analyze a technology infused lesson that is anchored in the TIP,
SAMR, and Blooms Digital Taxonomy framework. To complete the project, you must first reflect
upon, or observe, a technologically integrated lesson in any grade level and then fill out each
question below. Upon completing the template, submit this Google Doc into the respective area
on Blackboard.
Lesson Template
Name: Michelle Lopez
Grade: 3rd
Subject: Language Arts/Technology
Topic: Scar Stories (Storytelling/Personal Narratives)
Tech Information
Discuss the type of tech that is used in the lesson that was observed or reflected upon.
The type of tech that was used in the lesson that was observed was a green screen set, video
camera, video apps to change the background in a video filmed in front of a green screen,
computers (Dell Chromebooks), voice over software, and Google slides.
Provide a shortened link to the tech that can help someone better understand the tech
Provide a brief summary of the lesson, and pay attention to how, and where, the tech
fits into the lesson.
The students had to create a personal narrative (scar story) of something they experienced
causing them a physical scar. The teacher wanted them to vividly describe their story using
sensory words in order to make it come alive. In addition, the students had to include what
they learned from that experience. Utilizing technology the students had the freedom to tell
their story through various means including videos, Google slides, and pictures with voice
overs. This lesson fit with the classroom curriculum they were currently covering, which was
storytelling. The teacher began the class by explaining and describing the assignment to the
students. Once the students began to work, he assisted students that decided to make a
video in front of the green screen set and any other ones that were in need of his tech
Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model
Step 1: (TIP) Determine the relative advantage
Identify a problem/issue that could be addressed with the lesson.
A problem that could be addressed with this lesson is creative expression.

Discuss how the tech youve identified can address the problem/issue above.
The students were covering storytelling, and the components of how to write a good story.
Many people can tell amazing stories using their own written words, but even better ones if
they apply pictures and videos relating to the story. To take it a step further, they can really
engage an audience by re-telling their own story with the spoken word. Hearing someone tell
a story is way more entertaining than reading about it. Thus, this lesson addressed the
problem of the students being able to truly express themselves. If they got into a car accident,
by them showing an image of the type of car they were in and the place where the accident
occurred, it certainly makes the story come alive.
Step 2: (TIP) Access the required resources and skills
Explain the types of equipment, software, media, materials a teacher would need to
complete the lesson:
To complete the lesson a teacher would need computers with a microphone for every single
student, one or two video cameras with the ability to transfer the video footage to a computer,
a green screen set, software or applications where the students can upload their green screen
footage and manipulate their backgrounds, voice over software or applications, and access to
the Internet so the students can access Google slides.
Discuss how comfortable you are with using the tech, and any other types of
equipment discussed, and explain how you might plan to become more fluent with
these resources if you were to teach the lesson:
I am very comfortable using tech, because I love playing around with different tools in order to
learn about them. However, I have never in my life used a green screen. Ive heard of them
and how they work, especially how they are commonly utilized in movie sets. I dont own a
video camera, but I often record videos using my phone. Since I joined the credential program
Ive become familiar with Google docs and Google slides, yet I still need more practice to
become truly knowledgeable of all of its features. In addition, I have never done a voice over.
Ive watched YouTube videos with voice overs, and Ive enjoyed them.
If I were to teach this particular lesson, I plan to become more fluent with the resources used
by watching videos and reading articles relating to the technology used. In addition, getting
training by an expert that frequently uses this type of technology would be extremely helpful
as well. Lastly, actually using the technology and playing around with it to become familiar is
Step 3: (TIP) Decide on the lessons objectives and assessments
Write clear and concise learning objectives/outcomes (aligned to CCSS, NGSS, or State
Standards) that you expect from using the new methods:
CCSS English Language Arts: Speaking and Listening 4&5 (3rd grade):
4. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and
relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
a. Plan and deliver an informative/explanatory presentation on a topic that: organizes
ideas around major points of information, follows a logical sequence, includes
supporting details, uses clear and specific vocabulary, and provides a strong
conclusion. CA

5. Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems that demonstrate fluid reading at an
understandable pace; add visual displays when appropriate to emphasize or enhance certain
facts or details.
Students will be able to create a digital presentation in order to recount a scar
story theyve experienced by using technological tools such as a video recording,
voice over, or Google slides.
Students will be able to engage an audience by presenting a digital
presentation of a scar story theyve experienced.
Write clear and concise learning objectives/outcomes (aligned to the ISTE student
standards) that you expect from using the new methods:
ISTE Standard 2:
Design and Develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity.
Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency of digital tools used to tell
stories by creating a presentation of a scar story using video recordings in front of a
green screen, voice overs, and Google slides.
Students will be able to promote their creativity by incorporating digital tools
into a presentation pertaining to a scar story they have experienced.
Discuss how you will asses the objectives/outcomes above:
I will assess the objectives above by overseeing the students while they create their digital
presentation (checking for understanding), listening to them when they present their digital
presentations to the class, viewing the presentation, and grading their work based on a set
Step 4: (TIP) Designing instructional strategies
Provide a step-by-step lesson outline that identifies the approach youd take if you
were to teach this lesson:
1. Have students read objectives
2. Introduce what are scar stories
a. Non fiction
b. Personal narrative
3. Provide components that make up a scar story
a. Descriptive
b. Appealing to senses- use sensory words (touch, taste, smell,
sight, sound)
c. What did you learn from this incident?
4. Provide an example of a scar story
5. Explain assignment- use digital tools to recount scar story
6. Answer any questions students may have
7. Have students begin working
8. Walk around to make sure students stay on task and to assist them with any

difficulties they may have

9. Once they finish with digital presentation, have students present their work to
the class.
Discuss how youd prepare students to use the type of technology (app) discussed in
this lesson:
I would prepare students to use the type of technology discussed in this lesson by having
them practice with various digital tools before introducing them to the assignment. During the
lesson the students were extremely comfortable using all of the provided technology. Thus, it
is most likely that the teacher introduced the technology to them way before the assignment
was given to them.By giving them an assignment where they soley use only one type of
technology, it is likely they will become more comfortable and familiar with it.
Step 5: (TIP) Preparing the instructional environment
Discuss how you would arrange the resources/technology in your classroom for this
particular lesson:
How I would arrange the resources/technology in my classroom for this particular lesson
would be similar to how the teacher in the lesson arranged their resources. Students sat in
group tables and each student had their own chromebook. Having students sit in groups when
they are working with technology is a great idea, because if they experience a problem they
can ask their peers for help. The teacher can only help so many students at one time. Their
was a designated area in the classroom for the green screen set. In front of the green screen
set was a video camera connected to a tripod.
Explain what steps youd need to take to make sure that the technology works:
The steps I would need to take to make sure that the technology works is to make sure every
single device is fully charged (computers, video cameras). In addition, I would have to make
sure the wifi in the classroom works and is fast enough to load large digital files. Each student
would have to have access to Google drive, so I would ensure they all have Google emails
prior to introducing the lesson. Lastly, I would have exceedingly practiced using all of the
technology the students would utilize, so I can be knowledgeable when troubleshooting issues
arise and waste the least amount of time as possible. Of course, I would also make sure none
of the computers hardware/software and digital electronics are broken or damaged.
Step 6: (SAMR)
When thinking about how the tech is used in your lesson, Identify the SAMR level that
best demonstrates how the tech is utilized.
The SAMR level that best demonstrates how the tech is utilized is Redefinition.
Provide a rationale that explains why youve chosen the SAMR level above and think
(write) about how you might utilize tech differently at a higher SARM level.
The tech utilized in this lesson best fits the Redefinition level of the SAMR model, because it
allowed students to think critically in media creation. Their assignment was uniquely made
possible by using digital tools. In addition, the task targeted higher order thinking skills.
Ultimately they had to create a digital presentation describing their personal scar story.
Step 7: Blooms Digital Taxonomy
Discuss the Blooms Taxonomy level that is utilized through the technology and

provide a rationale.
The Blooms Taxonomy level that is utilized through the technology is definitely create,
because the students are using their critical thinking skills to design/produce new original work
relating to their experiences. They are creating original work to demonstrate what they have
learned about storytelling following the CCSS.

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