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The Albuquerque Police Department Report

In Brief

APDs rate of fatal shootings is

4 per 100,000 people. This is a
lot higher ration than other
cities in The United Stated.

APD has the one highest rate

of shooting people than
major cities such as New
York or Chicago. Based off
of 100,000 people The
Albuquerque Police
department since 2010 is
twice the rate of Chicago
Police deadl shooting and
eight times that of New York
city per 100,000 people. The
APD has shoot 4 out of
100,000 people since 2014
totaling to 33 people shoot
and 23 of thoes shoots
resulted in death.

The Albuquerque Police

Department has shoot less
people than other major
cities with bigger population
rates but their falality
shooting rate is much higer
than that of chicagos, and
New Yorks. These events
have cause the Federal
Government to look into the
situation and investigate the
Albuquerque Police

Police Brutality in the City of

Albuquerque Since 2010

Protest in Albuquerque against APD (Albuquerque Police Department)
started after the shooting and death of homeless man James Boyd in one
evening on march 16, 2014. More than 20 police surrounded James Boyd who
was camping illegally. According to police Boyd was flashing knives at them
so they had to take him down. Compared to other cities the Albuquerque Police
Department has a higher deadly shooting rate per capita than other departments
do in the U.S.
Because of all the police shooting on civilians The Federal Government
has conducted an investigation on the Albuquerque Police Department.
According to an article Albuquerque PD: a case study of police brutality
written by Samuel Gilbert and Andy Bale the state that The federal
government investigation revealed in striking clarity the extreme violence
practiced by Albuquerque police. A "findings letter" released by the DOJ in
April 2014 detailed the problem in no uncertain terms. "Of the 20 officerinvolved shootings resulting in fatalities from 2009 to 2012, we concluded that
a majority of these shootings were unconstitutional," the letter stated.
This Issue of the Albuquerque Police Department Repot compares the
Albuquerque Police Department deadly civilian shootings with other
departments in the country since the year 2010. This report is focused on the
APD (Albuquerque Police Department) fatal shootings in the past 6 years from
2010 till present day.

Albuquerque Police Department fatal shootings per

Since 2010 the Albuquerque Police department have shoot 33 men killing
23 of them, and 43 police officers have been reported to be involved in these 33
shootings. In comparison to New York and Chicago Albuquerque has the
highest deadly police shooting rate per capital since the year 2010 till present

Figure 1. Comparison of deadly Albuquerque Police shootings per 100,000 people. From
the chart below we can see that The Albuquerque Police Department deadly shooting is
twice the rate of Chicago Police per capita in the and eight times as much as
the New York Police Department since 2010.

Source: @krqe. "Comparison: APD Shoots, Kills More than Other Agencies." KRQE News

Police Deadly Shooting Per Capita Since 2010



New York

Number of Deaths and Shootings by the APD since 2010

The APD since 2012 has been reported to have shoot 33 people and over
43 police officers have been confirmed to be involved in these shootings.
Compared to Chicago and New York APD has shoot less people in since the 2010
but have the highest shooting rate based on population of these three cities. Even
though New York and Chicago have more shootings based on population you are
more likely to get shoot by a police officer in Albuquerque than you are in these
other cities. Based off of these facts and resent events people living in
Albuquerque have protested against the APD demanding that officers involved in
any of these shooting be sentence to prison for unconstitutional acts of violence.

How Many of the shoots taken by Albuquerque Police

where fatal to the victim
In the Past 6 years The Albuquerque Police Department has reported 33
deadly shootings in which 42 police officers where confirmed to be involved in.
These events and results have put the APD under federal investigation but because
there is very limited amount of evidence they are unable to find any way to fully
prosecute the APD. The Federal Government have deemed many of these Police
shootings in Albuquerque to be unconstitutional from 2009 to 2012, we
concluded that a majority of these shootings were unconstitutional," the letter
stated. "Albuquerque police officers also often use less lethal force in an
unconstitutional manner [and] often use unreasonable physical force without
regard for the subject's safety or the level of threat encountered."
The CPD (Chicago Police Department) has shot 194 people since 2010 57
of those victims died, the NYPD (New York Police Department) has shot 114
people and 33 of them resulted in death. Now Albuquerque has a lot smaller
number of police shootings since 2010 but has a higher percentage of death by
police shooting, the APD (Albuquerque Police Department) since 2012 has shoot
33 people and 23 of these shootings resulted in death. Our population is a lot
smaller than that of Chicago and New York and we might have less shootings and
death by police but our percentage is extremely high in comparison to other police
departments in the United States.
Figure 2. Is a chart showing the amount of people shoot by the Albuquerque Police
Department and how many of those victims died. You can see that the number of people
shoot by Albuquerque police is low compared to that of New York and Chicago but when
you look at the number of deaths It is is higher based off of percent and population.

Source: @krqe. "Comparison: APD Shoots, Kills More than Other Agencies." KRQE News
13. N.p., 2015. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.

Victims of Police Shootings Since 2010



New York

Based off of the graph in figure 2 you can see that Albuquerque has considerably low
numbers in comparison to these two major cities but keep in mind that the population size of these
cities is off the charts compared to that of Albuquerque so it is normal to expect these places to
have more police shooting and deaths than Albuquerque. 29% of the police shootings in Chicago
and New York resulted in death since the year 2010 but surprisingly for the Albuquerque Police
Department 70% of the shootings were fatal. When the citizens of Albuquerque and federal
government look at these rates its rises the question if the policemen in Albuquerque are on a
shooting rampage.

Figure 3. shows us a comparison of the percentage of deaths per police shooting from
different police organizations. Even though Chicago and New York have less more
deaths and shootings compare to Albuquerque their death rate is a lot lower than that
of the APD. You can conclude from this graph that police from Chicago and New York
might be better trained to take down people when they have to resort to shooting them.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on research and facts we can clearly see that there is a huge issue
with the Albuquerque Police Department and shooting people. The Albuquerque
police are viewed as trigger happy police men, they have the some of highest
deadly shooting rate per capita in the United states since 2010. Many of the
Albuquerque Police Department shootings investigated by the Federal
Government where view as unconstitutional and unnecessary for the situation
they where put in.
What I recommend for the Albuquerque Police Department is to give their
police men more gun safety training and psychological examination to help
improve their law enforcement ethics. I would also recommend each police
officer involved in the shooting in the past 6 years since 2010 to take a physical
and psychological test where they will confront real life situations that they will
experience while on the job, they will be graded on how efficient and safe they
handle the situation instead of resorting to shooting the criminal every time. These
are just some of the recommendations I have for the Albuquerque Police
Department in order to better their tactics and lower the rate of deadly shootins by

Citations and Sources.

"Albuquerque PD: A Case Study of Police Brutality." News

from Al Jazeera. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

Boyd Case Highlights Obstacles to Probing Police Shootings By

Jeff Proctor | New Mexico In DepthandAndrew Oxford | The
New Mexican The Santa Fe New Mexican. "Boyd Case
Highlights Obstacles to Probing Police Shootings." The Santa
Fe New Mexican. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

@krqe. "Comparison: APD Shoots, Kills More than Other

Agencies." KRQE News 13. N.p., 2015. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

Holmes, Pat. "Past 42 APD-involved Shootings in Order."

KOAT. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

Final Draft Reflection

To: Melisa Garcia
From: Christian Cordova
Date: December 10, 2016
Subject: Analytical Report Reflection

The student learning outcome I would say I have used for this assignment and all my assignment
in English 219 is Analyze Rhetorical Situation: this student learning outcome is the ability to
analyze rhetorical situations. This means that you will be able to make choices that will allow
you to write as effectively as possible to your audience. This in my opinion is the most important
out of all the student learning outcomes and I say this because I have used it for all my
assignment. This is very import because you have to carefully examine every single situation
provided to you in order to write effectively. You must look for your audience and look at the
situation in order to effectively organize your writing for your audience and for the situation.
In my Analytical report my intended audience was the Albuquerque Police Department because
the issue I found was about them, I made them my audience because I figured that if I could
show them charts and graphs with information on the issue I could have an impact on them to
take my report into consideration and fix the issue. Since my audience was the APD I compared
their number and rate of deadly shootings to that of other police departments in the United States
to show them where they stand with these other departments. This is how I carefully examined

my audience and the rhetorical situation so that I could effectively deliver this analytical report to
the APD.
For the final draft of this analytical report I believe the purpose of the methodology I
created for this assignment was to help me get an understanding of what local problem I
wanted to research and how I would provide the information along with a
recommendation the the problem. The purpose of the report was to help me get a better
understanding of the details and information I would need in order to write my final draft,
I have to look at different sources and evidence and see if they were reliable for my final
draft. I added more information and did more research based off of my first report to
finalize my writing.
The visuals I incorporated to my report where graphs I designed based off of facts and
reports of police shootings from the Albuquerque Police Department, the Chicago Police
Department, and the New York Police Department. I used these graphs to give my
audience a good idea of where they stand in comparison to other departments.
If I had more time and resources I would add a lot more complex and precise graphs and
charts in order to look at the actual rate of deadly shootings of the APD compared to that
of other departments. I would also try to get all information from all the departments in
United States and see where the Albuquerque Police department stands compared to
them. This would take me up to a year to do because I would not only be looking at
online sources but also do my own investigation by asking eye witnesses for their first
and second hand accounts in order to deliver a professional and well thought out
Analytical report.

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